Jurnal Ilmiah Pesona Hospitality Vol 4 N


Jurnal Pesona Volume 4, No.2 – Juli 2011
ISSN: 2086-9037


Honi Chiquita
Universitas Sahid

Ragunan Park is the object and natural tourist attraction that is engaged in the conservation of
fauna that has a unique and distinct advantage compared to other attractions. This research
aims to determine the motivation of tourists to visit the Wildlife Areas ragunan Jakarta. As for
some of their motivations for visiting the park Ragunan anyone want a hobby, there is a reason
the price of admission is very affordable, because pcndidikan reasons, but not least also
mcnyatakan that Ragunan Park kebersihanya less attention, the facilities are not quite
complete. Based on the results of field research shows the majority of visitors that visit is for
recreation by (70%), observation of (18%), for research by (8%), and for the conservation of

(4%). But most of them feel less towards environmental cleanliness contained garbage that
littered the area around the cages of animals, and also the smell of manure is not good. So that
tourists will be reluctant to make a return. For it with their demands to satisfy the needs of
tourists who can be expected from the pcngelola Park Ragunan can improve the environment in
the area Ragunan Park to keep it clean and make tourists comfortable and want to visit again in
the future.

Key words: motivation and Ragunan wildlife Park

Taman Margasatwa Ragunan merupakan obyek dan daya tarik wisata alam yang bergerak di
bidang konservasi fauna yang mempunyai keunikan dan keunggulan tersendiri dibandingkan
dengan obyek wisata lainnya. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi wisatawan
untuk berkunjung ke Taman Margasatwa ragunan DKI Jakarta. Adapun beberapa motivasi



mereka untuk mengunjungi Taman Margasatwa Ragunan ada yang ingin menyalurkan hobi,
ada yang karena alasan harga tiket masuk yang sangat terjangkau, karena alasan pcndidikan,
tapi tidak sedikit juga yang mcnyatakan bahwa Taman Margasatwa Ragunan kurang
memperhatikan kebersihanya, fasilitas yang tidak cukup lengkap. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian
lapangan menunjukkan mayoritas pengunjung yang berkunjung adalah untuk berekreasi
sebesar (70%), observasi sebesar (18%), untuk riset sebesar (8%), dan untuk konservasi
sebesar (4%). Namun kebanyakan dari mereka merasa kurang terhadap kebersihan lingkungan
yang tcrdapat sampah-sampah yang berserakan disekitar area kandang-kandang hewan, dan
juga bau dari kotoran hewan yang tidak sedap. Sehingga membuat wisatawan akan enggan
kembali. Untuk itu dengan adanya tuntutan pemenuhan kebutuhan untuk memuaskan
wisatawan yang dapat diharapkan dari pihak pcngelola Taman Margasatwa Ragunan dapat
memperbaiki keadaan lingkungan di area Taman Margasatwa Ragunan agar selalu bersih dan
membuat wisatawan nyaman dan ingin berkunjung kembali di lain waktu.
Kata Kunci: Motivasi dan Taman wisata Ragunan
Jurnal Pesona Volume 4, No.2 – Juli 2011


Riski Pujiruvianto
Universitas Sahid

Pramuka Island is part of administrative district of Pramuka Island that located between Jakarta
bay and Java ocean that most of its territory is an area of 6997.50 km2 of marine waters and
has 110 islands. Geographically located between 106 ° 20'00 "E - 106 ° 57'00" E and S ^ O'OO
"LS - S ^ OO" LS and has great potential for marine tourism such as the Mangrove Forest,
Coral Reef and Seagrass very interesting that under the authority of the District Tourism dept of
Pramuka Islands. The problem is how to run the product development strategy dept Seribu
Islands Tourism District Administration for the potential in the Pramuka island region. Pramuka
Island given potential as a marine tourism object. Methods of data collection by observation



Tourism dept to Seribu Islands District Administration, as well as distributing questionnaires /
questionnaires about infrastructure, transportation and facility / accommodation listed marine

tourism dept of Seribu Islands Tourism District. The magnitude of the potential of marine tourism
attractions in the Pramuka Island are not supported with a range of information to the public
(potential tourists) and also not supported by facilities /accommodations, transportation, facilities
and infrastructure. All of the potential that exists in the Pramuka Island should be utilized as
much as possible with a planning strategy that is competitive with existing marine tourism area
in Indonesia in particular and also the adjustment of the budget funds available in Government
of Seribu Islands regency in Jakarta.
The author suggested to the Government of DKI Seribu Islands District Administration.
Especially Jakarta Tourism Sub-Department Administrative District Seribu Islands in order to
extend the range of information about the potential of marine tourism attractions in Pramuka
Island eg through advertisements in print and electronic media, provide alternative means of
transportation. Sea transport can not operate on night so the air becomes an alternative means
of transportation. Based on the analysis,authors suggest building a runway at Long Island and
the acceleration of infrastructure supporting tourism in the dock and on the island of Muara
Angke Scouting itself as one of the terminals on the island as access for tourists to visit in
addition to tourist islands, and that the government should review the planning Based on the
existing funds available.

Keywords: potential and pramuka island

Pulau Pramuka merupakan bagian wilayah Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu yang
terletak diantara teluk Jakarta dan laut Jawa yang sebagian besar wilayahnya merupakan
perairan laut seluas 6.997,50 km2 dan memiliki 110 pulau. Secara geografis terletak pada
posisi 106°20'00" BT - 106°57'00" BT dan S^O'OO" LS - S^OO" LS dan memiliki potensi wisata
bahari yang besar seperti Hutan Mangrove, Terumbu Karang dan Padang Lamun yang sangat
menarik yang berada di bawah wewenang Suku Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Administrasi
Kepulauan Seribu. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana strategi pengembangan produk yang
dijalankan Suku Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu terhadap
potensi-potensi yang ada di Pulau Pramuka mengingat kawasan Pulau Pramuka sangat
potensial sebagai obyek wisata bahari. Metode pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi ke
Suku Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu, serta penyebaran angket /
kuesioner tentang sarana dan prasarana, transportasi dan fasilitas / akomodasi wisata bahari
yang terdaftar di Suku Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu. Besarnya
potensi daya tank wisata bahari yang ada di Pulau Pramuka tidak didukung dengan jangkauan
informasi kepada masyarakat (calon wisatawan) dan juga tidak ditunjang dengan fasilitas /
akomodasi, transportasi, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai. Semua potensi yang ada di
Pulau Pramuka ini harus dimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin dengan perencanaan strategi yang



kompetitif dengan kawasan wisata bahari yang ada di Indonesia khusuanya dan juga dengan
penyesuaian anggaran dana yang tersedia di Pemerintah Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan
Seribu DKI Jakarta. Penulis menyarankan kepada Pemerintah Kabupaten Administrasi
Kepulauan Seribu DKI Jakarta khususnya Suku Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Administrasi
Kepulauan Seribu supaya memeperluas jangkauan informasi tentang potensi daya tank wisata
bahari di Pulau Pramuka misalnya melalui iklan di media cetak maupun media elektronik,
menyediakan alat transportasi alternatif. Transportasi laut tidak dapat beroperasi pada malam
hari sehingga alat transportasi udara menjadi alternatif. Berdasarkan analisis, penulis
menyarankan membangun landasan pacu di Pulau Panjang dan melakukan percepatan sarana
dan prasarana pendukung pariwisata di dermaga Muara Angke dan di Pulau Pramuka itu
sendiri seperti terminal di salah satu pulau sebagai akses bagi wisatawan untuk mengunjungi
selain pulau-pulau wisata, dan agar pemerintah menkaji kembali perencanaan yang ada
berdasakan dana yang tersedia.

Kata Kunci: potensi dan pulau pramuka


Emilya Tri Handayani
Universitas Sahid

Bali province is an area that is quite strategic in making investments that could increase regional
revenue. As many provinces attract foreign tourists who definitely need the social and cultural
conditions, growth and quality of the population, and the advancement of enabling technologies.
This research looks at a diversion of investment and employment to regional gross domestic
product from 1995 to 2005. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis using the F test
and t test. Therefore the effect of investment on employment, these two variables has a
redirector to increase the gross regional domestic product in particular the province of Bali.



Average domestic investment in Bali from 1995 to 2005 amounting Rp.886.861, 1 million per
year with an average annual growth rate of 5.87 percent. Average FDI amounting Rp.252.041
Bali Province, 8 million per year with an average growth rate of 2.9 per year, while the total
domestic and foreign investment by an average of Rp. 1,138,902.9 million per year and an
average growth rate of -0.41 percent per year. Average labor bakerja in Bali province from 1995
to 2005 amounted to 1,760,838 people per year with a growth rate of 5.56 percent per year. The
average GDP in the province of Bali from 1995 to 2005 amounted to Rp.7.578.973 million per
year with a growth rate of 2.36 percent per year. The calculation in Appendix II with SPSS data,
obtained by the calculation as follows: =6193588- 0,713 X, + 1,248X2 This equation is switch
investment to GDP showed negative Xi of - .713 and diversion X2 Labor to GDP showed
positive at 1.248. Test results together (F test) showed a switch between Investment and
Employment to GDP with an F sig