Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Perancangan Sistem Informasi Gereja Bethel Indonesia Sungai Yordan di Jakarta Pusat

Information system is use to simplify and accelerate a job in an organization, either
manual system or computerized system. The church is an organization that requires an
information system to ease and facilitating its activities.
Computerized information system for church activities will be stored in a neat storage
and centralized data, it’s called a database. In making the church database information system,
it needs a database system design process from the early planning until the implementation and
maintenance processes. Database information system will be used to record both financial and
non financial information of the church.
This processes start from analyze the existing system in Bethel Indonesia Sungai
Yordan Church and then design an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) . Then the next step is
designing database system information using Microsoft Access 2007 applications.
Based on the analysis of the information systems used by the church, it has not been
able to meet the expectations of the church organization yet, so it needs to use the newest
database information system that has been drafted. By using this information system, it’s
expected that the church organization can make a backup of the data in order to become more
Keywords: Database, database systems design, financial information systems, non-financial
information systems, Entity Relationship Diagram.

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