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Probability and statistical inference Sales Rank: #1677579 in Books Published on: 2006 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: .0" h x .0" w x .0" l, 2.16 pounds

  Binding: Paperback Most helpful customer reviews 60 of 64 people found the following review helpful.

  Not as Good as the 6th Edition! By Patrick Goetz I am currently teaching statistics (using a different textbook) and have been using the 6th edition of Hogg/Tanis as a reference. In my opinion, this is a pretty good text for someone who A) already has some idea of what statistics is all about and B) has a thorough understanding of calculus, which Hogg/Tanis make liberal use of. For someone who likes and understands calculus, this is a much better introductory text than those that studiously avoid any mention of higher level mathematics. I give the 6th edition a 5-star rating based on the sections I've looked at so far.

  With that said, I'm sorry to report that the 7th edition is not as good as the 6th. The authors have re-organized the material "for better logical organization", but in the process have lost some pedagogical clarity. For example, the relatively important student's t distribution has been relegated to an obscure example buried in a new chapter on the normal distribution, and the formerly excellent explanation of how this is derived is gone.

  And speaking of "The Normal Distribution" chapter, do I really want all things normal relegated to a separate

  Finally, why on earth do authors think that randomly adding color to a textbook and widening the pages to allow for giant margins on every page makes a text more readable/useful when in fact just the opposite is the case? The wide margins add nothing and make the book both heavier and more unwieldy, and the blue section headings and graphs give it the feel of a junior high school algebra text. The compact elegance of the 6th edition stands in stark contrast to the large and comparatively garish 7th edition. This revision has all the feel of something that was driven strictly by textbook marketing concerns and has nothing to do with either pedagogy or an interest in producing a excellent statistics book.

  My advice? If you're looking for something for self-study or reference, get the 6th edition instead. It's better, and you can get a used copy on Amazon for next to nothing, since the lemmings have all switched to using the 7th edition and there are a lot of unwanted copies of the 6th floating around. The nonsense of constantly producing new (and often inferior) editions of textbooks just so that publishers can make more money needs to be nipped in the bud.

  8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. a (yawn) mechanical approach to mathematics By A Customer I studied the first 8 chapters of this book instead of attending the undergraduate lecture. This was a mistake.

  Tanis & Hoggs present probability and statistics, an otherwise interesting topic, in the most mechanical way imaginable. There is no reference (that I can recall) to any underlying mathematical ideas or questions, nor to the problems which originially prompted Poisson, Bernoulli, Gauss, etc. to inquire about the nature of "randomness" in physical events. The authors seem to suppose that their examples demonstrate such things by proxy. This book may make a decent reference for advanced students, but should not be used to teach those seeing prob & stat for the first time... that is, unless, you want it to also be their last. 9 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Illogic organization and non-intuitive explanation By A Customer i'm not sure whether it's useful as a reference, but it's far from being a good textbook. obviously the authors didn't care to explain anything clearly. all they wanted was to write down all the relevant formulas to finish their book. no intuition is given at all. it's a pain to read and i would recommend both instructors and students NOT to use this book. See all 42 customer reviews...




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  This letter could not influence you to be smarter, yet the book Probability And Statistical Inference By Hogg


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