Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Tahun Pelajaran 2016 2017

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017
1. Cross A, B, or C for the correct answer! Berilah tanda silang pada huruf A, B, atau C pada
jawaban yang benar!
1. Ali : Good morning, Doni!
Doni : Good ….
A. Afternoon
B. Morning
C. Evening
2. “t – a – f – e – r – o – n – o – n “ The correct word is …
A. atfernoon
B. tafernoon
C. afternoon
3. Rina : Hello. Good night.
Tesa : Good night. How are you?
Rina : ….
A. Fine
B. thank you
C. And you
4. Look the picture! (Lihatlah gambar itu!)
A. Morning
B. Evening

C. Night
5. Hello. My …. is Dita.
A. Friend
B. Dinda
C. Name
6. Rika : What is your name?
Lia : ….
A. My name is Lia
B. See you Rika
C. Thank you
A. Jono
B. Muhammad
C. Azizah
8. His name is ….
A. Rika
B. Dono
C. Nia
9. What is it? It is a …
A. Banana

B. apple
C. fish
10. Ikan in English is ….
A. Fish
B. lion
C. monkey

11. We have a …. (rumah)
A. Key
B. ruler
C. house
12. This is a ….
A. Tiger
B. Monkey
C. Cow
13. Ali : What is this?
Oka : This is a ….
A. Table
B. Bed
C. Pillow

14. My mother buy two …. (bantal)
A. Blanket
B. Clock
C. Pillow
15. “window” in Indonesian is ….
A. Jendela
B. Pintu
C. Kursi
16. “n – l – b – a – k – e – t” the correct word is ….
A. Blaknet
B. Blanket
C. Blenkat
17. My mother cooking in the …. (dapur)
A. Bedroom
B. Morning
C. Kitchen
18. This is a ….
A. Glass
B. Fridge
C. Stove

19. We cut the fruit using …. (pisau)
A. Knife
B. Fork
C. Spoon
20. “Plate” in Indonesian is ….
A. Sendok
B. Garpu
C. Piring
II. Fill in the blanks ! (isilah titik-titik)
1. Lina
: Good morning, Tika.
Tika : ….
2. “Good afternoon” in Indonesian is …
3. “Namaku Sinta” in English is …
4. A : …. is your name?
B : My name is Dina.

5. This is a ….
This is a ….

I have a …..
8. We sit in …. (kita duduk di kursi)
This is a fork and ….
10. That is a …. (gelas)
III. Jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaan berikut dengan benar!
O – D – O – GO – M – R – G – N – I – N
The correct is ….
This is a ….
3. My name is ….
4. What is in English from “gambar”?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………
5. What is that?
Answer : …………………………………………………………………………………
I. 1. B
2. C

3. A
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. B10. A 11. C
12. C
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. B
19. A20. C
II. 1. Good morning Lina
2. Selamat siang
3. My name Sinta
4. What
5. Monkey

6. Door
7. Blanket
8. Chair
9. Spoon
10. glass
III. 1. good morning
2. window
3. …..
4. Picture
5. Stove