Guru Bahasa Inggris SMAN 3 Jember


Abstract. Bahasa Inggris merupakan mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah SMP dan

SMA. Ada empat skill dalam bahasa Inggris yaitu yang pertama adalah

mendengarkan, berbicara, yang diikuti dengan membaca dan menulis. Keempat

skill tersebut saling berkaitan. Selain itu, ada tiga komponen bahasa yang perlu

di perhatikan yaitu: kosakata, tata bahasa, dan pengucapan. Guru harus dapat

memotivasi siswa dengan menciptakan situasi yang menarik dalam proses

belajar mengajar, termasuk di dalam kelas ketika siswa mendengarkan. Jadi,

sangat penting untuk memilih teknik yang benar untuk mengajar guna

memotivasi siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan listening. Peneliti tertarik

untuk melakukan penelitian yang berjudul “Meningkatkan Kemampuan

listening Melalui Story Telling pada siswa kelas XI-IPS2 di SMA Negeri 3

Jember Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011. Karena dengan mendongeng berarti

seorang guru menceritakan kisah di depan siswa. Untuk membuatnya lebih

hidup seorang guru bisa menggunakan ekspresi seperti gerak tubuh, suara,

bunyi, mimik muka, dan berbagai intonasi, agar cerita akan lebih menarik.


Sebelum guru bercerita, pertama dia harus menguasai cerita terlebih dahulu

karena penting untuk mengetahui karakter, keadaan dan pesan dari cerita

tersebut. Dengan begitu guru dapat bercerita secara singkat dan jelas.

Disamping itu, cerita harus menarik, dipilih dengan baik dan memenuhi minat

siswa. Kemampuan mendengarkan dalam penelitian ini ditunjukkan dengan

nilai siswa dari tes listening. Ada dua indikator yang akan diukur dalam test

tersebut. Yang pertama mendengarkan untuk mencari informasi secara umum

dari cerita termasuk juga kemampuan untuk menemukan topik dan gagasan

utama dalam cerita. Yang kedua adalah mendengarkan untuk mencari

informasi spesifik dari cerita. Dalam hal ini, mendengarkan adalah untuk

menemukan informasi secara detail dalam sebuah cerita.

  Kata kunci : Listening, Story Telling.


  English has been regarded as a compulsory subjects in junior and senior high school. There are four language skills. The first is listening, next is speaking, followed by reading and writing. They are taught integrated. Besides, there are three language components, namely: vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. In the Basic course outline of the English Competency Based Curriculum (2001),it is stated that the goal of teaching English Competence Based is to enable the students to listen, speak, write, and read. In addition, Scot and Ytreberg (1992) confirm the students start learning a foreign language by listening. Further, Rankin in Cox (1999), state that listening is the most common activity, it takes 45%. Next is speaking it is about 30%, followed by reading about 16%, and writing about 9%. In fact, the students still rarely get listening activities at school. That is why their listening skill has not improved well. The students often get difficulty in listening to the English text (Cox, 1999). To solve the problem, the English teachers are expected to be able to arouse the students motivation. Burden and Byrd (1999), say that motivating students to learn is vital role. In this case, the English teacher can motivate the students by creating and attractive situation in the teaching learning process, including listening class. So, it is important to choose an applicable technique for teaching listening to motivate the students to improve their listening skill.

  Since young language learner are interested in the listening to stories, the story telling technique can create an interesting atmosphere in teaching listening (Scott and Ytreberg, 1992). As it motivating and giving fun, the students will be interested and enjoy learning the language. In addition, Patricia in Kasbolah (1993), states that, storytelling is motivating and giving fun, imaginative useful in thinking fantasy and the imagination with children’s world. In telling the stories to the student, the teacher uses mimes, voices, gestures, and various intonation to attract the students’ attention (Zarro and Salaberri, 1995).

  Based on the researcher experiment as the English teacher at SMA Negeri 3 Jember, teaching listening through story telling has never been conducted. She only uses tape recorder and VCD/CD in teaching listening. The students listen to the cassettes or CD and then do the exercises based on the teachers’ instruction. They usually still get difficulties to comprehend the content of the stories or the texts.

  Limitation of the Research

  In this research, the researcher uses narrative text, especially about fables in telling story and the researcher only focused on the use of storytelling to improve the twelve year students’ listening comprehension in finding general and specific information of the story at SMA Negeri 3 Jember.

  Research Problem

  Based on the background, the research problems are formulated as follows, “Can the use of storytelling improve the Eleven-IPS2 year student’ listening ability at SMA Negeri 3 Jember?"

  REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Listening Comprehension Achievement

  As Harris and Smith (1972), states that “Comprehension means the process of requiring meaning from listening”. “Listening is considered as receiving massage of the oral text from the speaker” (Nurhal, 1978). However, to comprehend listening text a listener must be able to master the basic units of comprehending a listening. So the meaning of listening comprehension is the act of one’s mind during listening to understand th oral text. Meanwhile, Hornby (1983), states that achievement is something done successfully with effort and skill.

  From the statements above, it can be inferred that listening comprehension achievement is assumed as the act of one’s mind during listening to understand the oral text, which is got with effort and skill.


  Storytelling is relating a tale to one or more listeners through voices and gestures. In this case, the storyteller looks into the students’ eyes and tells the stories by using voices and gestures and a series of mental image, it is not the same as reading a loud (Geisler, 1997). In line with this, Zarro and Salaberri (1995), state that storytelling is one of the ways in teaching listening in which the teacher tell the stories aloud in front of the students by using certain expression such as gestures, voices, mimes, and varying intonation. In addition, Temple and Gillert (1983), state that storytelling provides the students with excellent opportunities to organize their thought, communicate effectively with others, and get actively involved with literature.

  Dealing with this statement, storytelling is one of the ways used to motivate the students to learn the language, as, they like to hear the stories. Moreover, telling the simple stories in the foreign language is an enjoyable and motivating way in developing the students’ listening skill (Zarro and Sallaberry, 1995). The learners are expected to be happy in listening to the stories. Therefore, the students are usually happy to listen to the stories told by the teacher. This condition can attract the students’ interest in learning the language.

  The Reason of Teaching Storytelling

  According to Coody in Spodek et. al. (1991), the values in teaching by using storytelling is as follows:  The students are introduced to come to the best literature  The students are presented with many characters. They can learn the goodness and badness, and compare them.  The students will be familiar with many cultures around the world  The students’ vocabularies are enriched and expanded  The students’ listening comprehension skill will be improved.  The students are provided with valuable information and knowledge.

  Dealing with the reasons, According to Stewig (1980), states that telling stories with the learners are an essential part, as there are some reasons to tell them as follows:  It can increase students’ knowledge, and understanding of races and beliefs  Storytelling can teach students about narrative  It will introduce students to share the experiences based on the stories told  It stimulated students’ imagination  It encourages the students to listen and concentrate to the stories  It can develop the students thinking skill

  The ideas above, shows that storytelling can create a positive attitude in learning a foreign language. It gives many values for the students to support their learning process to improve their ability in learning the language, especially in improving their listening comprehension achievement.

  Techniques of Teaching Listening By Using Storytelling

  According Petty and Jensen (1980), they proposed that there are some techniques that might be helpful for the teachers to be a good storyteller.

  1. The teacher should learn the story well

  2. The teacher should create good atmosphere

  3. The teacher should master in presenting the stories

  Selecting of storytelling Material

  Selecting the appropriate story telling material must be ell chosen by the storytelling, as there are many stories available. According to Scott and Yterbeg (1992), state that good stories should have a clear structure, it has setting and sequence to lead to the event. There goodness and badness, and the goodness will win. Besides, the storyteller must recognize the level of the students to fit the language use based on the their ability.

  There are some criteria to select the material for storytelling in order the stories will meet the students’ interest. Petty and Jenson (1980), say that the teacher should love the stories and be able to tell to them well.

  Teaching Listening

  Listening is not just hearing the word, but listening is an active process. The students should understand and respond it appropriately. Lundsteen in Jalongo (1992), defines listening as the process in which the spoken language is changed to meaning in mind. The students must listen word by word, interpret them in the their mind, and they will be result the acts. Besides, Vandergrift (1999), states that listening is a complex, active process in which the listeners must discriminate between sounds, understand vocabulary, and grammatical structure, interpret stress and intonation, and finally interpret them based on the socio cultural context of the utterances. He also state that listening is hard work, as it needs more analysis and support, in order the listeners can gain the comprehension from the activity of listening process. Finally, the listeners can improve their listening skill.

  The Principle of Teaching Listening

  In teaching listening, there are some principle that should be recognized by the teacher. In this case, Morly in paulston and Bruder (1976), proposed a general set of principle in teaching listening comprehension, they are :  Listening comprehension lessons must be appropriate with curriculum. Here, the curriculum that is used is the Basic Course Outline of the 2001 Curriculum based competition for Senior High School.

   Listening comprehension lesson should be constructed step by step planning.

  This implies that teaching listening start from the simple one to more complex. The teacher should consider to what students listen to, where students listen to, how student listen, and when students listen

   Listening comprehension lesson should emphasize on conscious memory work. It involve the activities to recall the students’ memory dealing with what they have listened. As, listening activities can not be separated with thinking and remembering, when the students are thinking, they automatically recall their prior knowledge in which they have known.

  The Factors Influencing the Process of Teaching Listening

  In listening teaching process, the English teacher should recognize the factors that influence listening teaching process cover three things, they are :

  1. The listener’s characteristics. The characteristics involve the learner’s motivation, it deals with the interest of the students to be actively to interact and participate.

  Next is the learners’ experience that refers to the students’ daily activities through listening and seeing their environment. The last is the learners’ ability to use self- monitoring, it deal with the ability in associating new information with prior knowledge.

  2. Situational factors. They cover the appeal of the message, the distraction, and the use of concrete objects. The message must clear and organize well, in order to avoid misunderstanding between the speaker and listener. The use of concrete objects refers to what the speakers use top support their explanation. For instance, pictures, real objects, and others visual aids.

  3. Speaker’s characteristics. They involve pronunciation, eye contact, non-verbal communication, and distract habits. The pronunciation of the speaker refers to the clearness of the way they pronounce the words in order to get the appropriate information. Keep aye contact to give attention and convince what speakers says. Nonverbal communication deals with the act to deliver the message through gestures, mimes, and body movement. Distract habits deal with the interpretation that cause the message can not be transferred well. It can be the voice is too slow, and the listeners can not hear it, the speakers speaks too fast, the listener can not catch the words, and many others distraction.

  The Purpose of Teaching Listening Comprehension

  Listening for Finding Specific Information of the Stories

  4. How does father help Joe and Betty when he is home early?

  3. On what floor is father’s office?

  2. What does mother do during the day?

  1. What time does father leaves in the morning?

  To recall students’ ability in finding specific information of the story told by the teacher, he/she gives question like these:

  Listening for finding specific information is similar to scanning technique (Wright, 1989), that is listening to locate specific information in which the listeners are trying to absorb all of the information given. In addition, Henning (1997), states that specific information or supporting details work naturally to support the main idea. In this case, Petty and Jensen (1980), give the following example to find the specific information

  In this action research, the junior high school students are taught the listening comprehension achievement by finding the main idea that is stated at the beginning of the paragraph and finding the main idea that is stated at the last paragraph as the conclusion.

  In teaching listening, the teacher motivates the students by stating some purposes in their listening activities (William, 1995). Based on curriculum 2004, the goal of teaching is finding the general and specific information of the English text. In this action, the purpose of teaching listening is finding the general and specific information of the stories.

  (Raygon in Cahyono, 1997). It includes the topic and the controlling idea paragraph. According to mc Shorter (1980), the main idea is explicitly stated in the first, middle, and the last paragraph. The main idea is stated in the first paragraph generally stated in the first sentence of the paragraph. If it is stated in the middle of the paragraph before he states the main idea.

  b. Listening for Finding Main ideas The main idea refers to a statement that summarizes a paragraph

  Another way of saying this is that a thermometer tells us how hot or cold the air is. If you had a thermometer hanging outside your window, you would be able to tell if it was cold enough for you the wear shoes” Then the teacher makes question answers strategic as follows : Teacher : “What is the topic ? “ Students : “Thermometer” Teachers : “How do you know ?” Students : “the world thermometer is often repeated”

  a. Listening for Finding Topic Listening for finding topic is listening for getting the gist of whole spoken stories. Further, Henning (1997), gives an example of the way for finding the topic as follows, “A useful tool that tells us something about about weather is called thermometer. Thermometer is used to measure the temperature of the air.

  Listening for determining general information can be divided into listening for finding topic and listening for finding main idea.

  Listening for Finding General Information of The Stories.

  5. When does the family play game? In these listening activities, the students are asked to listen to the stories that are told by the storyteller. While listening to the stories, the students are expected to listen carefully in order they can find the general and specifics information of the stories. By doing so, the students will be motivated to improve their listening skills


The use of Storytelling to Improve the Students’ Listening Comprehension


  Storytelling is very interesting. In telling the stories, the English teacher as the story teller tells it in front of the students by using expression such as gestures, voices, sounds, mimes, and varying intonation (Zarro and Salaberri, 1995), the teacher does that ways in order the stories that he/she tells we be more interesting and a live. So, the students will not feel bored in listening to the stories and will not feel tense in the teaching process. It makes them enjoy and relax doing the listening activities.

  Teaching listening through storytelling is quite simple. The teacher tells the stories while the student listen it attentively. After that the teacher and the students discuss it. It covers the characters, setting, and the message that are stated in the story. To know the student understanding about the story, the teacher asks them to find the general and specific information of the stories.

  RESEARCH METHODS Research Design The design of the research was classroom action research with cycle model.

  The objective of this research was to improve grade Eleven-IPS2 students’ Ability of SMA Negeri 3 Jember through story telling.

  This research was conducted collaboratively. The collaboration focused on finding and defining the research problem, carrying out the action of the research and doing reflection. The actions were conducted by the research in which each cycle covered four stages of activities, namely: Planning of the action, implementation of the action, observation and evaluation and reflection.

  In this action research, the procedures of the action research could be described as follows.

  1. Doing the activities in cycles I. They were as follows.

  • Constructing lesson plan for the action in cycle I.
  • Conducting the action of teaching listening through story telling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation.
  • Doing observation along the listening teaching learning process.
  • Administering listeing test through story telling after giving the action in cycle one.
  • Doing reflection of the action results in cycle I

  2. Analyzing the data of the action result in order to know weather the action in cycle I was able to improve the students’ listening comprehension achievement.

  3. Discussing the result of the action in cycle I If the research of the action in cycle I has not achieved the target yet, a modified treatment plan is needed. The modified plan is applied is cycle II for the purpose on accelerating the expected target.

  Data Collection Methods

  Data collection methods applied in this action research was listening comprehension test for gathering the primary data. Meanwhile, interview, documentation and observation were used for collecting the supporting data.

  Listening Test

  In this action research, the researcher made the constructed test based on the theme in the Competency Based Curriculum for grade eight students of Junior high school in the second semester. The kind of the test was objective test in the form of multiple choice, then, the students are asked to choose the best answer.

  The listening test was given to the students after giving the actions in cycle I. the listening test of story telling was about “The Rat and The Lion” with 10 items (2 items for finding general information, and 8 items for finding specific information). So, the total score of the test items was 100 points.

  General Description of The Research The classrooum action research was conducted through certain procedures.

  It used spiral cycles model by Kemmis and McTaggart. There were four steps in each cycle, namely :

  • Planning the actions
  • implementing the actions
  • observing the class
  • Reflecting the results of the action

  (Kemmis, S and McTaggart, R in Latief (2003)

  Details of the Research Procedures Planning of the Actions

  Planning the action was done before the action of the research was carried out, in order the implementation of the action could run well. There were some activities that were planned before the actions given.

  1. Finding the interesting topic of the storytelling to attract the students’ interest.

  2. Learning and understanding the story well.

  3. Constructing the lesson plans to the action in cycle I.

  4. Constructing the observation checklist used as observation guide to indicate the students active and passive involvement in the listening teaching learning process.

  5. Constructing the listening test to storytelling for cycle I.

  The Implementation of the Action

   The action in the cycle I In this stage, the action was teaching listening through story telling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation. There were two meeting in cycle one. At the first meeting, the researcher told the story entitled “The Hare and the Tortoise”, the at the second meeting the researcher told the story entitled “The Rat and the Lion”. The activities in each meeting were as follows.

   The researcher gave some leading questions to stimulate the students’ prior knowledge about the topic of the story.  The researcher lead the students to come to the topic and stated the title of the story.  The researcher told the story by using certain expression, while the students were listening to it.  After listening to the story, the researcher gave some exercises to the students to find general and specific information of the story telling at the first meeting.  After listening to the story, the researcher was administering the listening test to find general and specific information of the story telling at the second meeting.  The students answered the questions on the answer sheet provided individually.  Discussed the answer of the test in order to comprehend to story well.

  Observation and Evaluation

  observation or monitoring was important. It was used to observe the activities and the applications of the action in this research. Observation or paper to record the students’ activities in the teaching learning process through storytelling in cycle I. monitoring would be focused on the indicators of the performance of the students’ involvement passively and actively in the listening teaching learning process.

  Evaluation was carried out to know whether the use of storytelling could improve the students’ listening comprehension achievement in finding the general and specific information of the story. In this action research, there were two kinds of evaluation. They were evaluation of process and evaluation of product. Evaluation of process was done by conducting observation during the listening teaching learning process through storytelling in cycle I. The evaluation of result was carried out at the end of cycle I in the form of listening test to find general and specific information of the stories.

  Analysis and Reflection Analysis

  The collected data were analyzed based on the form of the data. The data in the form of sentences from observation in cycle I was analyzed qualitatively. It was described based on the fact of the students’ condition when the listening teaching learning process by using story telling were carried out. Then the data from the result of the students’ listening test was analyzed by applying descriptive quantitative. The quantitative formulation to analyze the students’ listening comprehension test was as follows.

  M = Ʃ x / N

  Notes : M = The Mean score Ʃ x = The total score of the students’ listening achievement test N = The number of the students (Adapted from Hadi, 1989)


  The researcher and the collaborator did reflection after analyzing the data in cycle I. The purpose of doing reflection was to know whether the actions that had been done in cycle I had weaknesses or problems. After doing the reflection, the researcher and the collaborator discussed to find another solution to solve the problem appearing. Then, the result of reflection in the form of the weaknesses of the action in the cycle I was used as a guide to revise the cycle II.

  RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Result of Listening Test in Cycle I

  The listening test was administered at the end of the class activity in the second meeting in cycle I. Before giving the test, the researcher told the story entitled “The Rat and The Lion”. She told the story through storytelling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation, while the students were listening to the storytelling. After that, the students answered the question on the answer sheet individually after having the action.

  The result showed that the technique of teaching listening through storytelling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation in cycle I had not improved the students’ listening comprehension achievement. This was based on the data that the students’ average score was 57,75. This score had not reached standard requirement of the average score that was 65. This means that the first cycle still got problems.


  Based on the process and the evaluation, the students’ listening comprehension achievement still could not be developed through storytelling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation. It could be seen from the students’ average score of listening test in cycle I was only 57,75 (M = 57,75), and the students’ activeness to involve in the listening teaching learning process was 45%. Both of them had nor reached the standard score requirement yet. The standard score for evaluation was 65 and for students’ activeness 60%. These result could be caused by the following problems: - It was new for the students in listening activities by using storytelling.

  • Most of them were still passive, because they were bored.
  • Most of them were still difficult to understand or to comprehend the story.
  • Most of them were not enthusiastic in listen the story.

  That is why, the further action was needed to sove the problems appeared in cycle I. It was teaching listening through storytelling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation accompanied by pictures as illustration in cycle II. It was expected that the students would be more interested in joining the listening teaching learning process, so that they would be more motivated to improve their listening comprehension achievement. In addition, the result of the action in cycle II was expected to be better than the result of the action in the cycle I.

  The Result of Listening Test in Cycle II

  From the get data , it could be seen that the result of listening test in cycle II was better than the result of listening test in the first cycle. The mean score of the students listening test in the second cycle (M=65,5) was higher than that of the first cycle (M = 57,75). This means that the action of teaching listening through storytelling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation accompanied by pictures in cycle II could improve the students’ listening comprehension achievement.


  The results of the action in cycle II had reached the standard mean score requirement the process (65% of the students’ were active involving og the listening teaching learning process) and the listening test (M = 65.5). It could be said that the technique of teaching listening through storytelling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation accompanied by pictures in cycle II gave positive response. The students were entertained by seeing the pictures as the illustration of the storytelling. It gave pleasure to the students. Moreover, they were enthusiastic to join listening teaching learning process and they were easier to understand the story by looking at the pictures that were shown by the English teacher in listening activities. Therefore, the action could improve the students’ listening comprehension achievement.

  The Result of Supporting Data The Result of Interview

  The interview was directed to the students (The Eleven-IPS2 students) as the interviews. The students were being asked some questions after they had the action. They usually have listening activity once a week, but sometimes they only have once in two weeks. In listening activity they have difficulties in comprehending the story. They have never been taught listening activities through storytelling. It was the first time for them. Most of them like listening activities through story telling and most of them like the story in that listening activity through storytelling. Most of them more easily understand the content of the story after they have given listening activities through storytelling which is accompanied by pictures.

  The Result of Documentation

  Documentation was used to get the supporting data about the list of the respondents at SMA Negeri 3 Jember in grade Eleven-IPS2. It was enclosed on Appendix 11.


  The analysis of the action results in each cycle has been done. It showed that the students’ listening test scores had improved from cycle I until cycle II. The mean score of the students’ listening test score increased from 57,75 in cycle I to 65.5 in cycle II. In the first cycle, the students’ average score had not fulfilled the standard requirement of the average score (M=65) because the students’ average score in this cycle was 57.75. It means that teaching listening through storytelling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation still got a problem. That is why, the further action was done. It was teaching listening through storytelling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation accompanied by pictures in cycle II. In the second cycle, the students’ average score could improve, that was 65.5.

  Based on the results of listening test, it could be claimed that teaching listening through storytelling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation accompanied by pictures was able to improve the students’ listening comprehension achievement. It was supported by the theory from Zarro and Sallaberri (1995), who stated that telling the simple stories in a foreign language is an enjoyable and motivating way to improve the students’ listening skill. In addition, storytelling accompanied by pictures for the students is more interesting and motivating, in which meaning is communicated through pictures (Henning, 1997). Therefore, based on the result of the product evaluation in cycle II, the technique of teaching listening through storytelling by using mimes, gestures, voices and varying intonation accompanied by pictures could improve the students’ listening comprehension achievement.

  Besides that, the listening teaching learning process was carried out by applying observation in each cycle. It focused on the students’ active and passive involvement in the listening teaching learning process. In addition, the standard requirement of the process was 60% of the students’ activeness. The result of observation showed that there were 45% of the students were active in the first cycle. This means that the action in cycle I still got a problem because the standard requirement of the process had not been fulfilled. While, in cycle II there were 65% of the students were active. This means that the result of observation in cycle II had fulfilled the standard requirement of the process (60% of the students ’activeness). The action in cycle II could improve the students’ activeness to involve in the listening teaching learning process. Moreover, it was supported by the result of interview of the students. All of them said that they enjoyed having the action of teaching listening by storytelling. The students gave positive response.

  Above all, the technique of teaching listening through storytelling was interesting. That is why, the students were not bored. Storytelling helped them to focus on their listening activity. It proved that the technique of teaching listening through story telling could improve the student’s listening Ability at SMA Negeri 3 Jember.


  • The use of storytelling could improve grade eleven-IPS2 students Listening Ability at SMA Negeri 3 Jember in two cycles in finding general information of the storytelling from (M = 57.75) in the first cycle to (M = 65.5) in the second cycle.
  • The use of storytelling could improve grade eleven-IPS2 student’s listening

  3. The students The students are suggested to always improve their listening skill by practicing listening through storytelling or recorded stories.

  Voctoria: Australian Reading Company Inc Hennings, DG. 1997. Communication in Action: Teaching Literature-Based

  Hancock, J. and Hill, S. 1987. Literature-Based Reading Programs at Work.

  Depdiknas. 2001. KBK Mata Pelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk SLTP, Jakarta: Dirjen Dikdasmen Hadi, S. 1989. Statistik jilid I. Jogyakarta: Andi Offset.

  Cox, C. 1999. Teaching Language Art : A Student-and Response-centered Classroom. Third ed. Massachussets: Allyn & Bacon A Viacon Company

  Rineka Cipta Burden, P.R. and Byrd, D.M. 1999. Methods for Effective Teaching. Second ed. Massachusets: Allyn & Bacon A Viacon Company

  REFERENCES Arikunto, S. 1998. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta : PT.

  2. Other researchers It is suggested that other researchers conduct the research with similar topic with the same design to improve the students’ listening skill through storytelling at another school.

  Based on the results of the data analysis and discussion, the results could be concluded into general and specific conclusion.

  1. The English teacher The English teacher should be creative to find the technique in teaching listening to improve the students’ listening comprehension achievement. She is suggested to use story telling as the technique in teaching listening because it is motivating and fun. So, the students could enjoy listening through storytelling. In addition, it could improve the students’ listening comprehension achievement.

  Since the used of storytelling could improve the students’ listening comprehension achievement, some suggestions are given to the following people.


  Ability at SMA Negeri 3 Jember in two cycles in finding specific information of the storytelling from (M = 57.75) in the first cycle to (M = 65.5) in the second cycle.

  2. Specific Conclusions In particular, the results could be concluded as follows.

  The use of storytelling could improve grade Eleven-IPS2 Students’ listening Ability at SMA Negeri 3 Jember in two cycles from (M = 57.75) in the first cycle to (M = 65.5) in the second cycle.

  1. General Conclusion

  Language Arts. New York: Houghton Miflien Company Jalongo, M.R. 1992. Early Childhood Language Art. Massachussets: Allyn & Bacon A Devision of Simon & Schuster, Inc

  Kasbolah, K. 1993. Teaching Learning Strategy 1(unpublished textbook). Malang:

  IKIP Malang Latief, Adnan. 2003. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Jilid 10 No. LPTK & ISPI

  McWhorter, K.T. 1989. Guide to College Reading. New York: Harper Collins Publisher

  Petty, W.T & Jensen, J. 1980. Developing Children’s Language. Boston: Allyn & Bacon Inc

  Scoot, W.A & Ytrebeg, L.H. 1992. Teaching English to Children. New York: Longman Inc

  Stewig, J.W. 1980. Children’s Literature: Rand Mc Nally College Publishing & Company

  Wright, A. 1980. Pictures for Language Learning. New York: Cambridge University Press Zarro, J.J., & Sallaberri, S. 1995. Storytelling. Heinemann: Thomson Lith Ltd.

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Julian Chandra Wibawa Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Komputer Indonesia ABSTRAK - RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK (STUDI KASUS : SMPIT NURUL ISLAM TENGARAN)

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Rangga Satria Perdana Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Sangga Buana YPKP Bandung ABSTRAK - AUDIT KEAMANAN SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK NIST SP 800-26 (Studi Kasus : Universitas Sangga Buana YPKP Bandung)

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