Invitation of AGM & EGM_10 June 2010. (98.28 kb)

Jl . Vet eran, Gr esik 61122. Telp. : +62 31 3981731, 3981732
Fax: +62 31 3983209, 3972264. Toll f ree: 0800-10-88888

The Boar d of Direct or s of PT Semen Gr esik (Perser o) Tbk. (“ t he Company” ) her eby
invit e Shareholders of t he Company t o at t end t he General Meet ing of Shareholders
(“ t he Meet ing” ), which will be held on:
Dat e : Fr iday, June 25, 2010
Time : 02.00 PM
Venue : Ballroom Mut iar a 2,
J.W. Mar riot t Hot el, 2nd Floor ,
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan,
JAKARTA 12950,
wit h t he following Agenda:


Annual General Meeting of Shareholders:
1. Approval of t he Board of Direct or s’ report regarding t he Company’ s
perf ormance dur ing t he year 2009, including t he r eport of super visory dut y

act ivit ies of t he Board of Commissioners during t he year 2009, as well as
r at if icat ion of t he Company’ s annual financial st at ement s for t he year 2009 and
t hereby discharge t he Board of Direct ors and Commissioners fr om t heir
managerial responsibilit y ( vol l edig acqui t et decharge ) for t he year 2009.
2. Rat ificat ion of annual r eport for Part nership and Communit y Development
Pr ogram (“ PCDP” ) during t he year 2009 and t hereby discharge t he Boar d of
Direct ors and Commissioners f rom t heir manager ial r esponsibilit y for PCDP
conduct ed f or t he year 2009.
3. Appropriat ion of t he Company’ s net prof it for t he year 2009.
4. Det er minat ion of t ant ieme f or t he year 2009, salar y for t he Board of Direct ors
and honorar ium f or t he Boar d of Commissioners and ot her allowances/ facilit ies
f or t he year 2010.
5. Approval of appoint ment of Regist ered Public Account ant t o audit t he
Company’ s f inancial st at ement for t he year 2010 and ot her periods in t he year
2010 and appoint ment of Regist ered Public Account ant t o audit f inancial
st at ement of PCDP for t he year 2010.

II. Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:
1. Approval of t he amendment of t he Company’ s Ar t icle of Associat ion.
2. Change of t he Company’ s Boar d of Direct ors and Commissioners.

1. Relat ed t o t he Meet ing, t he Company does not send special invit at ion t o
Shareholders as t his adver t isement is already in compliance wit h t he ar t icle 21
paragraph 2 of t he Art icle of Associat ion of t he Company.
2. Shareholders aut hor ized t o at t end t he Meet ing are t hose whose names are
r ecorded in t he Company’ s Share Regist er as at June 9, 2010 up t o 16. 00 West ern
Indonesia Time.
3. The mat er ial t o be discussed in t he Meet ing is available f or Shareholders’ perusal
at t he Company’ s Head Off ice in Gresik and Represent at ive Of fice in Jakart a dur ing
of fice hours, st ar t ing f rom t he dat e of invit at ion unt il t he Meet ing begins.
4. a. Any Shar eholders unable t o at t end t he Meet ing may be represent ed by t heir
pr oxies. The Boar d of Direct ors, t he Board of Commissioners and t he employees
of t he Company ar e allowed t o act as proxies of t he Shareholders of t he
company, pr ovided t hat vot es t hey are cast ing as proxy shall be considered as
null and void, and not valid.
b. The proxy form may be obt ained during of fice hours at :
Head Office

Representative Office

Share Administration Agency

Gedung Ut ama SG Lt . 5,
Jl. Vet eran, Gresik 61122,
Jawa Timur
Phone: +6231 3981731 – 3
Ext . 3131

The East Tower, 18t h Floor,
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan
Kav. E.3.2 No.1, Jakarta 12950
Phone: +62215261174 – 5
Ext . 5007

Puri Dat indo
Belakang Wisma Diners Club
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 34,

Jakarta 10220
Phone: +6221 5709009
Fax: +6221 5709026

c. All pr oxies must be received by t he Company at t he lat est of June 22, 2010 up
t o 16.00 West ern Indonesia Time t hrough Share Administ rat ion Agency Of fice:
PT Dat indo Ent r ycom.
5. a. The Shareholders or t heir proxies at t ending t he Meet ing must submit t o t he
Company’ s of ficer in charge t heir proof of Ident it y Card or anot her Ident it y
before ent ering t he meet ing’ s r oom. For Shareholders regist ered in t he
Collect ive Deposit ory of PT Kust odian Sent ral Ef ek Indonesia, must show t he
document of Writ t en Confirmat ion for t he Meet ing or KTUR (Konf irmasi Tert ulis
Unt uk Rapat ).

b. Inst it ut ional Shareholder s must show a copy of t heir Company’ s Ar t icle of
Associat ion as well as t he lat est composit ion of t he Management .
6. In order t o facilit at e an orderly t he Meet ing, t he Shareholder s or t heir pr oxies
int end t o at t end, are kindly request ed t o at t end 30 (t hirt y) minut es bef ore t he
Meet ing

June 10, 2010
PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk.
Board of Directors
