Energy and Protein Retention of Local Rabbit Housed in Different Cages.

Energy and Protein Retention of
Local Rabbit Housed in Different
I. M . Nuriyasa, I.M . M astika,
I.G. M ahardika, I.W . Kasa and I G. Ag. I. Aryani
I SSN 0970- 4973 ( Print)
I SSN 2319- 3077 ( Online/ Electronic)
I ndex Copernicus I nternational Value
I C Value of Journal 4.21 ( Poland, Europe) ( 2012)
Global I mpact factor of Journal: 0.587 ( 2012)
Scientific Journals I mpact Factor: 2.597

J. Biol. Chem. Research
Volume 31 ( 2) 2014 Pages No. 800- 807

Journal of
Biological and
Chemical Research
( An I nternational Journal of Life Sciences and Chemistry)

Published by Society for Advancement of Sciences®

J. Biol. Chem. Research. Vol. 31, No. 2: 800-807 ( 2014)
( An I nternational Journal of Life Sciences and Chemistry)
Ms 31/ 1/ 116/ 2014, All rights reserved

I SSN 0970-4973 ( Print)
I SSN 2319-3077 ( Online/ Electronic)

Dr. I.M . Nuriyasa
http:/ /

Received: 05/ 03/ 2014

Revised: 12/ 05/ 2014

Accepted: 18/ 06/ 2014

Energy and Protein Retention of Local
Rabbit Housed in Different Cages
* I. M . Nuriyasa, * * I.M . M astika,
* * I.G. M ahardika, * * * I.W . Kasa and * * * * I G. Ag. I. Aryani



Department of Climatology, Department of Animal Nutrition, Department of Biology and
* * * * Language Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Science, Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali,

An experiment w as carried out to study microclimate, energy and protein retention of local
rabbit offered diets w ith different energy and protein level. Sixty four rabbits of five w eek old
w ere used in this study and housed in battery and underground cages. A split-plot design
consisting of tw o main plots: underground shelter (K0) and battery housing systems (K1), four

sub plot: diets w ith 2200 kcal M E kg and 14% CP (R1), 2400 kcal M E kg and 15.5% CP (R2),
2600 kcal M E kg and 17% CP (R3), 2800 kcal M E kg and 18.5% CP (R4) w ith four replicates
used in each of experiment. The results show ed that underground shelter cage had low er
temperatures and humidity (P 0.05) on
t ot al energy int ake, digest ible energy (DE), met abolizable energy (M E) as show n in Table 1.
Different cage did not cause large differences in t emperat ure (1.59 °C) so t here w as no heat
st ress experienced by t he rabbit , and t his condit ion causing no differences in gross energy
consumpt ion, DE and M E. Rabbit offered diet R3 and R4 consumed energy 297,68 kcal d and
286,53 kcal d respect ively and t his w as higher (P0,05) on
micro-climat ic paramet ers measured. Rabbit s housed in underground shelt er had higher energy
ret ent ion t han t hose in t he bat t ery (50 kcal d vs. 37.40 kcal d ). Energy ret ent ion by rabbit s

given diet s cont aining 2600 kcal M E kg and 17% CP (R3) , 2800 kcal M E kg and 18.50% CP
(R4) w ere higher t han t hose diet s cont aining 2400 kcal M E kg and 15.50% CP (R2) and 2200
kcal M E kg w it h 14% CP (R1).

The aut hors w ish t o t hank t o t he Indonesian government t hrough Udayana Communit y Service
(LPPM ), w ho gave financial support t o complet e t his w ork. Thanks t o t he Facult y of Animal
Husbandry, Udayana Universit y and Facult y of Post Graduat e St udy w ho had provided
equipment and research facilit ies during t his st udy.

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Energy and Protien……………………...……….Different Cages

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Corresponding author: Dr. I. M . Nuriyasa, Depart ment of Climat ology, Udayana Universit y,
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Email: , Phone: 085739571118

J. Biol. Chem. Research


Vol. 31, 2: 800-807 (2014)