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A Thesis


Ahmad Kusnin
Registration Number: 072188330025
English Applied Linguistics Study Program
State University of Medan

This thesis was examined on July 15th, 2009 by the Board of Examiners

Approved by
Adviser Commission

Adviser II

This Thesis was examined on l51h July 2009 by the Board of Exap.1iners.

Board of Examiners

Prof. Tina Mariany Arifin, M.A., Ph.D.

Prof. Amrin 58l'agih, M.A., Ph.D.

Prof. M. Silitonga, Ph.D.

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd.

Dr. Busmin Guming, M.Pd.

Approved By


The writer would like to express his thanks to several persons. First among
these- and someone to whom he owes real debt of gratitude- is Prof Tina Mariany

Arifin, M.A , Ph.D., being the first Adviser, whose advice, encouragement, robust
criticism and suggestions have been a feature of the writing process from the very
beginning of this thesis. Her unerring ability to spot problems of both style and
substance has saved him from many misb.aps and inspired him to go further that
he might otherwise nave done.
The writer wishes to express his deepest gratitude to Prof Amrin Saragih

M A, Ph.D., his second Adviser, fOT his suggestions, interest, keen perception,
cheerful repartee, guidance, direction, revision, and correction of the organization
and the concept of this thesis.
He would like to express his acknowledgements and thanks to all lecturers
who have given the valuable knowledge during his study at English Applied
Linguistics Study program of Postgraduate P rogram, State University of Medan.

Thanks are also directed to Prof Dr. Lince Sihombing, M .Pd., Prof M. Silitonga,
Ph.D., and Dr. Busmin Gurning, MPd., his reviewers and examiners, for their

valuable inputs to :improve the thesis.

In addition, he would like to thank: Akmal, Syech Latif, Syech Titin, Syech
Soleh, Syech Irsyad, Feri, Masdelina, Salmah, Yanti, Yo, Yunita, Nani and Wiki
for their willing, cheerful and able academic assistance. They have great joy and
delight in the writer's life. The writer also would like to say a special thank you to
Siti Rohana, S.Pd. as the administration staff who has given her full assistance.

The writer is indebted especially and always to his students at State Senior
High School (Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri: SMAN) 2 Kisaran through out the
years. He has learned so much from them. The writer is also indebted to his
cotleagues , especially Nurmala, S.Pd and Jonper Sitorus, S.Pd.
His thanks also go to Harri Gindo, S;Pd., the headmaster of State Senior
High School (Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri: SMAN) 2 Kisaran, his beloved
daughter Acha., and his wonderfully supportive wife Irma whose love, support,
advice, and sense of humor have helped him more than she can know.
Finally, the writer must admit that the content of this thesis is still far from
being perfect, he warmly welcomes any constructive ideas and critics that wiU
improve tbe quality of the thesis. He also hopes this thesis would be useful for
those who read it, especially majoring in English.

Kisaran, June 6111 2009
The writer,

Registration Number 072188330025


Ahmad Kusnin. Registration Number: 072188330025. The Effect of Process
Genre Approach and Vocabulary Mastery on the Students' Writing
Achievement. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Post
Graduate School, State University of Medao. 2009.
This study was quantitatively conducted to discover whether Process
Genre Approach had effects on the students' achievement in writing expository
texts. By controlling the effect of vocabulary mastery, this study was also
conducted to investigate the interaction effect of both independent variables. The
population was Grade XI students of State Senior High School (Sekoiah
Menengah Atas Negeri: SMAN) 2 Kisaran 2008-2009 School Year. There were

seven classes. Each class consisted of 32 students. Sample of this research was
two classes divided into two groups representing the high and low level of
vocabulary mastery. Ten students were randomly assigned to represent each
group. The experimental group was taught with Process Genre Approach and the
control one with Conventional Approach. The data collected were analyzed with
two ways analysis of variance (2x2 ANOVA). The findings indicated the
significant F- ratio between approaches; where F observed (6.12) was greater than F
toble ( 4.11) at the 0.05 level of significance. It was also found that F observed between
rows (vocabulary mastery) was greater than the F table at the level of .05 and .OJ
namely, F observed (14.76) was greater than F table (4.11 ) or F table (7.39). Therefore,
the first and second null hypotheses were rejected. The findings also show that Fratio interaction was not significant. The F observed (0.00025) was lower than F table
(4.11 ). Therefore, the third null hypothesis was accepted. Based on the findings, it
is suggested that Process Genre Approach should be applied in English instruction
to develop the students' writing achievement.



1.1 Background of the Study
Developing the students' communicative competence both in oral and
written forms to achieve a certain functional literacy stage is the objective of
English teaching. This communicative competence involves four language skills,
namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. As each of the fo ur skills is
important in communication, each must get sufficient emphasis for development.
Therefore, the Indonesian government has been always making an attempt to
achieve the objective by continuously improving the English curriculum namely
from Curriculum 2004 or Competence-Based Curriculum (Kurikulum Berbasis
Kompetensi: KBK) till the latest one used throughout Indonesia, the Indonesian
Educational Unit-Oriented Curriculum: (Kurikulum Ti ngkat Satuan Pendidikan:
Educational Unit-Oriented Curriculum is the result of developing the
former one i.e. Competence Based Curriculum. The target of language teaching
expected by the curriculum is to give students the ability to use the language in

communication. This curriculum stresses that the language competences should be
formulated as a model of competences preparing the students to communicate
within the target language in the language users' community. This model is
formulated as a communicative competence.

The main competence aimed in language teaching-learning is the discourse
competence. Saragih (2006) states that a discourse is defined as more and less a
text which means any functional linguistic unit in a context. It means that



whenever someone communicates either in spoken or written text form, one must

be involved in a context. The context itself is both linguistic and social ones. With
respect to that, discourse competence is the ability to use a set of strategies or
procedures to realize the meaning in language units, structure, pragmatic signs in
interpreting and expressing the messages. It shows that communicative
competence model is realized with the discourse competence where it can be
realized if the students have the supporting competences such as linguistic
competence, rhetoric/actional competence, socio-cultural

competence and

strategic competence. Besides, the communicative competence model, the
curriculum also implements a language model which regards language as a social
semiotic system.
The curriculum also urges that the procedure of presenting a standard
competence is divided into four steps i.e. the building knowledge of the field, the
modeling of the text, the joint construction of the text, and free or independent
construction of the text (the steps implemented in genre approach). It suggests
these procedural steps to guarantee the teaching-learning process so that the
students can achieve the whole competences.
However, the facts indicate that the English teaching in Indonesian has not
been satisfactory. A survey conducted by the Department of Education and
Cuhure of the Republic of Indonesia (Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan:

Deodikbud, 1990) has reported that teachers (95.4 % of state and 91.94'/o of private
schools teachers) admitted that the English instruction was unsuccessful.
The fast development of the English courses is one of the facts indicating
the failure of the formal language institution. If the system of language education


has been sufficient to the students, they would not take an extra English course
after school any more. The other fact that can be observed is that there are many
students, who graduated from high school, who are not able to give a good
response in English language communication despite their high scores of English
subject in National Final Examination (Ujian Akhir Nasional: UAN). There are
also many other things indicating this failure such as less application of English in
the instructional processes due to the language facility of the students or even the
teachers, low ability of the university students in English lecture, and so on.
The unsatisfactory results might be due to some factors, namely the set of
techniques implemented in the instructional process in the class which may
mostly be teacher-centered, no English (speaking) community to practice the
students' language, the students' thought of English as a very difficult language to
learn so that their teacher will always correct them instantly whenever they make
mistakes in using it which, of course, will affect their motivation and self-esteem
and etc.
This 1s also found by the researcher as an English teacher. Some
observations which had been made showed that there were still many students at
SMAN 2 Kisaran having difficulties in expressing their ideas through writing. The
informal interview with the teachers in pre-study showed that the students did not
have the confidence in writing down their ideas on paper. Despite their high

scores in English in UAN, it should be admitted that most students are still far
away from being regarded as a good writer. It may be caused by the emphasis on
reading comprehension is much more than writing skill teaching. This
phenomenon also occurs to those who are still learning in Grade XI. The students


are reluctant to write their ideas in a composition. They might feel difficult to
organize the ideas and put them together in a coherent organization and
appropriate language structure. This problem can be seen from the product of the
students' writings.
Due to the problem, there should be an attempt to make writing class
become more interesting and effective for the students as well as the teachinglearning process itself. In this research, an instructional model of teaching writing
is proposed as an alternative to improve the students' writing ability, namely
Process Genre Approach which is regarded able to develop students' awareness of
different text types and of the composing process as well.
In summary, this study is an attempt to discover the effect of Process

Genre Approach in teaching English writing skill on the writing achievement of
the students of Grade XI at SMAN 2 Kisaran, in this case the students'
achievement in writing an expository text. This text type was chosen because such
a text is one of the compulsory text types which are supposed to be taught, in the
English curriculum of Educational Unit-Oriented Curriculum, to the students of
Grade XL The students' level of vocabulary mastery, as one of the linguistic
competences which play an important part in any language skills, is blocked to
control the effect of the treatment.

1.2 Problems of tbe Study
In relation to the background of the study, the problems of this research are

formulated as the following.

l. Are the students' writing scores taught with the Process Genre Approach
higher than those taught with conventional teaching?

2. Are the students' writing scores with high vocabulary mastery higher than
those with low vocabulary mastery?
3. Is there an interaction effect between the Process Genre Approach in
teaching writing and vocabulary mastery on the students' writing
achievements respectively?

1.3 Objectives of the Study
It is necessary to state clearly what the objectives of the study in relation
with the problems posed. The objectives are to examine:
l. whether the students' writing scores taught with the Process Genre

Approach are significantly higher than those taught with conventional
2. whether the students' writing scores with high vocabulary mastery are
significantly higher than those with low vocabulary mastery,
3. whether there is an interaction effect between the Process Genre Approach
in teaching writing and vocabulary mastery on the students' writing
achievements respectively.

Scope of the Study
There are many approaches used in teaching writing to the students. lbis
study is focused only to the use of Process Genre Approach in teaching writing at
SMAN 2 Kisaran of Grade XI 2008-2009 School Year. The school is chosen due ·
to its feasibility to the researcher and the school is the place where the researcher
conducted his preliminary study by interviewing some English teachers and

students, observing their writing products, and collecting other prior data. The
writing text chosen is expository text which is one of the genre texts in writing
Competency Standard on Educational Unit-Oriented Curriculum for Grade XI
SMA. The Process Genre Approach in this study is compared with the
conventional teaching i.e. Product or Product-like Approach. To give focus to the
study, the students' vocabulary mastery is selected as the intervening variable. By
controlling the students' vocabulary mastery, the study is expected to give clearer
description on the effect of Process Genre Approach on teaching writing of
expository text to the students with certain vocabulary matery level.

Significance of the Study

A study on the effect of teaching writing approaches on the students'
writing achievement will be very interesting to improve the students' writing
ability. This study is expected to be useful for English teachers to improve the
instruction in writing expository text and also for other researchers in language
use and instructional research. It is hoped to provide information, which may have
practical as well as theoretical values for English language teacher. Theoretically,
the result of the study will hopefully add up what has been found in the area of
English teaching as foreign language. Meanwhile, the result of this study wiil
practically provide valuable information to English language teachers in their
attempts to decide which of the best method and approach in increasing the
student's writing achievement and for teachers and students in solving one of
many problems in writing.

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