Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number: 209421002


Saragih, AiniMelbebahwati. 209421002. The Effect of Genre-Based Method
on Students’ Achievement in Writing Analytical Exposition. A Thesis. English

Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

This study aims to discover the effect of genre-based method on
students’achievement in writing analytical exposition. It was conducted by using
experimental research design. The population of this research was eleven (XI)
grade students of SMANegeri 1 Tanjungmorawa. The samples of the research
were two classes divided into two groups, experimental and control group which
were chosen by using random sampling technique. The first group consisted of33
students (XI IPS-2) which was the experimental group and the second group
consisted of 33 students (XI IPS-1) which was the control group. The
experimental group was taught by using genre-based method; the control group
was taught by using lecture method. The instrument for collecting the data was a
writing test which only consists of one item. Inter-rater reliability formula was
applied to obtain the reliability of the test. Based on the calculation, it shows that
the reliability of the test was 0.95. Then, after analyzing the data, it was found that
the value of to was 7.81with the degree of freedom (df)= 64 at the level of
significance p(0.05) = 1.997.It means that to is higher than tt (7.81>1.997). The
result of this study shows that genre-based method has a significant effect on
students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition.

Keywords:Genre-Based Method, Students’ Achievement, Writing, Analytical


This Thesis is aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan.
Thanks to the Majesty Lord, Allah SWT, for every uncountable blessing
and unconditional love that is given to the writer until this Thesis could be
completed. He is the only God who is always there to accompany, guard and teach
the writer all the way through every single life, that the writer can pass all the
happy time and sad time with full of gratitude.
The writer realizes that writing this Thesis is not a simple thing to do that
she has faced a lot of challenges and difficulties, but she knows that no gain
without pain. This Thesis may be not acquires the best, that some suggestions and
constructive critical comments will be needed for the better in the future.
Hopefully, this Thesis can grant good contribution for the scope of

language learning and as references for the next researches.
There are lots of help and support that the writer obtained in finishing this
Thesis. Without those helps and supports, it must be hard for the writer to finish
this assignment. For that, the writer would like to thank:

Prof. Dr. H. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of
Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan
Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Faculty
of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan
Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department, Faculty of
Languages and Arts, State University of Medan
Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S., M.Hum., the Head of Educational English
Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan
Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., her Thesis Advisor who had given his
valuable suggestions, advice, motivation, guidance, and precious time in
completing and correcting this Thesis
Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., Dra. Sri Juriati Ownie, M.A., and
Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Reviewers who had given their
advices and suggestions in completing this Thesis
Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd., as the Administration Staff of English
Department for helping the writer in preparing all the fulfillment in

conducting herThesis.
All the Lecturers who had given very valuable knowledge through
academic years
Drs. James Sitorus, M.Pd., the Headmaster of SMA Negeri 1
Tanjungmorawa for helping and allowing the writer to conduct her


Her beloved father, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., and lovely
mother, (Alm.) Dra. Pardamean Kaban, the deepest gratitude for their
everlasting love, greatest supports, caring, and prayers to the writer. They
have become the greatest motivation and inspiration for the writer in
completing the Thesis
Thanks and love to the writer’s sisters, Anggraini Thesisia Saragih,
S.Pd., M.Hum., Ammini Amrina Saragih, S.P., M.Sc., and Adelin
Australiati Saragih, S.Psi. and also to all her family members for they are
the reason why the writer keeps on struggling
Her appreciation to her friends and closed friends in Regular A 2009
Class, especially for Novri Surya Ningsih, S.Pd. (Nonov), Rahma Sari
Siregar, S.Pd. (Mbrot), Putri Febrini Sianturi, S.Pd. (Nenski), Zulaifa,
S.Pd. (Julek), Adelina Irma Novita Sani Ginting, S.Pd., Sukma
Septian Nasution, S.Pd., M.Pd., Yetti Lestari, S.Pd. and Fakhirah
Sitorus. Thanks for their supports, helps, and laughs all these years
All her best friends, Siti Zulayfa, S.Pd., Fauzi Fadillah, S.P., Wina
Anggreni Saragih, Amd., Khanti Listya, S.Pd., Ridha Hutami, S.Pd.,
Nurul Hidayah Siregar, Swidanty Annisa, S.S., Zhana Sabrina
Amelia, Bernika Ursula Sinaga and Arini Amanja Lubis, the most
grateful feeling for having them as precious friends at the process of

completing the Thesis as they have encouraged and supported the writer to
accomplish theThesis
Her special friend, Aulya Rahman Sitorus, S.Pd.I., the biggest gratitude
for his great love, supports, caring, helps and prayers to the writer as he
has also become the motivation of the writer to complete the Thesis
The people who directly or indirectly have contributed in the process of
the Thesis. Your kindness means a lot to the writer.

The writer admits that this Thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore,
she would like to invite the readers to give some suggestions for the improvement
in the future. Overall, the writer hopes this Thesis can give a bit contribution to
the English Education students and further pedagogical research.

The Writer,

March 2016

Aini Melbebahwati Saragih
NIM. 209421002



ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................. iv
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ vi
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICE .................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TEXTS ............................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study ..................................................................... 1
B. The Problem of the Study ........................................................................... 3
C. The Objective of the Study ......................................................................... 3
D. The Scope of the Study ............................................................................... 4
E. The Significance of the Study .................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................. 6
A. Theoritical framework.............................................................................. 6
1. Students’ Achievement in Writing ...................................................... 6
2. Writing ................................................................................................. 8
a. The Definition of Writing ............................................................... 8
b. The Process of Writing ................................................................... 8
3. Text ..................................................................................................... 10
4. Genre .................................................................................................. 11
a. The Definition of Genre ................................................................. 11
b. Genre in the Complexity of Language Use ................................... 13
c. Genre and their Linguistic Realizations......................................... 16
5. Exposition Genre ................................................................................ 20
6. Analytical Exposition Text ................................................................. 23
7. Genre-Based Language Learning ....................................................... 24
8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Applying Genre-Based Method .. 27
9. Assessment of Writing Exposition ..................................................... 28
B. Relevant Studies ...................................................................................... 29


C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................... 30
D. Hypothesis ............................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER III: METHOD OF RESEARCH ................................................. 31
A. The Design of the Research .................................................................... 31
B. The Population and Sample .................................................................... 31
1. The Population.................................................................................... 31
2. The Sample ......................................................................................... 32
C. The Instruments for Collecting the Data ................................................. 32
1. Scoring the Test .................................................................................. 33
D. The Research Procedure.......................................................................... 37
1. Pre-test ................................................................................................ 37
2. Treatment ............................................................................................ 37
3. Post-test .............................................................................................. 45
E. Validity and Reliability of the Test ......................................................... 45
1. Validity of the Test ............................................................................. 46
2. Reliability of the Test ......................................................................... 46
F. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................................... 47
G. Statistical Hypothesis .............................................................................. 48
CHAPTER IV: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION .............................. 49

A. The Description of Data .......................................................................... 49
B. Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 49
1. Testing Reliability of the Test ........................................................... 50
2. Analyzing the Data Using t-test ........................................................ 50
3. Testing Hypothesis ............................................................................ 52
C. Research Finding..................................................................................... 52
D. Discussion ............................................................................................... 52
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................... 55
A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 55
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................... 55
REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 57
APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 60


Table 2.1

Stratified Linguistic Realizations of Genre ................................. 19

Table 3.1

The Research Design ................................................................... 31

Table 3.2

Scoring Rubric from Genesee and Upshur .................................. 34

Table 3.3

Modification Genesee and Upshur’s Scoring Rubric .................. 36

Table 3.4

Teaching Procedure in Experimental Group ............................... 43

Table 3.5

Teaching Procedure in Control Group ......................................... 45

Table 4.1

Degree of Freedom 62 with a = 0,05 ........................................... 50




Figure 2.1

Language an Social Context .......................................................... 13

Figure 2.2

Aspects of Language and Social Context ...................................... 15

Figure 2.3

Process as Spectrum ...................................................................... 16

Figure 2.4

System Network of Exposition Genre ........................................... 24

Figure 2.5

Stages of the Teaching/Learning Cycle ......................................... 25



Appendix A

The Result of Pretest and Post-test ........................................... 60

Appendix B

The Reliability of the Test ........................................................ 63

Appendix C

The Calculation of the Test (Mean and SD) ............................. 65

Appendix D

The Calculation of the Test (t-Test) .......................................... 69

Appendix E

Pretest and Posttest ................................................................... 71

Appendix F

Table of t Distribution: Critical t values ................................... 73

Appendix G

Lesson Plans.............................................................................. 74

Appendix H

Examples of Students’ Answer Sheets ................................... 102



Text 2.1

Smoking Ban (Protagonist)………………………………………21

Text 2.2

Smoking Ban (Antagonist)……………………………………….22





A. The Background of the Study
Writing is the most difficult skill among the four skills (of listening,
speaking, reading and writing) for Indonesian students to achieve or master.
Therefore, the most effective way or method is urgently needed to solve the
problem or difficulty. Consequently, a study needs to be conducted to improve
the students’ achievement in writing. The present study is aimed at applying a
method to improve the students’ acievement in writing analytical exposition text.
Specifically, the method selected is one which is based on genre or text-based
In the context of Indonesia, English is learnt as a foreign language by
learners in schools and universities with an expectation that they are competent to
use the language orally and in written mode. At the present global context, where
information of knowledge, science, technology and arts become prioritizing
factors for determining wider economic and social success, writing skill or writing
competence in English is a prime and decicive one for storing, restoring,
contextualizing and recontextualizing the information.

In other words,

competence in writing is a main requirement for successes in academic,
economic, and social spheres. Operationally when someone is competent in
writing in English one will be in a position to ‘market’ one’s potentials or one’s
national potentials globally through various means of communication. For this



purpose numerous efforts have been obviously done by teachers and
educators to enable Indonesian learners to attain and obtain writing skills. Various
methods, techniques and tactics have been applied by teachers and reseachers in
the classroom practices to achieve the competenceand to improve the students’
writing achievement .However, the efforts have unfortunately resulted in a
discrepancy where the students attain poor writing achievement. In worse cases,
the students can even achieve no ability in writing. The fact shows that, based on
the preliminary observation at the SMAN I Tanjungmorawa, very few students of
the SMA could write grammatically correct sentences and generically appropriate
expository texts as required by the SMA curriculum.This fact can be seen on their
score in writing that is taken from the teacher’s note. It shows that only 35% of
students in grade XI that passed the minimum completeness criteria (KKM = 75).
In other words, the majority of the students can hardly write a text in English
Various methods and techniques have been applied by researchers and
teachers to improve the students’ achievements in writing genres at the SMA
levels, such as Rahmah (2012), Eti (2012), Sinaga (2012), Sembiring (2013) and
Simaremare (2013).

All the studies indicate that the students’ achievements

increase in scores ranges from 56 to 77. These improvements and score increases
are significant.

However, the studies’ findings are not convincing and not

satisfactory since no genre-based or text-based methods and techniques have been
applied. The methods and techniques used such as cue cards, use of pictures,
realia, students groupings and think-talk-write strategy are not related to genres or


texts. How could satisfactory improvement in writing genres be attained by using
methods or techniques which are not related to or based on genre or text?
Considering all the previous and relevant studies’ findings, it is assumed that only
the application of the text-based or genre-based method to learning genres will
significantly and satisfactorily improve the students’ achievement in writing
analytical expository text. Further, it is assumed that the students’ score increase
will be greater than 77 if the students learn writing exposition by the application
of the text-based method.

B. The Problem of the Study
The problem of this study is formulated in a research question as the
following: Is the students’ writing achievement taught by using the Genre-Based
Method higher than that taught by using conventional lecture method?

C. The Objective of the Study
In line with the problem of the study the objective of the study is to
answer the research question. Specifically, the objective is to investigate whether
the application of the text-based or genre-based method in learning writing
significantly improve the students’ achievement in writing the text of analytical


D. The Scope of the Study
This study is concerned with learning genre by the XI IPS grade students
of the SMAN I Tanjungmorawa. Specifically, the study is concerned with the
learning of analytical exposition text or analytical exposition genre. The term
learning in this study as commonly held in the genre-based approach language
learning involves intervention of the teacher. In other words, the learning of
genre involves the role of the teacher in scaffolding the teaching-learning
activities in the classroom. Thus, the term learning used in this study involves
teaching by the teacher proportionally. It has been the practice in the genre-based
learning that the teacher’s scaffolding activity is unavoidable.
The term text-based method is interchangably used with the genre-based
method in this study. The text-based method or genre-based method itself as
suggested by Feez (1998: 28) and elaborated in Chapter II insists on appying a
cycle of teaching and learning activities consisting of five stages of (1) building
the context, (2) modelling and deconstructing the text, (3) joint construction of the
text, (4) independent construction of the text and (5) linking related texts.

E. The Significance of the Study
It is expected that findings of the study offer theoretical and practical
contributions. Theoretically, the findings are expected to
(1) enrich horizons in theories of language learning, particularly those related
to text-based or genre-based language learning and
(2) become references for further studies, particularly researches on learning
genres in the context of Indonesia.



Practically, the findings of the study are expected to be relevant, useful
and applicable in some respects as eleborated in the following:
(1) English teachers can apply findings of the study to improve their students’
achievement in writing texts or genres.
(2) Students of English can attentively focus on the stages of the teachinglearning activies based on text-based by which effective and efficient
learning results can be attained.
(3) Text-book writers can apply the findings of the study in preparing
materials for language learners.
(4) Curriculum designers can use text-based or genre-based approach to
design or develop curricula for English language learning.



A. Conclusion
Based on the result of the study, the conclusions were drawn as followed:
1. Teaching writing in analytical expository text by using genre-based
method was higher than that taught by using lecture method. Thus, genrebased method is better used to improve the students’ writing achievement
in writing analytical expository text than lecture method.
2. The ability of the students in class XI IPS-2 of SMA Negeri I
Tanjungmorawa in writing analytical expository text was improved.
3. The students’ score continuously improved in each writing test and most
of them could produce a good analytical expository text individually.
4. The students were more active, interested and enthusiastic in writing
analytical expository text.
5. Genre-based method helped the students to understand the content of the
text and the elements of the analytical expository text by practicing it
themselves in the steps of genre-based method.

B. Suggestion
Based on the finding, it is suggested that:
1. English teachers to apply genre-based method in teaching writing because
it enables the students to convey and share their ideas, and also to involve
actively in writing analytical expository text.



2. The textbook writer to introduce and suggest the readers to use genrebased method in solving students’ problem in writing analytical expository
3. The readers who are interested for further study related to this research to
explore the knowledge and to enlarge their understanding about how to
improve students’ achievement in writing analytical expository text by
using genre-based method.



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