My Sweet Healthy Dessert and Beverages : A Business Plan.

“My Sweet” adalah sebuah usaha di bidang makanan penutup
(desserts) dengan menggunakan ubi sebagai bahan dasar. Makanan
penutup (desserts) yang saya tawarkan menggunakan ubi, karena ubi
merupakan salah satu bahan makanan yang menyehatkan dan ubi ini
adalah salah satu bahan makanan yang berasal dari Indonesia, sehingga
tidak diragukan lagi produk yang dihasilkan akan dapat diterima dan
sesuai dengan selera konsumen Indonesia.
Usaha ini dipilih oleh saya agar produk yang ditawarkan dapat
menjangkau konsumen Indonesia yang peduli akan kesehatan, dan hanya
sedikit usaha yang menawarkan makanan sehat. Oleh karena itu, usaha
ini dapat menjadi salah satu peluang yang sangat besar bagi para investor
untuk memperoleh keuntungan. Oleh karena itu, business plan ini disusun
untuk memberikan penjelasan kepada calon investor tentang konsep
usaha “My Sweet”.
Usaha ini membutuhkan enam orang karyawan. Karyawan yang
dibutuhkan adalah juru masak, pramusaji dan staf produksi. Usaha ini
akan dibuka di Paskal Hypersquare di Jalan Pasir Kaliki 25-27. Hyper
Square adalah pusat usaha yang terdapat di tengah kota. Lokasinya
sangat strategis karena sering dikunjungi oleh pengunjung dari dalam
maupun luar kota Bandung dan juga banyak kendaraan yang melintasi

daerah tersebut, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha ini sangat
Untuk memulai usaha ini, tidak dibutuhkan dana atau modal yang
sangat besar. Dana yang diperlukan 44.113.000 IDR. Melihat peluang dan
kualitas yang dimiliki oleh “My Sweet”, saya yakin usaha ini dapat maju
dan berkembang di masa yang akan datang.


Maranatha Christian University

”My Sweet” is the name of my stand and product and is also healthy
desserts and beverages, which use sweet potatoes as the basic ingredient
for the variety of the products. My business will open at PasirKaliki
HyperSquare. This place is one of the strategic business locations in
This business is different from other businesses because nobody
had ever tried to use sweet potatoes as the main ingredients for desserts
and beverages. This business can also satisfy the customers who love

and care about their health. Besides, ”My Sweet” uses small investment
which is 44,113,000 IDR, but offers large profit in first year is 86,990,660
”My Sweet” offers various menus, such as toast bread, steam
bread, ubi-ring O, sweet potato cake, sweet sago, sweet juice, and sweet
fruit soup. The products do not use chemical substances for coloring and
have natural sweet taste. Moreover, the products contain some vitamins
for our body, such as vitamins A, E, B6, and C.
I am sure this business can be successful, profitable and the
product is unique. Also, the customers’ need and want can be fulfilled.


Maranatha Christian University


TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................... i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ................................................. ii
FRONT COVER OF THE BUSINESS ..............................................iii

APPROVAL PAGE .......................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................... v
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................... vi
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................vii
CHAPTER 1. THE BACKGROUND ................................................. 1
CHAPTER 2. MARKETING ASPECT............................................... 5
CHAPTER 3. OPERATIONAL ASPECT ........................................ 10
CHAPTER 4. HUMAN RESOURCES ASPECT ............................. 14
CHAPTER 5. FINANCIAL ASPECT ............................................... 17
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5

Maranatha Christian University



1.1 Introduction
Every person needs food to make them survive in life. Therefore,
food becomes the basic need for human beings. Because of this reason, I
plan to open food business which provides desserts and beverages, and
the main ingredient is sweet potatoes as a secondary food. This business
is unique which means that few food competitors have ever tried to make
this product. Besides that, the product is healthy.
I use “My Sweet” as the brand for my business and also for the
company’s name. The word “sweet” refers to “sweet potatoes” as the basic
ingredient and also to all the sweet taste of the desserts which are from
sweet potatoes. The vision of my business is the new products can be
accepted by the customers in Indonesia as healthy food and beverages
and become a specialty of Bandung. The mission of my business are, first,
using attractive promotion to announce this new healthy desserts and
beverages; second, trying to look for new menus from natural ingredients
that can support health; third, developing service quality, and fourth,


Maranatha Christian University

setting competitive price. The slogan is: “Keep Sweet, Keep Healthy”. I will
open this business at Pasir Kaliki Hyper Square and for the initial
investment I use owner’s equity. Therefore, no loan is needed to open the
“My sweet” healthy desserts and beverages have several unique
selling propositions. First, all the products use sweet potatoes as the basic
ingredient. Sweet potatoes are chosen because they can fulfill the
customers’ need of vitamins, such as: betakaroten which creates vitamin A
in our body, vitamin E, fosfor, kalium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Second,
no chemical substances are used to color the products because chemical
substances in coloring can cause headache, stomachache, and cancer
(“Cyberforums”). The basic colors such as white, purple, orange, and
yellow are from sweet potatoes.
Because of the advantages in sweet potatoes, my business has
strengths to challenge with the similar other businesses. “Strength is one
thing to find attractive opportunities and another to be able to take
advantage” (Kotler 51). The strength of a business can be an opportunity

and a good advantage to support the business to become better. This
business has marketing strengths. First, the main ingredient is sweet
potatoes which have never been used in food recipes. Sweet potatoes are
healthy ingredients, because they provide vitamins which are useful for our
health. Second, this business is different because this business is new in
Bandung. Although, it can compete with other food businesses in the


Maranatha Christian University

market. Third, this business has a financial strength because it does not
depend on a loan.
With the strengths that I have, my business has an opportunity to
satisfy customer’s healthy need. According to Kotler, “A marketing
opportunity is an area of buyer need and interest which there is a high
probability that a company can profitably satisfy that need the customer
want” (50). My company has the opportunity because nowadays many
people want to keep themselves healthy and they prefer healthy food. My
business provides healthy foods and beverages. I use sweet potatoes as

the main ingredient of the products because nobody have ever used this
ingredients in food businesses.
Beside strengths, a business may have weaknesses. “Weakness is
a lack of or the difficulties of developing brand or image of the company to
grow” (Kotler 61). My company also has some weaknesses. First, the
business is still new; therefore, there will be difficulties of introducing the
brand awareness into the market. Second, it is a little difficult to get one of
the fresh raw ingredients, which is purple sweet potatoes which only grow
in few places in Indonesia. Third, the owner has minimum organization
and leadership skills. Fourth, this business has minimum market share and
coverage (area).
With the weaknesses that I have, my business also has a threat.
“Threat is behavior that emphasizes one's aggressive potential and
intimidation of a potential enemy” (“Threat”). My company also has some
threats. The first threat is the competitor. My competitor is: ”HoneyMoon

Maranatha Christian University

Dessert” or “Hui Lau Shan” at Istana Plaza and Ciwalk. It is a branch from

HoneyMoon Dessert in HongKong. It provides Chinese style desserts and
beverages like tortoise jelly and Chinese herbal tea. The next threat is my
new products can be duplicated easily by anyone. The last threat is the
customers’ buying power decreases because of the global economic


Maranatha Christian University

Printed Source
Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management. 11th ed.New Jersey:
Prentice Hal.Inc., 2006
Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller. Marketing Management. 12th ed.
New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, 2006
Scott,Jr, Martin, Petty, and Keown. Basic Financial Management.
New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, 1999

Electronic Source

Handi Irawan. “Karakter dan Perilaku khas Konsumen Indonesia”. 29 Mei
2007. 15 January 2009

“Human Resources”. The free encylopedia-wikipedia. 10 january 2009

“Manfaat dan Khasiat Ubi”. 8 january 2009

“Market-Segment”. The free encylopedia-wikipedia. 10 january 2009

“Targeting”. 8 january 2009
“ Threats”. The free encylopedia-wikipedia. 10 january 2009

Maranatha Christian University