The Effectiveness of group work in teaching reading: a quasi experimental study at the second grade of Mts Neger Parung


A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education


MARIA ULFAH NIM: 105014000309




Quasi-Experimental Study at the Second Grade of MTs Negeri Parung) Advisor : Nida Husna, M.Pd. M.A. TESOL

Key words: Group work and reading

Reading is one of the English skills that should be acquired by the students. Some of the students argue that reading an English text is not easy. They face some difficulties such as, they lack of vocabulary so they cannot understand the text unless they can understand each of the words. Consequently, when they read the text, they open the dictionary all the time, while the time is limited. In addition, the teachers should teach in such a big class (40 up to 50 students). This condition can be a problem for the students and for the teachers who want to improve the students’ reading skill. Therefore, how can the teacher solve the problem?

In this research, the writer took place at the second grade of MTs Negeri Parung that is located in Parung Bogor and she tries to find out whether the group work technique is effective to improve the students’ reading skill.

To conduct the research, the writer uses a quasi-experimental research, which the students are into two groups, experiment group and control group. The experiment group is a group that taught by using group work technique and the control group are the group that taught without group work technique.

The instrument that is used in this research is reading tests, consist of pre-test and post-test. All of the groups are given the same test; it is used to compare the differences between the groups.

The result that is taken from this research show that teaching reading by using group work technique is effective than teaching reading without group work.


Quasi-Experimental Study at the Second Grade of MTsN Parung) Pembimbing: Nida Husna, M.Pd. M.A. TESOL.

Kata kunci: Kerja kelompok dan membaca

Membaca merupakan salah satu kemampuan bahasa yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa. Beberapa siswa berpendapat bahwa membaca sebuah teks bahasa Inggris adalah tidak mudah. Mereka menghadapi beberapa kesulitan seperti: siswa kurang memiliki kosa kata sehingga mereka tidak dapat memahami teks kecuali memahami setiap kata dalam teks tersebut. Konsekuensinya, ketika siswa membaca teks, mereka membuka kamus setiap saat, sedangkan waktu mereka terbatas. Ditambah, para guru harus mengajar dalam kelas yang besar (40-50 siswa dalam satu kelas). Kondisi ini dapat menjadi sebuah masalah baik untuk para siswa maupun untuk para guru yang ingin mengembangkan kemampuan membaca siswa. Oleh karena itu, bagaimana para guru dapat memcahkan masalahnya?.

Dalam penelitian ini, penulis melakukan penelitian di kelas 2 MTsN Parung yang berlokasi di Parung Bogor dan dia mencoba mencari tahu apakah teknik kerja kelompok dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa.

Untuk dapat melakukan penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan penelitian eksperimen semu dimana siswa terdiri dari dua grup, grup eksperimen dan grup kontrol. Grup eksperimen adalah grup yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik kerja kelompok dan grup kontrol adalah grup yang tidak menggunakan teknik kerja kelompok.

Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah reading tests, terdiri dari pre-tes dan post-tes. Semua grup diberi tes yang sama, hal itu digunakan untuk membandingkan perbedaan antara grup-grup tersebut.

Hasil yang diambil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mengajar membaca teks bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan teknik kerja kelompok efektif digunakan dari pada yang tidak menggunakan kerja kelompok.


ability and chance to finish this “skripsi” entitled “The Effectiveness of Group Work in Teaching Reading.” Peace and mercy be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companions and his followers.

First of all, the writer would like to express her great gratitude to her advisor, Nida Husna, M.Pd., M.A. TESOL, who has given suggestions, motivation and critical remark in doing and finishing this “skripsi”. She also conveys special gratitude to her beloved parents and to her brothers and sisters who have given her spirit and support in her study.

The writer also would like to give the special thank to: 1. All lecturers of English Department.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd as the head of English Department.

3. Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd as the secretary of English Department.

4. Prof. Dr. H. Dede Rosyada, M.A as the dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. 5. Hj. Eti Munyati, S.Ag as the headmaster of MTsN Parung.

6. Ade Amelia, S.Pd as the English teacher of MTsN Parung.

7. For all of her friends and best friends who have given her spirit, motivation, and time for sharing and finishing this “skripsi”.

Finally, the writer realizes that this “skripsi” is still far from being perfect. Therefore, it is pleasure for her to accept constructive criticism and suggestion in improving this “skripsi”.

Jakarta, August 2010 The writer



ABSTRAK ... iii




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 3

C. Limitation of the Study ... 3

D. Formulation of the Study ... 3

E. Significant of the Study ... 4


1. The Concept of Reading ... 5

2. The Purpose of Reading ... 6

3. Reading Skills ... 8

4. Reading Process ... 9

B. Group Work ... 11

1. Definition of Group Work ... 11


b. Disadvantages ... 14

C. Teaching Reading by Using Group Work ... 16

1. The Syllabus ... 17

D. Thinking Framework ... 19

E. Hypothesis ... 20

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. The Objective of the Research ... 21

B. Place and Time of the Research ... 21

C. Population and Sample ... 22

D. Method of the Research ... 22

E. Technique of Collecting Data ... 23

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 24


B. Data Analysis ... 29

C. Data Interpretation ... 33


B. Suggestion ... 35




Education Department ………. 17

Table II The Reading Test Score in class 8.6 (Experiment Group) ………….. 26

Table III The Reading Test Score in class 8.5 (Control Group) ... 28  




In this chapter, the writer would like to present about the background of the study, the identification of the study, formulation and the significant of this research, and the organization of the writing

A. Background of the Study

In Indonesia, English is one of the subjects that is learnt by the students from Elementary to University. In the higher level, it is categorized as one of the subjects in National Examination. When students learn the language, they have to learn four language skills, they are: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

In this research, the writer focuses in reading skill. When students are asked their opinion about reading, they said that reading an English text is difficult. They face some problems, such as: they lack of vocabulary, so they need to open the dictionary all the time and it will make their reading very slow. If their reading is slow, it could make them lose their interest to the text. Therefore, they lost their interest in practicing their reading and it could be difficult for them to develop their reading skill.

In addition, some English teacher, still use what Scrivener called as word-by-word approach, that is an approach which it is not used when students read in a real life, because it is unnecessary for the students to open the dictionary all the time when they read, it could take a long time to read and could not help them to be a good reader.1 Teacher should realize that it is not always effective to understand every word when they read. Teacher may ask


Jim Scrivener, Learning Teaching, (London:McMillan, 2005). p. 184 1


their students to keep reading whether they cannot understand the word, but they can understand the word by the content of the paragraph or sentences.

As far as the writer knows, in Indonesia, many schools still have big classes. The big classes can consist of 40 up to 50 students. It can be hard for the teacher to manage the class and difficult to make the students to pay attention to the lesson.

When the teachers teach in a big class, it could be a problem for them to use the word-by-word approach, because it takes time, whether the time of English lesson just has limited time. Therefore, teachers may try to find out a technique or strategy to help them in handling the class. So, they can manage the students and students can more pay attention to the lesson.

. According to Jeremy Harmer, “students can be organized in different ways: they work together, in groups, in pairs or individually.”2 This technique could help the teachers to arrange such a big class in handling the students to be more actively in the learning activity.

According to Daniel Muijs and David Reynolds, in a group, students are expected to work together and help each other to improve their skill.3 This activity can give students more opportunities to share their ideas and they are able to practice the language rather than they do in a whole class.

Based on the explanation above, the writer considers that group work can be one of an ideal technique in learning activities and can help the teacher who teaches in a big class. Therefore, the writer would like to take a research under the title: The Effectiveness of Group Work in Teaching Reading.


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English:An Introduction to the Practice of English Language Teaching (New York:Pearson Edu, 1998) p. 20


Daniel Muijs and David Reynolds. Effective Teaching: evidence and practice. (London: SAGE Publication. 2005). p. 53


B. Identification of the Problem

In this research, the writer identified some problems at “Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Parung.” The problems are: the students are difficult to understand the text unless they can understand every word in the text. They use dictionary too often when they read an English text, it can make their reading very slow and they will loose their interest to the text because it become a boring activity in practicing their reading. The writer also found that the classes are big, it consist of 40 up to 50 students each class. It is a problem for the teacher because it is hard to handle the class. Therefore, some teachers use group work as a technique in teaching learning to handle the problem. But, how effective is group work in teaching reading?

C. Limitation of the Study

In this study, the writer tries to use group work technique in teaching reading at the second grade of MTs Negeri Parung academic year 2009/2010 and find the effectiveness of group work technique in teaching reading.

D. Formulation of the Study

Based on the background of the study, this research is intended to answer this following question. That is:

“How effective is group work in teaching reading at Madrasah Tasanawiyah Negeri Parung?


E. Significance of the Study

The writer expects that the research will be useful for the writer herself, so it will be broaden her knowledge in teaching reading, and for the English teacher who might use this technique when they teach reading. And for the students, hopefully they will have a better improvement in reading skill.




The second chapter presents the theoretical framework of this research; there are definition of reading, purpose of reading, skills of reading and the process of reading. It mentions more about definition of group work, the characteristics and the advantages and disadvantages of group work. There are also the thinking framework, the syllabus and the hypothesis.

A. Reading

1. The Concept of Reading

When people do the activity such as hold and look at the words in a book, magazine or any other text, it seems that reading is a simple activity that everyone can do it. How if people can read and pronounce the words correctly but they do not understand the words mean? Are they really reading? If they are not reading, what is the real concept of reading?

According to Edward David Allen and Rebecca M. Valette, “reading is more than just assigning foreign language sounds to written words; it requires the comprehension of what is written”.1

Penny Ur stated that “reading means reading and understanding. A foreign language learner who says, “I can read the words, but I don’t know what they mean” is not, therefore, reading in this sense, he/ she is merely decoding (translating written symbols into corresponding sounds)”.2

1 Edward David Allen, et al, Classroom Technique:Foreign Language and English as a Second language,(New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich inc, 1977), p. 249

2 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching, Practice and Theory, (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 138


If we read the words correctly but we do not understand what they mean, it is not reading, because reading without understanding is called decoding. We just identify the sounds of the words and do not understand the meaning of the words.

Christine Nuttal stated that decoding, identifying and articulating are reading for beginners who begin to read, it is important to recognize the words correctly, but for higher-level reader, understanding the writer’s ideas is the focus of their reading.3

Marrianne Celce-Murcia as quoted from Hudelson (1994) said that “in reading, an individual constructs meaning through a transaction with written text that has been created by symbols that reader’s acting on or interpreting the text, and the interpretation is influenced by the reader’s past experiences, language background, and cultural framework as well as the reader’s purpose for reading”.4 Our past experiences and language background can help us in interpreting the text, so we can understand the text and get the writer’s ideas.

Therefore, if we cannot understand the words in the text which we are read, how can we get the writer’s idea?

According to the explanation from the expert in language teaching learning above, the writer can conclude that reading is not only reading the words or sentences correctly but also understanding what the words mean to get the writer’s ideas.

2. The Purpose of Reading

When people read, they may have some purposes. For example, if they want to get a pleasure, they read novels, comics or magazines, it may be

3 Christine Nuttal, Teaching Reading Skill in a Foreign Language (Oxford:Heinemann, 1989), p. 2


Marrianne Cecle-Murcia, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, (Boston:Heinle & Heinle, 2001), p. 154


caused by the texts are interesting and entertaining. Then, when they want to get some information about what they need, they may read textbook or newspaper.

Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw as quoted from William (1984); classifies the purpose of reading into three purposes. First, people read to get the general information, for instance, they read a book, newspaper, etc. Second, people read to get the specific information, such as schedule, timetable, etc. Third, people read to get pleasure or interest, although it is for enjoyment, it is still purposeful.5

However, people have their own purpose in reading. Students who learn English as a second language also have their own purposes. According to Ivan J. Quandt “the reader must have a personal purpose for reading in order to become involved”.6 When the students have their own purpose for reading, they will do it because they think that it is useful for them.

Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw stated as they quoted from Rivers and Temperley (1978), there are some specific purposes in reading, and those are:

a. To get information about a topic that students need, such as books, encyclopedia etc.

b. To get the instruction on how to do something, such as instruction of electrics devices.

c. To keep in touch with friends, such as letters, e-mail etc

d. To know when or where something will take place or what is available, such as time table, schedule etc

5 Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw, Materials and Methods in ELT, (Oxford:Blakweel, 1993), p. 102

6 Ivan J. Quandt, Teaching Reading:A Human Process, (New York:Rand McNally College Publishing Company, 1977), p. 113


e. To know what is happening or has happened, such as newspaper, magazine. 7

f. To get pleasure.

Marrianne Celce-Murcia also stated that there are some specific reading purpose for he students in academics setting, there are:

1. To search for information 2. To learn new information

3. To synthesize and evaluate the information 4. For general comprehension8

Based on the description, the writer considers that they are two general reading purposes. First, people read books, newspapers, encyclopedia, etc to get information. Second, people read such as novels, comics, etc to get pleasure, it may be caused by the material is interesting.

3. Reading Skills

According to Jeremy Harmer, there are three reading skills that students have to be acquired: first, students should be able to scan the text that is fast reading to get particular information, for example, searching a single name in a telephone number, addresses, etc. Second, students have to be able to skim the text, that is fast reading to get the key of the text or main idea of what the text is about, such as looking at the report text to know what the topic is about and what its conclusions are. And the last, reading for detailed comprehension, it is reading to get the detailed information, whether this skill have the same function for looking the detailed information, but students should see as something different from the other skill.9

7 Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw, Materials and Methods in ELT…p. 102-103 8 Marrianne Cecle-Murcia, Teaching English as a ….., p. 187


Peter Mather and Mc Carthy divided reading skill into two skills, there are scanning and skimming, “scanning is a process of quickly searching reading material in order to locate specific bits of information,” whether skimming is used to identify the main idea of the text.10

Robert Karlin stated that teacher can use two basic steps in teaching scanning, there are:

1. Select some questions on which the class is working and write them on the chalkboard.

2. Present a passage that containing the specifics question and answer. 11

When we scan the text, we may not have to start from the beginning of the text, we may jump it to find the information we need. And when we are skimming, we may read the first and the last sentences of each paragraph to find the main idea of the text, because some of text may put it in the first sentence or put it in the last sentence.

The writer consider that people read for different purposes and it will influence the way they read, because they use different reading skill for different purposes. For example, when they read a page in a telephone number to find a single name, they do scanning. People use skimming, when they read and want to get the main idea of the text or to find what the text about.

4. Reading Process

According to Dorothy Rubin, reading process include three domains, 1) the affective, 2) the perceptual, and 3) the cognitive. 12

10 Peter Mather and Mc Carthy, Reading and All the Jazz, (New York:Mc Graw Hill, 2007), p. 526-531


Robert Karlin, Teaching Elementary Reading, 3rd ed, Principle and Strategies, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980), p. 235

12 Dorothy Rubin, A Practical Approach to Teaching Reading, (New York:CBC College Publishing, 1982), p. 8


The affective domain includes the feelings and the emotions of the reader, when the students read a text, their feelings and emotions will probably influence the way they interpret the text. For example, when the students feel very hungry and they find the word fool, they may read it as food. This situation may be happen to the students in the school.13

In the perceptual domainthat can be defined as giving meaning to the text which we are read. Dorothy stated that “perception is a cumulative process that is based on an individual’s background of experiences”.14

The next process is cognitive domain, it include the area of thinking. When we have difficulty in thinking, we may have difficulty in reading. According to Dorothy, “reading is a thinking act”.15 Therefore, the three domains of reading process can influence our reading skill.

Meanwhile, Sandra Silberstein as she quoted from Grabe (1991) stated that there are aspects of the reading process, which can be summarized as follow:

1. The readers or students are expected to be able to identify the word and grammatical form automatically.

2. The fluent reader can receive the vocabulary and the structural knowledge. 3. The reader or students that have the background knowledge can be easy to

comprehend the text.

4. The reader or students who can synthesis the information from the text can help them to develop their evaluation skill, because in synthesizing the information, they can compare the information with their knowledge. 5. The reader or students can aware of their goals and choose the right

strategies to achieve the goals. 16

13 Dorothy Rubin, A Practical, …. , p. 8 14 Dorothy Rubin, A Practical, …. , p. 9 15 Dorothy Rubin, A Practical, …. , p. 9

16 Sandra Slberstein, Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading, (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1994), p. 12


B. Group work

1. Definition of Group Work

Peter Hubbard and his friends stated that “group work is generally task-oriented: that is, the students have a definite task to complete, and call the teacher when they have completed it”.17

In a group, students learn and try to do the task independently, and one of the teacher’s function is monitoring the activities to make it success.

According to Jeremy Harmer, group work is a cooperative activity, consists of five students, work together to discuss a topic, do a role-play that must be interesting activity for some students or solve a problem.18 In a group, students participate in doing the task, and they are also more able to experiment and use the language than they are in a whole-class.

Roy O. Billett stated that “group work can be a stimulus to the individual, arousing him to greater effort and achievement – that the individuals within any group can learn vicariously from each other – that the group can make possible education in ways of efficient and effective cooperation”.19

Penny Ur stated “in group work, students perform a learning task through small-group interaction.”20 When students divided into groups, they may get opportunities to talk than in a whole class, because in a group, they have to interact each other, such as discuss a topic, share their idea or solve the problem.

According to Nuril Huda group work which is popular used in a short courses is effective to develop the foreign language competence.21 This

17 Peter Hubbard, et al, A Training Course for TEFL, (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 193

18 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English…, p. 21

19 Roy O. Billett, Teaching in Junior and Senior High School, (New York:- 1967), p. 210 20 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching…p. 232


Nuril Huda, Language Learning and Teaching, (Malang:IKIP Malang Publisher:1999), p. 85


kind of activities can help students to develop their language communicative competence.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that group work is a technique in teaching learning, which it can encourage students to do the task together, solve a problem or do a role-play. It also provide more opportunities for students to talk more in the class and use the language much more than they do in a whole-class.

2. Characteristics of Group Work

There are five characteristics of group work according to Leuck and his friends, they are:

a. Group work has a common objective and spirit. The members of group work recognize the goal and consider their responsibility. A cooperative spirit of each member in group work is encouraged by the teacher.

b. Group work means learning experience. Through group organization, each member of the group may work cooperatively, share their ideas, make decisions and accept their responsibilities; these kinds of activities will engage students after they graduated.

c. Group work makes the flexible leadership. In group work, there are opportunities for each student to develop their leadership, because each student may have the capability.

d. Group work has the maximum participation. Each member of a group should be active in the group activities, such as planning, discussing, and evaluating.

e. The teachers should monitor the activities in group work; give suggestion and improvement in the activities. 22


Zoltan Dornyei and Tim Murphey quoted from Ehrman and Dornyei (1998) identified the characteristics of a group, there are:

1. There is some interaction among group members.

2. Group members perceive themselves as a distinct unit and demonstration a level of commitment to it.

3. Group members share some purpose or goal for being together. 4. The group endures for a reasonable period of time (i. e. not only for


5. The group has developed some sort of a salient ‘internal structure’, which includes:

the regulation of entry and departure into/from group; rules and standards of behavior for members;

relatively stable interpersonal relationship patterns and an established status hierarchy;

some division of group roles.

6. Finally, as a direct consequence of the above points, the group is held accountable for its members’ action. 23

According to Lueck and Dornyei, the writer can concluded that the characteristic of group work could be made as a reference for her to use the technique in the class or use by other teachers who wants to use group work in teaching learning.

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Work a. Advantages

According to Jeremy Harmer there are five advantages of group work, they are:

1. Give more opportunities to talk for students.

2. Make a greater chance for the students to share their opinion and their contribution. .

3. Encourage students for broader skills of cooperation and negotiation.

23 Zoltan Dornyei and Tim Murphey, Group Dynamis in the Language Classroom, (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2003), p. 138


4. Encourage the students to make decision in the group without being helped by the teacher.

5. Give students the opportunities to choose their level of participation. 24 Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw added some other advantages of group work, there are as follows:

1. Group work provides students to work correspondently.

2. Group work encourage student to share ideas and exchange the information.

3. The different tasks can be assigned to different groups.

4. Group work makes each student has proportionally more chance to speak and therefore to be involved in language use.

5. Group work can promote a positive atmosphere in the classroom

6. Group work can be seen very interesting to teach and provide the students’ creativity. 25

b. Disadvantages

While group work could be a good strategy in teaching learning, it also has some of the disadvantages of group work. Penny Ur stated that the disadvantages of group work are the teacher worried they will lose their control to manage the students, because there may be to much noise made by the students or they may use their mother tongue and it could be worse if they did not do the task well.26

24 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, 4th ed, (Longman:Pearson, 2007), p. 166

25 Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw, Materials…, p. 203-204 26 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching…, p. 232


According to Jeremy Harmer, the disadvantages of group work are: 1. It is likely to be noisy. Some teachers feel worried that they will

lose control, and the whole-class feeling which has been painstakingly built up may dissipate when the class is split into smaller entities.

2. It makes not all students can enjoy it since they would prefer to be the focus of the teacher’s attention rather than working with their peers.

3. It seems that individuals may fail into group roles that become fossilized, so that some are passive whereas other may dominate. 4. It can take longer to organize than pairs; beginning and ending

group work activities, especially when students move around the class, can take time and be chaotic. 27

The teachers who may have some difficulties in controlling the students when they use group work as a strategy in teaching learning, Daniel Muijs and Reynolds they quoted from Johnson and Johnson (1994), they suggest a list of students’ roles in a group work, where students can be assigned as follow:

1. The summarizer, who will prepare the group’s presentation to the class and summarize the conclusions to see if the rest of the group agrees.

2. The Researcher, who collects background information and looks up any additional information that is needed to complete the task. 3. The checker, who checks that the facts that the group will use are

indeed correct and will stand up to scrutiny from the teacher and other groups.

4. The runner, who tries to find the resources needed to complete the task, such as dictionary.

5. The observer or troubleshooter, who takes notes and records group process.

6. The recorder, who writes down the major output of the group, and synthesizes the work of other group members. 28

By using this role, it probably can decrease the teachers’ problem and students can more enjoy in their class. Therefore, it can help the students to develop their language skills.

27 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching…p. 166


C. Teaching Reading by using Group Work Technique

In this research, the writer tries to use group work technique in teaching reading and find out the effectiveness of the technique.

Firstly, the writer would like to give the instruction to the students about what they are going to do and why should make them to work together with their friends. The instruction may encourage the students to feel enthusiastic about what they are going to do and it is important that students should know what they are going to do and give them idea when they finished the task.

After giving the instruction, students divide into group of 4 or 5 students. Then, they are given a text that should be discussed together. The tasks are; they read the text, discuss some of the word, interpret the meaning of the word to the text and get the general idea of the text. After they get the general idea of the text, they try to find the answer of the comprehension questions based on the text. In answering the question, students may scan or skim the text, so they can develop their reading skill and more past to do the tasks.

During the activity, while students are working together in group, the teachers’ role is as a monitor, go round the class, watch and listen to the group in helping them with the tasks. Teacher also can be as an observer, picking up information about the students progress and seeing if they will have to be ‘troubleshoot’.

When the students or the group stop working together, teacher may organize feedback. Let them talk or discuss about what have been done, what occurred during the group session, problems that they face and how they can solve the problem. Teacher also gives the solution and suggestion to the students. And when the group have been working the task with definite right or wrong answer, teacher should need to ensure that they have completed the task successfully.


In arranging the lesson plan of the teaching and learning process, the writer use the syllabus in arranging the lesson plan and the test that will be used in this research.

1. The Syllabus

For the teachers, syllabus can help them in guiding and arranging the lesson plan (RPP) during the learning teaching process. When they make a test to evaluate their students, syllabus also help them in observing the test whether the test is appropriate or not. The syllabus itself may include the standard competence, based competence, materials, indicators, evaluation and time allocation.

In this research, the writer uses the syllabus to guide her in making the lesson plan (RPP) and the instrument of the research. It is to make the test

Table 2.1

The Syllabus of SMP/MTs that is recommended by the National Education Department.

Kelas : VIII ( Delapan)  Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Tema :Flora dan Fauna, Freindship, Travel, Health, Teenage life, Recreation, Seasons.

Semester : 2 ( dua)

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar29

Kompetensi Dasar


Pokok/Pembelajaran Indikator 11.1 Membaca

nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana berbentuk

• Teks esei berbentuk narrative dan recount

• Ciri kebahasaan teks essei berbentuk

• Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essei berbentuk narrative dan recount • Mengidentifikasi 29


recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan nararative

11.3 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar narrative/ recount

• Tujuan komunikatif teks esei narrative/ recount

• Langkah retorika narrative/ recount

• Teks essei narative/ recount

• Ciri kebahasaan teks narrative dan recount Langkah retorika teks

narrative/ recount

Teks fungsional pendek:

• Undangan

• Pengumuman

• Pesan singkat

berbagai makna teks narrative /recount

• Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks recount dan narrative

• Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative dan


• Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dicermati

• Membaca nyaring teks fungsional terkait materi

• Menjawab

pertanyaan tentang informasi yang terdapat dalam teks

• Menyebutkan ciri ciri teks fungsional yang dibaca

Membaca teks fungsional pendek lainya dari berbagai sumber.


D. Thinking Framework

From the previous theories, the writer concludes that reading is one of the language skills that students need to be acquired, because reading can develop their knowledge and their language skill. When students read a text, they have to comprehend and interpret the ideas from the text, so they can get the information and message from the writer.

John J. DeBoer stated that,” reading as an activity which involves the comprehension and interpretation of ideas symbolized by written or printed language.”30 To make students comprehend the text, teachers try to find any ways to help them in learning reading, they try to give students awareness that they may not to understand every word in the text; they can understand the text from the content of the text. When students have to interpret the text, they may need their experiences. Therefore, reading can be as a transaction activity with the written text.

People read a text because they may have some purpose. Purposes in reading can help the reader to feel involved with the text. In general, people read to get information and get pleasure. Students of L2 also have their own purpose, for example, they read to search information, to learn new information and to evaluate the information, this activity can increase their knowledge and reading skill. But, when they read a foreign language, they face some problems, the factor may come from the students themselves, some of them thought that reading a foreign language is difficult because there are many strange word, so they have to open the dictionary all the time and this situation make their reading go slowly. In addition, when they have to learn in big classes, they are difficult to concentrate in reading the foreign language.

In order to solve the students’ problem, teachers may use group work technique in reading activity; it may provide the students to develop their reading skill. As we know, group work is an activity where students

30 John J. DeBoer, The Teaching of Reading, (New York:Holt Rinehart and Winston,Inc, 1968), p. 17


work together and interact each other to solve the problem that increase when they read a foreign language.

In a group, students can share ideas and exchange their knowledge or information each other. It is useful for them to make them enjoy in the class and when they find strange word in the text, they can share with it their group. When the writer observed at the second grade of MTs Negeri Parung, she found that group work was used in teaching learning process. This activity can make students to be more active in the class because they learn to how to solve the problem by discussing together. Based on this observation, the writer considers that group work will help the students to develop their reading skill.

In general, learning reading by using group work technique, may give something useful can do for the students:

1. They can work correspondently with their group

2. They get a greater chance to share their opinion and information 3. They learn to make decision and solve the problem in the group.

E. Hypothesis

In this research, the writer needs to propose hypothesis, the alternative hypothesis (Ha): there is a significant difference in the main gains of the students’ reading score that taught by group work and students taught without group work, it means that group work is effective to use in teaching reading. And null hypothesis (Ho): there is no significant difference in the main gains of the students’ reading score that taught by group work and students taught without group work, it means that group work is not effective to use in teaching reading.




This chapter presents the objective of the research, place and time of the research, population and sample, method of the research, technique of collecting the data and the technique of analysis the data.

A. The Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is to find out if there is a significant difference of students’ reading score between students who are taught with group work and students who are taught without group work. This research will point out whether group work is an effective way to teach reading or not. If the students’ reading score of the class that taught with group work is higher than the class that taught without group work and if the difference is significant, it means that group work is appropriate to teach reading.

B. Place and Time of the Research

This research took place in an Islamic junior high school called Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Parung. It is located in Parung Bogor.

The school was established in 1982. It has 1132 students that are divided into 26 classes. Nine class for seventh grade, nine classes for eighth grade and eight classes for ninth grade. There are 390 students of seventh grade. They are divided into nine classes, each class consist of 40-45 students. In the eighth grade, there are 370 students that are divided into nine classes; there are 40-45 students in each class. And for the ninth grade, there are 377 students that are divided into eight classes, therefore each class consist of 45-50 students.


The school has 73 teachers; all classes are handled by them in that school. The research were done for 5 weeks, there are 2 session every week for each group (experiment group and control group). It began on April 5, 2010 and it ended on May 21, 2010.

C. Population and Sample

The population of this research is students of eighth grade, they are 370 students. They were divided into nine classes, class 8.1 to class 8.9. The writer thought that it is too large to do research to all of the students. Therefore, the writer use cluster sampling for the samples because it is more effective to use in a large numbers of classes. According to Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen, “the selection of groups, or clusters, of subjects rather than individuals is known as cluster sampling. Just as simple random sampling is more effective with large numbers of individuals, cluster sampling is more effective with larger numbers of clusters”.1

Based on the cluster sampling that is used by the writer in taking the sample, she took two classes randomly; there are class 8.5 as the control group and class 8.6 as the experiment group. There are 42 students of each class. Unfortunately, two students of the experiment group were taken out from the sample because they attended the class only three times. Therefore, the writer made it equal to help her in analyzing the data later. Those are 40 students in the experiment group and 40 students in the control group. So, there are 80 students as the sample.

D. Method of the Research

In this research, the writer uses a quasi-experimental research. It is to involve the students in groups that is the experiment group and the control

1 Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education,5th ed, (New York:Mc Graw Hill, 2008), p. 100


group. Suharsimi Arikunto stated that: Generally, the researcher in experimental research used two groups, experiment group as a group that got the treatment and the control group that did not get the treatment.2

According to William Wiersma and Stephen G. Jurs:

A quasi-experimental research is an approximation of a true experiment that uses groups that have not been formed randomly. Such research can make valuable contribution, but its is important that the researcher be especially cautious about interpreting and generalizing results.3

Based on the explanation above, it tells that a quasi-experimental research specifically in the research is impossible to control the entire variable in the research except some of it. However, if the researcher could take the right interpretation, the result could give the contribution in the research.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

The instrument that the writer used for collecting data was reading test. The test divided into two tests, pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given to the students before the treatment. The post-test was used when the treatment had been done, and it was given to find out the influence of group work technique as well as the writer used in the experiment group in teaching reading.

There are 20 items of multiple choices questions in each of the test. The score per item is 5 for correct answer. Students will get 100 point if they can answer correctly to all of the questions.

Both of the classes, experiment group and control group were given the same test.

2 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta:PT Rineka Cipta, 2006), p. 311


William Wireman and Stephen G. Jurs, Research Methods in Education 9th ed, (Longman:Pearson), p. 165


F. Technique of Data Analysis

After the data had been collected, it is time to analysis them. The technique of data analysis that is used by the writer in this research is statistic analysis with t-test, it is to test the significance of the mean gained score of the experiment group and the control group. After the writer conducted the experiment, she analyzes the result from the groups to compare the mean of both of groups (experiment group and control group) by using t-test. The formula is as follow:

Mx – My t =

X2 + Y2 1 + 1 √ Nx + Ny – 2 Nx Ny

The process of t-test is as follow:

1. Determining mean of gained score of experiment group, with the formula:

Mx = X N

2. Determining mean of gained score of control group, with the formula:

My = Y N

3. Determining deviation of the experiment group, with the formula:

X = ∑ (x)2 - (∑x)2


4. Determining of deviation of control group, with the formula: 4

Y = (y)2 – (y)2 N


After all the data are calculated, the last procedure is determining of df (degree of freedom), with the formula:

df = N1 + N2 - 2

Mx : Mean of the gained score of experiment group My : Mean of the gained score of control group X : Deviation of x1 and x2 (experiment group) Y : Deviation of y1 and y2 (control group) N : Total of the students

df : Degree of freedom The value of significant is 5%



As the writer mentioned in the previous chapter, she took the data from the students by using reading tests. There were reading pre-test and reading post-test. Those score were used to find out the effectiveness of group work in teaching reading.

A. Data Description

The writer got the data from the students’ reading test scores that were reading pre-test and reading post-test. These are the description:

Table 4.1

The Reading Test Score in class 8.6 (Experiment Group)

No. Pre-test (X1)

Post-test (X2)

Gained Score

(X) X2

1 55 90 35 1225

2 40 65 25 625

3 50 90 40 1600

4 60 75 15 225

5 60 90 30 900

6 65 70 5 25

7 60 90 30 900

8 60 80 20 400

9 45 65 20 400

10 55 65 10 100

11 60 70 10 100

12 55 90 35 1225

13 50 65 15 225


14 50 90 40 1600

15 40 55 15 225

16 60 70 10 100

17 40 70 30 900

18 50 55 5 25

19 50 95 45 2025

20 45 65 20 400

21 40 75 35 1225

22 60 75 15 225

23 65 80 15 225

24 55 65 10 100

25 60 80 20 400

26 40 70 30 900

27 65 85 20 400

28 40 65 25 625

29 70 95 25 625

30 55 70 15 225

31 60 75 15 225

32 50 85 35 1225

33 60 70 10 100

34 35 65 30 900

35 45 70 25 625

36 40 70 30 900

37 50 80 30 900

38 45 90 45 2025

39 70 95 25 625

40 50 70 20 400


The table above describes the students’ reading scores of experiment group in learning reading by using group work. Based on the table, the writer got

∑X1 = 2105, ∑X2 = 3035, ∑X= 930 and ∑X2 = 26100. This result is used to find out the mean gained score of each group and the t-test later.

Table 4.2

The Reading Test Score in Class 8.5 (Control Group)

No. Pre-test (Y1 )

Post-test (Y2 )

Gained Score (Y)


1 45 65 20 400

2 55 70 15 225

3 70 70 0 0

4 45 75 30 900

5 60 55 -5 25

6 50 70 20 400

7 75 95 20 400

8 55 70 15 225

9 50 65 15 225

10 55 75 20 400

11 40 75 35 1225

12 50 80 30 900

13 40 80 40 1600

14 50 75 25 625

15 60 75 15 225

16 55 50 -5 25

17 75 75 0 0

18 45 75 30 900

19 35 60 25 625

20 80 90 10 100


22 50 70 20 400

23 45 80 35 1225

24 40 60 20 400

25 35 55 20 400

26 65 60 -5 25

27 45 75 30 900

28 70 75 5 25

29 35 60 25 625

30 55 65 10 100

31 30 45 15 225

32 65 55 -10 100

33 40 55 15 225

34 60 75 15 225

35 70 65 -5 25

36 55 70 15 225

37 40 75 35 1225

38 35 70 35 1225

39 70 70 0 0

40 45 70 25 625

N=40 Y1=2095 Y2=2765 Y=670 Y2=17850

The table showed the students’ reading scores of reading pre-test and post-test from the control group. From the table, the writer got ∑Y1 = 2095, ∑Y2 = 2765, ∑Y= 670, ∑Y2 = 17850. This result is to find out the mean gained of each group and the t-test.

B. Data Analysis

After making the table of the reading test score of the experiment group and the control group, the writer would like to analyze the data that is comparing the mean of gained score of each group.


Based on the alternative hypothesis that is mentioned in the chapter II, the writer used the hypothesis to conduct the data by using t-test. The process is as follow:

Firstly, the writer had to find the mean of gained score from the experiment group and the control group.

From the experiment group, the writer got: Mx = X

N = 930 40

= 23.25

The next step is to find out the mean gained score of control group: My = Y


= 670 40

= 16.75

From the calculation above, the writer got the mean gained score of each group that is 23.25 for the experiment group and 16.75 for the control group.

After the writer got the mean gained score of each group (experiment group and control group), she will find the deviation of each group, the calculation is as follow:

From the experiment group, the writer got: X = ∑(X)2 ∑X2


= 26100 – (930)2


= 21600 – 864900


= 26100 – 21622.5 = 4477.5

This score is showed the deviation of the experiment group. The next step is to find out the deviation of control group.

Y = ∑(Y)2 – ∑Y2 N = 17850 – (670)2


= 17850 – 448900


= 17850 – 11222.5 = 6627.5

After the writer found the deviation of gained score of each group, experiment group (4327.5) and control group (6627.5) she calculated the score to the formula of t-test, the formula that the writer used is from Arikunto. The formula is as follow:1

Mx – My t =

X2 + Y2 1 + 1 √ Nx + Ny - 2 Nx Ny


t = 23.25 – 16.75

4477.5 + 6627.5 1 + 1

√ 40 + 40 – 2 40 40

= 6.5

11105 2

78 40

= 6.5

22210 √ 3120

= 6.5

√ 7.1185897 = 6.5

2.67 = 2.434

Based on the calculation above, it is showed that the results of the t-test from the experiment group and the control group is 2.434.

After the writer got the results from the t-test, she should find the degree of freedom. It is used to find out the value of the test score in the t-table. To get the value of the t-test from the t-table, the writer used the value of the significant of 5 %. The procedure to get the degree of freedom is as follow:2


df = Nx + Ny - 2 = 40 + 40 – 2

= 78

After the writer got the results from the analysis data, she interpreted the results into the t-table. The criteria that is used to test the success of the hypothesis is based on Anas Sudijono:

1. If to > tt it means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. On the other hand, there is significant difference between the mean of the variable.

2. If to < tt it means that the alternative hypothesis is rejected and the null hypothesis is accepted. On the other hand, there is no significant difference between the mean of the variable. 3

C. Data Interpretation

According to the calculation above, the mean gained score of the experiment group is 23.25 it is showed the totality of the result of the gained score of the experiment group. Meanwhile, the mean gained score of the control group is 16.75. It means that the result of the gained score of the control group (16.75) is lower than the result of the experiment group (23.25). Therefore, the result of mean gained score of experiment group is higher than the result of the mean gained score of control group, it means that there is a significant difference between the mean gained score of each group.

After each of the mean gained scores was found, the writer calculated it into the t-test. From the calculation, it is showed that to is 2.434. The score is the value that is needed in testing the hypothesis with the t-table. It means that the value is higher or lower than the result of the t-table. Then, to


Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta:PT Raja Grafindo Press, 2009), p. 284


find the value of the t-table, the writer should find the degree of freedom (df). It is found that the df is 78.

In the t-table,based on the degree of significance of 5%, the df of 78 is between 70 and 80 it means that the value is taken from the closer with the df that is found by the writer. Meanwhile, it is obtained that t-tableof the df is 1.99, it means that the value is lower than the result of the t-test. Comparing the result of the t-testscore with the value of degree of significance, the writer got 2.434 > 1.99; it means that the t-test is higher than the t-table.

Since the t-test score obtained from the result of the calculating is bigger than the t-table score, means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Therefore, there is a significant difference in the reading achievement for students taught by group work and students taught without group work.

According to the explanation about the analysis of the result above, the writer can conclude that teaching reading by using group work technique is more effective than teaching reading without group work. It can be seen from the result above (t-test = 2.434 > t-table = 1.99), which showed the significant difference between the students’ reading score of each group (experiment group and control group).




In this chapter, the writer would like to give the conclusion and suggestions of this research.

A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis of this research, the result shows that the value of t-test is 2.434, from the df of 78, the writer got the value of t-table that is 1.99. It means that the result of t-test, which is based on the students’ reading score, is higher than the result of the t-table. It can be concluded that teaching reading by using group work was more effective than teaching reading without group work.

B. Suggestions

Based on this research, the writer would like to give some suggestion, they are:

1. At the beginning of the activity, teachers should give clear instruction about what students are going to do in their groups. It will make them feel enthusiastic and try to finish the task.

2. Teachers also should make sure that students have understood about the task in their groups.

3. Students need to be reminded that every member of the group have their own responsibility to do the task well.






























Cipta, 2006.

Badan Nasional Standar Pendidikan. Kurikulim 2004 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs, Jakarta: Depdiknas .2003.

Celce-Murcia, Marrianne, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, Boston:Heinle&Heinle, 2001.

David Allan, Edward, et al, Classroom Technique:Foreign Language and English as a Second Language, NewYork:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich inc, 1977.

DeBoer, J. John, The Teaching of Reading, New York:Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1968.

Dornyei, Zoltan and Tim Murphy, Group Dynamics in the Language Classroom, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Fraenkle, Jack R and Norman E. Wallen, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, New York:Mc Graw Hill, 2008.

Harmer , Jeremy, How to Teach English:An Introduction to the Practice of English Language Teaching, New York:Pearson Education, 1998.

Harmer , Jeremy, How to Teach English, Pearson:Longman, 2007.

Harmer , Jeremy, The Practice of English language Teaching, Cambridge: Longman, 2007.

Hubbard, Peter, et al, A Training Course for TEFLi, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1993.

Karlin, Robert, Teaching Elementary Reading; Principles and Strategies, 3rd ed, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich inc, 1980.


Oxford:Blakweel, 2001.

Muijs, Daniel and Reinold, David. Effective Teaching. London: Sage Publication. second edition 2006.

Nuttal, Christine, Teaching Reading Skill in a Foreign Language, Oxford:Heinemann, 1989.

Quandt, Ivan J, Teaching Reading:A Human Process, New York:Rand McNally College Publishing Company, 1977.

Rubin, Dorothy, A Practical Approach to Teaching Reading, New York: CBC College Publishing, 1982.

Scrivener, Jim, Learning Teaching, London:Mc Millan, 2005.

Silberstein, Sandra, Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1994.

Sudjiono, Anas, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Press, 2009.

Ur, Penny, A Course in Language Teaching:Practice and Theory, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Wireman, William and Stephen G. Jurs, Research methods in Education, New York:Pearson,



Sekolah : MTsN Parung

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII

Tema : Teenage Life

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x pertemuan

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar :

Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam essai pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative

Indikator :

Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks narrative

Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative Mengidentifikasi informasi rinci dalam teks narrative

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa dapat memahami makna kata dalam teks narrative

2. Siswa dapat menentukan langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks berbentuk narrative

3. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan teks narrative

II. Materi Ajar



Memberitahu siswa bahwa mereka akan membaca sebuah cerita berjudul “Snow White”

Menanyakan kepada siswa apakah mereka pernah mendengar atau membaca cerita tersebut

Membagi siswa dalam kelompok terdiri dari 4 orang

2. Kegiatan Inti

Setiap kelompok diberi teks narrative; Snow White yang telah dibagi menjadi 4 bagian

Setiap anggota kelompok mendapatkan satu bagian dari teks tsb. Setiap siswa tidak dianjurkan untuk saling menunjukan teks tsb.

Siswa bekerja sama untuk menyusun ringkasan dari teks menjadi susunan yang benar berdasarkan cerita.

Setelah menyusun ringkasan cerita, siswa menukar ringkasan cerita dengan kelompok lain.

3. Kegiatan Akhir

Memberitahu susunan ringkasan yang benar

Memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan cerita

Memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk mencari dan membaca teks yang berbentuk narrative

V. Alat/ Bahan/ Sumber Belajar

English short story Gambar yang relevan

VI. Penilaian

Teknik Penilaian : Tes tulis

Bentuk Penilaian : Menyusun ringkasan cerita sesuai dengan teks Instrument : Terlampir


Parung, 15 Maret 2010 Peneliti


White. Everyone was quite sure she would become very beautiful. Though her stepmother was a wicked woman, she too was very beautiful, and the magic mirror told her this every day, whenever she asked it.

The stepmother was furious and, wild with jealousy, began plotting to get rid of her rival. Calling one of her trusty servants, she bribed him with a rich reward to take Snow White into the forest, far away from the Castle. Then, unseen, he was to put her to death. The greedy servant, attracted to the reward, agreed to do this deed, and he led the innocent little girl away. However, when they came to the fatal spot, the man's courage failed him and, leaving Snow White sitting beside a tree, he mumbled an excuse and ran off. Snow White was all alone in the forest.

Night came, but the servant did not return. Snow White, alone in the dark forest, began to cry bitterly. She thought she could feel terrible eyes spying on her, and she heard strange sounds and rustlings that made her heart thump. At last, overcome by tiredness, she fell asleep curled under a tree.

In the forest, she walked along it. There stood a strange cottage, with a tiny door, tiny windows and a tiny chimney pot. Everything about the cottage was much tinier than it ought to be. Snow White pushed the door open.

"l wonder who lives here?" she said to herself, peeping round the kitchen. "What tiny plates! And spoons! There must be seven of them; the table's laid for seven people." Upstairs was a bedroom with seven neat little beds. Going back to the kitchen, Snow White had an idea.

"I'll make them something to eat. When they come home, they'll be glad to find a meal ready." Towards dusk, seven tiny men marched homewards singing. But when they opened the door, to their surprise they found a bowl of hot steaming soup on the table, and the whole house spick and span. Upstairs was Snow White, fast asleep on one of the beds. The chief dwarf prodded her gently.

"Who are you?" he asked. Snow White told them her sad story, and tears sprang to the dwarfs' eyes. Then one of them said, as he noisily blew his nose:

"Stay here with us!"

"Hooray! Hooray!" they cheered, dancing joyfully rounds the little girl. The dwarfs said to Snow White:

"You can live here and tend to the house while we're down the mine. Don't worry about your stepmother leaving you in the forest. We love you and we'll take care of you!" Snow White gratefully accepted their hospitality, and next morning the dwarfs set off for work. But they warned Snow White not to open the door to strangers.


"She must die! She must die!" she screamed. Disguising herself as an old peasant woman, she put a poisoned apple with the others in her basket. Then, taking the quickest way into the forest.

Snow White was in the kitchen when she heard the sound at the door: KNOCK! KNOCK!

"Who's there?" she called suspiciously, remembering the dwarfs’ advice. "I'm an old peasant woman selling apples," came the reply.

"I don't need any apples, thank you," she replied.

"But they are beautiful apples and ever so juicy!" said the velvety voice from outside the door.

"I'm not supposed to open the door to anyone," said the little girl, who was reluctant to disobey her friends.

“Good girl! If you promised not to open up to strangers, then of course you can't buy. You are a good girl indeed!" Then the old woman went on.

"And as a reward for being good, I'm going to make you a gift of one of my apples!" Without a further thought, Snow White opened the door just a tiny crack, to take the apple.

"There! Now isn't that a nice apple?" Snow White bit into the fruit, and as she did, fell to the ground in a faint: the effect of the terrible poison left her lifeless instantaneously.

Meanwhile, the dwarfs came out of the mine to find the sky had grown dark and stormy. Worried about Snow White they ran as quickly as they could down the mountain to the cottage.

There they found Snow White, lying still and lifeless, the poisoned apple by her side. They did their best to bring her around, but it was no use.

Then they laid her on a bed of rose petals, carried her into the forest and put her in a crystal coffin.

Then one evening, they discovered a strange young man admiring Snow White's lovely face through the glass. After listening to the story, the Prince (for he was a prince!) made a suggestion.

"If you allow me to take her to the Castle, I'll call in famous doctors to waken her from this peculiar sleep. She's so lovely . . . I'd love to kiss her . . . !" He did, and as though by magic, the Prince's kiss broke the spell. To everyone's astonishment, Snow White opened her eyes. She had amazingly come back to life! Now in love, the Prince asked Snow White to marry him, and the dwarfs reluctantly had to say good bye to Snow White.


friends with seven dwarfs.

The Queen turned into a witch. Snow White didn’t realize it. The witch gave her a poisoned apple. As a result, Snow White was put into a sleep for years.

Long time ago, in a great castle, there lived a very beautiful Princess, Snow White. The Queen was her stepmother. She was very jealous of her beauty, so she wanted her to die.

Fortunately, in the end, Prince Charming came and revived her with a kiss. They lived together happily ever after.



Kelas : VIII

Tema : Recreation

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x pertemuan

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar :

Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam essai pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative

Indikator :

Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks recount Mengidentifikasi informasi dalam teks recount

I. Tujuan Pembelajaran

a. Siswa dapat menentukan langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks berbentuk recount

b. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan teks recount

II. Materi Ajar

Teks/ Cerita berbentuk recount : My Holiday in Flores

III. Metode Pembelajaran

Group work

IV. Kegiatan Pembelajaran a. Kegiatan Awal



mencari pertanyaan yang telah disebar di ruang kelas Siswa menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks

c. Kegiatan Akhir

Memeriksa jawaban bersama-sama

Memotivasi siswa untuk dapat menceritakan atau menuliskan pengalaman mereka dalam diary atu lainnya

V. Alat/ Bahan/ Sumber Belajar

English short story Lembar pertanyaan Lem/ double tip

VI. Penilaian

Teknik Penilaian : Tes tulis Bentuk Penilaian : Isian Instrument : Terlampir

Rubrik Penilaian : Setiap jawaban yang benar diberi skor 5 kemudian dikali 2

Parung, 15 Maret 2010 Peneliti


I went to Flores last month. I went there to visit Australian Volunteer English teachers in Maureme, Ende and Bajawa. As a result, I also enjoyed the beauty of the island.

I started my first day in Maureme with Jo Keating. After visiting several schools in the city, we took an amazing journey over the moountains to the south coast. We visited a new junior high school there. Then, I traveled to Ende to meet Sharon Kidman. Ende has a great market with a lovely seletion of traditional woven ikat cloth, and great seafood.

My next trip was Detusoko. It is a mountain village. I went there with Ginny Edwards. Detusoko is not far from Mount Kelimutu. We woke up at 4 am to see the three different coloured lakes dawn. It was truly inspiring.

My final trip was to Bajawa. It is a small town high in the mountains. It was a very cold place. Yet my trip was fun and memorable. I would like to go bact to Flores one day.

1. When did the writer go on his first day? 2. With whom he stays in Maureme?

3. What did they do after they visited several school in the city? 4. Where did the writer go after visiting Ende?


Kelas : VIII

Tema : Teenage Life

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x pertemuan

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar :

Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam essai pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative

Indikator :

Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks narrative Mengidentifikasi informasi rinci dalam teks narrative

VII. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa dapat memahami makna kata dalam teks narrative

2. Siswa dapat menentukan pernyataan benar atau salah berdasarkan teks narrative

VIII.Materi Ajar

Teks/ Cerita berbentuk narrative : The Lion and The Shepherd

IX. Metode Pembelajaran

Group work

X. Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1. Kegiatan Awal


Setiap kelompok diberi teks : The Lion and The Shepherd

Siswa membaca teks tersebut dan menebak makna kata berdasarkan konteks cerita dalam teks .

Setiap siswa dalam kelompok bekerja sama untuk menentukan pernyataan yang benar atau salah berdasarkan teks

3. Kegiatan Akhir

Memeriksa jawaban bersama-sama

Meminta siswa untuk membaca teks yang berbentuk narrative

XI. Alat/ Bahan/ Sumber Belajar

English short story Gambar yang relevan

XII. Penilaian

Teknik Penilaian : Tes tulis

Bentuk Penilaian : Completation and True False Instrument : Terlampir

Rubrik Penilaian :

Skor Uraian

1 Jika makna kata benar dan jawaban benar 0 Jika makna kata salah dan jawaban salah

Parung, 15 Maret 2010 Peneliti


The Lion and The Shepherd

Once upon a time ago, there was a Lion in a forest. Suddenly, the Lion stepped on a thorn. Then, the Lion met a Shepherd. The Lion came to him and said, “I am begging you and needed your help.” The Shepherd examined him bravely. Finally, he discovered the thorn. He pulled it out with his hand. The Lion thanked the Shepherd. Then the Lion returned into the forest.

One day, the Shepherd was impriosoned on a false accusation. He was going to be the Lion’s prey for his crime. However, when the Lion was released from his cage, he recognized the Shepherd. The Shepherd was the man who healed him. The Lion did not attack the Shepherd. He came to the Shepherd and placed his foot on his knee.

The king was very surprised because the Lion did not attack the Shepherd. After he heard

the story, he released the Lion. He also let the Shepherd go.

No Words Meaning

1 Shepherd (n) Gembala

2 Thorn (n)

3 Discover (v)

4 Pull (v)

5 Imprisoned (adj)

6 Accusation (n)

Task 2 : Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Look at the example!

No. Statements T/F

1 The Lion did not need the Shepherd’s help when he stepped

a thorn




on the text • Identify the

vocabulary based on the text • Identify the

reference of the word based on the text

8, 15, 19



Reading Pre-Test

Read the question carefully and choose the best answer!

Text 1 3. How old was he when he died?

a. 26 years old c. 76 years old b. 42 years old d. 86 years old

For question number 1-5

Albert Einstein was the greatest man of science. He was born in 1879. When he was at school age, he started to study at school. In 1894, he left the school because of money. Then he got a job at the factory in Been. His job didn’t require much of his time, so he could write a scientific article. In 1903, he move to Berlin and worked on his famous theory relatively. After that, he published his writing in 1905. At the age of 42, he got a noble prize. Finally, he died in USA in 1955.

4. “After that, he published his writing in 1905.” The bold type word has the same meaning as _____

a. article c. letter b. certificate d. story

5. What is the purpose of the text? a. To describe something b. To entertain something c. To give argument d. To tell past event

Text 2

For question number 6-10

1. What is the suitable title of the text? a. Relatively theory c. A noble prize

b.Albert Einstein d. science

2. When did Albert Einstein get a noble prize?

a. in 1903 c. in 1921 b. in 1905 d. in 1955

Wednesday, April 18th 2005

Dear diary,

Last night I went to a restaurant with my family. It was my dad’s birthday. We ate a pizza and salad, and then ate some ice cream with chocolate topping. After dinner at the restaurant, we went home. We arrived home rather late. It was fun.


6. Where did Tina go last night? a. a restaurant c. her family b. a birthday party d. dad’s party

7. When was her father’s birthday? a. April 15th 2005 c. April 17th 2005

b. April 16th 2005 d. April 18th 2005

8. What does “I” in the letter refer to? a. Diary c. Reader

b. Writer d. Family

9. We arrived home rather late. The opposite of late is _____ a. early c. funny b. happy d. easy

10. What is the purpose of the text? a. To tell the past events b. To entertain something c. To describe something d. To give an argument

Text 3

For question number 11-15

Once, there were two tiny goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together with a brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes.

The goats thought that they could do everything on their own. However, the rope was short. They tried and tried, but they couldn’t reach it. They ate the leaves on the right. Then, they ate the leaves on the leaves. The goats were happy because they didn’t feel hungry anymore.

11. What did the goats want to eat? a. a brown rope c. green leaves b. brushes d. trees

12. Why were the goats sad? a. they were hungry b. the rope was short

c. they thought they could do everything

d. they couldn’t reach the bushes

13. What is the purpose of the text? a. To give argument

b. To describe something c. To entertain something d. To tell the past events

14. “The goats were happy because they didn’t feel hungry anymore.”

The antonym of the underlined word is _____

a. nice c. excited b. sad d. fun

Text 4

For question number 15-17

Our basketball matches will begin on Saturday, January 1. The events will run from 8.00-10.00 for the next four weeks. The final tournament will be held on February 7. for more

information, contact Rizka (021 12345678)

15. The text is kind of …

a. Invitation c. Letter

b. Announcement d. Greeting card

16. How long will the events run? a. One day c. One month b. One week d. One year

17. Our basketball matches will begin on Saturday, January 1.

The synonym of the underlined word is…


a. invite c. go b. start d. finish

18. When was Nick’s birthday? a. January 18th, 2002 b. January 19th, 2002 c. January 20th, 2002 d. January 21st, 2002

Text 5

For question number 18-20

Please be our guest As we celebrate Nick’s 40th Birthday

Sunday January 20th, 2002

Lottie’s Saloon 1053 Second Avenue R.S.V.P Regrets Only

Before January 15th 555.555.5555

19. What does “we” in the text refer to? a. Nick’s family

b. Nick’s birthday c. Nick’s partner d. Nick’s party

20. What is the purpose of the text? a. to invite someone

b. to describe someone c. to entertain someone d. to give argument


Reading post-test

Read the text carefully and choose the best answer!

Text 1

For question number 1-5

My family likes the sea very much. When we had a holiday last year, we went to a place at the seaside and borrowed a boat from one of our friends. Then we sailed and fished on the sea all day. We also had races against others boats.

When the sea was rough, we sailed on a small lake near the sea instead. We were very careful on this lake because there were a lot of sharp rocks there, and the water were shallow. We did not want to damage our friend’s boat.

There were not many fish in the lake, but in the sea we caught a lot with

a hook, line and small pieces of bread. The fish were not very big, but they tasted very good. When the weather was fine, we sailed to the land at lunch time, collected pieces of dry wood and fried or grilled our fish over them on the beach.

There is an island about a mile from our friend’s house, and we sailed to it. The water was very clean there, and there was a beautiful beach with white sand and no rocks. We bathed there. It was a lot of time.

1. When did the writer and his family go to the sea?

a. Yesterday c. Last month b. Last week d. Last year 2. Where did they go when the sea was


a. A lake c. The sea b. A River d. The beach 3. How did they feel?

a. Sad c. Bored b. Excited d. unsatisfied 4. We did not want to damage our

friend’s boat.The word “we” refer to…

a. Writer b. Reader

c. Writer and his family d. The family

5. What is the purpose of the text? a. To tell past events

b. To give argument c. To describe someone d. To entertain someone

Text 2

For question number 6-9

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

I was chosen by my teacher to join the Traditional Dance Festival. It was the first and biggest festival for me. At first, I did not feel confident. However, my teacher told me that I could do it. After that, I practiced dancing diligently.

Today, my parents took me to the festival. They did not want to miss it. Then, the time came for me to go on the stage. When performing, I was not as nervous as I thought. Finally, I did it. The result was better that I expected. I won and I was given the chance to go to Japan the following month. I was very happy.

6. When did Putri join the Traditional Dance Festival?

a. Wednesday, 29 July 2007 b. Wednesday, 30 July 2007 c. Wednesday, 29 August 2007 d. Wednesday, 30 August 2007 7. When will Putri go to Japan?

a. Next week c. Next year

b. Next month d. Next day

8. What kind of the text above?

a. Narrative c. Letter b. Descriptive d. Recount 9. What is the synonym of the word

“confident” in the first paragraph? a. Assured c. Diligent

b. Nervous d. Happy

Text 3

For question number 10-14

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. The girl walked through the woods to deliver food to her grandmother. A wolf wanted to eat her but he was afraid to do so in public. The wolf approached the girl. She naively told him where she was going. He advised the girl to pick up some flowers. She really did it. In the meantime, he went to the grandmother’s house and gained entry by pretending to be the girl. He ate the grandmother and waited for the girl. He disguised as the grandmother. When the girl arrived, he ate the girl too. However a hunter came to rescue and cut the wolf open. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother emerged unharmed. They filled the wolf’s body with heavy stones, which killed him.

10. What is the text about? a. Little Girl

b. Little Red Riding Hood

c. Little Girl and Her Grandmother d. Little Girl and The Wolf

11. Who came to rescue the girl and her grandmother?

a. A hunter

b. The girl’s grandmother c. The wolf


d. The Dwarfs

12. What does “her”, in the sentences 3 refer to?

a. The girl b. The wolf

c. The girl’s grandmother d. The hunter

13. What is the purpose of the text? a. To tell past events b. To give argument

c. To described someone d. To entertain someone 14. Who ate the girl and her grandmother?

a. The wolf c. The witch b. The hunter d. The dwarf

Text 4

For question number 15-17


For: students grade VII and VIII

The school holds a Story Telling Competition on 28 October at

the school hall.

For more information and registration, contact Laila at the

Student’s Association office 15. The announcement above is for

students of…

a. Grade VII and IX b. Grade VIII and IX c. Grade VIII

d. Grade VII and VIII

16. The Story Telling Competition is on …

a. 8 September c. 8 October b. 28 September d. 28 October 17. Who does the student contact for


a. Lyla c. Rully

b. Laila d. Robby

Text 5

For question number 18-20

Dear friends,

I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday party that will be held on Tuesday, June 10th, 2008 at 7 P.m. On Jl. Diponegoro 89 Yogyakarta.

Sincerely, Brendan

18. What is the text about? a. Loving friends

b. Celebrating my birthday c. Meeting friends on Jl.


d. Inviting friends to a birthday party

19. Who writes the invitation? a. Brendan

b. Brendan’s father c. Brendan’s mother d. Brendan’s friends 20. When will the party be held?

a. Thursday, June 09th, 2008 b. Thursday, June 10th, 2008 c. Tuesday, June 10th, 2008 d. Tuesday, June 11th, 2008


Answer key: Reading pre-test

1. B 11. C 2. C 12. D 3. C 13. C 4. A 14. B 5. D 15. B 6. A 16. C 7. D 17. B 8. B 18. C 9. A 19. A 10. A 20. A

Answer key: Reading post-test

1. D 11. A 2. A 12. A 3. B 13. D 4. C 14. A 5. A 15. D 6. C 16. D 7. B 17. B 8. D 18. D 9. A 19. A 10. B 20. C

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