A semiotics study of verbal expressions used in Wardah cosmetic advertisements.






Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Anwar Musyaddad Ali

Reg. Number : A83212126











Ali, Anwar Musyaddad. 2017. A Semiotics Study Of Verbal Expressions Used in Wardah Cosmetic Advertisements. English Department. Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Raudlotul Jannah, M.App.Ling

Key words : Semiotic, Advertisement, Wardah Cosmetics.

The researcher uses advertisement to be the sources of data. The advertisement is taken from Wardah Cosmetics. This thesis presents the types of Semiotic that is used by Wardah Cosmetics Advertisement. Furthermore, the researcher has two research problems. Those are What are the verbal expressions spoken by woman models in the advertisement of Wardah Cosmetics Lightening Series and What are the denotative and connotative meaning of verbal expressions spoken by woman models in the advertisement of Wardah Cosmetics Lightening Series.

Based on the explanation above, this research focuses on signifier and signified used in Wardah Cosmetics Advertisement. The researcher uses semiotic theory by Roland Barthes to analyze the signifier and signified. To support this research of semiotic used in Wardah Cosmetics Advertisement, the researcher uses the qualitative methods to analyze each words, phrases, and sentences in this Advertisement. Then the researcher describes the conclusion from each words, phrases, and sentences. The data is taken from fragment of sentences that contains the signifier and signified in Wardah Cosmetics Advertisement. The discussion in this analysis includes the types of signifier and signified that found in the wardah cosmetics advertisements.

The results of this study are the writer found and described 13 sentence that consist of denotative and connotative meaning from 5 video advertisiment of Wardah series 2016. The findings showed that connotative and denotative meaning is same number, it is 13 each other. The writer found denotative and connotative in every videos “Wardah Cosmetics “Lightening Series On 2016” of advertisiment.



Ali, Anwar Musyaddad. 2017. A Semiotics Study Of Verbal Expressions Used in Wardah Cosmetic Advertisements. Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing : Raudlotul Jannah, M.App.Ling

Kata Kunci : Semiotic, Iklan, Wardah Kosmetik.

Peneliti menggunakan iklan sebagai sumber data. Iklan diperoleh dari kosmetik wardah lightning series. Skripsi ini berisi tentang tipe-tipe semiotik yang digunakan oleh iklan kosmetik wardah. Penulis mempunyai dua permasalahan penelitian. Permasalahan tersebut yaitu apa ekspresi verbal yang diucapkan oleh model wanita dalam iklan kosmetik wardah lightning series dan apa makna denotatif dan konotatif dari ekspresi verbal yang diucapkan oleh model wanita dalam iklan kosmetik wardah lightning series.

Berdasarkan penjelasan diatas, penelitian ini fokus pada signifier (penanda) dan signified (makna) yang digunakan dalam iklan kosmetik wardah. Penulis menggunakan teory semiotik oleh Roland Barthes untuk menganalisa signifier dan signified. Untuk mendukung penelitian semotik yang digunakan oleh iklan kosmetik wardah, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisa setiap kata, Frasa, dan kalimat di dalam iklan. Kemudian penulis mendeskripsikan kesimpulan dalam setiap kata, frasa dan kalimat. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari kalimat yang mengandung signifier dan signified dalam iklan kosmetik wardah. Diskusi dalam penelitian ini meliputi tipe-tipe signifier dan signified yang ditemukan di iklan kosmetic wardah.

Hasil penelitian ini, penulis menemukan dan menjabarkan 13 kalimat yang mengandung makna denotatif dan konotatif dari lima video iklan kosmetik wardah tahun 2016. Penemuan juga menunjukkan bahwa makna denotatif dan konotatif dalam nomor yang sama yakni masing-masing 13 jawaban. Penulis menemukan makna denotatif dan konotatif dalam setiap video iklan kosmetik wardah lightning series pada 2016.



Inside Cover ... i

Inside Title ... ii

Declaration ... iv

Thesis Advisor’s Approval ... v

Thesis Examiner’s Approval ... vi

Motto ... vii

Dedication ... viii

Acknowledgement... ix

Table of Contents ... xi

Abstract ... xiii

Intisari ... xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study ... 1

1.2. Statement of The Problems ... 5

1.3. Objectives of The Study ... 5

1.4. Significance of the Study ... 6

1.5. Scope and Limitation ... 7

1.6. Definition of Key Terms ... 7

CHAPTER II: LITERARY REVIEW 2.1. Theoretical Framework ... 10

2.1.1. Language of Advertisement ... 10

2.1.2. Semiotic ... 13

a. Sign ... 15

b. Signifier and signified ... 16

2.1.3. Roland Barthes’s Semiotic Theory ... 17

a. Denotation, Connotation, and Myth ... 17



1). The Use of Color ... 20

2). The Use of Music ... 20

3). The Use of Animation ... 20

2.2 Previous Study ... 21

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. Research Approach ... 24

3.2. Data and Data Sources ... 25

3.3. Data Collections... 26

3.3.1. Research Instrument ... 26

3.3.2. Data collection techniques ... 26

3.4. Techniques of Data Analysis ... 27

CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Research Findings ... 31

4.1.1. Wardah BB Cream ... 31

4.1.2 Wardah Lightning Day Cream And Night Cream ... 36

4.1.3. Wardah Lightning Day Cream And Night Cream ... 38

4.1.4. Wardah Lightening Serum Dan Lightning Night Cream... 44

4.1.5. Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam ... 49

4.2. Table of type of Semiotic findings ... 55

4.3. Discussion ... 56

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 5.1. Conclusion ... 58

5.2. Suggestions ... 59




This chapter describes about background, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope & limitation and definition of the key terms.

1.1. Background of the Study

Commonly, to promote the goods and services, companies need a promotions. In this term, the way to promote the goods and services are using advertisement which are an audiovisual on television or just visual advertisement such as a written text on magazines, newspapers etc. that has a unique characteristic to interest the people.

Advertisement is a tool of communication which can be delivered verbally, non verbally, or both, to let person knows about certain products and interest to buy the products. Advertisement can be found easily on mass media either visual such as tabloids, magazines, newspapers, or audiovisual such as radio, television, or internet.

In any mass media’s advertisements, there are some advertisements commonly use woman as an object. Especially, in cosmetics advertisements. There are many reasons why the advertisement usually used woman in their object, one of them is because woman has unique characteristics. The unique of characteristic of woman can be found in their physical appearance to increase the sale of products.



Common cosmetic advertisements found in Indonesia are Wardah Cosmetic, Citra Cosmetic, Viva Cosmetic, Pixy, Purbasari, Sariayu, Mustika Ratu, etc. They do the same way to promote and increase their product. It represents a woman as a model or object. It means that the advertisement is only for woman. And from those cosmetic brands, the writer is interested in studying one famous brand, Wardah Cosmetics. This product is so unique than others because it uses woman moslem as the object to promote this product.

Wardah Cosmetics is the one of famous brand that growing fast in our country. The product is famous with “Inspiring Beauty” slogan. It is different from anothers. This product also has “Halal” Certificate. This product has more values for its consumers. Besides that, all of the model are wearing hijab, so the major of consumers in Indonesia is moslem who believing on this product.

Basically, there are so many kinds of Wardah cosmetic advertisements. But the writer focuses on Wardah Cosmetic Lightening Series because Wardah Lightening Series is complete product of cosmetics. This product is set of cosmetics used for brightening face. It consists of 2 steps. Each step consists of lightening day cream and lightening night cream. Lightening series product contains of active substance AHA which the function is to make skin regeneration grow fast. On the step one, AHA concentrate is only 2%, but on step two, AHA concentrate is 4%. It is because the step two is continuous process from step one (www.wardahbeauty.com).

Then, from the long explanation above, the writer wants to know more about this product, what are the difference of this product between others even



thought they use a woman as their model by using semiotic theory. And what is the sign and symbol that are presented by Wardah cosmetic advertisement especially on verbal expressions spoken by woman models in that advertisement.

The writer is also interested to analyze the meaning of verbal expressions spoken by woman models in the advertisement, like what is the signifier and what is the signified such as denotative meaning and connotative meaning of verbal expressions in the advertisement especially in cosmetics advertisements “Wardah

Cosmetics Lightening Series”.

Furthermore, having been aware of the previous studies is really important to get more qualified results in the research. There are some writers who wrote in the same field. Research of sign and meaning in communication has been done by Codrutta Porcar (2011). Science of Semiotic Usage in Advertisements and Consumer’s Perception written by G.D. Dharma Keerthi Sri Ranjan (2010) explains about Advertisement is capable of manipulating the perception and the behavior of the consumers. The study about woman in advertisement especially in perfume advertisement has been done by Ma Lin (2008). Ismail Aysad Gudekli (2014) also said that woman in advertisement is a symbol of sex by setting the woman to be flawlessly beautiful like the one exhibited.

Ma Lin (2008) wrote The Study about Woman in Advertisement Especially in Perfume Advertisement. By using a semiotic analysis, she tries to reveal how race and gender are combined to create and reinforce female roles and define femininity in western societies. It discusses the representation of the Orient in



western women perfume advertisements—the one type of advertisement where woman images have been a focal point and most fully exploited. She stated that research studies have long challenged the ways in which advertising and marketing campaigns in western countries employ gendered imagery that women and reinforce power differences between the sexes in order to sell their products, yet not much attention has been given to the images of the Orient that are adopted to create woman imagery in advertisements.

G.D. Dharma Keerthi Sri Ranjan (2010) used multidisciplinary approaches to construct brand images in the consumer’s perception. She stated that “each advertisement is a cultural document and has a cultural shadow which carries to readers to share and negotiate the cultural themes. These symbolic and the iconic conversation are ritualized enactments through the dimensions of cultural esteem.” So, the advertisement has many symbol and we are using, learning, reading and deconstructing signs and symbols, even though it is too difficult to studying Semiotics ideally.

Ismail Aysad Gudekli (2014) used semiotic analysis method. He claimed that advertisements have power/ability to change the perspective of individuals about the events and options by affecting the society and norms. Advertisements are naturalization of culture(s). This naturalization function carried out through several mythic discourses. These mythic discourses/expressions are reproduced by advertisements through advertisements and adopted by the women in time. The woman has an important rule in advertisement because the woman should be like the exhibited and flawlessly



beautiful with the help of "Photoshop God" and in parallel with the woman image depicted. As a result, fancy, luxury, bright life, beauty and sex are packed and presented with dominant message forming technique in many customer goods.

From the previous study above, the writer chooses this topic because this topic is so interested to be analyzed and the writer wants to know what are the difference of this product between others even thought they use a woman as their model by using semiotic theory. And what is the signifier and signified like denotative and connotative meaning about verbal expressions spoken by woman models in this advertisement.

1.2. Statement of The Problems

Based on the background of the study, this study was conducted to answer the problem formulated in the following question:

a. What are the verbal expressions spoken by woman models in the advertisement of Wardah Cosmetics Lightening Series?

b. What are the denotative and connotative meaning of verbal expressions spoken by woman models in the advertisement of Wardah Cosmetics Lightening Series?

1.3. Objectives of The Study

Based on the problem above, the objective of the study are:

a. To find out the form of verbal expressions spoken by woman models in the advertisement of Wardah Cosmetics Lightening Series.



b. To find out the denotative and also connotative meaning of verbal expressions spoken by woman models in the advertisement of Wardah Cosmetics “Lightening Series”.

1.4. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to enrich the understanding about semiotic especially in signifier and signified through the video of advertisement of Wardah Cosmetic Lightening Series. From this study we can understand and know how signifier and signified used and applied in the advertisements. To study semiotic is very important not only to create a good advertisements but also to understand what the meaning of advertisements delivered.

Moreover, the writer hopes this study will contribute for: 1. English Department Students

This study can be beneficial for students to enlarge their knowledge related to semiotics study especially understanding about signifier and signified which is consists of denotative and connotative meaning.

2. Other Researchers

This study can be used as reference for other researchers who try to conduct the similar research dealing with discourse analysis.



1.5. Scope and Limitation

Regarding to the statement in research problems, the writer focuses on the form (signifier) of the word or sentencess and what are denotative and connotative meaning (signified), it can be spoken or written text on Wardah Cosmetic Lightening Series of advertisement by Roland Barthes’ semiotic theory. In other hand, because there are many kinds of wardah cosmetic products, the writer limits this study only in Wardah Cosmetic Lightening series advertisement around 2016.

1.6. Definition of the Key Terms

Woman: Woman is an adult human female belonging to a specified occupation, group, or other category. The term woman is usually reserved for an adult, with the term girl being the usual term for a female child or adolescent. The term woman is also sometimes used to identify a female human, regardless of age, as in phrases such as “woman rights” (Oxford dictionary)

Advertisement: Advertisement is a notice or announcement in a public that is used to promoting the product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy (Oxford Dictionaries). Advertisement is always "push" and "persuade" us to remember, like, select it and then buy it.



Cosmetic: Cosmetics, also known as makeup or make-up, are beautifulness product made from substances that used to enhance the appearance or odor of the human body and make them more beautiful and comfortable with their look to shows in public. And Wardah Cosmetics Series is one of cosmetics brand that was growing fast in this country. There are many products that put on the market such as beautiful cream, lipsticks, body mist, etc.

Semiotic: Semiotics is the study of meaning-making, the study of sign processes and meaningful communication. This includes the study of signs and sign processes (semiosis), indication, designation, likeness, analogy, metaphor, symbolism, signification, and communication. According to the early semiotician; Saussure, signs occur as arbitrary combinations of a signifier/form and a signified/meaning (Saussure, 1983:67, 78; Saussure, 1974:67, 78 cited by Chandler, 2012).

Denotative: Sign level which explains the relationship between signifier and signified that as explicit meaning. Denotative meaning covers appointed things by words or explicit relation between sign and reality. For example there is picture of human, animal, tree or house which is colored red, yellow, blue and white. Denotative stages just mention the data information. (Piliang in Tinarbuko, 2008)



Connotative: sign level which explains the relationship between signifier and signified that does not have explicit meaning. Connotative meaning covers aspect of color, which correlates feeling and emotion along with cultural values and point of view in a community group, for example: smiling face icon can be interpreted as a happy condition or insulting expression. For understanding connotative meaning, people have to understand other elements which support the data. (Piliang in Tinarbuko, 2008)



This chapter reviews several theories related to this study. Those are the definition of language advertisement, and description of wardah, definiton of semiotic by Roland Barthes’s theory.

2.1. Theoretical Framework

2.1.1. Language of Advertisement

Language has a powerful influence over people and their behavior. This is especially true in the fields of marketing and advertising. The choice of language to convey specific messages with the intention of influencing people is vitally important. Visual content and design in advertising have a very great impact on the consumer, but it is language that helps people to identify a product and remember it.

The American Heritage Dictionary says that the advertising is “The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media, the business of designing and writing advertisements. Advertisements considered as a group: This paper takes no advertising, advertisement is a concrete manifestation of advertising; “a paid public announcement appearing in the media.”



Another definition of advertising is according to the Investor words glossary: “Description or presentation of a product, idea, or organization, in order to induce individuals to buy, support, or approve of it.” (http://www.investorwords.com/129/advertising.html)

All these definitions have in common the fact, that advertising is a means of promotion the products, ideas, or organization on the market with the aim to give information and to persuade people of the advantage of the product and induce them to take and action (e.g. buy it).

To consolidate the terminology, we must describe the advertisement of Wardah Cosmetics product. Wardah lightning series 2016 is one of the best product that is promoted through mass media. Wardah series 2016 can become an important element of identification in the public’s perception of the product.” (http://www.motto.com/glossary.html) there are some parts which must be attented by consumers to choose this product by understanding the main part of the advertising message, the function, signature line (a mention of a brand-name, often accompanied by a price-tag, slogan or trade-mark) and standing details (e.g. the address of the firm). (See Leech 1966: 59).

Therefore, from the explanation above advertisement can influence for everyone. To make everyone is interested, it needs a good colaboration between interesting language, symbol, and message in order to attract the consumer. Language of advertisement is the important tool, it is not only



verbal language but also some aspects such as body movement, gesture, etc, because it represents the product. It is arranged as good as possible to get people’s attention. The aim of advertisement language is persuade consumer to use the product or the service. By using good, creative and effective language, the consumers will get impression product offered.

Then, we know that language of advertisement has their own characters. Based on Rapp and Collins (1955:152) language of advertisement must be able to arouse, to inform, and to persuade. The word arouse means that the language of advertisement must pay attention to people’s necessary. It can give the solution for what the consumers need at that time. Then, to inform means the language used in advertisement is communicative. It is simple, clear, and makes people easy incomprehending message. By comprehending message, the consumers can attract the product. And the word persuade means that the words used in advertisement makes consumers are interested and curious in products offered. Persuasion is an umbrella term of “influence”; in the sense that, persuasion can effort to influence an individual's “beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors” (Seiter 2010:33). So, by using language of advertisement, the producer tries to persuade the consumers to follow what the advertisement said by using creative language as language advertisement.



2.1.2. Semiotics

The thing that can be base to analyze the advertisement is Semiotic theory or also called as the study of sign. The sign it self is pointing out something else that represent the thing or another one. So, the message of that advertisement is more communicative and interested.

Semiotics is the study of meaning-making, the study of sign processes and meaningful communication. This includes the study of signs and sign processes (semiosis), indication, designation, likeness, analogy, metaphor, symbiolism, signification, and communication. Semiotics helps us to know and understand how to make communication. It also helps to explain the habits and rules in all elements in our communications environment. Spoken or written language, pictures, movies are the things that have many variations to be explained.

Modern semiotic now started and is related with the work of two authors: Ferdinande de Saussure (1857–1913), a linguistics professor at the University of Geneva, who called his approach “semiology,” and Charles S. Peirce (1839–1914), a philosopher at Harvard University, who called his science “semiotics.” (Arthur, 2010). Both of them develop semiotics separately with the different scientific backgrounds, Saussure as a linguist and Peirce as a philosopher.

According to the early semiotician; Saussure, signs occur as arbitrary combinations of a signifier/form and a signified/meaning (Saussure, 1983:67, 78; Saussure, 1974:67, 78 cited by Chandler, 2012). Semiotics



is closely related to the field of linguistics, which, for its part, studies the structure and meaning of language more specifically. The Semiotic Tradition explores the study of signs and symbols as a significant part of communications. Saussure illustrates that a sign consist of signifier and signified. Those two elements as like two sides of a coin that cannot be separated.

Ferdinant de Saussure was regarded as figures of modern stuctural linguistics. Saussure emphasisis on the arbitrary nature of the sign is defined as sound-image and concept. Saussure divides sign to be sound-image and concept because he wants to give the emphasis that linguistic sign does not unite a thing with a name but a concept with sound-image. (Saussure,1916:98). We can understand his idea that linguistic sign does not unite a thing with a name because some words produce easy meaning to be concept as like; tree, car, or chair. But if those words have philosophy or mystery meaning, it is not easy to concept. We may also have easy words to concept but it does not create the same perception in other people. For example, no one can guarantee that the word “car” create the same perception on the readers. From this case, Saussure defines sign as something which is created from someone concept which relates with sound-image of the something’s name. In written language, a sign consists of a concept and a printed word. Saussure divides sign into three kinds, those are sign, signifier, and signified.



a. Sign

The basic unit of semiotics is the sign, defined conceptually as something that stands for something else, and, more technically, as a spoken or written word, a drawn figure, or a material object unified in the mind with a particular cultural concept. According to Van Zeost, sign is everywhere. It can be word, body language, traffic light, flag, and so on. Everything can be sign, so without sign we cannot make communication each other (Van Zeost, 1996:vii). Budianto also explained that, sign is representation of phenomenon that has a number of criteria such as: meaning, role, function, purpose, whish. Sign is able in every human life. Sign actually a representation from indication that has some criteria such as: naming, function, purpose, hope. Sign is in every human live and it has meaningful action like the actualization on language, religion, knowledge (Budianto,2001:16).

The sign is this unity of word-object, known as a signifier with a corresponding, culturally prescribed content or meaning, known as a signified (Arthur, 2010). According to Saussure, sign have entities those are signifier and signified. An utterance only applies a sign if it consists of signifier and signified. While the relationship between signifier and signified is arbiter.

Signs take the form of words, images, sounds, odours, flavours, acts or objects, but such things have no intrinsic meaning and become signs only when we invest them with meaning. Peirce declared that



“Nothing is a sign unless it is interpreted as a sign”. (Peice 1931-53, 2.172 cited by Chandler 1999). Anything can be a sign as long as someone interprets it as “signifying” something – referring to or standing for something other than itself. We interpret things as signs largely unconciously by relating them to familiar systems of conventions. It is this meaningful use of signs which is at the heart of the concerns of semiotics.

b. Signifier and Signified

Sign is a basic language which is arranged from two things cannot be separated because it support each others, sound-images as a signifier and concept as a signified. Signifier is sensory material aspect and it can be perceived by the senses. In verbal language, this signifier is realized in sound-image which relates with a concept or signified. While signified is material aspect from sign that can be called as concept.

The inseparability of the signified (mental concept) and signifier (material aspect) leads Saussure to offer the following diagram:

From the diagram above, we can know that signified and signifier can not be separated and the relation between signified and




signifier is completing and support each other. It can be seen from the arrow sign which from the signifier up to the signified and from the sinfied down to the signifier.

2.1.3.Roland Barthes’s Semiotic Theory

Because there are many theories that supporting the semiotics studies, so in this research, the researcher uses Roland Barthes’ semiotics theory. Barthes explained that Semiotics is a relationship between the signifier (the marker) and the signified (signified). There are two various levels of signs in semiotics, which allows producing stratified meanings. Barthes (in Piliang, 2004: 94) explains there are levels is signs, those are Denotative, connotative, and myth.

a. Denotation, Connotation, and Myth

Denotation is sign level which explains the relationship between signifier and signified that has explicit meaning. Denotation is the most conventional sign in a society because its relationship is on the reality or having meaning based on the dictionary.

Connotation is sign level which explains the relationship between signifier and signified that does not have explicit meaning. Its meaning is not available on the dictionary list or having literary meaning. Barthes uses Connotation to show the significance of the second stage. In other words, the denotation is what is described by



the sign to an object, whereas connotations are how to describe it (Wibowo, 2011: 17).

The mythical level of signification can also be turned the ideological at this level, signification is depend on the shared cultural values and beliefs. Consider the use of images countryside in advertising. Signification here depends on the myth or ideology that oppose city and country, the country is signified as more pure and innocent than the urban lifestyle. Such myths are specific to certain cultures, and they are arguable, “countryside” may connote something quite different to a confirmed city-dweller. While the process of signification is universal, the meanings that are generated in the process will be culturally specific. (John Hartley, 2002: 11)

b. Barthes’ Reading Photograph

Barthes uses Myth on his semiotic analysis about culture and any ideological critic. It can be found in many mass cultural products which have created the language as the communication such as the people’s myth today. It is produced through mythological treasure like magazine, television, film advertisements and many photographs.

One of the highly important areas that Barthes concerned in his study about sign was the reader role. The reader has the most significant perception to the object they read because the reader can read the sign in various perceptions. It can be happiness, dislike,



sadness, and many more. Therefore there is no right or wrong perception. (Renisintawati, 2009: 11)

The myth’s analysis was focused on the second level of the semiotic system. It is uneasy because what we see, listen and read is the first level of the semiotic system by seeing at the connotation components as the components of meaning former. It has to be focused on the signification system on the connotation level. (Sunardi, 2002:120-121)

The connotation works on the subjunctive that makes its present cannot be realized. The reader can read easily the connotative meaning as the denotative fact. Therefore one of the semiotic aims is to furnish the analysis method in order to handle the misreading.

In handling misreading of the advertisements of photograph, Barthes distinguished the sign in two parts that have to be underlined. They are verbal part and non verbal sign. (Paul Cobley, 1999: 51-52). The verbal part is of course the text of the advertisement. It can be the name or slogan of the product or people, information about something, persuasion sentences, or anything else in text form. The non verbal signs are the sings which appearances are aimed to support the verbal part in order to be an interesting package of advertisement. They have deep meaning that can produce message to the reader, not only as a compliment. They are:



1) The use of color

The using of color is a vital aspect of art direction in printed media and billboard advertisement. (Reni sintawati, 2009: 19) color are used as logos which arranged by the advertising maker to increase the reader’s recognition, to make the link between the brand (the picture) and the message. Color is the meaningful constant for sighted people and it is powerful psychological tool.

2) The use of music

Music or sound is usually used in television and radio advertisement. It can add the sensory dimension of advertising and provide an emotional or mood setting which can evoke a variety of feelings.

3) The use of animation.

Usually, the advertisements makers use this part as the creative technique. The use some graphical design technology to sell their ware in the advertisements and also to attract the reader (customer) attention by the interesting picture.



2.2. Previous Study

Regarding on this study, the writer found some other reserachers which the topic are related:

Murnita Dian Kartini 2010 MASCULINITY AND SEXUALITY IN PERFUME ADVERTISEMENTS. Sebelas Maret University. This thesis is about Men’s Masculinity and sexuality in advertisement of parfume in American society. In her analysis, she describes how advertisement constructs men’s body as a commodity which has economical value.

Besides that, this analysis also explains how body politics concept constructs American society’s perspectives toward masculinity. Based on the analysis, the concept of masculinity exploited for commodity has shifted from 1998 to 2008. In 1998 the visual of male body should not break the hegemonic masculinity that male is the holder of power, authority, domination, and control over women. However, in 2008 male could be the object of female gaze. Man could be the object but at the same time is a subject who still has control over women.

Body politics explains that the use of men’s body as a visual object does not break the hegemonic masculinity believed by American society, by using some negotiations. Hegemonic masculinity constructs men as the holder of power, authority, domination, and control over women. This construction of masculinity values have been explored and exploited by capitalism industries in America to attract the consumers and sell their products.



Tazkiyatul Fikriyah A’la (2011). A SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS ON A MILD

ADVERTISEMENT USING ROLAND BARTHES THEORY . Uin Syarif Hidayatullah. This reasech is aimed at knowing the relationship denotation and connotation on A-Mild Advertisement and the message of A-Mild Advertisement that wants to be delivered to the reader based on Roland Barthes’s theory. She used tthe qualitative method, she analyzed this advertisement because there are many deep massage that want to delivered to the reader.

In that reserach, the result of her analysis is A-Mild advertisement consist of two things. They are verbal and non verbal sign. The presence of verbal and non verbal sign is to reinforce the advertisement’s messages. These signs have denotation and connotation meaning which build the myth of the advertisement. The denotation meaning comes from the signifier and signified of the message and the connotation meaning comes from the denotation as the signifier and signified.

Ahmad Padila (2013) REPRESENTASI SENSUALITAS PEREMPUAN DALAM IKLAN. University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. In his research, he also uses Ronald Barthes Semiotic analysis which has purpose to represent the meaning of the advertisement. The correlation with Axe Perfume of Heaven on Earth version advertisement is many symbol and signs appear in that advertisement. He also used two step signification of Barthes which seen from appear sign (manifest content) and hidden sign (latent content). Furthermore, beside using two step signification of Barthes, he also used sensuality as focus to represent Axe Perfume of Heaven version advertisement in this research. Many



sensuality unsure in Axe Perfume of Heaven on Erath version advertisement which become main factor for researcher in this reserach. The sensuality which is appeared in Axe Perfume of Heaven on Earth version advertisement is sensuality that seen in society’s life through cultural and rational side. The result of his analysis about Axe Perfume of Heaven on Earth version is show that reality which happens in society. Axe Perfume of Heaven on Earth version advertisement trying to give a reality with sensuality unsure that poke by the advertisement.




This chapter discusses the method that the researcher used in this research including research approach, data source, data research instruments, techniques of data collection and techniques of data analysis. They will be discussed below:

3.1. Research Approach

Research is any activities to collect the data, analyze it, and presents the result. It is done in systematic and scientific steps to answer a certain problems. The kind of research is descriptive qualitative research (Ary, 2006:32). This study is called descriptive because the data of this study are explained descriptively, the qualitative research is a research which is analyzed qualitatively, because the truth can be expressed with some ways without number. Qualitative have some types based on collecting data, one of them is descriptive qualitative approach in document or content analysis, this analysis focuses on analyzing semiotic and giving explanation in each point of semiotic types that applied in Wardah series 2016 of Advertisement. In addition, Creswell (1994:1) stated that the qualitative research is an inquiring the process of understanding a social or a human problem based on the building a complex, holistic picture, formed of the words, reporting the detail view of informants and conducted in a natural setting. Bogdan and Biklen (1998:77) stated that in qualitative research, the human investigator is the primary instrument for the gathering and analyzing data.



Therefore, the writer used descriptive qualitative, because this method is suitable to analyze semiotic that is applied in Woman Appearance in Wardah Cosmetic Advertisement. In this study, the writer conducted a research with descriptive qualitative research in analyzing content of semiotic applied in verbal expressions spoken by woman models on Wardah Cosmetic Advertisement. This method is also simple and easy to use in some of reasons like in method of data collection, and data analysis. So the writer used descriptive qualitative and content analysis to semiotic applied in verbal expressions spoken by woman models in Wardah Cosmetic Advertisement.

And the writer tried to describe every types of semiotic in verbal expressions spoken by woman models in Wardah Cosmetic that is included in; denotative and connotative. And the analysis will be explained clearly in the paragraph form


3.2. Data and Data Sources

In this study, the data sources (audiovisual) will be video that taken from www.youtube.com or any other web site which contains “Wardah Cosmetics

Lightening Series”. There are five videos that have been downloaded, they are: Wardah BB cream, Wardah lightning day cream and night cream, Wardah lightning day cream and night cream, Wardah lightning serum and night cream, and Wardah lightning creamy foam. Those videos have been downloaded because it does not enough if the data sources is just taken from the television which we do not know when the schedule of that advertisement.



This study is documentation analysis which consists of written text and visual effects. Therefore, in the present study, the data are all of the utterances (words, phrase, sentence, or expression) which contain of semiotics. They are taken from primary data source. In this case is about Wardah Cosmetics Lightening Series around 2016.

3.3. Data Collections

To collect the data of data sources, there are several ways, the writer has done these several ways on this study:

3.3.1.Research Instruments

Based on the early of this chapter, this study uses qualitative approach, the instrument of this study will be human. So, the main instrument is I as the writer who gathers and analyzes the data. The supporting instruments are like personal computer to download some sources of the research, it is to make an easier in analyzing the data of the research.

3.3.2.Data Collection Techniques

To collect the data from the data sources, the writer has the steps as follows:

a. First, the writer downloads a video of advertisement, Wardah series Cosmetic 2016 on computer and it is downloaded.



c. Third, the writer listens and notes the video of advertisement Wardah series Cosmetic 2016

d. Then, the writer identifies, underlines a word, phrase, clause, and coding some types semiotic. The type of semiotic consists of connotative and denotative meaning.

3.4. Techniques of Data Analysis

There are many ways to collect the data; those are using test, doing interview, doing observation, doing a graduated scale and taking documentation (Arikunto in Triandjojo, 2008: 59). In this study, the writer uses data sources that taken from Wardah Cosmetics Series advertisement by downloading the video of that advertisement from www.youtube.com or any other web site. Therefore, the writer used the last step, that is dokumentation method. According to Arikunto, he stated that documentation method is a method that is used to find some notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, and other.

Data collection in this study uses taking note and doing observation technique. Taking note is done by noting words, sentence, and images which shows on wardah cosmetics lightning series around 2016 that have sign and denotative-connotative meaning.

To collect the data from the data sources, the writer has the steps as follows: a. The writer accesses wardah cosmetics lightning series on

www.youtube.com to choose the advertisement to be analyzed.

b. After accessing the website, the writer download the video of wardah cosmetics lightning series.



c. After downloading is completed, the writer tries to transcribe the uttarance (words, phrase, sentence or expression) in data sources to get the data.

d. After transcribing the words, the writer tries to doing observation by choosing the uttarance and visual effects which is already transcribed. Choosing the data covers the signifier (form), and also signified (meaning) that can be denotative and connotative meaning.

e. And finally, the researcher will backup the data into print out media.

3.5. Techniques of Data Analysis

After collecting data sources and categorized it to the data, the writer analyzed it one by one. Here the method of analyzing data which was used by the writer:

1. The writer analyzed the spoken text (speech) produced by the model of advertisement by hearing the video and reading the transcribed data many times to get deeper understanding.



“Jadwalmu padat hari ini, cantik dalam satu menit. Soulsi praktis skin care dan make-upmu. Wardah BB

Cream bekerja secara magic, memberi sepuluh manfaat bagi kulit. Cantik seharian dalam sekejap.

Dengan wardah BB Cream True Multi

Tasker”(transcribed data source)

2. In this analysis, the writer categorized what kind of signifier (form) of spoken text or spoken language that very influence to interest the consumer by find out the denotative and connotative meaning (signified).

cantik dalam satu menit Denotative meaning:

the author of this advertisement that said by the woman, explain that we will look beautiful in one minute. In this part of scene, we will look in this advertisement an actris, Tatjana Saphira, make-up her self. Connotative meaning:

Implicitly, sentence “cantik dalam satu menit” describe us that this product will work fastly. Just one minute to make female girls more beautiful than before.

An actris, Tatjana Saphira, makes consumer more interested in the product and can be very influnced to buy this product because the beauty of Tatjana Saphira hipnotyzes us, with close up video of her face, give more detail that this product work effectively with ten



benefits which one of them is triple lightning system that will make girl’s face brighter.

So, the meaning of this sentence is that the product will give people the best result within ten benefits, faster than the other products.

3. The writer also tries to looking for the visual effects of the object for reinforced the evidence of the signifier and signified.

4. Next, the writer discussed and explain the type of meaning and the interpretaion of English slogan which is found one by one.




In this chapter, the writer analyzes the types of semiotic based on Roland Barthes’s Semiotics theory in Wardah Cosmetics “Lightening Series On 2016”. The structure of writing research is presented in two steps. First, in findings the writeranalyzes the data found based on the statement of the problems. Second, in discussion section the writerexplains the result of finding.

4.1 Research findings

In this analysis, the researcher will categorize what kind of signifier (form) of spoken text or spoken language that is very influential to interest the consumer by finding out the denotative and connotative meaning (signified).



“Jadwalmu padat hari ini, cantik dalam satu menit. Solusi praktis skin care dan make-upmu. Wardah BB Cream bekerja secara magic, memberi sepuluh manfaat bagi kulit.Cantik seharian dalam sekejap.

Dengan wardah BB Cream True Multi

Tasker”(transcribed data source)

 Cantik dalam satu menit

- Denotatively, the verbal expression that is said by the woman of this advertisement, explain that we will look beauty in one minute, So it will make us more beauty than before for a while. In this part of secene, we will look that there is an actris Tatjana Saphira make-up her self. Connotatively, the sentence “cantik

dalam satu menit” describes us that this product will work fastly. Just one minute to make us more beauty than before. It is interested expressions, only in one minute we became pretty woman. Whereas, when we go to a beauty center, we need more than an hour to make our face more beauty, more bright, and more clean. But, this product with all of the compotitions offer us to be prettiest only for a while.

- “cantik dalam satu menit dan Wardah BB Cream A Multitasker”. It is a slogan showing that there is no product can excel it in Wardah cosmetic result.

- “soft blue, and soft green are used in Wardah BB Cream Multitasker, soft blue symbolizes thought limpidity and communication, emosion comes down, full spirit, positive



thinking and fresh inspiration. Soft green shows natural ingredients, healthy skin, windfall, renewal, and youthful appearance, advent of spring and jealousy of other girls. White colour refers to fairness, cuteness, marriage, spotlessness, simplicity, sanitation, peace, virtue, youth, snow and excellence (Symbolism of Color: Using Color for Meaning, n.d)

Wardah BB Cream bekerja secara magic

Denotatively, the verbal expression that is said by the woman of this advertisement, tells that Wardah BB cream works magically. So, this product will conjure up our face become beautiful like a magic. Connotatively, the Sentence “Wardah BB

Cream bekerja secara magic” describes us that this product will work fast and miraculous.So, it will help to speed up beauty processes for our face to be beautiful and bright like a magic.



Denotatively, the verbal expression that is said by the woman of this advertisement, She explaints that wardah BB cream gives ten benefits for skin. In this scene, we can looks ten benefits of wardah BB cream. They are (1) extra moisturizer (2) triple lithening system (3) oil free formula (4) anti oksidan (5) long lasting (6) perlindungsn terhadap sinar UV (7) wajah tampak lebih cerah seketika (8) meratakan warna kulit (9) kulit terlihat lebih halus (10) Bebas polusi dan noda. Connotatively, the sentence “Memberi sepuluh manfaat

bagi kulit” describes us that this product gives ten benefits for skin. As we look the picture above that describing ten benefits for skin. And actually, this reason why this products brave to stated “cantik dalam satu menit”. Those benefits help to speed up beauty process for our skin.



- Denotatively, the verbal expression that is said by the woman of this advertisement, she explains that we will look beauty in a day of split second. In this part of scenes, we can see an actris, Tatjana Saphira.She uses wardah product of her make-up. Connotatively, the sentence “Cantik seharian dalam sekejap” describes us that this product will work fast and keep our make up strongly in a day, it can not be fade away soon. It will keep our face stay in beauty. Like the sentence “cantik seharian

dalam satu menit”. This product with all of the compositions offer us to be pretiest only for a while.

- The meaning of verbal expression that is said by the woman of this advertisement is this product will give us the best result with ten benefits to make our face more beauty for a while like a magic show.An actris, Tatjana Saphira, makes consumer more interested in the product and can be very influnced to buy this product because the beauty of Tatjana Saphira hipnotyzes us, with close up video of her face, give more detail that this product work effectively with ten benefits which one of them is triple lightning system that will make girl’s face brighter.

- “Soft blue, and soft green are used in Wardah BB Cream Multitasker, soft blue symbolizes thought limpidity and communication, emosion comes down, full spirit, positive thinking and fresh inspiration. Soft green shows natural



ingredients, healthy skin, windfall, renewal, and youthful appearance, advent of spring and jealousy of other girls. White colour refers to fairness, cuteness, marriage, spotlessness, simplicity, sanitation, peace, virtue, youth, snow and excellence (Symbolism of Color: Using Color for Meaning, n.d)


Untuk mencerahkan Kulitmu, satu saja tidak cukup.

Gunakan wardah Lightning Day Cream and Night Cream, di pagi

dan malam hari.

Seven active white complex dan skin lightning systemnya, lembut

dan halal untuk kulitmu. Wardah Lightning Day Cream and

Night Cream. (transcribed data source 2)



Untuk mencerahkan Kulitmu, satu saja tidak cukup.

- Denotatively, this advertisement is told by the woman, she explains that Wardah lightning day cream and night cream is a product that must be used in the morning and night to give the best result for our beautiful face. In this part of scenes, we can see the picture that explains about system of wardah in day and night. Connotatively, the sentence “Untuk mencerahkan

Kulitmu, satu saja tidak cukup.”describes us that if we want to perfect result, we have to complete our equipment. Similar with that, this advertisement offer 2 products to complete our beauty process. Not only lightning day cream which protect us from ultra violet (UV), this products also present night cream to take care our tired face after daily activity.



- The color of wardah cosmetic that is used is white and soft blue. White means purity, spotlessness, fairness, chastity and innocent beauty. Soft blue symbolizes thought limpidity and communication, emosion comes down, full spirit, positive thinking and fresh inspiration.

So, the meaning of this verbal expressions of this advertisement is, product of Wardah lightening day and night cream will give us the best result for our skin because this product is completing each others. This product has the best process system to make a beatiful, bright, white face. Those creams are soft and suitable to use for our skin. This product series will be really helps us to solve our problem in beauty skin because they have different process system in work than other product.



“Cerahnya pagi, siap kau jalani. Tapi selalu ada sisi lain hari


Untuk merawat kulitpun, satu saja tidak cukup.

Gunakan Wardah Lightning Day Cream and Night Cream di pagi dan malam hari.

Seven active white complex dan skin lightning systemnya, lembut dan halal

mencerahkan kulit.

Wardah Lightning Day Cream and Night Cream. Wardah, Inspiring

beauty.”(transcribed data source 3)

Cerahnya pagi, siap kau jalani

Denotatively, this advertisement is told by the woman, we can see the transcribed above, we can know the sentence above that is denotative. In that video she explains that she is ready to go and doing some activities in day. We can see the actress who becomes a figure of that advertisement so look energy and powerful to do her activities without feeling unwell. Connotatively, the sentence “Cerahnya pagi, siap kau jalani” describes us that we ready to go and doing activity well without problem especially for our face. Because, mostly woman is very sensitive person when they do something or work in out side, they fell afraid of their face is black and un-bright. They are very afraid that they can not give the best perform in their day as the figure of advertisement did below.



She is a figure who is powerful to do something and nothing afraid feeling to do. She stays confront to do and gives smile to show that she is very happy and well for doing anything. She is an actress of that video recommends Wardah product series as woman’s makes up. The beauty of the actresscan hipnotyzes usbecause this product can make us confident to perform in public and nothing nervous feeling to express them selves because they has beautiful skin. They use the soft color to look so beautiful. The soft color used by some models is the symbol of wardah cosmetic and to make differences from others cosmetics. We can see the color of clothes that model used, they use white color to indicate that cosmetic wardah has specific color as symbol. We can also see other image that shows the same characteristic of wardah cosmetic.



Tapi selalu ada sisi lain hari yang menunggumu.

- Denotatively, this advertisement is told by the woman, we can see the transcribed above, we can know the underline sentence above that is denotative. In that video she explains that there is a day which is waiting us,it is meant that we do not only do activity in a day but we can find it in other days. We can see the actress who becomes a figure of that advertisement so look energy and powerful to do her activities without feeling unwell all the day. Connotatively, the sentence “Tapi selalu ada sisi lain hari yang menunggumu.” describes us that the day will always change. So we will find others day. If we got the fell of the sentence, we know that we meet with night, because the day is always change from morning to the night.



There is implicit meaning of the sentence “sisi lain

hari”, it means that is “night” which is always we waiting. The writer knows that is “night” because the writer can catch the meaning from the video above that is happened in “night”.

Untuk merawat kulitpun, satu saja tidak cukup.

- Denotatively, this advertisement is told by the woman, she explains that we are as woman must keep our beauty skin, the way of keep our beauty skin is not enough if it is just one product. Connotatively, the sentence “Untuk merawat kulitpun, satu saja tidak cukup.” This sentence describes us that we must keep our beauty skin. If we see the sentence, there is implicit meaning that we do not know. If we understand it, we know that the sentence contains the special meaning to understand.



- The color of wardah cosmetic that is used is white and soft blue. White means purity, spotlessness, fairness, chastity and innocent beauty. Soft blue symbolizes thought limpidity and communication, emosion comes down, full spirit, positive thinking and fresh inspiration.

So, the meaning of this verbal expressions of this advertisement is, product of Wardah lightening day and night cream will give us the best result for our skin because this product is completing each others. This product has the best process system to make a beatiful, bright, white face. Those creams are soft and suitable to use for our skin. This product series will be really helps us to solve our problem in beauty skin because they have different process system in work than other product.





“Waktunya istirahat, waktunya jadikan kulit lebih cerah. Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream, dengan seven active white complex plus (AH), paduan optimal untuk pagi

cantik cerah. Wardah Lightning series.” (transcribed data source 4)

Waktunya istirahat, waktunya jadikan kulit lebih cerah.

- Denotatively The verbal expression that is said by the woman of this advertisement, she explains that we must spend our time to rest for a moment. It is meant for our skin. Because it is not only body to rest but we must keep our healty of skin in order to make our skin is more bright.



From the figure of video above, there is an actress as a figure of the advertisement. She is a sample for describing the product of wardah as her make up. That is her way how is describing of using make up wardah especially in Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream.

- Connotatively, the sentence “Waktunya istirahat, waktunya jadikan kulit lebih cerah.” This sentence describes us that we must keep our beauty skin. From the sentence, we can understand that the suitable time to spend our healty skin is in the night by using Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream, dengan seven active white complex plus (AH). This product will work effectively and fast to help our problem of skin face to make it bright. If we use the product Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream, dengan seven active white complex plus (AH), will get the best result for keeping our beauty skin and our skin is more brigth, we can get our face bright everyday because Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream, dengan seven active white complex plus (AH), is the unit one make up to use in the night to help our skin is more bright than before. It will keep our face stay in beauty.



- The actress who can hypnotize us easily by using her beauty face, with using close up video, we can know that Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream, dengan seven active white complex plus (AH)can give more detail explanation that this product works effective and make skin is bright, it is just using in the night because our skin need to rest, the system of serum and cream is more better in the night, the way of work is so fast. It will keep our face look so beautiful all the day and bright everyday by using Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream, dengan seven active white complex plus (AH).

- We can see the color of clothes that model used, they use white color to indicate that cosmetic wardah has specific color as symbol. We can also see other images that show the same characteristic of wardah cosmetic.



- Denotatively, the verbal expression that is said by the woman of this advertisement, she explains that there is product series to use for day after using product series for night. It uses for help our skin stays in bright and keep our skin is healty. And that combination is suitable for us to make our face more bright. - From the figure of video above, there is an actress as a figure of

the advertisement. She is a sample for describing the product of wardah as her make up. That is her way how is describing of using make up wardah especially in Wardah Lightning series. - Connotatively, the sentence “Paduan optimal untuk pagi cantik

cerah.” This sentence describes us that we must not only use one product of wardah such as Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream, that is using in the night, but it must compare with other product of wardah to help and keep the skin is more bright, it is Wardah Lightning series. We can understand that the wardah series must be used as the time of using wardah to make our healty skin is bright everyday by using Wardah Lightning series after using Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream, dengan seven active white complex plus (AH) in the night. This product will help our problem of skin face to make it bright. If we use the product Wardah Lightning series, will get the best result for keeping our beauty skin and our skin is more brigth, we can get our face bright



everyday because Wardah Lightning series, is the unit one make up to use in the day after using Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream, dengan seven active white complex plus (AH) in the night. It helps our skin is more bright. It will keep our face stay in beauty.

- We can see the color of clothes that model used, they use white color to indicate that cosmetic wardah has specific color as symbol. We can also see other image that shows the same characteristic of wardah cosmetic.

So, the meaning of that verbal expressions in this advertisement is the product will give us the best result because the product Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream, can help our beauty skin stay bright everyday and give the optimal result for our beauty skin.




“Aktifitasmu, bikin kamu kelihatan nggak fresh?

Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam, dengan double lightning system.

Wajah fresh, cantik cerah dan tetap lembab.

Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam”(transcribed data source 5)

Aktifitasmu, bikin kamu kelihatan nggak fresh?

- Denotatively, this advertisement is told by the woman as a figure of advertisiment, she explains that our activities make us look unfresh. Indirectly, she told that we are unwell for our skin if we do some activities in a day. From the figure of video above, there is an actress as a figure of the advertisement. She is a sample for



describing the product of wardah as one of her make up combination. That is the way how is describing of using make up wardah especially in Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam.

- Connotatively, the sentence “Aktifitasmu, bikin kamu kelihatan nggak fresh?” describes us that our activities make our face is unfresh and disbright. We must not only use one product of wardah such as Wardah Lightning Serum dan Lightning Night Cream, dengan seven active white complex plus (AH) that is using in the night andWardah Lightning seriesin a day, but it must compare with using Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam.It use for adding our skin is so fresh in day, because if using one of the wardah product, it is not enought to make our skin bright, so must be helped with others wardah combination product.



- We can understand that Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam, must be used to wash our face only. It is to help and make our skin is bright everyday and look at fresh in doing some activities. This product will help our problem of skin face to be fresh. If we use the product Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam, dengan double lightning systemwill get the best result for keeping our beauty skin and our skin is more fresh because it contains of double lightening system which can add our beauty is more bright and fresh more and more. we can get our face bright and fresh everyday because Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam can become the problem solving of our beauty. Wardah Lightning Creamy Foamis the unit one make up to be used for wash our face to clean our face from dust. It helps our skin is more bright. It will keep our face stay in beauty, clean and look at fresh all day. - The vidoe of advertisiment presents an actress as a figure of the

advertisement wardah product, by using her beauty face and bright her skin althought she looks fresh. She also makes the consumers more interested to use Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam, dengan double lightning system product as their make up. The actress who can hypnotize us easily by using her beauty fresh face, with using close up video, we can know that Wardah Lightning Creamy Foamcan give more detail explanation that this product works effective and make skin looks fresh, It will



keep our face look so beautiful all the day and fresh everyday by using Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam, dengan double lightning systemalthought our face stays in fresh.

- The color of wardah cosmetic that is used is white and soft blue. White means purity, spotlessness, fairness, chastity and innocent beauty. Soft blue symbolizes thought limpidity and communication, emosion comes down, full spirit, positive thinking and fresh inspiration.

Wajah fresh, cantik cerah dan tetap lembab.

- Denotatively, This advertisement is told by the woman as a figure of advertisiment, she explains that our face stays fresh, beautiful and moist with in an actrees that has brighly face is walking with the smile in her face.



From the figure of video above, there is an actress as a figure of the advertisement.She is a sample for describing the product of wardah as one of her make up combination. That is the way how is describing of using make up wardah especially in Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam.

- Connotatively, the sentence “Wajah fresh, cantik cerah dan tetap lembab.” This sentence describes us that our face will be fresh, moist and bright everyday altough our full activity.With double lightning system, this product will bright up our face so it will helps us to make our skin fresh in our day.

- We can understand that Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam must be used to wash our face only. It is to help and make our skin is bright everyday and look at fresh in doing some activities and make our face stays moist. This product will help our problem of skin face to be fresh and moist. If we use the product



Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam will get the best result for keeping our beauty skin and our skin is more fresh, bright and moist. Must use complete product of wardah to get the best result. Itcan become the problem solving of our problem in beauty.Wardah Lightning Creamy Foamis the unit one make up to be used for wash our face to make fresh, moist, and bright more and more. It will keep our face stay in beautyall day.

- The color of wardah cosmetic that is used is white and soft blue. White means purity, spotlessness, fairness, chastity and innocent beauty. Soft blue symbolizes thought limpidity and communication, emosion comes down, full spirit, positive thinking and fresh inspiration.

So, the meaning of that verbal expressions in this advertisement is the product will give us the best result because the product Wardah Lightning Creamy Foamcan help our beauty skin stay fresh and moist everyday and give the optimal result for our beauty skin. This product is a solution for our skin to keep our skin stays healthy. It is best product to use because it can help us to solve this problem in beauty skin. Skin is fresh and moist everyday.



4.2. Table of type of Semiotic findings Used in the “Wardah Cosmetics

“Lightening Series On 2016” Video of Advertisiment.

No. The Title of Advertisment Sentences Semiotic Types 1

Wardah Bb Cream Cantik dalam satu menit D & C

Memberi sepuluh manfaat bagi kulit

D & C

Wardah BB Cream bekerja secara magic

D & C

Cantik seharian dalam sekejap

D & C

2 Wardah Lightning Day Cream And Night Cream

.Untukmencerahkan Kulitmu, satu saja tidak cukup.

D & C

3 Wardah Lightning Day Cream And Night Cream

Cerahnya pagi, siap kau jalani.

D & C

Tapi selalu ada sisi lain hari yang menunggumu.

D & C

Untuk merawat kulitpun, satu saja tidak cukup.

D & C

4 Wardah Lightening Serum Dan Lightning Night Cream

Waktunya istirahat,

waktunya jadikan kulit lebih cerah

D & C

Paduan optimal untuk pagi cantik cerah

D & C

5 Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam Wardah Lightning Creamy Foam

Aktifitasmu, bikin kamu kelihatan nggak fresh?

D & C

Wajah fresh, cantik cerah dan tetap lembab.

D & C  This table is summarizing of finding the reseach, it is provided to make the



4.3. Discussions

Based on the description of the findings above, there are several things that can be noted down. It will be arranged based on the findings of each research problem. For the first research problem, the writer found and described 12 sentence that consist of denotative and connotative meaning from 5 video advertisiment of Wardah series 2016. The findings showed that connotative and denotative meaning is same number, it is 12 each other.

After the writer describes the type of semiotic (denotative and connotative meaning) that occurs in “Wardah Cosmetics “Lightening Series On 2016”video advertisiment, the reseracher can tell that denotative sign level which explains the relationship between signifier and signified that has explicit meaning. Denotation is the most conventional sign in a society because its relationship is on the reality or having meaning based on the dictionary.

Connotation is sign level which explains the relationship between signifier and signified that does not have explicit meaning. Its meaning is not available on the dictionary list or having literary meaning.

The writer finds denotative and connotative in every videos “Wardah

Cosmetics “Lightening Series On 2016”of advertisiment.

The present study shares one important finding with the previous study Ismail Aysad Gudekli (2014) used semiotic analysis method. He claimed that advertisements have power/ability to change the perspective of individuals



about the events and options by affecting the society and norms. Advertisements are naturalization of culture(s). This naturalization function carried out through several mythic discourses. These mythic discourses/expressions are reproduced by advertisements through advertisements and adopted by the women in time. In today’s world, the woman has an important rule in advertisement because the woman should be like the exhibited and flawlessly beautiful with the help of "Photoshop God" and in parallel with the woman image depicted. As a result, fancy, luxury, bright life, beauty and sex are packed and presented with dominant message forming technique in many customer goods.

It has different finding that the finding of the reseracher is about denotative and connotative meaning in semiotic that the researcher analyzes in “Wardah Cosmetics “Lightening Series On 2016”of advertisiment. It is clear that denotative and connotative meaning that the researcher found is types of semiotic. Wardah Cosmetic has one characteristic that used as the different one than others, it is about color, the color that is used in wardah is soft blue, soft green and white as their identic image.





5.1. Conclusion

In the end of this study, the writer would like to conclude in order to answer the two problems which are involved from the video advertisiment “Wardah Cosmetics Lightening Series 2016”. It is relating to semiotic that occurred in the advertisiment. After getting the research findings in the study, the writer makes the following conclusion.

The result of the study, the writer found the signifier (verbal expressions) and also signified (denotative and connotative meaning) of semiotic in wardah cosmetic lightning series that consists of 5 video, the writer found 13 sentences contains of denotative and connotative meaning of semiotic. Semiotics is a relationship between the signifier (form) and the signified (meaning).

Denotation is sign level which explains the relationship between signifier and signified that has explicit meaning. Denotation is the most conventional sign in a society because its relationship is on the reality or having meaning based on the dictionary.

Connotation is sign level which explains the relationship between signifier and signified that does not have explicit meaning. Its meaning is not available on the dictionary list or having literary meaning.



about the events and options by affecting the society and norms.

Advertisements are naturalization of culture(s). This naturalization function

carried out through several mythic discourses. These mythic

discourses/expressions are reproduced by advertisements through advertisements and adopted by the women in time. In today’s world, the woman has an important rule in advertisement because the woman should be like the exhibited and

flawlessly beautiful with the help of "Photoshop God" and in parallel with the

woman image depicted. As a result, fancy, luxury, bright life, beauty and

sex are packed and presented with dominant message forming technique in

many customer goods.

It has different finding that the finding of the reseracher is about

denotative and connotative meaning in semiotic that the researcher analyzes in “Wardah Cosmetics “Lightening Series On 2016”of advertisiment. It is clear that denotative and connotative meaning that the researcher found is types of semiotic.

Wardah Cosmetic has one characteristic that used as the different one than others,

it is about color, the color that is used in wardah is soft blue, soft green and white




5.1. Conclusion

In the end of this study, the writer would like to conclude in order to

answer the two problems which are involved from the video advertisiment “Wardah Cosmetics Lightening Series 2016”. It is relating to semiotic that occurred in the advertisiment. After getting the research findings in the study, the

writer makes the following conclusion.

The result of the study, the writer found the signifier (verbal expressions)

and also signified (denotative and connotative meaning) of semiotic in wardah

cosmetic lightning series that consists of 5 video, the writer found 13 sentences

contains of denotative and connotative meaning of semiotic. Semiotics is a

relationship between the signifier (form) and the signified (meaning).

Denotation is sign level which explains the relationship between signifier

and signified that has explicit meaning. Denotation is the most conventional sign

in a society because its relationship is on the reality or having meaning based on

the dictionary.

Connotation is sign level which explains the relationship between signifier

and signified that does not have explicit meaning. Its meaning is not available on



From previous study and this research, the writer hopes this study can give

constribution to develop our knowledge about linguistic, especially semiotic field.

Afterward, the writer hopes that this study can enrich our knowledge about the

types of semiotic by others thoery where the people can develop their ability to

concentrate in describing the word, phrase, and sentence to make a good


5.2. Suggestion

After conducting this study, the writer offers some suggestions that may be

useful for student of English Department other researchers who are interested to

conduct an analysis of semiotic in advertisement. This study uses Ronald

Barthee’s theory and other theory to support this study. The next researcher who

wants to anlyze the same theme about meaning, they can anlyze from the different

linguistic field. They can combine between semantics and semiotics. It is the

corelation between meaning of text and pictures. Hopefully, the next researcher



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