IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH TASK- BASED LEARNING (A Classroom Action Research on the Second Grade Students of SMK Wiworotomo Purwokerto in Academic Year of 20132014)

IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH TASK- BASED LEARNING (A Classroom Action Research on the Second Grade Students of SMK Wiworotomo Purwokerto in Academic Year of 2013/2014) A THESIS

  Submitted to English Department at Partial Fulfillment of its Requirements for S.Pd Degree




This thesis is dedicated to: My Beloved Mother, Mulyati, who always gives

  • support, affection, and prays for me. Thank you Mom. You are the best mother. My Beloved Father, Sugiman, who always strengthens
  • and believed in me. Thanks much Dad. My Beloved Husband, Dwi Hartono, who always gives
  • support, motivation, affection, love, and prays for me. Thank you honey, you are the best husband and I love you so much, My Brother Ronianto. Thanks for give me a lot of
  • happiness and comfort. My best friends, Nur Azizah and Khotijah. Thanks a lot
  • for giving me support from the beginning till the end of my thesis, for strengthen me when I got frustrate with my thesis, for accompany me, and for everything you’ve done for me Thank you so much.


  MOTTO “Man JaddaWaJadda”

  Barangsiapa yang bersungguh

  • – sungguh maka akan mendapatkannya .

  “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, Jadikanlah sabar dan shalatmu Sebagai penolongmu, sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang- orang yang sabar”

  (Al-Baqarah: 153)

  “ Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan.


  (Alam Nasyrah: 5-6)

  There is no difficult but challenging


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb

  First of all, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT, who has given mercy and blessing so that the writer can finish this thesis. This thesis is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to get S, Pd. Degree from Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  The writer would like to express her great apperception and gratefulness for:

  1. Drs. H. SyamsuhadiIrsyad, S.H, M.H, the rector of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  2. Drs. Akhmad, M. Pd, the dean of the Teacher Training and Eduaction Faculty who has given the permission to write this thesis.

  3. Drs. Pudiyono, M. Hum, as the chief of the English Department who has given opportunity and agreement to conduct this study.

  4. Dra. Titi Wahyukti, M. Pd, as the supervisor who gave given much attention, guidance, support, and suggestion so that the writer can finish this thesis.

  5. Drs. Susilo Riyantono, M. T, as the headmaster of SMK Wiworotomo Purwokerto for giving permission for the writer in conducting the research.

  6. Drs. Susilo Aji, S. T for giving permit and support for the writer during the research. vii

  7. Mrs. Yeni Indriyani W, S.Pd. for support and always gives help for during the research.

  8. All of the students of XI-TKR 4 of SMK Wiworotomo 1 Purwokerto.

  Finally, the writer believes that this thesis has still weaknesses. Therefore, the writer would appreciate to invite criticisms and suggestions from the readers. Hopefully this thesis will be useful for English education especially for teachers and English learners.


  Purwokerto, July 12 , 2014 The writer viii




  (A Classroom Action Research on The Second Grade Students of SMK Wiworotomo Purwokerto in Academic Year of 2013/2014)


By :

Lilis Setyani


This reseacrh was aimed at improving students’ speaking ability through task-based learning. It was used Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was

  conducted at the XI TKR 4 at SMK Wiworotomo Purwokerto in academic year 2013/2014 as the subject of the research. The data were collected through observation, speaking test (pre test and post test) questionnaire, interview, and documentation. The researcher employed qualitative and kuantitative technique. The data analyis showed that the use of task-based learning could improve the students speaking ability. The fact was; pre test showed 54.62, while post test in cycle one showed 74.82. Therefore, the improvement of mean from pre test to post test in cycle two was 44.36%. It was also supported by the observation and questionnaire result. The data of observation showed the average of the students’ improvement in speaking abilities in cycle one was 38.35% and the cycle two was 59.33%. The data from the questionnaire which consisted of 5 question showed that many students gave positive respond to the use of task-based learning the average percentage of all question that gave positive response was 96.12%. The interview result showed that the students felt enjoyed and happy in following the teaching learning process. In conclusion the research was success.

  Key words: speaking, task-based learning.





  1. Nature of Task Based Learning ................................. 24

  19 C. Review of Task Based Learning .................................... 24

  3. The Role ofTeacher . .................................................. 16 4. TestingSpeaking .........................................................

  2. Technique of Teaching Speaking .............................. 15

  1. The Goal of Teaching Speaking ................................ 13

  B. Teaching Speaking ......................................................... 13

  3. Speaking Accuracy and Speaking Fluency ................ 11

  7 2. Indicator of Successful in Speaking Class ................

  TITLE .............................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION ............................................................................................ iii DEDICATION ................................................................................................. v MOTTO ........................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEGDMENT .................................................................................. vii ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. x LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................. xii LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xiii CHAPTER I.

  7 1. The Nature of Speaking ..............................................

  6 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE/THEORITICAL REVIEW A. Speaking ........................................................................

  5 F. Contribution of the Research ..........................................

  5 E. Clarification of the Terms ...............................................

  4 D. The Aim of the Research ................................................

  4 C. The Problem of the Research ..........................................

  1 B. Reason for Choosing the Topic .......................................

  INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study.................................................

  2. Characteristic of Task Based Learning ..................... 26 x

  3. TaskComponent ........................................................ 28

  4. TheTypeofTask ...................................................... ... 29

  5. ClassroomProcedure .................................................. 30 6. TheAdvantagesofTaskBasedLearning .......................


  A. Method of the Research ................................................. 35

  B. Subject of the Research .................................................. 36

  C. Place and Time of Research ........................................... 36

  D. Design of Procedure of the Classroom Action Research (CAR) ............................................................................. 38

  E. Technique for Collecting Data ....................................... 40

F. The Indi cator of the Students’ Ability ........................... 44

  H. Success Indicator ............................................................ 45

  CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Implementation of the Cycles ........................................... 46 1. Implementationof Cycle 1....................................... .....


  G. Technique of Analyzing Data ........................................ 45

  48 c. The Observation Resultof Cycle1 ............................

  50 d. Evaluation ................................................................

  52 e. Reflectionof Cycle 1 ................................................


  2. TheImplementationof Cycles II ................................... 55 a. Planning .................................................................... ..

  55 b. Acting .........................................................................

  55 c. TheobservationResultofcycle2 ...................................

  57 d. Evaluation ...................................................................

  59 e. ReflectionofCycle2 .....................................................

  61 B. Discussion ......................................................................... 62

  CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ......................................................................... 70 B. Suggestion ........................................................................ 71 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES xi

  a. Planning .................................................................... 46 b. Acting ........................................................................


  Table 1. Accuracy and fluency .......................................................................... 12 Table 2. Oral profisiency scoring categories ..................................................... 20 Table 3. Scoring rubric of speaking test ............................................................ 23 Table 4. The schedule of the research ............................................................... 37 Table 5. Observation check list for teacher ....................................................... 41 Table 6. Observation list for the teacher’s performance ................................... 47 Table 7. Observation list for the students’ activities ........................................ 48 Table 8. Students’ speaking activities in cycle 1 .............................................. 50 Table 9. Observation result of teachers’ activities ............................................ 51 Table 10. Evaluation result of the students’ speaking ability in cycle 1 ........... 52 Table 11. The result of students who reach passing grade in cycle 1 ............... 54 Table 12. Students’ speaking activities result in cycle 2 .................................. 58 Table 13. The observation result of teachers’ activities ................................... 59 T able 14. Evaluation result of the student’s speaking ability i cycle 2 ............ 60 Table 15. The result of students who reach passing grade in cycle 2 .............. 62 Table 16. Evaluation result of the student’s speaking ability ............................ 64 Table 17. Comparison between students who reach passing grade in cycle 1 and cycle 2 ......................................................................... 66 Table 18. Students’ speaking activities result in cycle 1 and cycle 2 ................ 67 xii

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