Techniques For Teaching English Vocabulary To Hyperactive Pupils in Grades 1 and 2 At Sekolah Bintang Harapan.



Maranatha Christian University


Dewasa ini, seringkali kita mendengar istilah mengenai anak-anak dengan kebutuhan khusus seperti hiperaktif. Tetapi tidak sedikit yang tidak mengetahui karakteristik bahkan teknik-teknik yang tepat untuk mengajar anak-anak hiperaktif ini. Oleh karena itu, dalam pembuatan tugas akhir ini saya tertarik untuk memilih judul “Techniques for Teaching English Vocabulary to Hyperactive Pupils in Grades 1 and 2 at Sekolah Bintang Harapan”

Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan teknik-teknik mengajar Bahasa Inggris yang tepat dalam aspek berbahasa vocabulary pada anak-anak hiperaktif kelas 1 dan 2 di Sekolah Bintang Harapan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi di lapangan dan wawancara, juga studi kepustakaan sebagai penunjang.

Teknik mengajar vocabulary pada anak hiperaktif yang dapat digunakan adalah dengan mengajar secara individual, menggunakan gambar, mengulang kata-kata yang diajarkan, dan meminta mereka untuk menerjemahkan vocabularydari Bahasa Indonesia ke dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Saya menyarankan agar para guru dapat tetap sabar dalam mengajar mereka. Para guru pun diharapkan mencoba menggunakan teknik-teknik yang tercantum dalam pembahasan teori yang mungkin dapat membantu anak-anak hiperaktif dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris.



Maranatha Christian University




PREFACE ………... iii




I.1. Background of the Study I.2. Identification of the Problem I.3. Objectives and Benefits of the Study I.4. Limitations of the Study I.5. Layout of the Term Paper CHAPTER II : THEORETICAL REVIEW ……….. 5


III.1. Method of Study : Small-Scale Research III.1.1. Choice of Instruments


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III.1.3. Presentation of Data




Appendix 1:



: _______________


: _______________

Teacher :


Characteristics of hyperactive children


1. Difficulty in concentrating and focusing 2. Disorganized

3. Difficulty in listening to and following directions

4. Easily distracted by other things 5. Difficulty to do quiet activities 6. Forget things in a short time


Methods in teaching English vocabulary to hyperactive children



NO, IT ISN’T USED 1. Using the alphabet stamp to create words

2. Building words as sculpture 3. Carving words

4. Making words from string, thread, chains

5. Practice typing words on a typewriter or computer

6. Use manipulative letters

7. Write spelling words on each others’ back



NO, IT ISN’T USED 8. Pair a movement with learning spelling words

9. Sing spelling of words to common tunes/melodies



Appendix 2:


1. Menurut Anda, bagaimanakah karakteristik anak-anak hiperaktif? 2. Apakah persiapan Anda dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris untuk

anak-anak hiperaktif dan anak-anak-anak-anak yang tidak hiperaktif sama saja?

3. Adakah kesulitan-kesulitan yang Anda alami dalam mengajar

vocabulary dalam Bahasa Inggris pada anak-anak hiperaktif?

4. Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda, teknik mengajar apakah yang tepat untuk mengajar vocabulary dalam Bahasa Inggris pada anak-anak


5. Apakah yang Anda lakukan jika ternyata apa yang telah Anda persiapkan tidak dapat diterapkan ketika mengajar Bahasa Inggris pada anak-anak hiperaktif?


Appendix 3:



: 9 May 2007


: 2


: Ms.Ina

Characteristics of hyperactive children


1. Difficulty in concentrating and focusing


2. Disorganized


3. Difficulty in listening to and following



4. Easily distracted by other things


5. Difficulty to do quiet activities


6. Forget things in a short time




Suddenly gets angry


Cannot speak clearly



Methods in teaching English vocabulary to hyperactive children



NO, IT ISN’T USED 1. Using the alphabet stamp to create words


2. Building words as sculpture


3. Carving words


4. Making words from string, thread, chains


5. Practice typing words on a typewriter or



6. Use manipulative letters


7. Write spelling words on each others’ back




NO, IT ISN’T USED 8. Pair a movement with learning spelling words


9. Sing spelling of words to common



Teacher rereads the vocabulary


Ask the child to translate the vocabulary


Let the child hear his own voice



Use pictures




Maranatha Christian University




I.1. Background of the Study

English has become an international language nowadays. Almost in every school in Bandung, English is taught as a compulsory lesson, even in kindergarten. Moreover, parents try hard to get their children into a school where English is often used. Accordingly, English teachers are expected to be able to teach English to their pupils well.

One of the teachers’ responsibilities is try to know his or her pupils well. In a class, a teacher faces pupils with different backgrounds. Every pupil has his or her own interests, strengths, and weaknesses, and all of them are unique. If teachers understand this, they will not blame or judge a pupil for being stupid or unwilling to study hard as they already know at least some of their strengths and weaknesses.

Teachers have to understand specifically about pupils with special needs. Pupils with special needs include autistic children and hyperactive children. We often hears about this; however, not many teachers know the


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characteristics of pupils with special needs. As a result, teachers treat these pupils in inappropriate ways, because they think those pupils are naughty. Actually, they may not be. They look naughty only because they have a special gift that they themselves cannot control. For example, hyperactive pupils seem very active all the time but in fact it is not their own wish to be like this, but it is because they have a chemical imbalance in their central nervous system that makes them very active (Dobson, 1993:5). So, it is very important for teachers to know the characteristics of pupils with special needs. By doing this, they will not only help those pupils to learn the lesson well, but also help themselves avoid unnecessary stress if they are not aware of these issues.

After teachers know the characteristics of hyperactive pupils, of course, as teachers, they have to know how to handle those pupils in different situations. From knowing their characteristics, teachers are expected to find out suitable techniques for teaching hyperactive pupils. It is expected that the techniques can support those pupils’ strengths and help their weaknesses so that they can study well. That is the reason I would like to discuss hyperactive pupils in this paper, especially their characteristics and some techniques to help them in learning English vocabulary. In this case, I will talk about the hyperactive pupils at Sekolah Bintang Harapan, as this is a special school for pupils with special needs, and the techniques for teaching English vocabulary which are used by teachers there. I think I will get valid data there about hyperactive pupils because there are hyperactive pupils in the school.


Maranatha Christian University


I.2. Identification of the Problem

1. What are the characteristics of hyperactive pupils?

2. What are the suitable techniques for teaching English vocabulary to hyperactive pupils in grades 1 and 2 at Sekolah Bintang Harapan?

I.3. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

1.3.1. Objectives

1. To find out the characteristics of hyperactive pupils.

2. To find out suitable techniques for teaching English vocabulary to hyperactive pupils in grades 1 and 2.

1.3.2. Benefits of the Study

1. For the teachers in Sekolah Bintang Harapan, this study will give more knowledge about pupils with hyperactivity, so that the teachers will be able to know appropriate ways for teaching English to hyperactive pupils.

2. It is expected that this study will also be beneficial for me to increase my knowledge of teaching English, especially in teaching pupils with hyperactivity.

3. It will add scientific information concerning teaching pupils with hyperactivity for the use of DIII English Programme students and readers who are interested in teaching.


Maranatha Christian University


I.4. Limitations of the Study

This study deals specifically with teaching English vocabulary to hyperactive pupils. In this study, I will talk about hyperactive pupils in grades 1 and 2, and about some suitable techniques for teaching them English vocabulary. I also include spelling in my discussion of English vocabulary.

Hyperactive pupils’ behaviour may change as they become older and get some medical or psychological treatment. That is why I choose the hyperactive pupils in grades 1 and 2, when their characteristics are more visible, and as they have some English lessons in these grades.

I.5. Layout of the Term Paper

This term paper starts with the Abstract, a concise summary of the entire paper in Indonesian. This Abstract is followed by the Preface, in which I acknowledge the work and contribution of other parties. After that is the Table of Contents, followed by its five chapters:

Chapter I is the introduction to the analysis Chapter II contains the library research

Chapter III deals with the performance of the research

Chapter IV contains the result and discussion of the research

Chapter V contains the conclusion, my comments and suggestions.

In the final part, I present successively the Bibliography and the Appendices.


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V.1. Conclusion

After gathering the data by doing observation six times and interviewing the teachers of grades 1 and 2 at Sekolah Bintang Harapan, I analyze it to answer the identification of the problem. Finally, I can conclude that most of the characteristics of hyperactive behaviour stated in the theory by Dobson, Rief, and Flick, such as yelling and being easily distracted, are often shown by the hyperactive pupils, but not constantly.

In facing these characteristics, the teachers usually do some actions that are quite helpful to cause the hyperactive pupils to become calm and quiet. The actions are not always the same every time for the same behaviour, as the teachers have different ways of dealing with these characteristics. And the actions are not exactly the same as is suggested in the theory.

I also conclude that the most suitable way to teach English generally is by using a personal approach, which means that the hyperactive pupils


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have to be helped individually in the classroom, by the teacher monitoring each pupil one by one.

Lastly, techniques for teaching English vocabulary that are stated in the theory are not used at all by the teachers at Sekolah Bintang Harapan. The teachers use other techniques such as rereading the vocabulary and asking pupils to repeat the words, and asking the pupils to translate the vocabulary. The techniques are quite effective to be applied in teaching hyperactive pupils, but it depends on the hyperactive pupils’ abilities.

V.2. Suggestions

While I do the observations, I recognize that teaching hyperactive pupils, especially in teaching English, is not easy. Because of that, I suggest that teachers at Sekolah Bintang Harapan continue to be patient in teaching English to hyperactive pupils. I also suggest that teachers at Sekolah Bintang Harapan try using other techniques in teaching English, as is stated in the theory. Although I still do not know from actual observation whether the use of the techniques stated in the theory are effective or not, hopefully it can give ideas for teachers at Sekolah Bintang Harapan to try when teaching English to hyperactive pupils. In my opinion, spelling the new words can also be used to help the hyperactive pupils remember the words, and this technique can also be tried by the teachers there.


Maranatha Christian University


Armstrong, Thomas. “Coming to Grips with the Musculature of Words.” The Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing: Making the Words Come Alive. n.d. 29 Apr. 2007

Dobson, James. Anak Hiperaktif: Tanda-tanda, Penyebab, dan Penanganannya. Trans. T. Wahyuni. Yogyakarta: PBMR ANDI, 2005.

Flick, Grad L. ADD / ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit. New York: West Nyack, 1998.

Rief, Sandra F. How to Reach and Teach ADD / ADHD Children. New York: West Nyack, 1993.


characteristics of pupils with special needs. As a result, teachers treat these pupils in inappropriate ways, because they think those pupils are naughty. Actually, they may not be. They look naughty only because they have a special gift that they themselves cannot control. For example, hyperactive pupils seem very active all the time but in fact it is not their own wish to be like this, but it is because they have a chemical imbalance in their central nervous system that makes them very active (Dobson, 1993:5). So, it is very important for teachers to know the characteristics of pupils with special needs. By doing this, they will not only help those pupils to learn the lesson well, but also help themselves avoid unnecessary stress if they are not aware of these issues.

After teachers know the characteristics of hyperactive pupils, of course, as teachers, they have to know how to handle those pupils in different situations. From knowing their characteristics, teachers are expected to find out suitable techniques for teaching hyperactive pupils. It is expected that the techniques can support those pupils’ strengths and help their weaknesses so that they can study well. That is the reason I would like to discuss hyperactive pupils in this paper, especially their characteristics and some techniques to help them in learning English vocabulary. In this case, I will talk about the hyperactive pupils at Sekolah Bintang Harapan, as this is a special school for pupils with special needs, and the techniques for teaching English vocabulary which are used by teachers there. I think I will get valid data there about hyperactive pupils because


I.2. Identification of the Problem

1. What are the characteristics of hyperactive pupils?

2. What are the suitable techniques for teaching English vocabulary to hyperactive pupils in grades 1 and 2 at Sekolah Bintang Harapan?

I.3. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

1.3.1. Objectives

1. To find out the characteristics of hyperactive pupils.

2. To find out suitable techniques for teaching English vocabulary to hyperactive pupils in grades 1 and 2.

1.3.2. Benefits of the Study

1. For the teachers in Sekolah Bintang Harapan, this study will give more knowledge about pupils with hyperactivity, so that the teachers will be able to know appropriate ways for teaching English to hyperactive pupils.

2. It is expected that this study will also be beneficial for me to increase my knowledge of teaching English, especially in teaching pupils with hyperactivity.

3. It will add scientific information concerning teaching pupils with hyperactivity for the use of DIII English Programme students and readers who are interested in teaching.


I.4. Limitations of the Study

This study deals specifically with teaching English vocabulary to hyperactive pupils. In this study, I will talk about hyperactive pupils in grades 1 and 2, and about some suitable techniques for teaching them English vocabulary. I also include spelling in my discussion of English vocabulary.

Hyperactive pupils’ behaviour may change as they become older and get some medical or psychological treatment. That is why I choose the hyperactive pupils in grades 1 and 2, when their characteristics are more visible, and as they have some English lessons in these grades.

I.5. Layout of the Term Paper

This term paper starts with the Abstract, a concise summary of the entire paper in Indonesian. This Abstract is followed by the Preface, in which I acknowledge the work and contribution of other parties. After that is the Table of Contents, followed by its five chapters:

Chapter I is the introduction to the analysis Chapter II contains the library research

Chapter III deals with the performance of the research

Chapter IV contains the result and discussion of the research




V.1. Conclusion

After gathering the data by doing observation six times and interviewing the teachers of grades 1 and 2 at Sekolah Bintang Harapan, I analyze it to answer the identification of the problem. Finally, I can conclude that most of the characteristics of hyperactive behaviour stated in the theory by Dobson, Rief, and Flick, such as yelling and being easily distracted, are often shown by the hyperactive pupils, but not constantly.

In facing these characteristics, the teachers usually do some actions that are quite helpful to cause the hyperactive pupils to become calm and quiet. The actions are not always the same every time for the same behaviour, as the teachers have different ways of dealing with these characteristics. And the actions are not exactly the same as is suggested in the theory.

I also conclude that the most suitable way to teach English generally is by using a personal approach, which means that the hyperactive pupils


have to be helped individually in the classroom, by the teacher monitoring each pupil one by one.

Lastly, techniques for teaching English vocabulary that are stated in the theory are not used at all by the teachers at Sekolah Bintang Harapan. The teachers use other techniques such as rereading the vocabulary and asking pupils to repeat the words, and asking the pupils to translate the vocabulary. The techniques are quite effective to be applied in teaching hyperactive pupils, but it depends on the hyperactive pupils’ abilities.

V.2. Suggestions

While I do the observations, I recognize that teaching hyperactive pupils, especially in teaching English, is not easy. Because of that, I suggest that teachers at Sekolah Bintang Harapan continue to be patient in teaching English to hyperactive pupils. I also suggest that teachers at Sekolah Bintang Harapan try using other techniques in teaching English, as is stated in the theory. Although I still do not know from actual observation whether the use of the techniques stated in the theory are effective or not, hopefully it can give ideas for teachers at Sekolah Bintang Harapan to try when teaching English to hyperactive pupils. In my opinion, spelling the new words can also be used to help the hyperactive pupils



Armstrong, Thomas. “Coming to Grips with the Musculature of Words.” The Multiple Intelligences of Reading and Writing: Making the Words Come Alive. n.d. 29 Apr. 2007

Dobson, James. Anak Hiperaktif: Tanda-tanda, Penyebab, dan Penanganannya. Trans. T. Wahyuni. Yogyakarta: PBMR ANDI, 2005.

Flick, Grad L. ADD / ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit. New York: West Nyack, 1998.

Rief, Sandra F. How to Reach and Teach ADD / ADHD Children. New York: West Nyack, 1993.