CHAPTER II THEORITICAL REVIEW A. Nature of Vocabulary 1. Definition of Vocabulary Vocabulary is one of the language components that should be

  mastered by learners. Students‟ vocabulary mastery is very important to support their communication process. According to Nurgiyantoro (2001) in order to able to communicate in language, one needs to master the vocabulary in adequate numbers. Vocabulary mastery enables a person to receive and transfer the information. Besides that, it will be capital for the students to learn other language skills in the next step such as: speaking, writing, reading and listening. It can be said that vocabulary should be taught first because it is the basic elements of language which has crucial role in language learning.

  In short, vocabulary is one of the important language aspects which should be learned by language learners in order to be able to communicate. Besides that, the more vocabulary the learners have, it is the easier for them to develop and learn English as the foreign language.


  2. The Importance of learning vocabulary

  In communication, language is one of important thing that should be had by someone. Vocabulary is central to English language teaching, because without sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own ideas. By having rich vocabulary, students can master listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

  According to Yuksel (2009) vocabulary mastery is one of the central components of developing successful communication and literary skills and has been seen as integral part of language.

  3. Types of vocabulary

  Vocabulary can be classified into oral and print form (Hibert and Kamil, (2005:3). The form of vocabulary when someone speaks orally or reads orally belongs to oral form. Conversely, when someone reads silently or writes something, vocabulary will be seen in print form. Furthermore, Hibert and Kamil (2005:3) also stated that vocabulary can be classified into two types; productive and receptive vocabulary.

  Those types will be explained bellow:

  a. Productive Vocabulary Productive vocabulary is usually used when someone share their ideas when they speaks or writes. When someone speaks in public, him or her usuallu uses the words which are familiar in order to people who hear can understand. This is also happen when people or someone write something. This kind of words belongs to productive vocabulary. According to Hiebert and Kamil (2005:3) productive vocabulary is the set of words that an individual can use when writing or speaking. They are words that are well-known, familiar, and used frequently because people uses them continuously. While Haycraft in Hacth and Brown (1995:370) stated that productive vocabulary is words which the student understands, pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing.

  b. Receptive Vocabulary Receptive vocabulary is that set of words for which an individual can assign meanings when listening or reading. These are words that are often less well known to students and less frequent in use (Hiebert and Kamil, 2005:3). Receptive vocabulary is words that the students recognize and understand when they occur in context, but which he cannot produce correctly. (Haycraft in Hacth and Brown, 1995:370).

4. The scope of vocabulary

  According to Brown (1995:219), word class is important feature in semantic feature analysis and definition of each part is as follow: a. Noun Noun can be referred to a person, place or thing. Noun can have the position of object and subject.

  b. Verb Verbs are words that denote action. Verbs have principal parts, such as: the infinitive, like to drink, past drank, and participle

  drunk .

  c. Adjectives Adjectives are used to highlight qualities or attributes. It is also used to describe particular noun, such as: sad, happy, light,

  handsome, etc.

  d. Adverbs Adverbs can be divided into some parts such as adverds of time, like now, then, etc, adverbs of place like there, here, etc, adverbs of manner like slowly, quickly, etc, and for frequency adverbs like seldom, never, etc.

5. Teaching of Vocabulary

  Teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, give instruction, guide, in the study of something, provide with knowledge, cause to know or understand (Brown,2007: 8).

  According to Nunan (1991: 74) teaching vocabulary for the beginner needs many appropriate ways. The teacher should know the way to explain the meaning of word or a short phrase.

  Finochiaro in Sastriana (2010: 9) draws some premises and comments related to the vocabulary teaching: a. Not all words a students hears during any lesson need to become a part of his „active‟ vocabulary during that lesson or even in later lesson.

  b. Vocabulary should always be taught in normal utterances.

  c. New vocabulary item should always be introduced in known structure.

  d. Vocabulary items should be taught in the same way that we teach anything else.

  e. Students should be encouraged to learn and use nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverb.

  From the explanantion above, the teacher should choose appropriate way to teach vocabulary based on students‟ skill. The teacher also should consider many things such as the advanteges and disadvantages of the method, time managment, instruction, and the vocabulary that will be delivered students.

6. Learning of Vocabulary A. Methods of Vocabulary

  Words are very essential in learning language. Without words, they cannot make good sentences to express our feeling. In learning a language, people always try any ways. Lado in Satriana (2010: 11) states that there are some ways to help learners in learning vocabulary. a. Dictionary Obviously, a language learner has to have a good vocabulary.

  Dictionaries can be used effectively to find a quick definition. According to Harmer (1991: 188), there are two kinds of dictionary: paper dictionary and electronic pocket dictiionary.

  Paper dictionaries can be either bilingual or monolingual. However, many students like to carry around small electronnic dictionaries which fit into their pocket because it is easier and more simple to carry around than paper dictionary.

  b. Note book One of the effective ways to control the learning of new words is to keep a notebook. We may want to keep a small one in our pocket so that we can write down the word whenever we hear or see them.

  c. Guessing the Meaning There are some meaning of words in English. Often, especially in reading lesson, the students will find many words whose exact meaning is not absolutely necessary for them to know in order to understand the sentences. Therefore, the students do not have look up into the dictionary to translate the meaning, but they can see from the words as clue to know the meaning.

B. The aspect of Vocabulary

  According to Lado (1972:1) as cited in Mardianawati (2012:11), there are several vocabulary aspects that students need to know and learn, they are: meaning, spelling, pronunciation, word classes.

  1. Meaning Meaning to the students, teachers should teach their students that a word may have more than one meaning when used in different contexts. In order to discover the meaning, the teacher can use ways such as guided discovery, contextual guesswork and using dictionaries.

  2. Spelling Spelling is important because it aids in reading. It helps cement the connection that is shared between sounds and letter. Many letters can represent more than one sound. For example the letter (I) is not always pronounce /I/, so an English teacher should keep student‟s pronounce and spell English word correctly.

  3. Pronunciation Pronunciation is the act or manner of pronouncing words. Most of words have only one pronunciation, but sometimes a word has two or more pronunciation. English pronunciation is difficult to be learnt because it is not related to the spelling of words. Good pronunciation avoids misunderstanding in communication, thus it makes receiver easier to communicate.

  4. Word classes Word classes are categories of word. The classification of the words of a language in this way depends on their function in communication. The word classes can be in the form of noun, adjective, adverb and verb. However, the word classes that be used in this research are only noun and adjective.

  5. Word use Word use is the way a word, phrase, or concept is used in a language. Word use may also involve grammar and thus be the subject of profound analysis.

  In this case, the aspects of vocabulary that will be taught to the students are meaning, pronunciation, spelling and word classes.

  The reasons for choosing those aspects is it is appropriate with the material being taught in the class using change chairs.

B. The Nature of Game 1. Definition of Change ChairsGame

  Change Chairs Game is kind of fun game to teach vocabulary

  for students, because they have to change their position based on the clues. According to Redjeki, Agoestywati Change Chairs Game(2010:125) states that Change Chairs Game can be implemented to give instruction based on the clue wordsof real condition. It is one of movement activities from certain instruction that can make the students more active and give the students a chance to practice in learning vocabulary. It is fun game to teach vocabulary to the students. This game is a game where the students can add their vocabulary based on the clues. The students are usuallyinterested in the game and the teachercan usethisgameto teachanddetermine the extent ofvocabulary skillsof students.

  This game is very challenging because in this game the students should give the instruction in form sentence by the clues.

  Playing this game can also makes the students feel fun when theylearnvocabulary because this is a very lively activity that can give the student new experience in learning vocabulary.

  In conducting this game, there is a part when the students have to replacethe students who standing in the center of circle. This is a fun game, so the students can add a lot of vocabulary based on the clues that including with the material. In completing the task, the students are devided into a big circle.

2. The Advantages of Change Chairs Game

  There are some advantages usingChange ChairsGame, such as :

  1. This game encourage the students to their interest to study English.

  2. It makes the meaning of the material clearly, so the students will understand the material.

  3. It helps the students to collect a lot of vocabulary.

  4. This game is easy for the teacher to deliver the vocabulary of the material to the students.

3. The Steps of Change Chairs Game

  The first step is preparation. The teacher should prepare some clues that relation with the material that will be teach to the students before conducting the game. Then the teacher make some clues based on the material which is teach.

  The second step is procedure. The following are the procedure to do the game : a. Dividing the class intoa big circle.

  b. Giving the example and rules to the students.

  c. Choosing one of student to standing in the center of circleby attendance list.

  d. Giving instruction in form sentences based on the clue which is given by the teacher. For example the clue is trouser.

  e. Changing their position with the other students based on the same condition. For example “If you are wearing blue trousers change

  chairs ”.

  f. Then some students who are wearing blue trousers have to stand up and move their seat.

  g. Giving explanation about vocabulary that have been played by the teacher. h.

  The students who doesn‟t know the meaning of sentence have to replace with the student who stands in the center of circle. i. The teacher give the time for play the game around 30-35 minutes.

  C. Basic Assumption

  Using Change Chairs Game in classroom is an interestingtechnique for students to learn English vocabulary. The writer believes that language teaching-learning by game will make the students easy by getting and remembering the vocabulary.When students are interested in joining the lesson, it will be easier for them to understand the material and students will be highly motivated.

  D. Hypothesis

  In line with the basic assumption above, the hypothesis of the research is Change Chairs Game technique is effective for teaching vocabulary.