A STUDY ON ENGLISH LEARNING STYLES OF THE STUDENTS (A Descriptive Study at X Grade Students of SMK Bakti Purwokerto in Academic Year 2014/2015) - repository perpustakaan

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Learning 1. Definition of Learning Muhibbin Syah (2008:94) writes that Learning is the most vital key term in every educational effort, so without learning means no education. Whreas M. Dalyono (2009:49) defines learning as an effort or activity that

  has a purpose to change someone, from their behaviour, attitude, habit, knowledge, and so on to be better.

  There are some terms related to knowledge, learning and studying. When we study something, it means that we just receive a transfer of knowledge, although when we learn something it means that we receive a transfer of knowledge and practice it.

  According to Oxford (1990: 4), learning is concious knowledge of language rules, does not typically lead to conversational fluency, and is derived from formal instruction. Another linguist Stephen Krashen states in Harmer (2007: 47) that learning is a conscious process where separate items from the language are studied and practised in turn.

  From the explanation above, English learning can be defined as a concious process of transfering knowledge related to English and using or implementing it in a real life ( practice the given knowledge ) which

  16 passed by learners. Brown (2008:8) stated that there are seven components in definition of learning, those are:

  1. Learning is acquiring or getting.

  2. Learning is retention of information or skill.

  3. Retention implies storage system, memory, cognitive organization.

  4. Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events outside and inside the organism.

  5. Learning is relatively permanent, but subject to forgetting.

  6. Learning involves some forms of practice, perhaps reinforce practice.

  7. Learning is a change in behavior.

2. The aims of Learning

  Muhibbin Syah, based on the definition, has some conclusions about the aims of learning:

  1. Learning is an effort. The acts done seriously, systematically, utilizing all its potential, both physically, mentally and funds, as well as psychological aspects such as inttelligence, talent, motivation, interest, etc.

  2. Learning aims to bring about change in oneself such a behaviour that is to be better than before.

  3. Learning aims to change habits, from bad habits into good, like getting uo, lazy, and so on.

  4. Learning aims to change attitudes, from negative to positive, hate to love, and so on.

  5. Learning can change the skills.

  6. Learning aims to develop the various knowledge.

3. Factors Influences Learning

  Tim Pengembangan MKDK IKIP (1989:149) mentions factor influencing the success of learning in general are internal and external factor. Internal and external factor. Internal factors come from the learner him/her self and external factors come from outside the learner.

  a. Internal Factor The internal factors comprise physiological condition and physiological codition. Those are explained below: 1) Physiological condition

  It is very influential on learning activities, for example a learner with good health usually achieves higher degree of success than a wearied one. Children who get good enough nutrition are usually more sucessful than those who do not. Some physiological factors, which are influentinal or learning process and achievement, are explained below:

  2) Intellegence It is very influentinal on the success of failure of one’s efforts in learning something, for example students with high IQ are usually more successful than the one with lower IQ.

  3) Talent It is undeniable that when students learn a subject which are suitable with their talent. It is possible for them to achieve success.

  4) Interest Interest has a big influence to the learning process because to the learning process because if the lesson learnt is not appropriate with the students’ interest, they will not study well. Lesson material attracting students’ interest will be easier to be learnt and remembered because interest supports the learning activities. 5) Motivation

  It is psychological condition, which result from needs and usually activate behaviour aimed at fulfilling the needs. It implies that every human. 6) Emotion

  Unstable emotion like easily depresse will decrease the possibility to achieve success. Casing and freedom will facilitate learning.

  7) Cognitive ability It is ability that refers to ability in understanding and comprehending problems. The higher cognitive ability a student has, the higher degree of success will be achieved. b. External Factors External Factors come from outside the learners; they are setting and instrmental factors.

  1) Setting Factors There are two setting in external factors; they are natural setting and social setting. Natural setting is a natural condition, which affects the success of learning, for instance weather, temperature, humidity, and also other phenomena. Learning process is usally more effective under fresh air, Social setting, this factor includes family and other social situation such as traffic, factories. A comfortable social setting usually facilitates learning activities. 2) Enviromental Factors

  a) Social context: this refers to the persons with whom the student is working toward the achievement or a given learning objective (for example: independently and alone, independently in small group, in a tutorial with an adult or a peer, etc) b) Modality

  • – medium – instrumentation (for instance: visual, pictorial, animation, silent film loop)

  c) Content features: this focuses upon appropriateness of the content to the maturity level, interest and experiential background of the learner) d) Reward system: this refers to that which a student values and which might serve as motivation for learning These rewards may be of three types, as follows: 1) People, related reward such as peer praise, public recognition, self esteem, and pleasure taken in interaction with others. 2) Property, related rewards, such as grades, tokens, money, position or job and privileges.

  3) Process, related rewards, such as an intrinsic interest in the task or activity, challenge, or need for creative or expressive outlets.

B. English Learning Style 1. Definition of learning style

  Students’ style take in and process information in different ways, by seeing and hearing, reflecting and acting, reasoning logically and intutively, analyzing and visualization, and the others. They have different learning style. According to Littlewood (1986:56), learning style is a simply different approach or way of learning. Every human being learns something in different ways and styles. We may choose one, which is comfortable or not. It is important that we become aware of our learning styles so that we can use our learning styles to suit the particular learning that can undertake and improve our learning.

  Learning styles may be defined in multiple ways, depending upon one’s perspective. Here are a few definitions of learning styles. Brown (2000) defines learning styles as the manner in which individuals perceive and process information in learning situations. He argues that learning style preference is one aspect of learning style, and refers to the choice of one learning situation or condition over another. Celcia-Murcia (2001) defines learning styles as the general approaches, for example, global or analytic, auditory or visual that students use in acquiring a new language or in learning any other subject. The manner in which alearner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the learning environment. Learning style is sometimes defined as the characteristic cognitive, affective, social, and physiological behaviors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment” (MacKeracher, 2004, p. 71).

  According to Nunan (1988:40), learning style are characteristics cognitively, affective, and physiological behaviours that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment. “ Learning style is consistent way of functioning, that reflects the underlying causes of learning.”

  From the explanations above, the writer tries to describe that learning styles can be reflected in their learning bahaviours. In other words, the teachers will be able to identfy the learning based on what they prefer to do in the classroom. For example, while some students like to spend an extended period on their work for the shorter periods, with some distractions, before completing their work. After finishing task, some like to engage in some unstructured exploratory activity in order a test and display newly learners’ skills, while others prefer to reward themselves with some playful activity or with new subject matter.

  Learning style is the way in which a person sees or perceive things best and then processes or uses what has been seen. Each person’s individual learning style is a unique as a signature Cook (2004:17). Defines learning styles as the manner in which individuals percieve and process information in learning situations.

  There are some factors that make students learn best in learning process. They are teachers’ method in delivering a material, media, strategies, etc. In developing a good method or media, teachers have to consider the students’ learning styles. Each student has different ways in learning process.

  Educator Bernice `McCarthy in Cook (2004:19) identifies four primary learning styles: imaginative, analytic, common sense, and dynamic. None of these four styles will fit a student perfectly. Rita Dunn in Sileberman (2006:234) the expert of learning styles stated that: “Many variables or factors in learning, which impressed or influenced student s’ to find the way of learning. The factors can deliver from their physical, emotional, sociology, and environment. Some students for example respond strongly to visual forms of information, like pictures, diagrams, schematics, other get more from verbal forms, written and spoken explanation. Some prefer to learn actively and interactively, others function more introspectively and individually.

  The first step has to be taken by teacher is to be aware that every student has differnt learning style in the way of accepting and processing the information. By knowing the differences of students learning style, teacher should choose the suitable method to suit the students’ activity. De porter and Hernacki (1999:110) state they are two main categories about how student learn, namely how student accept and take the information easilly (by knowing their modality of learning) and how students process new information easily. Learning style is combination of how students able to absorb, take in, arrange, and process the information.

  Based on the ideas above, it can be concluded that learning style is able to develop coping students’ strategies because it is like a brain leader which commands a direction to catch easily the information then saving it well. Teachers should be aware that every student has different learning style in the way of accepting and processing the information. To know student’s learning style, the teachers should know types of learning style so that they are able to teach the students well.

  2. The importance of knowing the learning style

  Based on De Porter and Mike Hernacki (Quantum Learning 1999:10), learning style is the key for developing enthusiasm in the work, school and another personal situation.

  When the teacher knows the information about style, they will become more sensitive to students. It can help the teacher to recognize the difference of the students in understanding the material. It also can guide the teacher to design the learning process that is suitable with students’ style.

  3. Kinds of Learning Styles

  Educators Bernice McCarty in Cook (2004:19) identifies four primary learning styles: Imaginative, analytic, common sense and dynamic. None of these four styles will fit a student perfectly:

  a. Imaginative Learner Imaginative learners are feeling people who get involved with others and learn best in settings that allow interpersonal relationship to develop. They learn by sensin, feeling, watching. They can see all sides of the issues presented.

  b. Analytic Learner Analytic learners learn by watching and listening. They expect a teacher to be the primary information, while they sit and carefully assess the value of the information presented. c. Common Sense Learner Common sense learners like to play with ideas to see if they are rational and workable. They learn best when learning is combined with doing. They are hands-on people who, using their own ideas, can analyze problems and solve or fix them.

  d. Dynamic Learner Dynamic learners also enjoy action as part of the learning process, but rather than thinking projects through to their rational conclusion, Dynamic learners excel in followin hunches and sensin new directions and posibilities.

  According to LdPride,n.d in Gilakjani (2012:105) there are three main learning styles; visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. The definitions of these learning styles are as follow:

  a) Visual Visual learners think in picture and learn best in visual images.

  They depend on the instructor’s or facilitator’s non-verbal cues such as body language to help with understanding. Sometimes, visual learners favour sitting in the front of the classroom. They also takes descriptive notes over the material being presented. The Visual Learner, as the name would suggest, learns best by using their eyes. They prefer to see how to do things rather than discuss.

  This is the learning style that conventional education is traditionally geared towards. Not surprising, as 60% of people believe themselves to be visual earners, and it’s one of the easier styles to accommodate on a large scale. When teaching a learner of this style, be sure to have charts, diagrams, color-coding, and videos to reinforce knowledge. Visual learners like outlines, timelines, and other visual representations of data. It’s not just that they like to read; they like to develop constructs of content beyond words, but visualizing with static images and pictures.

  Tips For The Visual Learner

  a) Use maps, timelines, and pictures

  b) Outline everything c) Take notes on reading, videos, etc.

  d) Use color-coding

  e) Highlight/underline words

  f) Diagram when possible (venn diagrams, sentence diagramming) g) Flashcards (color cards and/or markers)

  h) Use different kinds of charts (pie, bar, line) There are some characteristic of visual learners. Those are: 1. Needs to see it to know it.

  2. Strong sense of colour.

  3. May have artistic ability.

  4. Difficulty with spoken directions.

  5. May be easily distracted by sounds.

  6. Trouble following lectures.

  7. Misinterpretation of spoken words.

  b) Auditory These individuals discover information through listening and interpreting information by the means of pitch, emphasis and speed. These individuals gain knowledge from reading out loud in the classroom and may not have a full understanding of information that is written. The Auditory Learner establishes understanding when they hear the information. They typically follow directions well, concentrate better with music or movement in the background, and repeat things back to themselves to make sure they got it. These learners will ask a lot of questions, usually requesting more explanation or that you explain it in a different way. They will probably read a bit slower and potentially read quietly aloud. They learn better with people they can bounce ideas off of and would do well to use audiobooks along with textbooks. Good assignments include: interviews, oral reports, paraphrasing content. Avoid tests that require a lot of writing, particularly timed tests. These learners are more suited to demonstrating mastery aloud, such as with oral exams or free writing once they’ve heard it, using speech-to-text tools.

  There are some characteristic of auditory learners. Those are:

  1. Prefers to get information by listening needs to hear it or speak it to know it.

  2. Written directions more difficult to follow than spoken directions.

  3. Prefers listening to reading and writing.

  4. Inability to read body language and facial expressions.

  Tips For The Auditory Learner

  1. Use word association for facts/ dates

  2. Listen to podcasts/recorded lectures

  3. Use videos when appropriate

  4. Discuss subject matter aloud

  5. Listen to audiobooks

  6. Read notes aloud and record

  7. Repeat things aloud when possible

  8. Study in groups with discussion

  c) Kinaesthetic Individuals that are kinaesthetic learn best with and active

  “hands-on” approach. These learners favour interaction with the physical world. Most of the time kinaesthetic learners have a difficult time staying on target and can become unconfused effortlessly. The Kinesthetic Learner, also known as the Tactile Learner, learns best by interacting or experiencing things around them. They benefit from hands-on engagement, rather than listening to a lecture or reading from a book. They like to act things out and use their bodies to remember facts, such as “dialing” a phone number into their hand. These learners will enjoy role playing, building, hands-on experiments, dance or physical activity, and sports. Using these physical inclinations will enable them to remember and process better, rather than sitting at a desk or lengthy study sessions. There are some characteristic of kinaesthetic. Those are: 1. They prefer hands on learning.

  2. They can assemble parts without reading directions.

  3. They have difficulty sitting still.

  4. They learn better when physical activity is involved.

  5. They may be very well coordinate and have athletic ability.

  Tips For Thekinesthetic Learner

  1. Take frequent (brief) breaks

  2. Hands-on activities, such as experiments and historical reenactments

  3. Build model

  4. Enroll in multiple classes, such as dance, kickboxing, and sport

  5. Emphasize adventure/action books

  6. Involve role-playing and acting

  7. Study in groups with frequent breaks

  8. Use flash cards for memory In this research, the researcher will focus on using the three main learning styles only; visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic. Those are the familiar styles that commonly heard, and known.

4. The aims of identfying learning styles

  Learning style has an important place in the lives of individuals. When the individual knows their learning style, they will integrate it in the process of learning they will learn more easily and fast and will be successful. Another advantage of the identification of the ownlearning style by the student is that it will help the student to become an effective problem solver.

  The more successful the individual is at solving the problems they faces, the more control they will take over their own life (Cook, 2004). It is important that individuals receive education in areas suitable for their learning styles. A person educated in an areahaving no relationship to they learning style they may lack confidence and may be less successful, students may as a result become frustrated.

  Knowledge of learning style also provides information to the student as to why student has learnt in a different way than others. It helps to control the process of learning. It is vital because one of the most important signals in learning is to learn to be autonomous, that is, for the individual to take responsibility for students own learning. Because of this, student should know what learning style is. This has to be part of the learning process to enable the individual to obtain knowledge, which constantly shifts and changes, without any help from others. Briefly, confidence in learning will consistently rise when learners know how to learn. Learning to learn and grasping knowledge in a suitable manner will lesson the need for an overbearing control by teachers. At this point, teachers guide the students. The students take responsibility for their learning, they are at the centre of the process and everything is under their control. They search answers to the problems and benefit from their unique performances and preferences in their learning styles. Those people will identify their aims, unlike those whose learning style preferences are not identified. They know what they want to learn and “how.” This awareness will change their perspectives on learning new things.

  Learning styles is crucial things which can used by students in solving their English learning problems. According to Cook (2004:7) each person’s individual learning style is a unique as a signature. When the students know what their learning style is, they will be more understand about their needs in English learning process.

  Although the students use their style in English learning process, usually there will be some problems that are faced by students. Learning strategies are usefull if these used in this situations. By knowing English learning strategies, students will be aware of their need in order to make the English learning process is successfull.

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