Thanksgiving at Grandma

Thanksgiving at Grandma’s
By Tamar Gain-Cahn

“Grab your coat,” Mom yells as I put my shoes on. Today we’re going to Grandma’s
for Thanksgiving, we get to see the whole family and eat as much as we want.
When we arrive, I run right to Grandma for a big hug hello while my cousins
Eric, Adam and Jessica are already playing games in the living room. Finally, we
sit down to eat dinner; boy am I hungry!
Before we eat, Grandma makes us go around the table and say what we are
most thankful for in our lives. “I’m thankful for my new coat that keeps me
warm,” exclaims cousin Adam. Cousin Jessica says she is thankful for her friends
and her basketball team. I’m thankful for Grandma because she makes the best
turkey in the whole wide world. Grandma tells us she’s thankful for us, her
grandchildren, and the whole family, the people she loves most in the world,
coming together to share a meal and enjoy each other’s company. “We love
you, too, Grandma!” declare the enire family.

We are full of yummy food but sill have dessert to come. Uncle Rob made apple
and pumpkin pies from scratch. Apple pie is my favorite, but my cousin Jessica
loves pumpkin the most. Cousin Jessica and I decide to share a piece of each
pie. Ater dessert, we all play games in the living room. I am lucky enough to sit
next to Grandma. All that food makes me so ired that I end up falling asleep on
Grandma’s lap! Eventually all my cousins fall asleep, too.
I wake up to dad carrying me to the car to go home, but something sirs inside me
and rouses me from my sleepiness. “Daddy, I forgot to hug Grandma goodbye
and thank her for the delicious food she makes.” I run back inside and give her
the biggest hug and kiss. I feel her warm embrace and swell with graitude for
what I have. Today is a great Thanksgiving.
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