Potential Analysis Minimazing Solid Waste Appearance From Patient Ward At The Hospital : A Literature Study.

Irna Kurniawati1,2, Dr. Ardini S. Raksanagara1,3, Sri Yusnita1,3

Magister Study Program Public Health Science, Medical School, Padjadjaran University, Bandung. 2RSUP Dr.
Hasan Sadikin Bandung. 3Public Health Science Department, Medical School, Padjadjaran University, Bandung


Hospital waste is one of source of pollution, and when it is not managed suitable with

Minister of Public Health regulation



about the condition of

Environment Health at the hospital can cause appearance of disease and reduction of environment

quality. The waste of hospital generally consists of three groups namely waste, liquid waste, and gas
waste, can be discriminated to become solid waste medical and solid waste non medical.

Health profile expressed that solid waste that produced from hospital in Indonesia in

everyday , estimated about 474 ton consists of 414,49 ton non medical solid waste and 125,21 ton
medical solid waste. In West Java approximately 84,58 ton per day consists of medical solid waste

19,62 and non medical solid waste 64,96 ton. Bandung city produced waste 10,16 ton per day

consists of medical solid waste 2,36 ton and non medical solid waste 7,8 ton. The result of research
at one of hospital in Jakarta, showed that the everage 32,6143 kg non medical solid waste and

8,786 % the medical solid waste was not managed , because it was collected by a few Cleaning
Service to sell.

Management of hospital waste ,has been arranged in Minister of Public Health Decision no

1204/Menkes/SK/X/2044 about the condition of health environment, but in reality we still find

many hospitals are not managing the solid waste suitable with the regulation , the first efforts of the
implementation of waste management that must be done, is preventive efforts, namely decreasing
danger of waste volume that is produced to the environment covering the efforts to decrease waste
from the source, and the benefit of waste.

The waste minimizing program is one of management implementation that can be choosen.

The waste minimizing program for hospital is one of a new thing that has an aim to decrease a

number of waste and waste processing that still has economic value. This article intends to know
the potential of minimizing solid waste appearance from patient ward at the hospital. This article is

a literature study. The result of this study showed that minimizing waste, has potential to reduce

waste 45% from production quantity. The opportunity to minimizing waste from management
aspect is 80%, so that minimizing good reduction waste to the source or the benefit of waste has big
potential to do.

Key Words : Minimizing potential, patient ward at the hospital, solid waste appear