The Effectiveness of Comic Strip for Teaching Simple Past Tense ( an experimental study at the second grade students of MTs Muhammadiyah Kalibening in Academic Year 2016 ) - repository perpustakaan

  The Effectiveness of Comic Strip for Teaching Simple Past Tense ( an experimental study at the second grade students of MTs Muhammadiyah Kalibening in Academic Year 2016 ) By : ALIEF ANANG SYAFEI NIM : 0901050013 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHING TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF PURWOKERTO



From the deepest and purest of my heart, I would like to

present this little creation to:


All Praise To Allah SWT, the only God of the universe

and the prophet, Muhammad SAW, the true enlighter.

   My beloved Father and Mother, thanks for everything


you give to me, never tired you always praying for me,

give me support every time.

   My beloved wife Ani Rahayu’. Thanks for your support


and prayers, always gave me spirit when I was down

and never forget for always remind me for praying.

   My beloved son ‘Abimara Asyafi’, your smile, your

crying, are my special spirit which always in my mind.

   My beloved brother ‘Bagas’, thank you for your support to me.

   All of my family who always praying for me.

  MOTTO “Everything depends on God, And everything will be alright”


  First of all, the researcher would like to thank to God who has guidance, merciful and his permission, so that he can finish writing his thesis as partial fulfillment to get S. Pd degree.

  In this occasion, the researcher would like to thank deeply to:

  1. Drs. Pudiyono, M.Hum, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  2. Aulia Nisa Khusnia, M.A as the Head of English Education Department in Teaching Training and Education Faculty who has facilitated and permitted this research.

  3. Drs. Bambang Suroso, M.Hum, as the supervisor who gave guidance, advice, support and suggestion.

  4. My parents, all family and all of my friends who gave me help and support to finish my thesis.

  The researcher believes that there are many weaknesses in this thesis, so the researcher welcomes critics and suggestions to improve her further writing. I hope my thesis will be useful for anyone, especially the students of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.


  Purwokerto, January 16 , 2017 Researcher




  TITLE ........................................................................................................ i APPROVAL .............................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................... v MOTTO ..................................................................................................... vii PREFACE .................................................................................................. viii TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................ ix APPENDICES

  ………………………………………………... .............. xi


  ……………………………………………………………… xii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................

  1 A. Background of the Research .............................................

  1 B. Reasons for Choosing Topic .............................................

  4 C. Problem of the Research ...................................................

  5 D. Purpose of the Research ....................................................

  5 E. Definition of Key Terms ...................................................

  5 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW .............................................

  7 A. Teaching ............................................................................

  7 1. The Definition of Teaching ........................................

  7 2. The Components of Teaching Process ......................

  8 B. Simple Past tense ..............................................................

  9 1. The Definition of Simple Past Tense ........................

  9 2. The Features of Simple Past Tense ............................

  10 C. Media.................................................................................

  15 1. Definition of Media ....................................................


  2. Kinds of Media............................................................ 16 D. Comics Media .................................................................


  1. Definition of Comic Strips.......................................... 17

  2. Kinds of Comics ......................................................... 18

  E. Basic Assumption .............................................................. 18 F.

  Hypothesis ………………………………………………. 19 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................

  20 A. Method of the Research ....................................................

  20 B. Place and Time of Research ..............................................


  C. Subject of Research ...........................................................

  1. The Result of Experimental Class ………………….. .. 29


  37 BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………….. 38

  36 B. Suggestion .........................................................................

  36 A. Conclusion ........................................................................

  35 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................

  Interpretation the Result …………………………………. 34 C. Discussion .........................................................................

  3. Te Result of T- test ………………………………….. .. 32 B.

  2. The Result of Co ntrol Class ………………………… . 31



  29 A. The Result of Research .....................................................

  3. Hypothesis Testing ....................................................... 25 CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ........................................

  2. Classical Achievement ……………………………….. 23

  1. Students Individual Achievement …………………... .. 23

  2. Post- test …………………………………………….. .. 22 E. Method of Analyzing Data ............................................... 23

  1. Pre- test …………………………………………….... . 22

  D. Method of Collecting Data ................................................ 22

  2. Sample ........................................................................... 22

  1. Population ……………………………………………. 21

  …………………………………………………………… 39




  (An Experimental Study At The Second Grade Students of MTs

Muhammadiyah Kalibening In Academic Year 2016)



Alief Anang Syafei


  The aim of the research was to find out the effectiveness of Comic Strips as media in teaching simple past tense. This research used quasi experimental method in which the sample was based on the school policy. Two classes were chosen VIII A as the experimental class and VIII B as the control class. Pre-test consisting of 30 items for each test, essay forms consisting of 10 items for each test. T-test formula was used to analyze the data. The result of the research showed that there was a significant difference of the students‟ achievement between the students who were taught using Comic Strips as media and those who were taught using other media. It could be seen on the result of computation of t- test, where t-result was 4.238 and t-table was 1.

  671 at the significant level α=0.05 in d.f=58. So, the result was higher than t-table (4.238 > 1.671). It means that the hypothesis about teaching simple past tense using comic strips as media at second grade students of MTs Muhammadiyah Kalibening is effective.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Research Language is an important tool of communication. People can share

  their feelings, their experiences and their needs to each other by spoken or written form. We know that without language, people can not interact each other. To avoid ambiguity or misunderstanding about the information, people need the language to make it clear and can be understood.

  In general, the mastery of English covers language skills such as; listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and language components like; grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling. Both skills and components should be taught and it is impossible to teach one without the other.

  Therefore, the language skills and language components should be taught in integration.

  Grammar is a crucial element of language which should be mastered as it is usually used in writing, speaking, listening, and reading. Grammar consists of rules of making sentences that becomes basic knowledge in mastering language.

  In school, grammar plays a very important role in mastering language, mainly English. By mastering grammar, people are able to communicate with others well. Afterwards, grammar becomes the main concern for students in learning language as it becomes part of assessment.

  Sometimes, we find some students who are good at vocabulary, but they are not able to communicate, since they do not know how to construct good sentences grammatically. In expressing ideas students need vocabulary, but without correct grammar it will be hard to say or write the correct sentences.

  In fact, learning grammar is not fun thing since students have to memorize the complicated structures or formulas of sentences. This condition makes students not interested in learning grammar. The monotonous way in teaching grammar also makes students low-motivated in following the teaching learning process. Teachers usually do not use media in teaching grammar. Generally, teachers only use textbook in teaching grammar without any media. As a result, it is difficult for students to understand grammar well.

  From the fact explained previously, teachers need some various media to build a fun atmosphere in teaching grammar. Teachers are also required to be creative in making learning media. One of various and creative media which can be used by the teachers in teaching grammar, particularly past tense is comic strips.

  Comic strips tell a story in form of pictures and text structures or dialogue. The use of comic strips for teaching tenses is not complex since a teacher only distributes a piece of comic strips printed on a piece of paper. Then, a teacher asks students to identify the tenses used in the dialogue of comic strips. Moreover, for exercise, a teacher serves comic strips without texts. Students make texts or sentences based on the pictures and tenses chich have been decided before.

  Comic strips have become one of several interesting ways in teaching tenses since a verb is illustrated and pictured in there and visual examples that are served in comic strips help students in comprehending the most grammar which are taught (McVicker, 2007:87). The study of comic strip was also indicated by Damaiyanti (2014). The study was indicated that using comic strips for teaching past continuous and past perfect tense was effective and gave positive effect for students.

  There are several advantages of using comic strips in teaching grammar. First, bored generation of students because of grammar can be interestingly taught through comic (Mc Vicker, 2007:87). The new atmosphere can be increased by comic strips. Second, comic strips help students to understand well about the context of tenses because it consists of pictures and text structures that can make it easy for students to understand the context of the tenses. Finally, comic strips are visual media which can steal the students‟ attention in class.

  As media, comic strips also have some disadvantages. The weakness of teaching using comic strips is students may only focus on the pictures without caring about the text structures served in comic strips. Attentive students may only be interested in the pictures and story, but not on the grammar (Fischer in Laras, 2014: 4).

  Based on the explanation before, comic strips can build a fun atmosphere in teaching learning process since in learning grammar students can be low-motivated easily. In this case, comic strips can be very effective to create students‟ high-motivation in learning tenses. At last, comic strips become a recommended media for teachers so that they leave their traditional bored media in delivering materials. For this reason, the writer would like to know the effectiveness of comic strips for teaching simple past tense in an experimental research entitled

  “The Effectiveness of Comic Strips for Teaching Simple Past Tense at Second Grade of MTs Muhammadiyah Kalibening in Academic Year 2016 ”

B. Reason for Choosing Topic

  The writer has some reasons for choosing the topic

  1. Students are usually bored in learning grammar, so the teaching learning process does not run well.

2. Students‟ low motivation is caused by monotonous way in teaching such teachers usually teach tenses without creative media.

  3. Comic strips is needed for the teachers to give the variation in teaching tenses.

  C. Problem of Research

  The problem of the research is “Is comic strips effective for teaching simple past tense at second grade students of MTs Muhammadiyah Kalibening? “

  D. Aim of Research

  The aim of the research is to examine the effectiveness of comic strips for teaching simple past tense for second grade students at MTs Muhammadiyah Kalibening.

  E. Definition of Key Terms

  The following definitions are given to make readers have the same understanding or perception for some terms used in this study. They are as follows:

  1. Effectiveness Effectiveness is a noun form of effect which means having effect; able to bring about the result intended (Hornby, 1994 :386)

  2. Comic Strip A comic strip is a sequence of cartoons that tells a story which is completed by pictures and text structures or dialogues. This comic utilize panels, having minimum of one and usually a maximum of three or four (Smith in Laras, 2014: 25)

  3. Teaching Grammar A matter of providing the learners with practice in mastering common grammatical patterns through a process of analogy rather than explanation (Nunan, 1991:154)

  4. Simple Past Tense The simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past. (Betty Schrampfer Azar, 1993: 4)


1. The Definition of Teaching

  According to Brown, (2000: 7) teaching is “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.”

  Moreover Darwis A. Soelaiman in Erna (2006:7) said that teaching is a system that produces learning activity. In this theory, teaching should be systematic and produces students‟ learning activity.

  Harmer in Kurnia (2014, 7) teaching means to give (someone) knowledge or to instruct or to train (someone). In addition, the Longman Dictionary Contemporary English suggests that it means to „show somebody how to do something‟ or to‟ change somebody‟s ideas‟.

  According to Darwis A. Soelaiman in Erna (2006) the characteristic of teaching activity are rational and special to human.

  They said that teaching is the activity that contains 4 phases process, those are: making curriculum phase, teaching phase, measuring phase, and evaluating the output of teaching phase.

  From the definition of teaching above, there are some essential things that appear in teaching, that are: 1)

  Teaching is an activity or teachers‟ activity; 2) Teaching is a process; 3)

  Teaching is a teachers‟ activity that related with the students‟ learning, that happen in interaction process; 4)

  Teaching has goal and not only related in the students‟ changing.

  (Darwis A. Soelaiman in Erna, 2006:8)

2. The Components of Teaching Process

  The components of teaching should get extra attention because each component gives effect for success of teaching process. They are an inseparable sequence must be done in teaching process. In other words the process of teaching contains some components that related each other. According to Darwis in Erna(2006: 8), these components are:

  1) Goal Teaching goal is the students‟ changing of behavior as the result from learning activity.

  2) Material Material is the component of teaching that contains of moral value, information, facts, and knowledge. For teaching purposes, so the materials should useful or relevant with the students‟ need and their surround need.

  3) Teaching Method How the teacher teaches the material to reach the goal is the ability that the teacher should have. The material and the goal are the orientation for teacher to state the teaching method besides the students‟ situation and facilities.

  4) Media Media is all the tools that help teacher in using teaching method. The kinds of media are visual media, audio media, and audio-visual media.

  5) Evaluation The evaluation is an effort to evaluate the output of teaching process. The evaluation includes teacher‟s teaching evaluation and students‟ evaluation. In the students‟ evaluation, teacher evaluates how far the goals of teaching have been reached by students in the form of the changing behavior.

B. Simple Past Tense

1. The Definition of Simple Past Tense

  As one of language components that is important to be mastered by students, grammar has many rules that should be learnt, one of them is “tense”

  The simple past is a tense that shows an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past (Betty Schrampfer Azar, 1993: 24). Simple past tense indicates that terminating in the past, whether a time is given or not (Marcella Frank, 1991: 49).

  From those statements above, it can be seen that simple past tense is a sentence which is used to talk about events, actions that happened at a specific time in the past.

2. The Features of Simple Past Tense

  a. The Uses of Simple Past Tense The uses of simple past tense are :

  1) to express the completed action in the past

  X Past Present future The simple past is used to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind.

  Examples : I saw a movie yesterday.

  I didn’t see a movie yesterday. Last year, I traveled to Japan. Last year, I didn’t travel to Japan. 2) To express a series of completed actions

  X1 X2 X3 Past Present future

  We used the Simple Past to list a series of completed

  st nd rd th

  actions in the past. These actions happen 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 …

  Examples : I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim. He arrived the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00. 3) To express single duration in the past

  Past Present future

  The simple past can be used with a duration, which start and stop in the past. A duration is a long action often used with expressions like”for two years,” “for five minutes,” “all day,” or “all year” Examples : I lived in Brazil for two years.

  Shauna studied Japanese for five years. They sat at the beach all day. We talked on the phone for thirty minutes. 4) To express the habit in the past

  The simple past can also be used to describe a habit, which stopped in the past. It has the same meaning as “used to”. To make it clear that we are talking about a habit we often use expressions such as “always,” often,” “usually,” “never,” “…when I was a child” or “…when I was younger” in the sentence.

  Examples: I studied French when I was a child.

  He played the violin. b. The Pattern of Simple Past Tense Verbal Sentence : Positive : S + V2 Negative : S + did not + V1 Interrogative : Did + S + V1 Positive Negative Interrogative I played I play I play? We started We start We start? You watche You Did not watc You watch d h ? The The di The

  (didn‟t y had y ) have d y have? He saw He see He see? She did She do She do? It went It go It go? (Raymond Murphy, 1998:32) Nominal sentence Positive : She/He/It/I + was

  They/We/You + were Negative : She/He/It/I + was + not They/We/You + were + not

  Interrogative : Was + she/he/it/I Were + they/we/you

  Positive Negative Interrogative

  I I

  I He He He She Was She was not was She It It It They They They We We We were were not were You You You (Raymond Murphy, 1998: 28) WH-Question WH + Did + subject + infinitive What Did you do yesterday? How did the accident happen? Where did your parents go for their holiday? (Raymond Murphy, 1998: 32) Short answer of yes/no question of simple past tense Yes, I/we/you/they Did No, I/we/you/they didn‟t

  He/she/it He/she/it Example : Questions: Short answers:

  • Did it rain on Sunday? - Yes, It did.
  • Did Helen come to party? No, she didn‟t.
  • Did your parent have good holiday? - Yes, they did.<
  • Did you see Joe yesterday? No, I didn‟t.
c. The Adverb of Simple Past Tense There are some adverb of time that common use in past tense, those are

  yesterday, last…, and …ago. We also can identify the

  past tense with the other adverb or phrase which shows us that it happened in the past.

  d. Regular and Irregular Verb There are two kinds of past verb (V2) that are regular past verb and irregular past verb. In forming regular past verb is just add

  • –ed after verb. There are some acceptations of spelling in changing regular past verb :

  1) The verb ending with

  • y after consonant, adding with –ied (e.g. to carry
  • – carried) 2) The verb ending >–y after vowel (a,i,u,e,o), adding with – ed (e.g. to >– obeyed) 3) The verb that has one syllable and ending with consonant, the last consonant is double (e.g. to stop
  • – stopped) In the other hand, irregular verb do not have the rule to change the verb into past verb. We are able to know the irregular past verb by memorize them.

C. Media

  1. Definition of Media

  According to Arikunto (1987:13) states that media are all of things, which are used by a teacher to explain the instructional material. Medias are the tools, methods and techniques that are used to make the communication and interaction between the teacher and learner in teaching and learning of English in the classroom more effective (Hamalik, 1982:23). For example the teacher can use music, picture or comics to explain something, so the material easy to be understood.

  2. Kinds of Media

  According to Sudjana (1990: 12), there are some kinds of media :

  a. draft / blue print A combination of graphic media and picture that is used to visualize the connection between main facts or main ideas in order and logic.

  b. Diagram Description that is simplified to show the relationship on both sides especially in the meaning of lines and symbol.

  c. Poster Poster is simplified illustration picture in big size, planned to attract d. Cartoon Cartoon is the picture description of human being, idea, or situation that is planned to persuade the civil opinion.

  e. Comics A story line which has picture in every part or picture story and usually have a colors to make student more interested in reading.

D. Comics Media

1. Definition of Comic Strips

  Comic strips are picture with stories as tools or means (Brown :1994). Comic strips media are means or tools, which facilitate teachers in designing communicative activity task in teaching learning process. Shortly, a comic strips is a kind of stories which is used by the teacher to teach speaking, reading, translation, vocabulary and structure by creating in which the activity includes serving as a model in interpersonal, transaction, or otherwise fastening educative interaction among students and teacher of other age group. Comic strips are necessary for the teachers as a strategy to make the students interested in following the English lesson and understand the material.

  Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that comic strips media are representations of a person, group of object, cartoon papers as work of art which the writer uses as a means or tools to make it easier to receive the information, or message that the teacher gives in a teaching – learning process.

2. Kinds of Comics

  a. Comics Books Comic books is a story line which has picture in every part or picture story and usually have a colors which has several different title.

  b. Comic Strip A comic strip is a sequence of drawings arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humor or form a narrative, often serialized, with text in balloons and captions.

  c. Comic Cartoon Comic Cartoon is usually a series of pictures that illustrate the story. The series drawings are arranged in horizontal lines, or rectangles called panels, and like text from left to right.

E. Basic Assumption

  From the definition above, the writer basic assumption is the use of comic strips as a media in teaching past tense is one of good technique to the students, because most of students have been quite familiar with comics. Comic strips are a combination of picture and word so the students are able to understand easily. The pictures and the words on comic strips are very choosable. It means that not only for students who may use it as an interesting media but also everyone who wants to use this.

  However, the effectiveness does not merely on the media, but also the role of teacher in transferring the media comic strips to the students.

F. Hypothesis

  Based on the basic assumption above, the writer propose the hypothesis “Teaching past tense using comic strips is effective to eight grade students of MTs Muhammadiyah Kalibening in academic year 2016”

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Method of the Research In this research the writer used the experimental method. The

  experimental research was aimed to know if there were effect or not for the population or subject of the research (Arikunto, 1990:272). There were two groups; the first group was called experimental class, which was given treatment by using Comic strips as media in teaching past tense and the other one was called control class, which was not given by that media. The writer used the quasi experimental design since there were two classes given different treatment. The design of research is as follows: E : Q1 x Q2 C : Q3 x Q4 Where : E : Experimental group C : Control group X : Treatment Q1 : Pre-test experimental group

  Q2 : Post-test experimental group Q3 : Pre-test control group Q4 : post-test control group

  (Arikunto, 1998: 79) The research was carried out in MTs Muhammadiyah Kalibening. It focused on the second year students as experimental class and control class. The experimental class was the 8 A class consists of 30 students and the control class was the 8 B class consists of 30 students. They were given pre-test to find out the students ability before the experiment. The post-test was given after the experiment.

  Schedule of research is as follow :

  Time of Research

  Months of 2016 Num Activities

  Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan

  1 Making Proposal

  2 Join Counseling

  3 Collecting Data

  4 Analyzing

  5 Making Report

C. Subject of Research

  1. Population

  Population is the whole of the research (Arikunto, 1997:115). The writer chose population in the second year students of MTs Muhammadiyah Kalibening, Banjarnegara in academic year 2016.

  2. Sample number of the subject of the research more than a hundred, the sample taken 10- 15% or 20-25% or more of the population.

  The writer took cluster sampling as a method in sampling. The writer used 8 A and 8 B class.

D. Method of Collecting Data

  The writer used test as instrument for collecting data. Test is a sequence of questions exercise or other tools which were used to measure skills, knowledge, intelligent or talent of individual or group (Arikunto, 1993:173). In this study the writer used two kinds of test. They were pre-test and post-test.

  1. Pre-Test

  Pre-test was given to measure the beginning condition of every group experimental and control. This test was given before the classes were given treatment. There were two forms of test, they were multiple choice and essay tests.

  2. Post-Test

  It was used to measure the effect of certain treatment. In this case was teaching past tense using comic strips. The instruments of test were multiple choice and essay test. The reason why the writer chose this type of test is because the multiple choice test could be corrected objectively in correcting. It is easier and can be corrected fast because it used key answer of the test (Arikunto, 1993:164). After the data was collected by giving pre-test and post-test to the control group and experimental group, the data was analyzed by the statistical test as below :

  1. Students Individual Achievement

  To know the result of individual achievement, the writer used formula as follow:

  F P = X 100 %


  Where :

  P = percentage F = frequency N = the maximum score

  2. Classical Achievement

  To measure the classical achievement of the students‟ mastery of past tense both control and experimental group, the writer used the following formula :

  • Experimental group

  x 2

  M =


  Where :

  x = the sum of score post-test of experiment group 2n = the total number of respondents

  • Control group

  y 2

  M =


  Where : M = mean of control group

  y = the sum of score post-test of control group 2n = the total number of respondents

  From classical achievement, we found the level of student‟s competence in past tense. In term of percentage achievement, Arikunto (1998:57) suggest five categories of the students. There were : 81% to 100% = Very good 61% to 80% = Good 41% to 65% = Fair 21% to 40% = Bad 0% to 20% = Very bad classical competence.

3. Hypothesis Testing

  To know the result from the treatment, the writer used t-test formula. The writer used t-formula and was carried out some steps: a. The writer made a table as follow :

  Number of Experiment Class Control Class Respondents 2 2 X1

  X2 X Y1 Y2 Y

  X Y Sum

    

  Where : X1 = Pre-test of experiment class Y1 = Pre-test of control class X2 = Post-test of experiment class Y2 = Post-test of control class X = Y = Residual (X2

  • – X1)

  b. The writer calculated means of deviation of each class

  • The pre-test score decreases the post-test score of each student
  • Then, the writer counted the total of deviation (residual) (
  • Finally, the writer counted the total of the students in control class is divided into the number of students in that class

  2. Then, the writer counted the total of deviation (residual) (

  = total of deviation

   x

  Where : Mx = mean of deviation of experimental class


  Mx = n x

  3. Finally, the writer counted the total of the students in experiment class that was divided into the number of students in that class.


   x

  1. The pre-test score decreases the post-test score of each student

   y

  2) To find out the mean of deviation of experiment class ( Mx )

  n = number of student of control class

  = total deviation

   y

  Where : My = mean of control class


  My = n y


  n = number of students of experimental class

  • The sum of squared deviation

      

  n = number of students of control class

  = total deviation of control class

   y

  = square deviation of control class

   2 y

  Where :

  n = number of students of experiment class   n y y y 2 2 2

  c. The sum of squared deviation of each class must be calculated

  = total deviation of experiment class

   x

  = square deviation of experiment class

   2 x

  Where :

      

    n x x x 2 2 2

  d. The writer applied all of them into t-test formula ` To find out whether there are any effectiveness of comic strips as the media in teaching past tense, the writer compared the means of control group and experimental group using t-test formula as follow :

   t test 2 2

     x y

   


  1  

        

    Nx Ny

  2 Nx Ny    

  Where :

  Mx = mean of students gain in experimental group My = mean of students gain in control group 2

  = the total square of experimental group


  = the total square of control group


  Nx = the total number of experimental group Ny = the total group of control group

  e. The last, the writer calculated degree of freedom (d.f.) by using formula: d.f = (Nx + Ny)

  • – 2 Where : d.f = degree of freedom

  Nx = the total number of experimental group Ny = the total group of control group certain significant level. If the t-counted was higher than t-table, it means that there was positive effect of comic strips as a media in teaching past tense. So, the writer hypothesis was accepted. On the other hand, if the t-counted was lower than t-table, the writer hypothesis was not accepted.


A. The Result of Research

1. The Result of Experimental Class Before the students got treatments, they were given a test namely pre test.

  From pre- test, the writer got the students‟s score. Below is the table of pre test result in experimental class:

  The Percentage o f Students’ Score in Pre-test

(Experiment class)

Number of Students

  No Category Percentage in pre test

  1 Very bad 0% - 20%

  2 Bad 21% - 40%


  3 Fair 41% - 60%


  4 Good 61% - 80%


  5 Very good 81% - 100% Based on the table, it can be concluded that from 30 students, they got different score in pre-test. From the table, it could be seen that the pre-test result of experimental class was still under the standard. The result showed that there was 1 student who belong to bad category, 13 students to fair category, and 16 students to good category in pre-test. After the researcher got the score from pre-test, the students were taught simple past tense using comic strips media. It was done in two meetings before the post-test. After the treatment, a post test was given to this class. strips media. Below is the table of post test result in experimental class:


The Percentage of Students’ Score in Post-test

(Experimental Class)

Number of Students in No Category Percentage post test

  1 Very bad 0% - 20%

  2 Bad 21% - 40%

  3 Fair 41% - 60%


  4 Good 61% - 80%


  5 Very good 81% - 100%

  3 From the table above, it can be concluded that the post test result of experimental class showed better result than the pre test result. The result showed that there were 5 students who got fair category, 22 students with good category and 3 students with very good category.

2. The Result of Control Class

  Control class had same activity with experimental class. This class was given pre-test before they got treatment by another media. The researcher got the score from students‟ pre-test. Below is the table of pre test result in control class.


The Percentage of Students’ Score in Pre-test

  No Category Percentage Number of Students in pre test

  Number of Students in post test


  4 Good 61% - 80%


  3 Fair 41% - 60%

  2 Bad 21% - 40%

  1 Very bad 0% - 20%

  The Perc entage of Students’ Score in Post-test

(Control Class)

No Category Percentage

  1 Very bad 0% - 20%

  5 Very good 81% - 100% Based on the table above, it can be concluded that the pre test result of control class was still bad. From 30 students, there were 1 students who belong to bad category, 20 students to fair category, and 9 students to good category. It can be seen that there was not student who belong to very bad category.


  4 Good 61% - 80%


  3 Fair 41% - 60%


  2 Bad 21% - 40%

  5 Very good 81% - 100% result in post test. There were 14 students who belong to fair category, and 16 students to good category.

3. The Result of T-test

  and ∑y

  d. The sum of squa re deviation of Control Class (∑y²)

  2 was 738.55.

  ) and N namely 2755.208. Then the result of ∑x


  was 3493.75 then it was subtracted with the result of division between (∑x


  should be calculated. For experimental class was found that ∑x


  After getting the data from experimental and control class, the researcher analyzed the data to find out the effectiveness of comic strips in teaching simple past tense. The steps are as follows:

  a. The mean of deviation of experimental class (Mx) After getting the data from experimental and control class, the researcher analyzed the data to find out the result of t-test. The first procedure in finding the t- test result was finding Mx. Mx was gained from the division of ∑

  After the researcher g ot the result from Mx and My, ∑x


  c. The sum of square deviation of Experimental Class ( x

  b. The mean of deviation of control class (My) The second procedure in finding the t-test result was finding My. My was gained from the division of ∑y was 145 and N was 30. So, the result of My was 4.83333.

  x was 9.58333.

  was 287.5 and N was 30. So, the result of M


  In this term, ∑

  x and N.


  After the researcher got the result from ∑x , then ∑y


  was 1050 then it was subtracted by the result calculated. It was found that ∑y



  was of the division between (∑y ) and N namely 700.833. So, the result of ∑y 349.167.

  e. Calculating the t-table After the researcher got all of the result of Mx = 9.58333, My =



  = 349.16, Nx = 30, and Ny = 30 were applied in 4.83333, ∑x = 738.55, ∑y the t-test formula. Finally, the t-test obtained was 4.238, then it was compared to t-table. Before it was compared, the degree of freedom (d.f) had to be found.

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