Kisi-Kisi Soal Ujian Nasional UNBK SMP 2017 Bahasa Inggris

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Bahasa Inggris SMPMTs


Rabu, 11 Mei 2016 (07 .30 - 09 .30)




oden Sander N0$ienel Pendidi.en



Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris


: Rabu, 11 Mei 2016
: 07.30 - 09.30

I I I I I l lll ll l l l lll Ill I Ill�

Bahasa lnggris SMPITs

1. Periksalah Naskah Soal yang Anda terima sebelum mengejakan soal yang meliputi:
a. Kelengkapan jumlah halaman beserta urutannya.
b. Kelengkapan nomor soal beserta urutannya.
c. Kesesuaian Nama Mata Uji dan Program Studi yang tertera pada kanan atas
Naskah Soal dengan Lembar Jawaban Ujian Nasional (LJUN).
d. LJUN yang masih menyatu dengan naskah soal
2. Laporkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal, nomor soal
yang tidak lengkap atau tidak urut, serta LJUN yang rusak, robek atau terlipat untuk
memperoleh gantinya.
3. Tulislah Nama dan Nomor Peserta Ujian Anda pada kolom yang disediakan di
halaman pertama soal ujian.
4. Gunakan pensil 2B untuc mengisi LJUN dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a. Tuliskan Nama Anda pada kotak yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di
bawahnya sesuai dengan huruf di atasnya.
b. Tuliskan Nomor Peserta dan Tanggal Labir pada kolom yang disediakan, lalu

hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya sesuai huruf/angka di atasnya
c. Tuliskan Nma Sekolah, Tanggal Ujian, dan bubuhkan Tanda Tangan Anda
pada kotak yang disediakan.
d. Salinlah kalimat berikut pada tenpat yang disediakan dalam LJUN: "Saya
mengejakan ujian dengan jujur"
5. Jika terjadi kesalahan dalam mengisi bulatan, hapus sebersih mungkin dengan karet
penghapus kemudian hitamkan bulatan yang menurut Anda benar.
6. Pisahkan LJUN dari Naskah Soal secara hati-hati dengan cara menyobek pada
tempat yang telah ditentukan.
7. Waktu yang tersedia untuc mengejakan Naskah Soal adalah 120 menit.
8. Naskh terdiri dari 50 butir soal yang masing-masing dengan 4 (empat) pilihan
9. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung
10. Periksalah pekejan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian.
11. Lembar soal boleh dicorat-coret, sedangkan LJUN tidak boleh dicorat-coret.


Berdoalah sebelum mengejakan soal.

Kejakan dengan jujur, karena kejujuran adalah cermin kepribadian.

P-F-: J5-Ol6

0Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pcndidikan-BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUD


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Bahasa lnggris SPMTs

The ollowin text is or uestions 1 to 3.
To students of SMP Bintang Kejora,
To celebrate school nniversary, we will hold a ceremony on Wednesday,
23 March nd a choir comeition right ater the ceremony.
Each class may send one team consisting of 15 students or the competition.
Three ng teams will be awded cash prize and trophies.
For more info, meet Ms. Andini

Princi al

According to the text, 23 March is commemorted as
A. Choir Day anniversary
B. the school's principal bithday
C. the school anniversary
D. Ms. Andini's special day


To whom should we meet to get the detailed information?
A. The principal.
B. Ms. Andini.
C. The ng team.
D. The students of SMP Bintang Kejora.


"Three-ng teams will be awarded cash prize and trophies"

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. given
B. asked
C. covered
D. delivered


ek Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUD

The foUowin: text is or questions 4 and S.
From =
Subject = Re-visit plan
Hi Rendy,

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Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs

I'm happy that you are coming next week.
By the way, you wrote ETA in your last email. I'm wondering what you mean.
Could you explain it, please?
I'll pick you up at the airport. Just give me details of your flight.

Wht is the conclussion tken rom the text?
A. Tyas does not open Rendy' s email.
B. Rendy has iven the details of his flight.
C. He explains about 'ETA' in his email.
D. She will meet with Rendy at the airport.


How does Tyas feel to know that Rendy is coming?

A. Sad.
B. Weak.
C. Joyul.
D. Curious.
The olowin: text is for auestions 6 and 7.
This is a short message rom Janet to Hanifh:
Sorry I can't go window shoppi!g with you. We
can go next time also ith Nadia. I have to visit
my aunt with mv mother.


Who will accompany Janet to her aunt's house?
A. Hnifh.
B. Janet's mother.
C. Nadia.
D. Haniah's mother.


The underlined phrase in "Sorry I cn't go window shopping..." is closest in meaning
to ....
A. looking at goods in shops without buying
B. looking or a window for your house
C. buying some windows rom a shop
D. looking at your house's windows

0Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-EMDIBUD


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Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs

The ollowin2: text is or questions 8 and 9.
In the heart of downtown


Grand Hotel
"Where Comort Begins"

Facilities :
Fully air conditioned
Spacious car park
Theatres and shopping cenres within a walking distance
No charge or children under 5
Family rate (conditions apply)
Convention hall
Traditional, Chinese and Westen restarants
Airline ticketing oices


Jl. Jam Gadang 100-101, Padang, West Swnatera

Visitors will possibly choose KONYO Grand Hotel because ....
A. it gives them airline ticket discount
B. it is the only hotel down town
C. it is promoted on the Intenet
D. it ofers good acilities


What is the conclusion taken rom the advertisement?
A. there is a minimarket at the hotel
B. prents with small children should pay more
C. we can hold a wedding· party at IKONYO Hotel
D. certain ood are available in the restaurnts
The ollowin text is or uestions 10 to 12.

To all students of rade VIII. There will be' a school holiday for
two weeks. Please do a project of descriptive text in writing. It
should be about any animal around your house. You can
describe your own pet or your neighbour's. Don't orget to put
the animal's photo in ·your writing. You have to submit it on the
irst day of the second semester.
Mr. Hasan
10. What is the announcement about?
A. Semester holiday.
B. Neighbour's pet.
C. Writing project.
D. Pictur, e description.


0 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikn-BL1TBNG-KEMD1KBUD

\t should the student do during their holiday?
A. Doing project of descriptive text.
B. Describing the irst day of semester.
C. Being away rom school.
D. Taking pictures of a pet.

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Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

"You have to submit it on the first day ...."
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Bring.
B. Collect.
C. Tce.
D. Send.


The ollowine: text is or Questions 13 and 14.
Friends and family
Join. us to celebrate

ase1's t1 .ttiltj !
Saturday, 21 May 2016
5:00 p.m.
123 Main Street Perth


RSVP to Lisa at 123-456-7891

When will Casey's birthday be held?
A. At night.
B. In the evening.
C. · In the mong.
D. In the atenoon.


What cn we conclude rom the invitation?
A. The invitation is written by Lisa.
B. For conirmation, we can contact Lisa.
C. Charlotte and Lisa are Casey's cousins.
D. Lisa is the owner of the house at 123 main sreet Perth.

0Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-EMDIKBUD



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Bahasa lnggris SMPMTs·

The followin! text is for ouestions 15 and 16.
: Mr. Winield
: Andrew
Phone Numer : +6242897640
he monhly meeting is postponed due to the technical reason.
Futher inormation will be conveyed soon.
Call . when you are back.


15. Who delivered the message to Mr. Winield?
A. ndrew.
B. Mr. Winfield.
C. Andrew's secretary.
D. The secretary of Mr. Winield.

From the text we know that Mr. Winield will call Andrew back to ... of the meeting.
A. ask the place
B. ix the date
C. ask information about
D. clariy the posponement
The followin text is or uestions 17 to 19.
Last weekend I and my classmates went to the counryside to have a picnic.
Beore leaving, we made some sandwiches or lunch. We let quite erly to avoid the
raic jam.
ter driving or two hours, we arrived at a very nice place. It was ner a river
with some big rees around it. The driver parked the car under the ree. Seeing the clear
and cool water of the river, my riends and I decided to swim. Ater having lunch
together, we went arond he area to enjoy the scenery. We saw some beautiul birds and
Ater walking or about an hour, we decided to ren to the car and go home.
Unfornately, we could not start up the car. Finally ater sometime, we could make the
car start u b ushin it. We were ha
althou we felt a bit tired when we ot home.

17. What is the main idea of the second pararaph?
A. The writer made sandwiches or lunch.
B. The iter did some un activities during their picnic.
C. Ater dping some activ_ities, the writer went home by car.
'D. Last weekend the'writer prepared to have a picnic in the counryside.
18. Why did the writer and his iends decide to swim in the river?
A. They elt hot ater having lunch.
B. They elt tired ater having a walk.
C. The water was cool and cler.
D. It was a tiring day.



Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidi.BLITBNG-KEMDIKBUD


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Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs

19. Bcause of the rouble they had at the end of their picnic, they probably ....
A. got home a bit late
B. decided to swim again
C. had to spend the night there
D. decided not to have a picnic again

The ollowin text is or uestions 20 to 23.
A cactus (plural: cacti) is any member of the plant family Cactaceae, native to
the Americas. They are oten used as onamental plants, but some re also crop plants.
Cacti are grown or protection of property rom wild animals, as well as many other
Cacti re unusual and distinctive plants, which are adapted to extremely hot
environments, showing a wide rnge of natomical and physiological eatures which
conserve water.
Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Mny cactus species are night
blooming, as they are pollinated by nocnal insects or small animals, printipillv moths
id bats. Cacti range in size rom small and globulr to tall and columnar

20. Cacti can adapt to hot environments because their anatomical nd physiological eatures ....
A. are unusual
B. are extreme
C. conserve water
D. have large sizes
21. What does the third praraph tell us about?
A. The usage of cacti.
B. The habitat of cacti.
C. The advantages of cacti.
D. The characteristics of cacti.
22. The underlined word in "Many cactus species re night blooming, as ..." is closest in
mening to ....
A. performing
B. flowering
C. incre�ing
D. creating
23. A cactus

can be easily ound in ront of many houses because it is oten used as /n ...

0Hk Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-EMDIKBUD


I IIIIIII Il llllll lll �Ill �Ill l l l lll l l

Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs

The followin text is or uestions 24 to 27.
How to. Save a Wet Cell Phone

1) Take the phone out of the water as soon as possible.
2) Ater removing the phone rom water, quickly gather some paper towels or sot
cloths to lay the phone on while you remove the battery.
3 Remove all other accessories such as memory cards, and protective covers.
4) Dry your phone with sot cloths or a towel.
5) Place the phone in a bowl of uncooked rice oveight. The rice can absorb
remaining moisture rom the phone.

6) Plug it into its charger. It is still does no!,_work, take your cell phone to an
authoized dealer.
24. How is the wet cell phone dried?
A. By using sot cloths or a towel.
B. By plugging into its chrger.
C. By removing memory cards.
D. By removing the battery.

What do we do ater we lay the phone on paper towels or sot cloths?
A. Place the phone in a bowl of uncooked rice oveight.
B. Remove all other accessories and protective cards.
C. Rub it with a cloth or a towel.
D. Plug it into its charger.

26. "Plug t into its charger."
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The bowl.
B. The card.
C. The phone.
D. The substance.
27. The underlined word in " ... quickly gather some paper towels or sot cloths ... " is closest
in meaning to ....
A. downy
B. rough
C. thick
'D. gentle


He Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BLITB�G-KEMDIKBUD


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Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs

The followin text is for uestions 28 to 30.
The Crow and The Oyster
A hungry crnw saw an oyster on the beach Oije day. He wanted to eat the tasty
meat inside the shell, 'so he tried to open the oyster.
First, he used his beak, but he could not open the shell. Then, he hit it with a stone,
but the shell stayed tightly shut. He even jumped up and down on the oyster, but still he
could not open�
Another crow came by. He saw what the first crow was trying to do and said, "My
riend, nafI ofer you some good advice? I suggest that you pick up the oyster in your
beak, fl high into the air, and then drop the oyster 1to the wile c95k b�Jow. Th� oyster
_ 1
shell will break open and you will be able to have your mea . "
:he hungry crow thought that it was a very good idea. He picked up the oyster
with his beak, nd then he flew as high as he could. When he was sure that he was high
.enough, he dropped the oyster onto a wide rock ar below.
The oyster shell broke wide open. However, the other crow was waiting nearby,
and he reached the broken oyster first. He enjoyed a tasty meal, while the hungry crow
had nothing to eat.


How did the other crow trick the hunry crow?
A. By giving a suggestion to drop the oyster onto the rock.
B. By telling that he was so hungry and needed some ood.
C. By saying that he had a nice and srong beak.
D. By picking up the oyster with his beak.


Where did the crow drop the oyster?
A. Onto the sand.
B. Near the water.
C. Near the beach.
D. Onto a wide rock.


What is the moral value of the story?
A. Do not ly high on the sky.
B. It is not easy to ool anybody.
C. Always rust people who ofer help.
D. Do not be ooled by people who ofer help.


0Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BLITBANG-EMDIBUD



I I I I I Il llllll l l l lll �11 1 1� 1 1 111

Bahasa lnggris SMPMTs

The followin text or uestions 31 to 34.
The black widow spider is an extremely poisonous spider of North and South
America. Only the female one is dangerous. The bite of the male is generally harmless.
lthough it is reatly eared, it is not aggressive and generally bites only to defend
This kind of spider has long legs and smooth, black bodies. The female spider is
about twice as big as the male. It has a round, shiny, black abdomen, with a distinctive
mark shaped like an hourglass on the underside. The male spider is oly about half as
the long as females and has more slender body. It has our pairs of red dots along the
sides of the abdomen. It is rarely seen and is harmless.
Black widow spiders primarily eat insects that hey trap in their webs. They kill
their prey by biting and then inserting their veno�, Birds and other animals len not to
eat the spider by identiying hourglass mark on their body. The venom makes the animal
sick but usually does not kill them.


What does the text mostly tell u� about?
. A,_ The black widow·spid�(s enemy.
B. The habitat of black widow spiders.
C. The black widow spider in general.
D. The dnger of black widow spiders.


What happens when an nimal eats a black widow spider?
A. The animal will soon die bcause of the venom.
B. The nimal will get sick because of the venom.
C. The spider shows hourglass mark on its body.
D. The animal will become more agressive.


What is the main ood of the black widow spider?
A. Fish.

B. Birds.

C. Insects.
D. Reptiles.


The underlined word in"... as long as emale nd have more slender bodies." is closest in
meaning to ....
A. huge
B. small
C. slim
D. thick


0Hak Cipta pada Psat Penilaian Pendidikan-BLITBNG-KEDlKBD



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Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs

The olowino text s or uestions 35 to 37.
I'm o happy to have a close riend. She is my beloved classmate, Faa. We've
knon each other since we were in grade 8. We were in the same class, and we still are
in rade 9 uil
Fafa is a very kind and riendly girl. She is always ready to help other people.
lthough she comes rom a rich family, she never looks down on other people. She is
vey sciable and has a lot ofriends. She can lterat easily with people rom diferent
es. Thereore, she is also o ular amon teachers and arents.


What is the text about?
A. The writer's sister.
B. The writer's family.
C. The writer's desmate.
D. The writer's best riend.

36. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. Fafa has good characters.
B. Fafa comes rom· a rich family.
C. Fafa is an eighth rader student.
D. Fafa is popular among neighbors.
3 7. The underlined word in "she can interact easily with people ..." is closest in meaning to ....
A. react
B. inroduce
C. inluence
D. communicate
The olowin text is or uestions 38 to 40 .
.Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in Java that was attacked by another
kingdom. The king asked his Queen to save her life. Alas! In the middle of he jungle,
the enemy killed all her guards. However, the Queen was lucky because she chnged
·here f��lden_spail and survived .. __ - - - - -- -One day, an old woman saw the � and took it home. She looked ater it.
Whenever the old woman was not at home, the snail ned into a human being. She
cooked and did the household chores. When the old woman got home, the Queen quickly'
' changed into a snail again. It happened several times and made the old woman curious.
One day, the old woman peeped and saw what was going on. She broke in, immediately.\
She asked, "Why did you change yourselt intq a snail?". The Queen told her what i
\ happened. The old woman was surprised to know t,.1was-a-�en�
----tater-rom the head of the village they discovered that the king had won the
battle and he was looking or his wife. Then the village head sent a message to the king
telling him that his wife was safe.
• Several days later, the ing and his guards came or the queen. They thanked the
villa ers for their kindness and brou ht the old women to their alace.

What happened when the old woman ound the snail?
A. She reported it to the head of the village.
B. She helped it to ind the queen's husband.
C. It helped cleaning and cooking in her house.
D. She brought it to her house and took care of it.


0Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilain Pendidikan-BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUD


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Bahasa In22ris SMP/MTs

39. What does the se,cond paragraph tell you about?
A. The �n lived as a golden_snai�
B. The � who attacked the ingdom
C. The old � who looked ater a snail
D. The i,ng��s who were killed by enemy

In the end of the story, the old woman live in ....
A. the king's palace
B. a small village
C. the village heads
D. the middle of the jungle
For questions 41 to 43 choose the correct words to complete the text below.
Adult butterlies can only eed on ... (41), usually nectar. Their mouth parts are
modiied to enable them to drink, but they cannot chew solids. A proboscis, which
unctions ... (42) a ng straw, stays curled up under the butterly's chin until it inds
a source of nectar or other liquid nutrition. It then opens the long, tubular sructure nd
... (43) up the nectr.




B. mud

C. leaves
D. liquids







B. ks

C. brings
D. sets

For questions 44 to 46 choose the correct words to complete the text below.
Lying on a soa> isma laughed remembering what she experienced last holiday. On
that (44) ..., Risma and her classmate planned to climb a mountain. They areed to meet
t a bus stop in ront of a big mall in the city.
When she reached the bus stop, she could not ind her riends. She saw no one in ront
of the bus except the driver. Risma wondered if she came too early. She (45) ... she was
mistaken about the time. The driver then asked her to get on the bus.
(46) ... she got in, Risma was very surprised nd embarrassed to know there were no
one in the bus except her and the driver. As the bus let, she realized that she mistakenly
came to a wrong bus stop.

A. day
B. seat
C. soa
D. bus


0Hk Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BLITBNG-EMDIKBUD






As soon as
In order
So that
If only ..

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Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs


For questions 47 and 48, arrange the words into the correct order.


when-in-came -�-were-stranger-sleeping-they
3 4
A. 1-8-3-1-4-6-5-7
B. 1-3-2-8-5-7-4-8
C. 8-5-7-1-4-6-3-2
D. 8-5-1 -4 - 3-6-2-7


Joko-but-Q- doesn't- students-to-all-aree
2 3
6 7
A. 1-3-2-7-5-4-6-8
B. 1-4 - 8 -6-3-2-7-5
C. 7-5-4-8-6-3-2-1
D. 7-5-8 -6-3-2-1-4
For que.stions 49 and 50, arrange the sentences into the correct order.


1. Aim careully at the pins at the end of he lane
2. Cheer if you are happy with the score
3. Finally, crouch down and roll he ball towrd the pins
4. Firstly, pick up the ball careully with your thumb, middle and ring ingers
5. Then take a step orward towrd it
6. Next, as you take the next two steps swing the ball behind you orward
The correct procedure or playing bowling is ...
A. 1-4 - 5 - 6- 2-3
B. 1-4 -5-6-3-2
c. 4-1-5-6-2-3
D. 4-1-5-6-3-2



Cipta pada Put Penilaian Pendidikn-BLITBNG-KEMDIKBUD


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Bahasa lnggris SMP/MTs

1. A subway is a train that runs underground
2. People save a lot of money nd time by using it
3. Transportation is the way people travel rom one place to another
4. It is cheap and runs fast
5. In big cities, many people use buses and subway to get around
The right order is ....
A. 3 - 1 - 5 - 4 - 2
B. 3-5-1-2-4
C. 5 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 3
D. 5 - 2 - 1 - 4 - 3



0Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan-BALITBANG-KEMDIKBUD