Isolation,Structure Determination, and Mode of Action of Insecticidal Compound from Barringtonia asiatica.

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Isolation,StructureDetermination,antl Mode of Action of
Insecticidal Compound from B arringtonit asiatica


Chcm6rry,Facutlyof Malhenalicsed Natu,atSoien€s,padjadjaran
Ray! BandungSutoedang
Km 2l JaliDangor
D o I T e I o t t . u i p r o r e. r o nf J l u t r o] t A g . . . u t u rp( o. o j d d J r n I l n c r1. 1
J J | J 0\ - r . B d r dr r g S u ne d r g K m 2 t . d , , r r s o .


ore_md lqo din.rjomr H_NMRandrrc'NMR fld bv drccr cofrparison
$irh srddardconpoundrhis con;oundshos€drjrc rrshesr
nsct'cldaractivirvagansro',cida10'riaptuonanawe ako c\JmrN rtk Dhrbtu4 r"r^,q *,i" **.
sl somedigcsrive
Invensc andproteae TheisohLedcompou'ddrdnorshowrnJInt,rbtroD
dcrL iy rernn
ey oirre e;yn*
icsled.on contnry.rl mrcae tlre3ctiviq,ofprotcae ln conclusions.
a ff'd/,.a seeds
r'o," u u"ry r.tgi tnt."tl"'a-atucnvrrycornpound
6poFnnalfornanml rnsecricideaDDhcarion
Kcy vo



Currently, insecticidalcompoundsbecomevery important substancesin agricultural field,
sincethey a1eneededfor controlling insectpests.The hamful effect of synth;tic insecticides
on the environmenthas stimulatedresearcheson finding new natural insecticidalcompounds
that more envirorDlentalfriendly.
One of potential source of natural insecticidal compound is Bafiingtonie asiatica. The
seedsofthis plant have beenusedto stupefy fish and octopusin maly Facific islands(Etoh,
2001). Recent finding suggestthal methanol extract from this plant also has an insecticidal
actlvi\t against Crocidolomia pavonana (Dono & Sujana, 2007).
The structureof active insecticidalcompound fiom B. asiatica has not been investisated
yet. Mode of action of this compound is also not understood.In order to
n"t u
understandingon the mode of action of the insecticidal compor:nd,a researchin-vestigating
the structure and mode of action of the active compound need to be achieved. Dlepei
understandingin mode of action of this compound can lead to the developmenror new
insecticidecompoundthat has a high activity but environmentalfriendly.
Some indications showed that bioactive compound ftom B asiaiir.zinfluence digestive
system of C. pa|onana i\djcated by lowering the gro\,\,thrate of second instars larvae.
Inlibition of digestive enzynes could decteasethe absotption of nut tion and resulls in
loweringgroEth rate ol C. pavonana lawae. Himshima et a/. (1990) found that an insecticidal

compoundtsalilhion' could act as carboltydrases
inhibitor.The result of rhe expefjment
showedthat the active compoundcould suppressthe growth ofpa icular insect.
By the result of Dono & Sudjana(2007), we have a hypothesisthat the active insecticidal
compoundfrom B. a.rlalicaalso has a mode ofaction on the digestiveenzymeofthe larvaeC
paronana Therefote the objectivesofthis researchare to isolate and determinethe structure
of aciive insecticidal compound from B. asictticaand additionally, to determine inhibitory
activity oflhe insecticidalcompoundagainstsomc digestiveenzymes.

Materialsand Methods