Enjoy Summer And Vacation Good Health

Enjoy Summer And Vacation Good Health
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Summer can be a real health challenge. Our ambitious travel plans leave us vulnerable to new i

You needn´t cross the desert to suffer from dehydration. Many of us suffer chronic dehydration

vacation, health, swimmers ear, oil of oregano, ear ache, stomach flu

Article Body:
Summer can be a real health challenge. Our ambitious travel plans leave us vulnerable to new i

You needn´t cross the desert to suffer from dehydration. Many of us suffer chronic dehydration

Drinking only sodas, coffee, alcohol and the like also depletes our minerals and vitamins, har

Stress and Depression

Stressed out? Use Vitamin C daily. If you want to detoxify as well, take at least 2000 mg. per

Get a good massage: Your friend doesn´t have to be an expert to rub some Oil of Oregano into y
Eat fruits and vegetables in abundance and avoid sugars. Did you know that every bacteria and
Summer flu

Stomach flu (or gastroenteritis) is often caused by a virus or food poisoning. Avoid solids fo

Aloe Vera is excellent for sunburn, whether in juice form or straight from the plant. See www.
It´s best to avoid extended exposure to sunshine as much as possible. It can dry out the mucus
Swimmer´s Ear (and Earaches generally)

Is anything more relaxing than getting away from it all with a good swim? For some though, thi
Be sure to enjoy your life and radiate love, so love finds its way back to you.
Warmly, Pieternel van Giersbergen

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