Physical Wellness Our Most Precious Possession

Physical Wellness: Our Most Precious Possession
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What would you consider to be your most precious possession? Your home? Car? Book collection?

How well do you care for your body? Do you exercise every day, eat healthful foods, drink enou

physical wellness,health,health habits,physical strength,healthy habits,wellness

Article Body:
What would you consider to be your most precious possession? Your home? Car? Book collection?

How well do you care for your body? Do you exercise every day, eat healthful foods, drink enou

However, it’s important to realize that neglecting our physical well-being can profoundly affe

My biggest mistake over the past several years was believing that proper care of my body would
Caring for our bodies doesn’t have to take a lot of time. In fact, by focusing more attention

You might be wondering just how much time and effort is required? Here are the things I’ve bee

Exercise - For me, that was the biggest obstacle because I tend to get lazy. ;-) Once I sit do

Food - I have always been a "junk food junky." It wasn’t that I preferred that type of food, i

Water - I also began drinking several glasses of water throughout the day, and immediately beg

Rest - I’m one of those people who really needs a full eight hours of sleep every night or I g

There, that doesn’t sound so hard, does it? :-) It’s really just a matter of creating new, hea
Wishing you abundant health and wellness!

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