Drug Free Ways to Treat and Heal Insomnia

Drug-Free Ways to Treat and Heal Insomnia
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Insomnia is a very important problem because one-third of the population has symptoms of insom

Sleep Disorder,Sleep Disorders,sleep disorders,Sleep apnea,Insomnia,Narcolepsy,Restless Legs S

Article Body:
Insomnia is a very important problem because one-third of the population has symptoms of insom

You can heal insomnia naturally without resorting to sleeping pills by developing these simple
Basic Sleep Hygiene:

- Exercise at night.Insomnia is often caused by too much stress. Doing exercise at night makes

- Temperature reduction and optimisation. A slight lowering of body temperature which occurs a

- Read books not TV watches.Read books, magazines or anything that interests an insomniac inst

- Use organic cotton bedding. Permanent press bedding can give off low-grade chemical fumes wh

- Take a Warm Bath. It is a great way to relax your body. Do not overdo it, however. You merel

- Avoid napping. Napping can only make matters worse if you usually have problems falling asle
General diet:

- Avoid alcohol as a sleep help. Alcohol may initially help you fall asleep, but it also cause

- Do not drink coffee. As much as possible, a person with insomnia should avoid drinking coffe
- Drink Warm MilkA glass of warm milk 15 minutes before going to bed will soothe your nervous

- Drink Herb Tea If you do not like milk˙or are avoiding dairy products˙try a cup of hot camom

- The root solution for insomnia. There are root extracts that can engender a sleepy state. 30

- Do not smoke. Nicotine is a stimulant and can make it difficult to fall asleep andstay aslee
Relaxation techniques:

- Listen to Music. Play some soft, soothing music that will lull you to sleep. There are even

- Acupuncture. Acupuncture, which is a Chinese healing method, could help to heal insomnia. Th

- Make Sex - Alone or with Others Sexual activity directly before bed helps some people nod of

- Get a Massage Have your spouse (or whoever) give you a massage just before going to sleep. I

- Use Aromatherapy Aromatherapy involves the use of scents taken from certain medicinal plants

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