I ll Take Chloe and Her Stun Gun on My Team

I’ll Take Chloe and Her Stun Gun on My Team
Word Count:
Self defense is just as much a matter of preparation as anything else. Just ask Chloe O´Brien

self defense, stun gun, 24

Article Body:
There she was after leaving Bill Buchanan´s house, sitting in the bar area of a hotel, having

She was in the process of using all kinds of high tech stuff to help Jack Bauer, the super sav

That´s when mild mannered Chloe O´Brien pulled out her stun gun and zapped the guy into uncons

The mega hit TV show ˆ24˜ is drawing to a close for this season and quite frankly I am not sur

We should all be so lucky to be that prepared to survive an unwanted approach by a stranger, b

Seriously, one of three of us in our lifetime will have some brush with crime whether it is as

It really is more of a question of when something untoward will happen as opposed to if it wil

The good news is that you can-just like Chloe-be prepared! Self defense is certainly part of t

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