Expressing Your Love Through Service

Expressing Your Love Through Service
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A client of mine told me that she had been making food for a friend of hers who was very ill.

helping others, generosity, serving others

Article Body:
A client of mine told me that she had been making food for a friend of hers who was very ill.

Doing service is a powerful way to open the heart and fulfill the soul. Those people who do se

There are many forms of service and we each need to find the way that works best for us. There

Doing service is a matter of discovering your passion and then offering your time and love. Yo

Steve discovered his passion for helping the elderly when his father became ill and was in a c

Toni had always loved animals. One day she discovered that there was a wonderful animal sanctu
Work, too, can be service. When you experience your work as helping people and you love doing

In fact, anything you offer that expresses your love is service - your time, creativity, encou

The practice of service does not have to be done only on an individual level. It is possible f

Each of us needs to find the service that excites us, enlivens us and fills our heart with joy

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