Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: The Purposes of L1 in Teaching English to Young Learners in Kindergarten


Observation Protocol_ Classroom Observation











Observation Protocol

Expression in L1



The purpose of L1

Observation Protocol_1st Classroom Observation

: Thursday, January 26th 2012


: 08.30-09.00


: Ms.Dian


: Blossoms


: Social Studies

Expression in L1


The purpose of L1

Pre Teaching
1. Penghapusnya juga

Teacher ordered the class captain to Giving Instruction
spread the rubber to the other

2. Satu dapat satu sayang

Teacher reminded the class captain to Giving instruction
give the rubber to each student.

3. Kasih penghapusnya JANE
(student’ name)

Teacher asked the class captain to give Giving instruction
the rubber to his friend.
Whilst Teaching

4. DAVIN..DAVIN (student’s name)
mau belajar diluar?

5. Tulis namanya

6. Jangan terlalu besar atau terlalu

Teacher warned one of the students to
listen to the teacher and doesn’t make
noisy in the class.

Teacher gave instruction to the
students (to write down their name in a
paper exercise).

Classroom Management
( warn the student to stop
making noisy in the

Giving Instruction

Teacher did correction to students’

Giving feedback to the

( writing their name)

(feedback about the task;
includes information about
error whether something is
correct or incorrect)

7. HARMEN ( student name)
Harusnya disini biar muat

Teacher gave correction to the
student’s writing (when the student

writes down his name).

Giving feedback to the

8. VINO (student name) ayo gak
seperti ini duduknya

Teacher warned one of the students to
sit nicely.

Classroom management


9. Kira-kira siapa ini?


student Test Comprehension
comprehension about the picture

• (There are 4 children here)
ada 4 anak siapa saja ya

Teacher told the story in the pictures. Conveying meaning of the
Besides, the way the teacher told the story
stories was in English first, and then
translated in Indonesian.

• (3 boys and 1 girl)
Ada 3 anak laki-laki dan 1 perempuan.
(Jesca Davin Marcel and Harmen
are in a canteen)
Ini Jesca Harmen Marcel and Davin lagi
mau jajan

(They want to buy some snack in
the canteen)
Jadi sedang di kantin mau beli jajan.

12. Terbalik JEJE...dihapus dulu..dihapus

Teacher gave correction to student’s
work (when the student wrote his
name but his writing was wrong).

Giving Feedback
(feedback about task)

13. Jangan terlalu besar HARMEN
( student’s name)

Teacher gave correction to one of the

student‘s work.

Giving Feedback (feedback
about task)

14. Lihat gambarnya disini

Teacher asked the student to see the
picture of the story.

Giving Instruction

15. Kita lihat gambar yang pertama, yang
ini ya.

Teacher asked the students to see the

Giving Instruction

16. Anak mana yang tidak sabar?

Teacher checked student’understanding
of the pictures.

Checking Comprehension

17. Jangan besar-besar MARCEL
(student’s name) ,nanti kena semua

Teacher gave feedback to the student’s

Giving Feedback (feedback
about task)

18. Kita lanjut ke gambar yang nomer 2

Teacher asked the student to see the 2nd

Giving Instruction

19. A clown, seorang badut

Teacher explained the new word for

Explaining new word

20. Mana anak yang tidak sabar tunggu
gilirannya untuk dapat balloon?

Teacher checked students’

Checking Comprehension

21. Apa anak laki-laki ini sabar untuk
tunggu gilirannya?

Teacher checked students’

Checking Comprehension

22. Sekerang lihat gambar yang no 4
gambar yang terakhir

Teacher asked the students to see
picture in the number 4.

Giving instruction

23. Itu kira-kira lampu warna apa ya?
Warna apa ya?

Teacher checked students’
understanding about the pictures given

Checking Comprehension


24. Terus anak-anaknyaya boleh gak
langsung across the street tiba-tiba
nyebrang jalan?

Teacher checked students’

Checking Comprehension

25. JESCA and VERIN..ayo nanti gak tahu Teacher addressed the students don’t to
make some noisy in the classroom.
lho..miss bilang apa lho

Classroom Management

26. Boleh nggak anak-anaknya langsung
Teacher checked students’
nyebrang waktu lampunya berwarna hijau? understanding about the pictures given.

Checking Comprehension

27. Be patient , means harus sabar

Teachers explained the new word “ be

Explaining new word

29. Line up itu berbaris

Teacher explained the new word “lineup”.

Explaining new word

30. MARCEL (student’s name) ,, not
MRACEL,,, huruf a nya dulu

Teacher corrected the student’s mistake
in writing his name).

Giving feedback (feedback
about task)

31. Tapi ternyata nggak sama coba nanti di Teacher asked the student to find the
gambar yang B, dicari mana yang berbeda difference between A and B picture.
ya dari gambar A

Giving Instruction

32. Coba saja dihitung,coba diperhatikan

Teacher asked the students to count and Giving instruction
pay attention in the picture.

33.Kalau digambar B ada berapa anak ?

Teacher asked the students about their
understanding toward the picture.

Checking comprehension

34. Yang berbeda mana? Yang disini tidak Teacher checked the students’

Checking comprehension

35. Ada apa lagi yang berbeda?

Checking Comprehension

Teacher asked the students about the
difference of the pictures.

36. Dibaris yang kedua, yang satu
Teacher checked students’
rambutnya dibuat seperti apa ya? yang satu understanding about the pictures.
diiket rambutnya. Dan yang satunya lagi
gak diiket ya

Checking Comprehension

37. Kita cari 1 lagi yang berbeda ,mana
coba dicari mana lagi yang berbeda..

Teacher ordered the students to find
another differences in the picture.

Giving instruction

38. JEJE coba cari 1 lagi yang berbeda..

Teacher asked the student to found
another difference in the picture.

Checking Comprehension

40. MARCEL duduknya yang bagus nanti
jatuh kayak HARMEN kemarin

Teacher asked one of the student to sit

Classroom Management

41. Apakah anak laki-laki yang ada huruf
A nya ini bisa sabar

Teacher asked the student’
understanding about the picture.

Checking comprehension

42. Lihat gambar anak yang ditengah ini.

Teacher asked the students to see the

Giving instruction

43. Jesca nggak dengar miss ini

Teacher asked one of the students to
answer the question but she didn’t.

Classroom management


know to answer the question because
she talked to her friend when the
teacher explained the material
44. Iya kan kalau ngobrol sendiri ya gak

Teacher warned one of the students to
stop talking.

Classroom Management

45. Anak laki-laki ini sabar tidak untuk

Teacher checked students’
comprehension toward the picture.

Checking comprehension

46. Sekarang kumpulkan kertasnya

Teacher asked the students to submit
their paper.

Giving instruction

47. 4 Lembar

Teacher translated the word “ 4

Conveying meaning

Observation Protocol_2nd Classroom Observation

: Monday, January 30th 2012


: 10.00-10.30


: Ms.Dian (Pseudo name)


: Blossoms


: Reading Writing class


: Write letter “q”
Expression in L1


The purpose of L1

1. Tulis namanya dulu

Teacher asked the students to write
down their name in the paper

Giving instruction

2. Tulis diatas

Teacher asked the students to write
down their name on the top.

Giving instruction

3. Ayo MARCEL ( student’ name)
tulis nama MARCEL

Teacher asked one of the students to
write his name.

Giving instruction

4. Eiii kok tulisnya seperti itu

Teacher respond the way MARCEL
wrote his name.

Giving feedback ( feedback
about task)

5. CESKA (student’ name) ayo
kenapa ditengahnya seperti ini?

Teacher respond the way CESKA.

Giving feedback


wrote her name
6. DAVIN (student name) cari apa?

( feedback about task)

Teacher ask DAVIN what were he Classroom Management
looking for , because he looked busy
in finding his rubber.
Whilst Teaching

7. Coba lihat kertas yang ini dulu

Teacher asked the students to see the

Giving instruction

8. Gambar apa ya?

Teacher check students’
understanding about the picture.

Checking comprehension


Teacher reinforced the students to
answer the question.

Checking comprehension

10. Kalau seorang ratu tinggalnya
dimana ya? Kalo ratu tinggalnya
dirumah biasa?

Teacher asked the students’
background knowledge about the

Checking comprehension

11. Castle itu seperti rumah tapi besar
12. Lihat kata-kata queen disini

Teacher explained the word “castle” .

Explaining new word

Teacher asked the students to see the
word “queen” of the paper.

Giving instruction

13. Lihat huruf yang pertama

Teacher asked the students to see the
first letter.

Giving instruction

14. Sekarang anak-anak akan coba
tulis satu-satu,

Teacher asked the students to write
letter “q”.

Giving instruction

15. Yang pertama garis putusputusnya disambung dulu

Teacher asked the students to trace
the line.

Giving instruction

16. Ditebalkan dulu terus buat

Teacher asked the student to trace
the line and make the tummy to make
letter “ q”.

Giving instruction

17. Buatnya jangan terlalu kecil

Teacher responded the student’ work
in making letter “q”.

Giving feedback( feedback
about task)

18. Bukan lingkarang ya

Teacher gave correction for
MARCEL writing when he wrote
letter ‘’q’’.

Giving feedback ( feedback
about task)

19. Waduh jangan terlalu besar, ayo
DAVIN (student’s name) bias,
jangan panjang-panjang,lho kok
dari sini,eh lurus dulu,satu lagi
davin huruf ‘q' nya ayo terus-terus
jangan miring-miring lurus lurus
20. Lagi ZEUS bikin sendiri, waduh
yg bagus gimana tadi?itu agak
naik, lagi ini lagi jangan turun gak
usah pake turun naik-naik lho lho
lho, ayo lihat bikin satu lagi,

Teacher gave correction to DAVIN
writing when he wrote letter ‘’q’’.

Giving feedback ( feedback
about task)

Teacher gave correction to ZEUS
writing when he wrote letter ‘’q’’.

Giving feedback ( feedback
about task)

Iya apa ini , seorang apa?


ZEUS ini harus lurus
21. yang nggak bagus harus dihapus

Teacher asked the student to erase
their work if they couldn’t write the
letter “q” nicely

Reduce student’ language
anxiety (test anxiety)

22. VINO pinter bagus

Teacher gave feedback to VINO’
writing letter “q”

Giving feedback ( about
the student’ achievement)

23. Salah ini kayak huruf ‘a’ nanti,
nggak seperti ini, buatnya jangan
seperti itu , HARMEN itu ekornya
terlalu panjang harmen dikira
huruf ‘h’
24. DAVIN masih salah, DAVIN
belum bisa ,nggak usah pakai
banyak-banyak VIN, okay DAVIN
lihat dulu perhatikan miss dulu
lihat miss dulu, bisa kan. iya
25. Ayo ZEUS ini kakinya nggak
panjang kesamping ya,ya bagus,
kakinya yang panjang, Nah ini
salah, iya kalau salah dihapus,
perutnya jangan besar nak
perutnya jangan besar
26. JEJE kenapa ( jeje nangis)..sudah
ayo janagn nagis..cup udah cup..
sudah kalau nagis kayak gitu miss
gak denger lho jeje ngomong apa .
ooo sudah jeje
27. ooo kan bisa bilang:tutup dulu
JEJE pintunya jangan dibuka dulu
gitu, sudah JEJE duduk dulu
,nggak ada yang marah-marah
dengan temennya.
28. Selesaikan dulu, kalo nangis nggak
usah belajar saja, JEJE masih mau
nangis,kalau masih mau nangis
gak usah disini,JEJE nggak nangis
ya,ini dilanjutin lagi,punya JEJE
kakinya terlalu panjang ini. Sudah
JEJE tulis lagi, JEJE nangisnya
diluar saja kalau gitu, kalau JEJE
nangis nanti temennya ikut ribut
nanti,sudah ya, oke JEJE jangan
nagis ,,cup.. kalau nangis nanti
nggak bisa ngerjakan ini, sudah
jangan nangis
29. Nggak apa-apa kalau nggak bagus
harus dibetulkan biar bagus jangan
terlalu pendek kakinya.
30. Iya punya VERIN juga ini kakinya
terlalu pendek,kakinya harus
panjang sedikit, nanti ini dikiranya

Teacher respond HARMEN’ writing
letter “q”

Giving feedback ( feedback
about task)

Teacher corrected the student’
mistake in writing letter “q”

Reduce student’ language
anxiety (test anxiety)

Teacher gave correction to one of the
student when he wrote letter “q”

Reduce student’ language
anxiety (test anxiety)

Teacher wanted to know why one of
the student who was crying after he
went to toilet.

Classroom Management

Teacher respond one of the student
statement by giving an advise
[( VINO: aku baru pipis pintunya
dibuka JEJE kok miss)]

Classroom management

Teacher said to one of the students to
stop crying

Classroom management

Teacher corrected the student’s work
in writing letter “q”

Giving feedback (feedback
about task)

Teacher corrected the student’s work
in writing letter “q”

Giving feedback (feedback
about task)


huruf “a”,pelan
31. HARMEN tadi miss sudah bilang
ekornya gak usah melengkung
nanti dikira letter h. iya harmen
32. CESKA,ini jangan kayak huruf
‘a’. ini ekornya nggak usah
panjang-panjang, ini dikiranya
kayak letter ‘h’.
33. Ayo HARMEN seperti apa
tadi,ayo HARMEN nggak dengar
miss,ayo HARMEN buat lagi tulis
yang bagus
34. Ini kakinya kurang panjang
CESKA, CESKA mau bisa nggak
diajarin miss? kakinya kurang
35. eeii nggak nangis,temennya juga
belum selasai kok kenapa CESKA
nangis , nah nggak usah aja kalo
nangis,nggak pake nangis, disisni
dulu, nggak usah nangis CESKA
,temennya juga belum selesai
semua, kalau CESKA sambil
nangis nanti jadinya lama,
36. ayo CESKA bisa, nah bisa kan,
nah pinter bisa
37. Kalau Miss andri bilang lurus lurus
jangan belok-belok, DAVIN kalau
dikasih tahu diperhatikan.
38. Yang ini kakinya kurang sayang
kurang panjang. HARMEN nanti
nggak selesai yg nggak slesai nanti
pulangnya terakhir
39. JEJE hebat JEJE pinter JE,
40. Capek ya dari tadi DAVINnya
ngobrol terus

Teacher corrected the student’s work
in writing letter “q”

Giving feedback (feedback
about task)

Teacher corrected the student’s work
in writing letter “q”

Giving feedback (feedback
about task)

Teacher corrected the student’s work
in writing letter “q”

Giving feedback (feedback
about task)

Teacher corrected the student’s work
in writing letter “q”

Giving feedback (feedback
about task)

Teacher wanted one of the student
stop crying

Classroom Management

Teacher gave appreciation to the
student because she could write letter
“q” well

Give feedback ( student’s

Teacher asked the student to pay
attention on the teacher’s feedback

Reduce student’ language
anxiety (test anxiety)

Teacher corrected one of the student’s
mistake in writing letter “q”

Giving feedback (feedback
about task)

Teacher gave appreciation to
student’s work in writing letter “q”

Give feedback ( student’s

Teacher asked one of the student to
stop talking in the class

Classroom management

Post Teaching
41. Sudah ini ngobrol terus gak

Teacher warn two of the students to
stop talking

Classroom management

42. HARMEN belum selesai. Terus
kerjakan kalau belum selesai
nggak boleh pulang dulu. ayo
HARMEN ,lagi tulis lagi
43. DAVIN kalo daritadi ngobrol
terus, ya nggak jadi-jadi

Teacher asked one of the student to
keep writing letter “q” , because he
didn’t finish yet.

Giving instruction

Teacher respond to one of the student
who didn’t finish the task because he

Classroom management


was so noisy in the class
44. Kecuali HARMEN dan DAVIN
semuanya dengar miss dulu

Teacher gave instruction to the others
to listen to the teacher

Giving instruction

45. Jangan lupa kasih ke mama papa,
jangan sampai lupa kasih ke mama

Teacher reminded the student to give
the newsletter to their mom or dad

Giving instruction

Observation Protocol_3rd Classroom Observation

: Thursday, February 2nd ,2012


: 08.30-09.00


: Ms.Dian


: Blossoms


: Social Studies Class


: How to be honest

Expression of L1


The purpose of L1

Pre –Teaching
1. Honest itu jujur

Teacher gave the definition Explain new word
of the word “ honest”

2. Menjadi seseorang yang Teacher asked the student’ Checking comprehension
jujur, artinya apa ya?
understanding of the word
“ jujur”
3. Kalo dikelas duduknya ga Teacher warned one of the Classroom management
seperti itu
student to sit nicely
Whilst –Teaching

Menjadi apa? apa anak
yang jujur... jujur itu
artinya anak yang hebat ya
5. Ini kok dari tadi kakak
dengar miss ya..ribut
mainan kertasnya ada
yang mainan meja.. apa
hari ini gak usah belajar

Teacher gave explanation Explain new words
about “anak yang jujur”
Teacher asked the student Classroom management
why did they so noisy , and
asked them to listen to the


ya...didalam kelas saja ga
usah ngapa-ngapain duduk
sampai jam setengah 11..?
mau seperti itu? kalo ga
mau ya harus dengarkan
6. Jadi anak yang jujur itu
|you do not lie| anak yang
jujur itu
tidak suka
berbohong.| you tell the
truth , |kasih tahu yang
(one day vino drops his mom
glass. )
Suatu hari vino nggak sengaja
senggol gelasnya mama terus
jadi pecah

the Conveying meaning
explanation of “ anak yang

Teacher told the story in the Conveying meaning
pictures. Besides, the way
the teacher told the stories
was in English first, and

(since vino is a good boy , he
says to his mom that he drops
the glas)
Karena vino anak yang bagus
anak yang honest anak yang
mama :maah I'm sorry I
dropped the glass,,, maah
maaf ya aku tadi pecahkan

Kalo tadi pecahkan gelas
bilang : mah itu bukan aku
yang pecahkan gelasnya...
ini kaka yang pecahkan
namanya, boleh seperti
9. Tulis namanya
10. oooo pensilnya DAVIN
diambil saja ya ,( student
:hummm) iya ini dari tadi
lho waktu mourning time,
dari tadi waktu mourning
time you want to listen to
miss...but then you still
play.. tapi tetap main"main sendiri , you still
wanna play ( student: no) ,

Teacher asked students’
understanding about the

Checking Comprehension

Teacher asked the students
to write down their name

Giving instruction

Teacher warned one of the Classroom management
student not to play with his
pencil, and focus to listen to
the teacher


mau dengar miss dengar
miss ? (student : yes)
11. Tulis
namanya Teacher asked the students Giving instruction
dulu.dibawah disini
to write down their name in
the bottom part
12. Ada tiga set 1,2,3,.kita Teacher explained and Giving instruction
mau taruh gambar ini asked the student to put the
ditempat yang betul , di number in the correct order
urutan yang betul
13. Kita mau taruh angka- Teacher gave instruction to Giving instruction
angkanya disini ya.
the students to put the
number in the correct order
14. Kok duduknya seperti itu
ya.. kok duduknya kayak
kayak di warung ,ayo it's
in a class, kalau dikelas
duduknya yang bagus
15. Lihat gambar yang disini

Teacher asked one of the Classroom management
student to sit nicely

Teacher asked the student to Giving instruction
take a look at the picture

16. Nanti anak-anak cari Teacher asked the student to Giving instruction
mana gambar yang miss find the picture that the
andri ceritakan.
teacher told.
17. Mana ya gambarnya ya?

Teacher asked the student’ Checking comprehension
understanding about the

(he kicks the ball so hard and
breaks the window)
Terus waktu dia tendang
bolanya keras sekali , kacanya
sampai pecah

Teacher told the story in the
pictures. Besides, the way
the teacher told the stories
was in English first, and
then translated in Indonesian

(someone broke the window)
ada sesorang yang pecahin
(he sees a toys store)
Jony lihat toko mainan?
(Harmen accidentaly broke
his mom's flowers pot, then
when his mom knows about
this , Harmen blames his

Conveying meaning

suatu hari harmen tidak
sengaja pecahin pot bunga
punya mama , tapi waktu
mama marah ya waktu mama
tanya siapa ini yang pecahin
pot bunganya mama , harmen
says kakak , Harmen bilang
kakak yang pecahin
19. Nomor satu dua atau tiga Teacher asked the student to Checking comprehension
choose number 1/2/3 about
the correct order of the
20. Ayo
VINO, Teacher gave feedback to Giving feedback ( feedback
terbalik ini , ini bukan , ini the students’ mistake in about task)
3 ini 2
doing the exercise
ZEUS terbalik zeus
HARMEN juga terbalik
21. Itu masih ngobrol sendiri

Teacher warn one of the Classroom management
student to stop talking while
the teacher was explaining

22. Spill ..menumpahkan

Teacher explained the word Explain new word

23. ooo marcel kok tulisnya
seperti itu
24. Yang ini dishonest
dishonest itu yang tidak
jujur , honest itu yang
jujur ,
25. Nanti kita kasih tik kira
kira anak itu honest jujur
or dishonest
26. Lihat gambar yang
27. Harmen jujur atau tidak?

Teacher explain the meaning Explain new word
of “honest” and “dishonest “

Teacher gave instruction for
the exercise

Giving instruction

Teacher asked the student to
see the first picture

Giving instruction

Teacher asked the students’ Checking comprehension

28. Anak yang jujur atau tidak Teacher asked the students’ Checking comprehension
29. Honest tadi yang jujur Teacher asked about the Checking comprehension

atau yang tidak jujur ?

about the lesson

30. JEJE
duduknya Teacher asked one of the Classroom management
seperti itu terus ya kakinya students to sit nicely
gak seperti itu.

Observation Protocol_4th Classroom Observation

: Monday, February 6th 2012


: 10.00-10.30


: Ms.Dian


: Blossoms


: Reading Writing Class


: write letter “r”
Expression of L1


The Purpose of L1

Pre –Teaching
1. Simpan dulu sayang

Teacher asked the student Classroom management
to save his marbles for a

ngobrol Teacher
the Classroom management
sendiri sama JEJE ?
students to stop talking
3. Ms. andri punya huruf
seperti apa ya?, seperti
kalau kita mau pancing
ikan ya..ada kaitnya
4. “rrr” (er) itu bahasa

the Checking comprehension
about the topic
Teacher gave feedback to Give feedback ( feedback of
students who pronounce task )
letter “r” is “er”
Indonesian pronunciation

5. Kalau tulis huruf r seperti Teacher asked the students Giving instruction
to pay attention on the way
the teacher wrote letter “r”


6. Tulis namanya diatas ya

Teacher asked the students Giving instruction
to write down their name
in the top of the paper

7. Disini sudah ada garis
ditebalkan dulu ya, di
kolom di kotak- kotak
yang terakhir ini
8. Setelah itu di paling
bawah sendiri nanti anakanak tulis huruf r sendiri
seperti miss tadi.

Teacher asked the students Giving instruction
to trace the lines

Teacher asked the student Giving instruction
to write their own letter “r”

9. Jangan
besar Teacher asked the student Giving instruction
to write their name in
jangan terlalu kecil.
normal way ( not too big/
10. ZEUS..ulangi lagi ya..

Teacher asked one of the Giving instruction
students to re-write the
letter “r”

11. Pinter JE

Teacher appreciated the Giving feedback ( student’s
student’s work

12. Ayo CESKA tulis

Teacher asked one of the
student to write letter “r”

Giving instruction

13. Iya kan kamu harus tulis
sendiri letter r

Teacher respond student’s
feeling or idea of the

Reduce student’ language
anxiety ( communication

(Vino: ini kok tracenya
gak kelihatan )
14. Okay oooo disini harmen
harmen jangan panjang
panjang sayang

Teacher gave correction
for the student’s work in
writing letter “r”

Reduce student’ language
anxiety ( test anxiety)

15. Sekarang kita kerjakan Teacher asked the student Giving instruction
yang ini ya
to do the next exercise
16. Mana bayangannya?

the Checking comprehension
about the picture

17. Shadow itu bayangan Teacher explained the Explain new word
sayang ( bayangan itu meaning of the word
apa) ,
bayangan itu “shadow”
seperti kalau kita jalan
terus yang dibelakange

kita ada hitam-hitam
18. This is a ring ,cincin Teacher explained
menaing of “ring”
19. Lihat gambarnya dulu

the Explain new word

Teacher asked the student Giving instruction
to see the picture

20. Duduknya yang bagus
nggak seperti itu

Teacher warned one of the Classroom management
student to sit nicely

21. Jangan lupa kasih ke Teacher reminded the Giving instruction
student to give the
newsletter to their Mom
22. Nanti huruf “q” nya Teacher asked the student Giving instruction
ditebalkan seperti tadi ,
to trace letter “q” for their
23. JEJE nanti gak tahu Teacher
the Classroom management
ngerjakannya seperti apa
student to pay attention to
the teacher’ explanation ,
so that he wouldn’t get lost
about the information

Observation Protocol_5th Classroom Observation

: Thursday, February 9th






: Blossoms


: Social Studies Class


: Good manners
Expression of L1



The purpose of L1

Pre –Teaching
1. Mau ngobrol sendiri lagi

Teacher warned some student Classroom management

to stop talking
2. Sharing itu berbagi

Teacher explained the meaning Explain new word
of the word “sharing”


Teacher asked the students to Giving instruction
write down their name

Tulis namanya dulu

4. Ms.Andri punya 4 gambar
disini,sekarang kita lihat
satu-satu ya.
5. DAVIN siapa yang mau
jadi gurunya ya disini aja

Teacher asked the students to Giving instruction
see the picture

6. Kita lihat gambarnya nanti
berbagi atau tidak ya anakanaknya

Teacher asked the students to Giving instruction
see the pictures, and it was
about sharing or not.

Teacher warned one of the Classroom management
students to stop talking while
the teacher was explaining the

Sudah ini CESKA sama Teacher warned the students to Classroom management
VINO aja jadi teachernya stop talking in the class
dsini berdua ya.. temennya
diajarin semua ya..nanti
ngobrol.. miss andri ga jadi
selesai-selasai jelaskan ke
teman-temannya. iya semua
pengen ngomong semua ,
ini sama saja , hari ini ga
usah belajar aja ya ( belajar)
soalnya semuanya ngobrol
Teacher told the story of the Conveying meaning
(Mathew and alex are quarelling pictures in English first then
for the ball.)
translated it in Indonesian
Mathew sama alex berhantem
karena berebut bola


Kita llihat gambar c

Teacher asked the students to Giving instruction
see picture c

10. Gambar mana yang
menunjukan mereka

Teacher asked about students’
understanding of the picture

Checking comprehension

11. Ini dari tadi ngobrol saja ,
iya ngobrol terus saja

Teacher warned some students
to stop talking in the classroom

Classroom management

Teacher told the story of the

Conveying meaning

(Having good manner means
being kind and thinking each


Mempunyai tingkah laku yang
baik berarti anak-anak harus
bersikap yang baik dan
memikirkan orang lain
(Okay now, do and say the
kindness thing in the kindness
Ini juga ini kalau harus ngomong
harus ngomong yang bagus,
(Okay now,hang up your cloth)
kalau habis pakai baju jangan
cuma throw your cloth jangan
langsung dilempar. Mah ini
cuciin mah. no, but mommy
please, or you may hang up your
cloth by your self, kalau sudah
bisa gantung bajunya sendiri ,
you can do it by your self, bisa
digantung sendiri , or if you can
not do it hang up by your self,
you may ask your mommy to help
you. kalau misalnya belum bisa
gantung bajunya sendiri , bisa
minta tolong mama ya , or you
may ask your grandma, mommy
helps me please,
(Okay now , there are some rules
that you have to follow)
kalau disekolah pasti ada
peraturannya, you can not be
late , nggak boleh datang
terlambat , second , you have to
listen to the teacher, haus
dengarkan miss, three :do not
quarell to your friend , gak boleh
berhantem dengan temannya ,
obey the teacher : harus nurut
sama missnya, listen when others
talk, kalau temannya sedang
ngomong kita harus
dengarkan.lihat seperti miss ,
miss andri is talking, miss andri
sedang ngomong kalau miss lagi
ngomong anak-anak harus
dengarkan miss. if I ask verin to
talk, kalau miss andri minta verin
untuk bicara , others will listen to
verin , nanati kita semuanya
dengar verin ya ,,gak ngobrol
sendiri. lihat ini juga be kind ,
harus baik. be kind do not make

fun of others , nggak boleh
ngejek temannya , don't make fun
of others gak boleh ngejek
temennya. okay do not freak
even if you are the best,juga
jangan jadi smbong ya. ini
punyaku bagus punyamu jelek..
punyaku yang paling bagus
sendiri, punya kita bagus semua.
be honest harus jujur.

13. Bagus kalau bicara harus
yang sopan? , boleh nggak
ngomong sma mama , mah
susuku ! boleh nggak ?
14. Bagus nggak ya, miss lagi
bicara DAVINnya seperti

Teacher asked the students’ Checking comprehension
understanding about the topic

15. Davin ,iya kan tementemennya yang lain
perhatiin miss

Teacher warned one of the Classroom management
student to pay attention on the
teacher’ explanation

16. Vino mundur

Teacher asked the student to sit Classroom management

Teacher warned one of the Classroom management
students to stop talking

17. Vino itu kenapa wajahnya Teacher asked the student not Classroom management
seperti itu, bagus nggak. iya to have sad face
nggak boleh, boleh nggak
cemberut seperti itu with
sad face , kan nggak sengaja
Vino. ceska don't mean it.
Ayo vino wjahnya gak
boleh marah-m,arah seperti
itu, nggak boleh cemberut.
Tuhan nggak suka ya kalau
anak-anaknya marah marah
18. Davin belajarnya diluar aja
ya belajar sendiri diluar

Teacher warned the student to Classroom management
study outside because he was
so noisy in the classroom

19. Angry itu marah.

Teacher explained
the Explain new word
meaning of the word “angry”

20. Verin ayo kan ngobrol Teacher warned the student to Classroom management
sendiri kan dari tadi
stop talking
Post Teaching


21. Masih ingat kita berdoa Teacher asked the student to Giving instruction
sama Tuhan , kita berdoa pray nicely
untuk Tuhan , kita mau
berdoa sama Tuhan Yesus,
harus yang bagus

Observation Protocol_6th Classroom Observation

: Monday, February 13th 2012


: 08.30-09.00


: Ms.Dian


: Blossoms


:Reading and Writing Class


: writing letter “s”
Expression of L1


The purpose of L1

Pre –Teaching
1. Coba sekarang dihitung dulu Teacher asked the students to count Giving instruction
bener nggak ada sebelas?
the student in the classroom
Whilst –Teaching
2. Tulis namanya dulu.

Teacher asked the student to write Giving instruction
down their name

3. HARMEN nulisnya gak Teacher corrected the student’s work Giving
seperti ini jangan besar besar, in writing letter “s”
( feedback about task)
4. Tunggu dulu eka tunggu dulu Teacher asked the student not to start Classroom management
writing before the teacher asked the
student to start writing
5. Iya..lho
kan Teacher gave correction to the Reduce students’ language
kemarin sudah bisa nulis student’s work in writing his name
anxiety (test anxiety)
namanya, kenapa sekarang
marcel lupa? bukan mracel
tapi marcel
6. Lihat ke papan tulis dulu
Teacher asked the student to see the Giving instruction
7. MARCEL nanti gak bisa Teacher asked the student
,,sudah itu sudah marcel ..
besok MARCEL tulis seperti
punya miss ya.

Giving instruction

8. Eka eka jangan tulis dulu,, Teacher asked the students not to Giving instruction
dulu.. write down first and to put the pencil
semua letakan pensilnya dulu on the table
9. Ditebalkan dulu

Teacher asked the students to trace Giving instruction
the line

10. Sekarang Vino buat sendiri S Teacher asked the student to write Giving instruction
letter S
11. Davin, gini davi ooo jangan Teacher gave
besar-besar .
student’s work



the Giving feedback (feedback
about task

12. Pinter iya sekali lagi eka bikin Teacher gave appreciation feedback
sendiri disini
13. Eka belum selesai nulis dulu (
one of the student want to
leave the class),
14. Jeje Tulisnya seperti Miss ya
15. Harmen..hebat.

Teacher asked the
continue his writing


Giving feedback
( appreciation)

to Giving instruction

Teacher corrected the student’s work

Reduce students’ language
anxiety (test anxiety)

Teacher gave appreciation feedback

Giving feedback
( appreciation)

16. VINO kerjakan dari sebelah
kiri bukan sebelah kanan
17. VINO ini ekornya jangan Teacher corrected the student’s work Reduce students’ language
dibuat seperti lagi..ini diulang
anxiety (test anxiety)
nulis lagi , vino yang ini S
nya jangan dibuat seperti itu,
pelan pelan Vino, nah bagus
kan mulai lagi
18. Ini eka tulis lagi yang bagus.
Teacher asked the student to write Giving instruction
the good writing
19. CESKA , harmen..harmen Teacher warned one of the student to
jangan diganggu
stop disturbing another student

Classroom management

20. Lihat gambar yang pertama Teacher asked the students to see the Giving instruction
first picture
21. Lihat gambar yang terakhir

Teacher asked the students to see the Giving instruction
last picture

22. Dari tadi ngobrol terus,

Teacher warned the student to stop Classroom management

23. Dikasih
yang Teacher asked the student to color Giving instruction
bagus. iya kasih warna dulu
the picture
Post- Teaching
24. mom itu mama, or your father Teacher explain the word mom and Explain new word
itu ayah


25. harus dibaca ya

Teacher reminded the students to Giving instruction
say to their parents to read the

26. oo sudah ini gak pulang

Teacher warned the students not to Classroom management
make some noise

27. eka kursinya dimasukan dulu

Teacher asked the students to tidy Giving instruction
the chair


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