Wrox Beginning Linux Programming 3rd Edition Jan 2004 ISBN 0764544977 pdf

  Beginning Linux®Programming Third Edition

  Neil Matthew Richard Stones

  Beginning Linux®Programming Third Edition

  Neil Matthew Richard Stones

  ® Beginning Linux Programming Third Edition

  Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 Copyright © 2004 by Wiley Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

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About Neil Matthew

  Neil Matthew has been interested in and has programmed computers since 1974. A mathematics graduate from the University of Nottingham, Neil is just plain keen on programming languages and likes to explore new ways of solving computing problems. He’s written systems to program in BCPL, FP (Functional Programming), Lisp, Prolog, and a structured BASIC. He even wrote a 6502 microprocessor emulator to run BBC microcomputer programs on UNIX systems.

  In terms of UNIX experience, Neil has used almost every flavor since the late 1970s, including BSD UNIX, AT&T System V, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, many others, and of course Linux. Neil can claim to have been using Linux since August 1993 when he acquired a floppy disk distribution of Soft Landing (SLS) from Canada, with kernel version 0.99.11. He’s used Linux-based computers for hacking C, C++, Icon, Prolog, Tcl, and Java at home and at work. Most of Neil’s “home” projects were originally developed using SCO UNIX, but they’ve all ported to Linux with little or no trouble. He says Linux is much easier because it supports quite a lot of features from other systems, so that both BSD- and System V–targeted programs will generally compile with little or no change. As the head of software and principal engineer at Camtec Electronics in the 1980s, Neil programmed in C and C++ for real-time embedded systems. Since then he’s worked on software development tech- niques and quality assurance. After a spell as a consultant with Scientific Generics he is currently work- ing as a systems architect with Celesio AG. Neil is married to Christine and has two children, Alexandra and Adrian. He lives in a converted barn in Northamptonshire, England. His interests include solving puzzles by computer, music, science fiction, squash, mountain biking, and not doing it yourself.

About Rick Stones

  Rick started programming at school, more years ago than he cares to remember, on a 6502-powered BBC micro, which with the help of a few spare parts continued to function for the next 15 years. He graduated from Nottingham University with a degree in Electronic Engineering, but decided software was more fun. Over the years he has worked for a variety of companies, from the very small with just a dozen employ- ees, to the very large, including the IT services giant EDS. Along the way he has worked on a range of projects, from real-time communications to accounting systems, very large help desk systems, and more recently as the technical authority on a large EPoS and retail central systems program.

  A bit of a programming linguist, he has programmed in various assemblers, a rather neat proprietary telecommunications language called SL-1, some FORTRAN, Pascal, Perl, SQL, and smidgeons of Python and C++, as well as C. (Under duress he even admits that he was once reasonably proficient in Visual Basic, but tries not to advertise this aberration.) Rick lives in a village in Leicestershire, England, with his wife Ann, children Jennifer and Andrew, and two cats. Outside work his main interest is classical music, especially early religious music, and he even does his best to find time for some piano practice. He is currently trying to learn to speak German.


  Authors Neil Matthew Richard Stones Executive Editor Debra Williams Cauley Development Editor James H. Russell Production Editor Pamela Hanley Technical Editors Arthur Griffith Tobias DiPasquale Copy Editor Publication Services Senior Production Manager Fred Bernardi Editorial Manager Mary Beth Wakefield Vice President & Executive Group Publisher Richard Swadley

  Vice President and Executive Publisher Bob Ipsen Vice President and Publisher Joseph B. Wikert Executive Editorial Director Mary Bednarek Project Coordinators Regina Snyder April Farling Graphics and Production Specialists Steved Arany Beth Brooks Carrie Foster Lauren Goddard Kristin McMullan Janet Seib Quality Control Technicians Laura Albert Andy Hollandbeck Rob Springer Proofreading and Indexing TECHBOOKS Production Services

  Contents Foreword by Alan Cox xxxi Introduction xxxiii

  9 Static Libraries

  22 Pipes

  21 Redirecting Input

  21 Redirecting Output

  19 Pipes and Redirection

  18 What Is a Shell?

  18 A Bit of Philosophy

  17 Why Program with a Shell?

  15 Chapter 2: Shell Programming

  14 Summary

  13 Try It Out—Manual Pages and info

  12 Getting Help

  10 Shared Libraries

  10 Try It Out—Static Libraries

  8 Library Files

  1 An Introduction to UNIX, Linux, and GNU

  8 Header Files

  8 Applications

  7 Development System Roadmap

  6 Try It Out—Our First Linux C Program

  5 The C Compiler

  5 Linux Programs

  4 Programming Linux

  3 Linux Distributions

  3 The GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation

  2 What Is Linux?

  2 UNIX Philosophy

  1 A Brief History of UNIX

  1 What Is UNIX?

  23 Contents The Shell as a Programming Language

  23 Interactive Programs

  23 Creating a Script

  25 Making a Script Executable

  26 Shell Syntax

  27 Variables

  28 Quoting

  28 Try It Out—Variables

  29 Environment Variables

  29 Parameter Variables

  30 Try It Out—Parameter and Environment Variables

  31 Conditions

  32 The test, or [, Command

  32 Control Structures



  35 Try It Out—Using the if Command



  36 Try It Out—Doing Further Checks with an elif

  36 A Problem with Variables

  36 for

  37 Try It Out—for Loop with Fixed Strings

  38 Try It Out—for Loop with Wildcard Expansion



  39 Try It Out—Here We Go Again, Again


  until 41 case

  41 Try It Out—Case I: User Input

  42 Try It Out—Case II: Putting Patterns Together

  42 Try It Out—Case IIl: Executing Multiple Statements

  43 Lists

  44 Try It Out—AND Lists

  45 Try It Out—OR Lists

  46 Statement Blocks

  47 Functions

  47 Try It Out—A Simple Function

  47 Try It Out—Returning a Value

  49 Commands



  50 The : Command





  51 The . Command

  52 Try It Out—The Dot Command


  echo 53 eval 54 exec 54 exit n 55 export

  55 Try It Out—Exporting Variables


  expr 56 printf 57 return 58 set 58 shift 59 trap

  60 Try It Out—Trapping Signals



  62 Two More Useful Commands and Regular Expressions

  62 Try It Out—find with Tests

  64 Try It Out—Basic grep Usage

  66 Try It Out—Regular Expressions

  68 Command Execution

  69 Arithmetic Expansion

  70 Parameter Expansion

  70 Try It Out—Parameter Processing

  72 Here Documents

  73 Try It Out—Using Here Documents

  73 Try It Out—Another Use for a Here Document

  74 Debugging Scripts

  75 Going Graphical—The Dialog Utility

  76 Try It Out—Using the dialog Utility

  78 Try It Out

  79 Putting It All Together

  80 Requirements

  81 Design

  81 Try It Out—A CD Application

  83 Notes on the Application

  90 Summary

  90 Contents

  91 Linux File Structure

  92 Directories

  92 Files and Devices



  93 /dev/tty

  93 /dev/null

  94 System Calls and Device Drivers

  94 Library Functions

  95 Low-Level File Access

  96 write

  96 read 97 open

  98 Initial Permissions 100

  umask 100 close 101 ioctl 102

  Try It Out—A File Copy Program 102

  Other System Calls for Managing Files 104

  lseek 104 fstat, stat, and lstat 104 dup and dup2 106

  The Standard I/O Library 107 fopen

  108 fread 108 fwrite 109 fclose 109 fflush 109 fseek 110 fgetc, getc, and getchar 110 fputc, putc, and putchar 110 fgets and gets 111

  Formatted Input and Output 111 printf, fprintf, and sprintf

  112 scanf, fscanf, and sscanf 114 Other Stream Functions 116

  Try It Out—Another File Copy Program 116

  Stream Errors 117 Streams and File Descriptors 118

  File and Directory Maintenance 118 chmod

  118 chown 119 x

  Contents unlink, link, and symlink

  139 getopt_long

  Host Information 158

  Try It Out—User Information 156

  User Information 155

  Try It Out—tmpnam and tmpfile 154

  Temporary Files 153

  Try It Out—time 146 Try It Out—gmtime 148 Try It Out—ctime 150 Try It Out—strftime and strptime 152

  Time and Date 146

  Try It Out—environ 145

  144 The environ Variable 145

  143 Use of Environment Variables

  142 Try It Out—getenv and putenv

  140 Environment Variables

  138 Try It Out—getopt

  119 mkdir and rmdir 119 chdir and getcwd 120

  137 getopt

  135 Try It Out—Program Arguments

  135 Program Arguments

  Summary 134

  Try It Out—Using mmap 132

  130 mmap 131

  The /proc File System 126 Advanced Topics: fcntl and mmap 130 fcntl

  125 perror 126

  125 strerror

  Try It Out—A Directory-Scanning Program 122 Errors

  121 readdir 121 telldir 122 seekdir 122 closedir 122

  Scanning Directories 120 opendir

  Try It Out—Host Information 159 xii Contents

  Logging 160

  Characters 185

  Virtual Consoles 202 Pseudo Terminals 204

  Try It Out—Your Very Own kbhit 200

  Detecting Keystrokes 200

  Try It Out—Total Terminal Control 198

  Terminal Type 191 Identify Your Terminal Type 192 Using terminfo Capabilities 195

  Terminal Output 191

  Try It Out—A Password Program with termios 189 Try It Out—Reading Each Character 190

  Terminal Speed 187 Additional Functions 188

  Setting Terminal Modes from the Command Prompt 187

  Accessing Terminal Modes from the Shell 186

  The TIME and MIN Values 185

  Input Modes 181 Output Modes 182 Control Modes 183 Local Modes 183 Special Control Characters 184

  Try It Out—syslog 162 Try It Out—logmask 163

  The termios Structure 180

  Overview 178 Hardware Model 179

  176 The Terminal Driver and the General Terminal Interface 178

  176 Try It Out—Using /dev/tty

  Try It Out—Checking for Output Redirection 175 Talking to the Terminal

  Handling Redirected Output 174

  Canonical versus Non-Canonical Modes 173

  Try It Out—Menu Routines in C 172

  171 Reading from and Writing to the Terminal 171

  Summary 169

  Try It Out—Resource Limits 167

  Resources and Limits 164

  Summary 204


  226 Color

  Simple Memory Allocation 250

  Managing Memory 249

  Chapter 7: Data Management 249

  Summary 247

  235 Try It Out—The Menu 236 Try It Out—Database File Manipulation 238 Try It Out—Querying the CD Database 243

  233 Try It Out—A New CD Collection Application 233 Try It Out—Looking at main

  231 The CD Collection Application

  230 Try It Out—Using a Pad

  230 Pads

  229 Redefining Colors

  227 Try It Out—-Colors

  225 Try It Out—Using the Keypad


Chapter 6: Managing Text-Based Screens with curses 205

Compiling with curses 206 Concepts 207

  223 The Keypad

  Subwindows 223 Try It Out—Subwindows

  Optimizing Screen Refreshes 222

  Try It Out—Multiple Windows 219

  217 Generalized Functions 218 Moving and Updating a Window 218

  Windows 217 The WINDOW Structure

  Try It Out—Keyboard Modes and Input 216

  215 Keyboard Input 215

  214 Keyboard Modes

  Try It Out—Moving, Inserting, and Attributes 212 The Keyboard

  Initialization and Termination 210 Output to the Screen 210 Reading from the Screen 211 Clearing the Screen 211 Moving the Cursor 212 Character Attributes 212

  Try It Out—A Simple curses Program 208

  Try It Out—Simple Memory Allocation 250 Contents Allocating Lots of Memory

  251 Try It Out—Asking for All Physical Memory 251 Try It Out—Available Memory

  252 Abusing Memory

  254 Try It Out—Abuse Your Memory

  254 The Null Pointer

  255 Try It Out—Accessing a Null Pointer

  255 Freeing Memory

  256 Try It Out—Freeing Memory

  257 Other Memory Allocation Functions

  257 File Locking

  258 Creating Lock Files

  258 Try It Out—Creating a Lock File

  259 Try It Out—Cooperative Lock Files 260

  Locking Regions 262

  The F_GETLK Command 263

  The F_SETLK Command 264

  The F_SETLKW Command 264

  Use of read and write with Locking 264

  Try It Out—Locking a File with fcntl 265 Try It Out—Testing Locks on a File 267

  Competing Locks 270

  Try It Out—Competing Locks 270

  Other Lock Commands 273 Deadlocks 273

  Databases 274 The dbm Database


  Introduction to dbm 274

  Getting dbm 275

  Troubleshooting and Reinstalling dbm 275

  The dbm Routines 276 dbm Access Functions 277

  dbm_open 277 dbm_store 277 dbm_fetch 277 dbm_close 278

  Try It Out—A Simple dbm Database 278

  Additional dbm Functions 280

  dbm_delete 281 dbm_error 281



  dbm_clearerr 281 dbm_firstkey and dbm_nextkey 281

  Try It Out—Retrieving and Deleting 281

  The CD Application 282

  Updating the Design 283 The CD Database Application Using dbm 283

  Try It Out—cd_data.h 284 Try It Out—app_ui.c 285 Try It Out—cd_access.c 295

  Summary 302

  303 Installation 304

  Precompiled Packages 304 Post-Install Configuration 306 Post-Installation Troubleshooting 310

  MySQL Administration 310

  Commands 310

  myisamchk 311 mysql 311 mysqladmin 312 mysqlbug 313 mysqlimport 314 mysqlshow 314

  Creating Users and Giving Them Permissions 314

  grant 314 revoke 316

  Passwords 316 Creating a Database 317 Data Types 318

  Boolean 318

  Character 318

  Number 318

  Temporal 319

  Creating a Table 319 Graphical Tools 322

  Accessing MySQL Data from C 325

  Connection Routines 326 Error Handling 330 xvi Contents

  Executing SQL Statements 331

  The Syntax of Makefiles 366 Options and Parameters to make 367

  The rcs Command 380

  RCS 380

  Source Code Control 379

  Try It Out—gcc -MM 379

  Advanced Topic: Makefiles and Subdirectories 378 GNU make and gcc 378

  Try It Out—Managing a Library 376

  Built-in Rules 374 Suffix and Pattern Rules 375 Managing Libraries with make 376

  Try It Out—Multiple Targets 372

  Multiple Targets 372

  Try It Out—A Makefile with Macros 370

  Comments in a Makefile 370 Macros in a Makefile 370

  Try It Out—A Simple Makefile 368

  Rules 368

  Dependencies 367

  365 The make Command and Makefiles 366

  SQL Statements That Return No Data 331

  365 Problems of Multiple Source Files

  Summary 363

  Implementing the Interface 355

  Test Application Interface 354

  Interface Definition 353

  Accessing the Application Data from C 353

  Try It Out 352

  Creating the Tables 348 Adding Some Data 350

  The CD Database Application 347

  Miscellaneous Functions 346

  Processing Returned Data 340

  Statements That Return Data 336

  Try It Out 334 Try It Out 335

  Discovering What You Inserted 334

  The ci Command 381


  Gathering the Software 401

  Controlled Execution 424

  Debugging without Recompiling 424

  Try It Out—Debug Information 423

  A Program with Bugs 418 Code Inspection 421 Instrumentation 422

  417 General Debugging Techniques 418

  417 Types of Errors

  Summary 415

  410 C-Forge 411 KDevelop 412 Other Environments 414

  Other Package Formats 410 Development Environments 410 xwpe

  Building an RPM Package with rpmbuild 407

  Creating an RPM Spec File 403

  The co Command 381

  The rlog Command 382

  RPM Packages 399

  The patch Program 395 Other Distribution Utilities 397

  Writing a Manual Page 391 Distributing Software 395

  gCVS 390 BitKeeper 391

  Accessing CVS over a Network 390

  Using CVS Locally 387

  SCCS 386 Comparing RCS and SCCS 386 CVS 386

  Try It Out—ident 385

  The ident Command 385

  Try It Out—GNU make with RCS 385

  Identifying Revisions 383

  The rcsdiff Command 383

  Working with RPM Package Files 400 Installing RPM Packages 400 Building RPM Packages 401 xviii Contents

  Debugging with gdb 425

  445 Process Structure 446

  Zombie Processes 460

  Try It Out—wait 458

  Waiting for a Process 458

  Try It Out—fork 457

  Duplicating a Process Image 455

  Try It Out—execlp 454

  Replacing a Process Image 453

  Try It Out—system 452

  Starting New Processes 451

  The Process Table 447 Viewing Processes 447 System Processes 449 Process Scheduling 450

  445 What Is a Process?

  Starting gdb 425 Running a Program 426 Stack Trace 427 Examining Variables 427 Listing the Program 428 Setting Breakpoints 429 Patching with the Debugger 432 Learning More about gdb 433

  442 Summary 444

  442 Try It Out—valgrind

  441 valgrind

  441 Try It Out—ElectricFence

  440 ElectricFence

  439 Memory Debugging

  Assertions 439 Try It Out—assert

  Execution Profiling with prof/gprof 438

  ctags 436 cxref 436 cflow 437

  Lint: Removing the Fluff from Your Programs 434 Function Call Tools 436

  More Debugging Tools 434

  Try It Out—Zombies 460

  Contents Input and Output Redirection

  462 Try It Out—Redirection

  462 Threads

  463 Signals

  463 Try It Out—Signal Handling

  465 Sending Signals

  467 Try It Out—An Alarm Clock


  A Robust Signals Interface 470

  Try It Out—sigaction 470

  Signal Sets 471

  sigaction Flags 473

  Common Signal Reference 474

  Summary 476

  Chapter 12: POSIX Threads 477

  What Is a Thread? 477

  Advantages and Drawbacks of Threads 478

  A First Threads Program 479

  Try It Out—A Simple Threaded Program 481

  Simultaneous Execution 483

  Try It Out—Simultaneous Execution of Two Threads 483 Synchronization 485

  Synchronization with Semaphores 485

  Try It Out—A Thread Semaphore 486

  Synchronization with Mutexes 490

  Try It Out—A Thread Mutex 490

  Thread Attributes 494

  Try It Out—Setting the Detached State Attribute 495

  Thread Attributes—Scheduling 497

  Try It Out—Scheduling 497

  Canceling a Thread 498

  Try It Out—Canceling a Thread 499

  Threads in Abundance 501

  Try It Out—Many Threads 501

  Summary 504


Chapter 13: Inter-Process Communication: Pipes 505

What Is a Pipe? 505 Process Pipes 506

  popen 506 pclose 507

  Try It Out—Reading Output from an External Program 507 Contents Sending Output to popen

  508 Try It Out—Sending Output to an External Program 508

  Passing More Data 509

  Try It Out—Reading Larger Amounts of Data from a Pipe 509 How popen Is Implemented

  510 Try It Out—popen Starts a Shell

  510 The Pipe Call

  511 Try It Out—The pipe Function

  512 Try It Out—Pipes across a fork 513

  Parent and Child Processes 514

  Try It Out—Pipes and exec 515

  Reading Closed Pipes 516 Pipes Used as Standard Input and Output 517

  File Descriptor Manipulation by close and dup 517

  Try It Out—Pipes and dup 518

  Named Pipes: FIFOs 520

  Try It Out—Creating a Named Pipe 521

  Accessing a FIFO 522

  Try It Out—Accessing a FIFO File 522

  Opening a FIFO with open 523

  Try It Out—Opening FIFO Files 524

  O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY with No O_NONBLOCK 525 O_RDONLY with O_NONBLOCK and O_WRONLY 526 Reading and Writing FIFOs


  Try It Out—Inter-Process Communication with FIFOs 527 Advanced Topic: Client/Server Using FIFOs 529

  Try It Out—An Example Client/Server Application 530 The CD Database Application

  533 Aims

  534 Implementation 534 Try It Out—The Header File, cliserv.h

  536 Client Interface Functions

  538 Try It Out—The Client’s Interpreter


  Searching the Database 542

  Try It Out—Searching 543

  The Server Interface 544

  Try It Out—server.c 544

  The Pipe 548

  Try It Out—Pipes Implementation Header 549

  Server-Side Functions 549

  Try It Out—Server Functions 549 Try It Out—Plumbing the Pipes 551 xx


  Message Queues 573 msgget

  What Is a Socket? 588 Socket Connections 588

  Chapter 15: Sockets 587

  Summary 585

  Semaphores 583 Shared Memory 584 Message Queues 584

  IPC Status Commands 583

  Try It Out—Revising the Server Functions 580 Try It Out—Revising the Client Functions 581

  The CD Database Application 579

  Try It Out—Message Queues 576

  574 msgsnd 574 msgrcv 575 msgctl 576

  Try It Out—Shared Memory 570

  Client-Side Functions 552

  568 shmat 568 shmdt 569 shmctl 569

  Shared Memory 566 shmget

  Try It Out—Semaphores 563

  Using Semaphores 563

  semget 561 semop 561 semctl 562


Chapter 14: Semaphores, Shared Memory, and Message Queues 557

Semaphores 557 Semaphore Definition 558 A Theoretical Example 559 Linux Semaphore Facilities 560

  Summary 555

  Application Summary 554

  Try It Out—Client Functions 552 Try It Out—Getting Server Results 553

  Try It Out—A Simple Local Client 588 Try It Out—A Simple Local Server 590 xxii Contents

  Socket Attributes 592

  613 Try It Out—select

  Introducing GTK+ 626

  X Protocol 624 Xlib 624 Toolkits 625 Window Managers 625 Other Ways to GUI—Platform-Independent Windowing APIs 625

  X Client 624

  X Server 624


  Datagrams 619 Summary 622

  616 Try It Out—An Improved Multiple Client/Server 616

  614 Multiple Clients

  Try It Out—A Server for Multiple Clients 610 select

  Socket Domains 592

  Multiple Clients 610

  The Internet Daemon (inetd) 608 Socket Options 609

  Try It Out—Network Information 604 Try It Out—Connecting to a Standard Service 606

  Network Information 602

  Host and Network Byte Ordering 601

  Try It Out—Network Client 599 Try It Out—Network Server 600

  Creating a Socket 594 Socket Addresses 595 Naming a Socket 596 Creating a Socket Queue 596 Accepting Connections 597 Requesting Connections 597 Closing a Socket 598 Socket Communications 598

  Socket Protocols 594

  Socket Types 593

  GLib Type System 626 GTK+ Object System 627

  Contents Introducing GNOME

  Try It Out—GtkCheckButton, GtkToggleButton, and GtkRadioButton 646 GtkTreeView

  677 Installing Qt 678

  Summary 675

  Try It Out—cdapp_gnome.h 664 Try It Out—interface.c 665 Try It Out—callbacks.c 669 Try It Out—main.c 673

  CD Database Application 663

  GtkDialog 658 Modal Dialog Box 660 Nonmodal Dialogs 661 GtkMessageDialog 662

  Dialogs 658

  655 Try It Out—Menus with GNOME Macros 657

  653 Try It Out—GNOME Menus

  653 GNOME Menus

  652 Try It Out—A GNOME Window

  650 GNOME Widgets

  648 Try It Out—GtkTreeView

  GtkRadioButton 645

  628 Installing the GNOME/GTK+ Development Libraries 629 Try it Out—A Plain GtkWindow

  GtkCheckButton 645

  GtkToggleButton 645


  644 GtkButton

  643 Try It Out—GtkSpinButton

  Try It Out—Username and Password Entry 640 GtkSpinButton

  638 GtkEntry 639

  638 GtkWindow

  636 GTK+ Widgets

  635 Try It Out—Widget Container Layout

  633 Packing Box Widgets

  632 Try It Out—A Callback Function

  631 Events, Signals, and Callbacks

  Try It Out—QMainWindow 680 Contents Signals and Slots

  681 Try It Out—Signals and Slots

  683 Try It Out—Using QBoxLayout Classes 686

  Qt Widgets 688

  QLineEdit 688

  Try It Out—QLineEdit 689

  Qt Buttons 691

  QButton—The Button Base Class 691

  QPushButton 692

  QCheckBox 692

  QRadioButton 693

  Try It Out—QButtons 694

  QComboBox 695

  Try It Out—QComboBox 697

  QListView 699

  Try It Out—QListView 700

  Dialogs 701

  QDialog 702

  Modal Dialogs 702

  Nonmodal Dialogs 703

  Semimodal Dialog 703

  QMessageBox 704 QInputDialog 705 Using qmake to Simplify Writing Makefiles 707

  Menus and Toolbars 708

  Try It Out—A KDE Application with Menus and Toolbars 709

CD Database Application Using KDE/Qt 711

  Try It Out—MainWindow 712 Try It Out—AddCdDialog 715 Try It Out—LogonDialog 717 Try It Out—main.cpp 719

  Summary 720

  721 Writing Device Drivers

  721 Devices 722

  Device Classes 723 User and Kernel Space 724

  What Goes Where? 725

  Building Modules 725

  Data Types 727

  Try It Out—A Kernel Module 727 xxiv

  Contents Character Devices

  729 File Operations

  730 A Sample Driver: schar


  The MSG Macro 733

  Registering the Device 734

  Module Usage Count 735

  Open and Release 735

  Reading the Device 736

  The current Task 737

  Wait Queues 738

  Writing to the Device 739

  Nonblocking Reads 740

  Seeking 741 ioctl 741

  Checking User Rights 744 poll 744

  Try It Out—Reading and Writing to schar 745 Try It Out—ioctl 746

  Module Parameters 747

  Try It Out—modinfo 747

  proc File System Interface 748

  How schar Behaves 750

  Time and Jiffies 750

  Small Delays 752 Timers 752

  Try It Out—The Timer Implementation in schar 754 Giving Up the Processor

  755 Task Queues 756 The Predefined Task Queues 756

  Memory Management 758

  Virtual Memory Areas 759 Address Space 759 Types of Memory Locations 760 Getting Memory in Device Drivers 761

  kmalloc 762 vmalloc 762

  Transferring Data between User and Kernel Space 763 Moving More Data 764 Simple Memory Mapping 765 I/O Memory 766 Assignment of Devices in Iomap 768 I/O Memory mmap 768

  Try It Out—The Iomap Module 769 xxvi Contents

  I/O Ports 771

  Media Change 785 ioctl for Block Devices 785 The request Function 786 The Buffer Cache 788

  800 The GNU Compiler Collection 801

  800 A Brief History Lesson

  799 The C Programming Language

  Anatomy of the Kernel Source 796 Summary 797

  795 Endianess 795 Alignment 796

  Portability 795 Data Types

  Oops Tracing 790 Debugging Modules 792 The Magic Key 793 Kernel Debugger—kdb 793 Remote Debugging 794 General Notes on Debugging 794

  Going Further 790

  Try It Out—radimo 789

  Registering a Block Device 784

  Interrupt Handling 772

  Size Issues 783


  Block Devices 781 radimo—A Simple RAM Disk Module

  Automated Locking 781

  Reader and Writer Locks 780

  Basic Spin Locks 780

  The IRQ Handler 775 Bottom Halves 776 Re-entrancy 777 Disabling Single Interrupts 778 Atomicity 779 Protecting Critical Sections 780

  Getting an Appropriate IRQ 774

  Allocating an Interrupt 773

Debugging 790

  Contents gcc Options


  Compiler Options for Standards Tracking 802

  Define Options for Standard Tracking 802

  Compiler Options for Warnings 802

  Interfaces and the LSB 803

  LSB Standard Libraries 804

  A Brief History Lesson 804

  Using the LSB Standard for Libraries 805

  LSB Users and Groups 805 LSB System Initialization 805

  The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 807

  /bin 808 /boot 808 /dev 808 /etc 809 /home 809 /lib 809 /mnt 809 /opt 809 /root 809 /sbin 809 /tmp 809 /usr 810 /var 810

  Further Reading about Standards 810 Summary 810

  Index 811

Authors’ Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the many people who helped to make this book possible

  Neil would like to thank his wife, Christine, for her understanding; and his children, Alex and Adrian, for not complaining too loudly at Dad spending so long in The Den writing. Rick would like to thank his wife, Ann, and our children, Jennifer and Andrew, for their very considerable patience during the evenings and weekends while Dad was yet again “doing book work.” As for the publishing team, we’d both like to thank the folks at Wiley who helped us get this third edi- tion off the ground, especially Debra Williams Cauley for acquiring and administering all the talented individuals who worked on this book; James H. Russell for ensuring consistency, proper organization, presentation, and other duties; and Arthur Griffith and Tobias DiPasquale for their outstanding technical edits. Thanks also to Andrew Froggatt for his fantastic work on Chapters 16 and 17, to Clark Morgan and W. Kevin Pedigo for their input on Chapters 8 and 18, respectively, and to Pamela Hanley for her astute care in stewarding this book through Wiley’s production processes. We can say that this is a better book than it would have been without the efforts of all of you. We would also like to thank our employers, Scientific Generics, Mobicom, and Celesio, for their support during the production of all three editions of this book. Finally, we would like to pay homage to two important motivators who have helped make this book possible. Firstly, Richard Stallman for the excellent GNU tools and the idea of a free software environ- ment, which is now a reality with GNU/Linux, and secondly, Linus Torvalds for starting and continuing to inspire the co-operative development that gives us the ever-improving Linux kernel.

Foreword by Alan Cox

  Every computer programmer has his own piles of notes and scribbles. They have their code examples saved from the past heroic dive into the manuals or from Usenet, where sometimes even fools fear to fol- low. (The other body of opinion is that fools all get free Usenet access and use it nonstop.) It is therefore perhaps strange that so few books follow such a style. In the online world there are a lot of short, to-the- point documents about specific areas of programming and administration. The Linux documentation project released a whole pile of documents covering everything from installing Linux and Windows on the same machine to wiring your coffee machine to Linux. Seriously. Take a look at The Linux Documentation Project on http://www.tldp.org.

  The book world, on the other hand, seems to consist mostly of either learned tomes, detailed and very complete works that you don’t have time to read, or books for complete beginners that you buy for friends as a joke. There are very few books that try to cover the basics of a lot of useful areas. This book is one of them, a compendium of those programmers’ notes and scribbles, deciphered (try reading a pro- grammer’s handwriting), edited, and brought together coherently as a book. This updated third edition of Beginning Linux Programming has been reviewed and updated to reflect today’s Linux developments, including a chapter on programming with the Qt toolkit, the basis of the KDE GUI.

  Chapter 18 is your chance to join the world of kernel programmers. As you will discover, it isn’t actually that different from writing modules for large application programs. Put on your pointy hat, grow a beard, drink Jolt Cola, and come join in the fun.




  Welcome to Beginning Linux Programming, 3rd Edition, an easy-to-use guide to developing programs for the Linux and other UNIX-style operating systems. In this book we aim to give you an introduction to a wide variety of topics important to you as a developer using Linux. The word beginning in the title refers more to the content than to your skill level. We’ve structured the book to help you learn more about what Linux has to offer, however much experience you have already. Linux programming is a large field and we aim to cover enough about a wide range of topics to give you a good “beginning” in each subject.

  Who’s This Book For?

  If you’re a programmer who wishes to get up to speed with the facilities that Linux (or UNIX) offers software developers, to maximize your programming time and your application’s use of the Linux system, you’ve picked up the right book. Clear explanations and a tried and tested step-by- step approach will help you progress rapidly and pick up all the key techniques.

  We assume you have some experience in C and/or C++ programming, perhaps in Windows or some other system, but we try to keep the book’s examples simple so that you don’t need to be an expert C coder to follow this book. Where direct comparisons exist between Linux programming and C/C++ programming, these are indicated in the text.


Watch out if you’re totally new to Linux. This isn’t a book on installing or configur-

ing Linux. If you want to learn more about administering a Linux system, you may

wish to look at some complementary books such as Running Linux, 4th Edition, by

Matt Welsh, Matthias Kalle Dalheimer, Terry Dawson, and Lar Kaufman (O’Reilly,


ISBN 0596002726) or Linux System Administration: A User’s Guide, by Marcel Gagné

(Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0201719347).

  As it aims to be a tutorial guide to the various tools and sets of functions/libraries available to you on most Linux systems as well as a handy reference you can return to, this book is unique in its straightforward approach, comprehensive coverage, and extensive examples. Introduction

What’s Covered in the Book

  The book has a number of aims: ❑ To teach the use of the standard Linux C libraries and other facilities as specified by the various Linux and UNIX standards.

  ❑ To show how to make the most of the standard Linux development tools. ❑ To give a concise introduction to data storage under Linux using both the DBM and MySQL database systems.

  ❑ To show how to build graphical user interfaces for the X Window System. We will use both the GTK (the basis of the GNOME environment) and Qt (the basis of the KDE environment) libraries. ❑ Having given you firm grounding, we’ll progress to real-world applications that you want to program.