Tuber and Toppings Stall A Business Plan.


Tujuan penulisan Business Plan ini adalah sebagai prasyarat untuk
menyelesaikan masa perkuliahan saya di Fakultas Sastra Universitas
Kristen Maranatha, program English for Business Professionals.
Perkembangan ekonomi di seluruh dunia berkembang kian pesat.
Demikian halnya di Indonesia, hal ini dapat kita lihat dengan
bermunculannya jenis usaha yang semakin inovatif dalam memenuhi
permintaan konsumen.
Salah satu bidang yang berkembang cukup pesat di Indonesia adalah
bisnis kuliner. Kesempatan meraih pasar di bidang kuliner ini cukup
menjanjikan. Melihat kesempatan ini, saya memutuskan untuk membuat
business plan untuk pembukaan sebuah usaha di bidang makanan.
Tuber and Toppings adalah sebuah usaha yang menyediakan makanan
ringan. Tempat ini berlokasi daerah Tamansari, Bandung.
Dalam proses penulisan business plan ini, saya melakukan
pengumpulan data

dan obeservasi pada bidang usaha sejenis. Dalam

business plan ini saya memaparkan perencanaan beserta langkahlangkah yang dilakukan untuk membuka usaha ini.

Maranatha Christian University

Tuber and Toppings is a food stall located in Jalan Tamansari no 90.
This business is concentrating in snack products that use basic food
material which are potato, cassava, and sweet potato. Those basic food
material will go through some process before the frying process. As the
final process, the snack will be given the toppings such as cheese,
mayonnaise, and brown sugar.
This business is affordable and profitable. For this business the capital
requirements is around 20 million rupiah and the payback period is 1 year
9 months and 28 days.

Maranatha Christian University


This final project is submitted to the S1 English Department at
Maranatha Christian University to fulfill the final assessment in English

Business Professionals Programme.
I would like to give my deepest gratitude to the Almighty King, Jesus
Christ for the never ending strength, guidance and blessings that never
end. I would also like to express my gratitude to:
1. English for Business Professional Programme lecturers for sharing the
knowledge and experience in business field also The English Programme
2. Mr. Surya Setyawan and Mrs. Henni for their guidance, helping hands
and patience during the writing of this business plan.
3. My father Ocky Ackman, my mother Rosa.P.Ackman, my sister Anggia
and Rejoz Faasookhi, Aan Prabowo for unconditional love, prayers,
support, and patience.
4. Citra and A Gery, “Mansion Troops” Tina, Arni, Nancy, Ayu, Opink, Uu,
Sandy Siregar, and Pampam.

Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………… ii
PREFACE ……………………………………………………………… iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………. iv
CHAPTER I BACKGROUND…………………………………………1

Marketing Mix
II.1.1 Product
II.1.2 Place
II.1.3 Price
II.1.4 Promotion


Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning
II.2.1 Segmenting

II.2.2 Targeting
II.2.3 Positioning

III.1 Making the Products
III.2 Business
III.3 Layout

Maranatha Christian University

IV.1 Job Specification
IV.2 Job Description
IV.3 Organizational Structure
CHAPTER V FINANCE …………………………………………………... 18

Financial Budget
V.1.1 Capital Requirements

V.1.2 Operational Budget


Cash Flow
V.2.1 Cash Inflow
V.2.2 Cash Outflow


Payback Period

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………. 27

Maranatha Christian University


Many kinds of snack are available in the market, from sweet to salty with

various type of processes, ways of serving and prices. Other choices of
snacks are snacks made from tuber, which are potato, sweet potato, and
cassava, which are processed being fried. The unique point of this fried
product is in its spicy taste and crispy skin served with delicious toppings.
I intend to make a business concentrating at snack products. Inspired by
home snacks recipes, the main product is fried snacks which are made from
potato, sweet potato, and cassava mixed with exotic spices served with
cheese topping or mayonnaise topping.
Tuber and Toppings is located in Jalan Tamansari no 90. The reason of
naming this business Tuber and Toppings, because it represents the main
basic food material (potato, sweet potato, and cassava) and toppings
represent the garnish for the main product.


Maranatha Christian University

This business is favorable because there are only few competitors which
use the same basic food material and through different cooking
process, for instance K Potats in Istana Plaza and Ubi bakar Cilembu. All of

them have different cooking process from Tuber and Toppings.
Opening a business is definitely takes a lot of risks, thus it is very
important to identify the situation. In this part, I am using SWOT (Strength,
Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis to identify both possible
situation, either positive and negative situation. The strength of this business
is in the main product, which is made from unique recipes, the venue that is
easy to access or strategic. It is close to ITB, of which students become
potential customers and other universities UNPAD, UNIKOM, STIKOM and
UNPAR, also high schools around Dago area. The weakness is there are
competitors that are already established eventhough they offer different
products. The opportunity is that none of the existing business has the same
product as Tuber and Topping. The threat is the up coming competitor, who
offers the same product, and competitor outlets around Tuber and Topping
location as mentioned in the previous paragraph.
The unique selling preposition of this business is the product basic food
material which are from potato, cassava, and sweet potato and will go
through some processes and be fried as the final process to produce fried
potato, fried sweet potato, and fried cassava with crispy skin served with
choices of toppings such as cheese topping, mayonnaise topping, and brown
sugar topping.


Maranatha Christian University

This business is worth doing because we can find the basic food material
easily and the cooking process is simple.
The financial budget is reasonable, that is about Rp 20.000.000,00 and
the business will get the payback period also in reasonable term that is 1
year 9 months and 28 days.


Maranatha Christian University


Kotler, P and Kevin, Marketing Management 12th edition.

New Jersey: Pearson,2007

Kotler, Philip. Principals of Marketing European edition. 2002

cash, July 2008, from

cash, July 2008, from


Maranatha Christian University