The Description Of Sentences Used In The Jakarta Post Newspaper

This paper is entitled the description of sentences used in the Jakarta
Post Newspaper. The news was published on Tuesday in January 7th, 2014
stated volume 31 numbers 245 the writer of this news was Obama, the
President of the United states of America can get his groove back in 2014 that
the journalist, Albert R. Hunt. He uses thirty one sentences of fifty four
clauses out of five hundred and ninety three words. Those fifty four clauses
written in thirty one clauses in the present tense, Past tense twelve, Future
tense ten, Present Continuous, Past Future, and Present Perfect Tense one of
each. Out of the thirty one sentences the journalist only used one sentences in
the interrogative form. The rest are written in affirmative form. The tenses
used in the Jakarta Post there are only five different tenses out sixteen that the
English has.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Paper ini berjudul The Description of Sentences Used in the Jakarta Post
Newspaper. Berita yang dideskripsikan ialah berita tentang President Amerika
Serikat, Obama yang diberitakan oleh seorang journalist bernama Albert R. Hunt.

Untuk memberitakan berita tersebut dia menggunakan tiga puluh satu kalimat
yang terdiri dari lima puluh empat klausa yang terdiri dari lima ratus Sembilan
puluh tiga kata. Surat kabar tersebut adalah volume 31 dengan nomor 245 yang
diterbitkan pada hari Selasa tanggal 7 bulan Januari tahun 2014. Tenses yang
digunakan ialah Present Tense (34 klausa), Past Tense (12 klausa), Future Tense
(10 klausa), Present Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Tense, Present Continuous
Tense, Future Tense, Present Continuous, Past Future, danPresent Perfect Tense
(masing-masing 1 klausa). Jenis kalimat yang digunakan ialah hanya dua jenis
kalimat, yaitu 1 dalam bentuk interrogative dan selebihnya dalam bentuk

Universitas Sumatera Utara