EVALUASI PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH PADAT MELALUI ANALISIS SWOT (Studi Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Di Kabupaten Jember) An Evaluation on Management of Solid Waste, Based on the Results of SWOT analysis ( A Study on the Management of Solid Waste at Jember Regency)

( Studi Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Di Kabupaten Jember)
An Evalua tion on Ma na gement of Solid Waste, Based on the Results of SWOT
a na lysis ( A Study on the Mana gement of Solid Waste at Jember Regency)

Rahayu Sr i Pujiati * , Putri Kur nia Sari * *
Abstra ct
This r esear ch specifically addr essed t he issue of t he mechanism of solid
wast e management at Jember r egency. Thi s was a chase st udy t ype by
kuali t at ve appr oach. An analysi s on t he r esults of solid wast e input pr ocess-out put eval uat ion r evealed fact or s influencing t he pr ocess of
solid wast e management as par t of a st r at egic i ssue t o be addr essed by
t he DPU Cipta Kar ya da n Tata Ruang. Analysis Str engt h, Weakness,
Oppor t uni t y, and Thr eat h (SWOT) act ivit y, a dr aft for an effor t was
chosen, fr om t hose pr oject ed, t o ser ve as a r efer ence for t he r esolut i on
of fut ur e as w ell as cur r ent issues. Resear ch r esults r eveal ed DPU Cipta
Ka r ya dan Tata Rua ng oper at ions t o be impr oving, as shown by t he
i ncr ease in number of ser vice pr ovided. Solid wast e pr oduced by each
and ever y war d is cat egor ized i nt o or ganic solid wast e and anor ganic
solid wast e. The wast e management involves shor t ing-out , st ockpiling,
t r anspor t i ng, and dissolving pr ocesses. Di scr epancies bet ween t he
application of t hi s sol id waste management pr ocess and t he set

st andar d oper at ing pr ocedur e is evident. Issues ar i si ng in t he
application of wast e management pr ocesses ar e st r engt h on
compost ing at Kr eyongan and Talangsar i ; weakness show wit h t he less
of wast e collecting infr astr uct ur e and dump t r uck same t he t ype of
wast e ; oppor t unit y and t hr eat h show by t he suppor t of st akeholder s on
compost ing and incr easing t he volume of solid wast e. It is
r ecommended t o t he hospi t al management t o car e mor e wit h t he
pr ocess management of solid wast e by i ncr easing awear ness and
number of ser vice pr ovided.

Key wor ds : solid waste, SWOT analysis

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Rahayu Sr i Pujiati adalah Dosen Bagian Kesehat an Lingkungan dan Kesehat an

Keselamat an Ker j a Fakult as Kesehat an Masyar akat Univer sit as Jember
Put r i Kur nia Sar i adalah Al umni Fakult as Kesehat an Masyar akat Uni ver sit as