Revealing messages through the characters in Yasunari Kawabata`s beauty and sadness - USD Repository




  AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



  Student Number: 984214144 Student Registration Number: 980051120106129142










  First of all, I give my deepest thanks to Jesus Christ for His guidance so that I could finish my thesis. I believe He has planned everything for me.

  My deepest gratitude is for Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M. Hum, my Advisor, who has guided me in writing this thesis. Thanks for the time and chance that he has given to me. I also thank all the lecturers of English Letters Department for assisting me in going through the years of my study in Sanata Dharma University. Thanks to the Secretariat staffs for helping me in administration and giving me all information that I need.

  My gratitude is dedicated to my beloved father F.X. Sayadi and mother M.G. Sri Indarti who always call me in their prayer, for the loves and supports.

  Thanks to my brothers and sisters for their supports. To my nieces and nephews: “You are wonderful children, I love you all”. I would thank Mbak Devi and staffs of the Japanese Foundation for allowing and helping me to get all data that I need in writing this thesis. Thanks for B. Jazz, Dewi, Mayrina, Lesty, Endang, Lince,


Feliz, Regina and Rayung for the wonderful friendship that we shared in Sanata

  Dharma University. I miss you all. My last thank is for Lothrees who helps and supports me in writing this thesis. Thanks for the endless love, patience and jokes and for always being in my side and for understanding me. LINANGKUNG SRI INDARSIH


  TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………….i APPROVAL PAGE ……………………………………………………..ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ………………………………………………… iii ACKNOWLEGDMENTS………………………………………………..iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………..v ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………. vi ABSTRAK …………………………………………………………… . vii

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ……………………………………...1 B. Problem Formulation …………………………………………4 C. Objectives of the Study ……………………………………… 4 D. Definition of Terms …………………………………………..4 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies …………………………………...6 B. Review of Related Theories ……………………………….....9

  1. Theory of Character ……………………………………. ..9

  2. Theory on Characterization ……………………………….14

  3. Theories of Love …………………………………………..18

  4. Theory of Messages………………………………………..20

  C. Theoretical Framework ……………………………………...24

  CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study …………………………………………25 B. Approach of the Study ……………………………………..25 C. Method of the Study ……………………………………….26 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS A. The Characteristic of the Characters ………………………..28 B. The Characters’s View about Love …………………………40 C. Revealing Messages through the Characters ……………......41

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ………………………………………51

BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………….54




  THROUGH THE CHARACTERS IN YASUNARI KAWABATA’S BEAUTY AND SADNESS ; Yogyakarta: Department of English letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

  This study concerns with Yasunary Kawabata’s Beauty and Sadness. This novel tells the love story between Otoko and Oki. The novel tells how Otoko sacrifices her life for the love that will not belong to her. This study wants to convey messages that are reflected in daily life through the characters.

  The writer formulates three problems that will be analyzed in this study in order to achieve an understanding about the novel. The first is the description of the characters that give contribution to the messages of the story. The second is to find out the view of the characters about love. The third is to find out the messages that are conveyed through the characters.

  The method of research applied in this study was library research. The writer obtained the primary data from the novel itself. In answering the problems, the writer applied some theories on message, character and characterization. The approach that is used in this study is formalistic approach to analyze elements in the problem formulation.

  The result of the study shows that each character has her or his own way in viewing about love in their life. The messages that can be revealed in this study, first is that a mother has important roles in her child’s life because a mother usually uses the instinct when her child has a problem and her instinct will guide her to know what happens in her child. Second is that hatred always brings sadness because hatred can make someone do the bad thing that can make other’s suffering. The third is never feeling happy on someone’s suffering.






  ; Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra,


  Universitas Sanata Dharma Skripsi ini membahas novel karya Yasunari Kawabata yang berjudul


Beauty and Sadness . Novel ini menggambarkan tentang kisah cinta antara Otoko

  dan Oki. Dalam novel ini di gambarkan bagaimana Otoko berkorban untuk cinta yang tidak bisa ia miliki. Skripsi ini ingin menyampaikan pesan-pesan yang tercermin dalam kehidupan sehari-hari melalui para tokohnya.

  Penulis membahas tiga masalah yang akan di analisa untuk memperoleh pemahaman tentang novel ini. Pertama adalah gambaran dari para tokoh yang memberikan peran penting pada pesan-pesan dari cerita. Kedua adalah untuk mengetahui pesan-pesan yang di sampaikan melalui tokoh-tokohnya.

  Metode penelitian yang di gunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode studi pustaka. Sumber utama yang dipakai adalah dari novel itu sendiri serta sumber- sumber lain yang berkaitan dengan novel ini. Dalam menjawab rumusan masalah, penulis menerapkan beberapa teori tentang pesan, tokoh dan penokohan. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah pendekatan formalistik untuk menganalisa unsur-unsur instrinsiknya.

  Hasil dari analysa menunjukan bahwa setiap tokoh memiliki cara mereka sendiri dalam memahami tentang cinta dalam kehidupan mereka. Pesan- pesan yang dapat disampaikan dalam skripsi in , pertama adalah bahwa seorang ibu memiliki peran dalam hidup anaknya karena biasanya seorang ibu menggunakan perasaannya ketika anaknya memiliki masalah dan perasaannya akan membantu dia untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi pada anaknya. Kedua adalah bahwa rasa benci selalu membawa pada kesedihan karena rasa benci dapat membuat seseorang melakukan sesuatu yang buruk yang dapat membuat orang lain menderita. Ketiga adalah jangan pernah merasa senang diatas penderitaan orang lain.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study When we talk about literary work we usually also talk about the writer

  also. As we know a piece of literary work cannot be separated from its author or its writer because the author or the writer has a lot effect for his works. The writer is the main cause so that the literary work exist. The author writes a literary work as a product of his or her imagination by operating his or her perception, thought, and feeling. As Hudson says,” Literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life, what they have experienced in life, what they thought and have left about life through the medium of language” (Hudson, 1958:10)

  Every man always tries to make his life become meaningful by all the experiences in his life and he will record it for a reminiscence. Every man has different ways to express his experience. A painter will express his experience in his painting. A writer will express his experiences through his novels and plays.

  Novel is one of literary genres and it is the right tool for an author to present the experience of human being. Novel can give the readers the enjoyment to explore the sample of man and his problems. Novel also can enrich the readers with human involvement in his surrounding and how he finds the way out of his conflict. Novel is a fiction and it is the author’s imagination that presented in it. Imagination usually comes after he undergoes a meaningful experience and it can be his own experience or another person’s one.

  In this thesis, the writer wants to analyze the novel of Yasunari Kawabata, Beauty and Sadness. However there are several reasons that I have considered as my specific idea, that makes the writer choose to analyze one of Kawabata’s novel entitled Beauty and Sadness in this study.

  Firstly, I am interested in reading literary work especially novels. I have taken Kawabata’s Beauty and Sadness because of my admiration toward Kawabata. Most of his works are talking about love, loneliness, and death and it becomes his typical characteristic in writing a novel that the emphasized idea is on his life experience.

  Secondly the writer interested in the way of Kawabata in combining between emotion and love in the novel through his characters. Talking about the character, the writer has some curiosity about Kawabata’s characters. Almost in all his novels, Kawabata uses the women character as the major characters also as in Beauty and Sadness that will be analyzed.

  In this thesis the writer limits her analysis on the characters, the character’s view of love, also the revealing messages through the characters. get the messages because message is an important element in a work of literature. talked about a girl named Otoko. She lives with her

  Beauty and Sadness

  mother because her father died when she was eleven. Her relationship with her mother is very close, because she is the only child of her mother. It changed when she met Oki, a married man. Otoko fell in love with him. Through this thesis, the writer tries to convey the messages through the characters. The major character in this novel is Otoko Ueno, and the minor characters are Oki Toshio, Keiko, and Otoko’s mother.

  Yasunari Kawabata is one of the greatest modern writers of Japanese


  Literature. Kawabata was born in Osaka on 11 June 1899. Since he was two years he began losing his family. When he was two years old his father died from the tuberculosis disease and then his mother died a year after his father with the same disease. Kawabata lives with his grandparents since his parents died. When he was seven years old his grandmother died. Three years after his grandmother his only sister died. Kawabata lives with his grandfather only who also died when Kawabata was sixteen years old. Kawabata lives as an orphan. His suffer because losing his family give some effect toward his works. Philippe Robert says that Kawabata’s subsequent loneliness combined with a weak physical constitution cast a delicate shadow over all his writing (1974: 127).

  B. Problem Formulation

  The analysis is about the relationship between the title and the main character. The writer found two problems to be analyzed in this thesis. The problems are formulated as follows : 1.

  How are the characters in this story characterized? 2. What is the character’s view of love? 3. What messages are revealed through the characters?

   C. Objectives of the Study

  Observing the problem formulation above, there are three aims of this study to achieve. First, this study attempts to find the characteristics of the characters in Kawabata’s Beauty and Sadness. Second, this study sees to identify the relation of the title with the characters, and the last one this study aim to convey through the characters and the title of the novel.

   D. Definition of Terms

  There are some terms needed to be clarified to provide an accurate analysis and a clearer explanation to answer the problem formulations that are mentioned above. The terms are: 1.

  Message According to Beaty and Hunter in New World of Literature.

  “Message is the real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (189:899)

2. Main Character

  Koesnosoebroto notices that main character is the important person in the story. It can be the center of the story. Usually, the acts of the story are focused on this character from the beginning to the ending parts. Main character can not stands on his own; he needs other characters to make the story more convincing and life. That is why the existence of minor characters are needed although they are less important than those the main (1988:67).

  In A Glossary of Literary Terms, Abrams defines character as a person presented in a dramatic work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and disposition qualities that are expressed in what they say-dialogue and by what they do-the action (1981:20).

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW This chapter is divided in two parts. The first is review of related

  studies. In this part the writer will discuss about the criticism of Yasunari Kawabata and the novel which will be analyzed. The second is review of related theories. In this part the writer will discuss about the theories that will be used by the writer to analyze the novel. These theories are the basic guidance to answer the problems.

A. Review of Related Studies

  The writer finds some criticism and comments on Yasunari Kawabata and his works. The first comment is from Ronald B. Shwartz in his book, For


The Love of Books . He said that every Kawabata’s work can give the readers

the peace room in reading so that the readers feel comfort to read his work.

  I love Kawabata and I think that what his novellas taught me was the place of silence in prose, the way that space and silence operate in the line. He says that it is may be obvious in a poem, but in the writing of prose, especially in America, it kind of gets lost. His work also gave a view into the whole Japanese sensibility, or esthetic, that hadn’t gotten anywhere else (2000:77) Ivan Morris gives his opinion that he said in The New York Time Book Review about Kawabata.

  Kawabata’s works are distinguished by purity, supreme clarity of mind, and elegiac tone. His works are endlessly provocative and original. Kawabata is a writer of rare intensity (The New York Times Book


  Swedish Academic gives the Nobel Prize to Kawabata as the convince for his ability to serve the story with the high sensibility in expressing the Japanese way of thinking.

  John Updike in his book Hugging the Shore Essays and Criticism says his critics on Yasunari. There is other author who has long, vigorous and varied career and many thought that Yasunari Kawabata should not have been the first Japanese writer to receive the Nobel Prize (1999: 730).

  Some comments and critics also come from the other novelists that written by Gwen in his book The Moon In The Water.

  A novelist Kukichi Kan gives his opinion to Kawabata that much of Kawabata’s early works was literary criticism however, and it was as a critic rather than a novelist that many of his contemporaries saw this” young lover of literature” (1979:122).

  One other critic declares that Kawabata’s favorite theme is that of a woman who lives by selling her artistic talent (1979:123).

  Other Japanese novelists have published their works in serial form and under various titles, but Kawabata is further noted for his habit of rewriting, adding segments, and making changes in titles and content alike (1979:125).

  Kawabata’s fiction carries more symbolic layers than most foreign readers can hope to appreciate. But an understanding of his technique of allusive narration will reveal the ways in which old symbols take on new meaning while novel losing their traditional Japanese values (1979:146). Many of Kawabata’s early works are specifically concerned with death (1979: 156). are in fact linked in the title Utshukushisa to

  Beauty and Sadness

Kanashimi to , a novel that seemed to surprise some Western readers by its

  sensuality and frankly described sexual encounters (1979: 185).

  Some commentators stress Kawabata’s early wish to be a painter, although we have clear records that he turned to a writing career while still in the Middle School. His images are not limited to the visual: Scent and sounds are more important than his rather limited palette of red, and white and greens, and yellows with a perception of the qualities of colors that suggests both painter and writer (1979: 187).

  Other modern Japanese writers – even when using the themes and symbols we find in Kawabata’s work quite succeeded in matching his delicacy of sentiment (1979:187).

  A fictionalized version of the one playing the original match – display the qualities that make Kawabata’s other lonely, aging men such memorable figures (1979: 188).

  Unlike the Meiji writers who tended to deny their tradition even while their work shows how far they were from escaping it, Kawabata responds to the past proudly and without excuse. Not that he is confined by tradition: he responds to each new and sometimes seemingly trivial – detail with the true delight of the artist. At the same time, he can appreciate the visual charm of beauty and convey the deepest mystery of yugen (1979:187).

  Tanizaki said in his comments about Kawabata that Kawabata has that gentle perception, the smile of okashi. And above all, Kawabata has expressed in countless ways the sensitive, reflective tone of the thousand year old aesthetic: aware, the traditional linking of beauty and sorrow.. All these links with traditional aesthetics, with Buddhist thought, and with ancient Japanese literary forms and symbols should not, however, obscure Kawabata’s timely psychological insight (1979:188).

  Although the qualities of Kawabata as man and artist can be fully appreciated only in the Japanese context, even the pale words of translation reflect the qualities of beauty and sadness that characterize his work (1979:189).

  Review of Related Theories

  1. Theories of Character In his book Glossary of Literary Terms (1981:53) Abrams defines that characters are “the person presented in dramatic or narrative work, which are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say and what they do”.

  Blair says that character is description of figures in the story that includes the description of the profession, statements, dialogue and touches. The purpose of character is such as his behavior and how he lives (Blair, 1948:5)

  Foster explains in his book Aspect of the Novel that actors in a story are, or intended to be, human being. He says that the novelist is a human being, and there must be an affinity between him and his subject matter. He also explains that a novelist is a creator who makes up a number of characters then give them names and sexes, and assign them to be similar to human, and causes them to speak and perhaps to behave consistently (1974; 30-32). Foster’s statement implies that the characters in fiction are the same ones with those in the real life.

  According to A Handbook of Literature, character means a complicated term that includes the idea of the novel constitution of the human personality, the presence of moral uprightness and the simpler nation of the presence of creatures in art that seem to be human beings of sort or another (Holman and Harmon,1986: 81).

  According to Roger B. Henkle in Reading the Novel (1977:87, 97), the character can described as major and minor. Major characters as the most important and complex characters. They can be identified as such through the complexity of their characterization, the attention given to them, and the personal intensity that they seem to transmit. It is the major characters who deserve our fullest attention because they perform a key structural function: upon them, we build exceptions.

  According to Stanton, most stories contain a central character who is relevant to every event in the story; usually the events cause some change either in him or in our attitude toward him (1965:17)

  Abrams states that based on the importance characters are categorized into major character and minor character.

  A major character is usually the center of the story. He or she is the most important character in the story. Usually, this character plays an important role from the beginning to ending of the story.

  A minor character appears in a certain setting, just necessarily to become the background for the major characters. Their roles are less important than major characters because they are not fully developed and their roles in story are just to support the development of the major character.

  According to M.J. Murphy (1972: 161 – 173), there are nine ways in which author attempts to make his characters understandable and alive for the readers. Those are: a.

  Personal description The author can describe a character’s appearance like the face, body, clothe of the character. The personal description is very important because it can give clues to the character.


  Character as seen by another Instead of describing a character directly the author can depict him thoroughly the eyes and opinion of another. c.

  Speech The author can give some clues or insight to the characters through what a person says. Whenever he is in conversation with another and whenever he speaks and put forward an opinion, he is giving us some clues to his character.


  Past life By permitting the readers learn something about people past life, the author can give some clues to the events that have helped to shape a person character.


  Conversation of others The author can also give the reader some clues to person’s character through the conversation of other people and the thing they say about him.


  Reaction The author can also give the readers some clues to a person’s character by permitting us know how that person reacts to various situation and events.


  Direct comment The author can give the readers direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about what is the person’s mind and he feels reflect on his character.


  Thought The author gives the readers direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. i.


  The author can depict a person’s mannerism, habits or idiosyncrasies which is may also tell us something about the character.

  In Beauty And Sadness, The writer studies that Kawabata uses personal description, character as seen by another, past life, conversation of other people, reaction, and mannerism in giving clues to understand the character’ behavior.

  Characters in the novel can be distinguished based on their roles, characteristics and importance: a.

  Major characters: The characters who are prominent in the novel, or those whom we observe most often in the novel, and whose appearances are frequent. Basically, a story tells about, or centered on this character (Heckle, 1997:88).


  Minor character: the characters whose function are largely supportive or projective (Heckle, 1977:88).


  Flat characters: the characters which is build around a single idea or reality and is presented without much individualizing detail (Forster, 1974:45- 47).


  Round characters: the characters which are complex in temperament and motivation and are presented with subtle particularity. These characters are difficult to describe with any adequacy as a person in real life (Forster, 1974:45-47).


  Protagonist: usually the central or leading character; he is the most responsible for bringing the conflict to an end (Redman, 1964:363). f.

  Antagonist: the force that opposed the protagonist himself, or it may be the outside forces, such as, another character, circumstances, nature and environment, fate, or providence (Redman, 1964:363).

2. Theory on Characterization

  According to Encyclopedia Americana (1978:290), literature is the presentation of the attitudes and behavior of imaginary persons in order to make the readers understand the author’s idea. Therefore, characterization is a unique feature of such fictional forms as the short story, novel, drama, and narrative poetry. Criticism regards good characterization as important criteria of excellence in fiction.

  Perrine in his book Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense say: “Characterization must follow three principles in order to be convincing. Firstly, the characters in the story must have consistency in the way they behave. This consistency might be broken if only there is a sufficient reason to explain this change of behavior. Secondly, whatever the characters do, they must have clear motivation especially when they break the consistency of their behaviors. Finally, the characters must appear life like or plausible” (1974:69).

  Abrams (1981:21) states that there are two methods of characterization, namely showing and telling, In showing method, the author only presents his character’s conversation and action and leaves the reader to infer what motives and disposition lay behind what they say and do. In telling method , the author himself becomes a land of narrator in order to describe and evaluate the motives and dispositional qualities of the characters.

  Holman and Harmon in their book, A Handbook to Literature (1986:81- 82), said that characterization as the creation of these imaginary persons so that they exist for the readers as life like. It is how the author presents his or her characters in the story. Holman adds that there are three ways to present characters. Those are:

  1. The explicit presentation. The author presents characters through direct explanation, it is illustrated by action.

  2. The presentation of characters through action with little comment or no explicit comment by the author. It is expected that the readers will be able to deduce the attributes of the actor from the action.

  3. The presentation from within a character with nominee on the character by the author. Through the impact of the actions and emotions on the character’s inner self, hopefully the readers will come to clear understanding of the attributes of the characters. Personality has role in characterization. Furthermore, Holman explains that the author may concentrate on a dominant to the exclusion of other aspect of personality.

  Sylvan Barnet in his book Literature for Composition: Essay, Fiction,


Poetry, and Drama (1988: 172) states ways to understand the characteristic of a

  character through: a. What the character (figure) says.

  How the character says will help the readers interpret her or his characteristics. b. What the character does.

  The readers or audiences can learn the attitudes or behaviors of a character and they may guess how actually the author creates the character. A character interacts with other character such opinion and comments may reflect the characteristics of the character drawn.

  According to Encyclopedia Americana , the chief character or hero of a fiction is usually three dimensional and is known as the protagonist. His adversary, if any, is known as antagonist. Most novels and plays have flat characters to offset round ones (1978:290).

  When a protagonist is involved in a conflict with other character, the other is called antagonist. Whereas, conflict is not confined to a struggle between people. The antagonist may be in conflict with fate or the environment, or his struggle may be an inner one whereby he battles with a part of himself or with conflicting value system or desires, or his inner conflict may be objectified in a conflict with someone or something outside himself (Rohrberger and Woods, 1971:20-21).

  According to M.J. Murphy (1972:161-173), there are nine ways in which author attempts to make his characters understandable and alive for the readers.

  Those are: a. Personal description.

  The author can describe a character’s appearance like the face, body, cloth of the character. The personal description is very important because it can give clues to the character.

  b. Character as seen by another.

  Instead of describing a character directly the author can depict him thoroughly the eyes and opinion of another.

  c. Speech.

  The author can give some clues or insight to the characters through what a person says. Whenever he is in conversation with another and whenever he speaks and put forward an opinion, he is giving us some clues to his character.

  d. Past life By permitting the readers learn something about people past life, the author can give some clues to the events that have helped to shape a person character.

  e. Conversation of others The author can also give the reader some clues to person’s character through the conversation of other people and the thing they say about him.

  f. Reaction.

  The author can also give the readers some clues to a person’s character by permitting us know how that person reacts to various situation and events. g. Direct comment the author can give the readers direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about what is the person’s mind and he feels reflect on his character.

  h. Thought The author gives the readers direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. i. Mannerism

  The author can depict a person’s mannerism, habits or idiosyncrasies which is may also tell us something about the character.

3. Theories of Love

  People say that love is a beautiful thing. Love is an abstract thing that can not be touched or seen, however, people can feel it. The word love itself contains a lot of meanings so there is no fix definition about it.

  According to Paul Hauck in his book How to Love and be Loved, he pointed out that love is that powerful feeling one has for persons, animals or things that has satisfied, is satisfying or will satisfy our deepest desires and needs. The definition clearly indicates that it is not people that we love, it is rather what the people or animals or things do for us that we love. If the persons you love does not satisfy you in ways that are extremely important to you, you will simply fall out love with him or her (1983:16).

  Rollo May in his book Love and Will explains that love is a kind of tragedy because it can bring both joy and destruction. He states” … that sexual love has the power to propel human beings into situations which can destroy not only themselves but many other people at the same time”. He adds that it is a fact which has been known all through man’s history but now we forget about it (1969:109).

  In Loving Each Other, Buscaglia writes many definition of loving relationship. Loving relationship is like an ideal “home” within it you can totally be yourself, be accepted, understood, trusted, and respected as a valuable being. It is a nurturing environment where effort is made to provide enough caring and security so that one can share hopes and fears and where one is encouraged to learn and grow. It is also a place where the lines of communication are kept open, where the good in each is maximized, and the minimized (1984:47-48).

  According to Zick Rubin, in his book Liking and Loving, he pointed out that love has three elements. They are attachment, caring, and intimacy. Here is his theory about that:

  Attachment refers the powerful desire to be in the other presence, to be cared for. Caring is the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of the other person. Intimacy is the union and bond between these two individuals (1973:261).

  The writer chooses the definition of love from M. Scott Peck that is written in his popular best seller book. He defines love as ” the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another spiritual growth, love is as love does”. He completes the idea of love by stating that love is not a feeling but an action, an activity people take on their own or someone else’s behalf (1984:107). Fromm strengthens the idea of Peck. He says, “Love is an activity, not a passive affect; it is a “standing in” not a “falling for”. Generally, the active character here is described by stating that love is primarily giving, not receiving. Therefore, love is a kind of commitment about something people choose to do rather than just a feeling they have (1956:22).

  In his book Think on These Things, Khrisna Mukti states “If I love you because you love me that is mere trade, a thing to be bought in market, it is not love. To love is not to ask anything in return. Not even to feel you are giving something (1970:28).

4. Theory of Message

  Beaty and Hunter in their book New World of Literature said that message is the real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989: 899).

  Richards, Platt, and Weber in Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics say that message is what is conveyed in speech or writing from one person to one or more other people (1985: 1760). While Oxford Advance Learner Dictionary define message as a piece of news inspired social or moral teaching (1986:234).

  John Sinclair in Collins Cobuild Essential Dictionary defines message as an idea that someone tries to communicate to people, for example in a play or a speech, or the meaning, the thought or idea that is intended to express (1988:490).

  According to Jeremy Hawthorn in A Concise Glossary of Contemporary


Literary Theory , the author sends the messages in the form of the text in his or

  her literary work. It means that a literary work is not only a form of word but it also has meaning. It has messages that are presented through words in a literary work (1992:73-74).

  When ones are talking about message, they are also discussing moral. It can be said briefly that generally moral means a teaching of good and bad (Kenny, 1966:89).

  Hudson says that a good message that disclosed new a large possibility they do not realize, a writer would try to tell and to show those possibilities by using his work. In fact, he even tries to create those possibilities themselves. A good message does not tend to follow general pattern or norm but it creates new patterns based on human values (1958:23).

  Blair and Gerber in Better Reading Literature 2 offer some ways to discover message. They are direct expression and the other one is through the media of character and conflict of the novel. They also give three ways of stating the message. They are explicitly, ironically and symbolically. In an explicit statement, the author simply tells the readers or has an attractive character expressing his point of view.

  Ironic statements are not so frequent, but their possibility should be kept in mind. The author will say playfully, or allow an attractive character to say seriously, exactly, the opposite to what the author means.

  Symbolic statements are those in which the meaning is communicated in figurative language. Such a statement may be a single simile or metaphor (1948:111-112).

  Sometimes, message is considered identical with theme though it does not always refer to the same thing. Both message and theme can be interpreted as two elements that have a kind of similarity. Kenny says that theme has more complexity than message. Message becomes one of the elements that makes or forms a theme. But it has no direct value as suggestion aimed to the readers. Message can be seen as one form of the theme in simple form but not all themes are considered a message (1966:89).

  The type of the moral lesson itself, we may say, includes an endless problem. It involves all problems in life, especially those that are related to human right and dignity. In broad line, problem of human life is divided into three problems, namely: the problem in the relationship between a man and himself: a man and his fellowman including his relationship with his surrounding, and between a man and his God (Nurgiyantoro, 1995:325). There are two ways in expressing message. The first is in the direct form and the second is in indirect form.


  Direct conveying form.

  Direct conveying form of message can be said identical with the description of the character’s characteristic way that has telling or expository quality. It means that the message is conveyed directly and explicitly. The author seems to teach the readers, and directly give his advice. This direct technique has its own superiority. This form is more communicative, meaning the readers can understand what the author means easily. The readers do not find any difficulties to interpret the message of the work by themselves. Nevertheless, this technique has its shortcomings. The readers would feel that the author seems to compel them to accept the message. This method is also less coherent with the other elements considering its position as an esthetical work that has function to entertain and to give emotional and intellectual pleasure. A work of an art must have a whole unity among its elements. It will reduce the value of the work itself.


  Indirect conveying form.

  In comparison to the previous form, the conveying form here has an indirect nature. The message is presented explicitly and in united coherence with another story element. When a writer wants to convey or show something, he does not convey it directly and explicitly (Nurgiyantoro, 1995:340).

C. Theoretical Framework

  In this thesis, the writer will use some books that consist of many theories to help the writer in analyzing the novel. Those are the theories about message and character. Each theory will be applied in the analysis.

  This is the part of the explanation on how the theories above are applied in the analysis. Since the study is aimed at finding the characterization of the characters and revealing message through the characters, the writer applies the theories of characterization and message which have been mentioned in the previous subchapter.

  To analyze the first problem that is to find the characterization of the character, the writer employs the theories and terms that proposed by Koenosoebroto (1988), Abrams (1981), Blair (1948), Foster (1974), Baldick (1996), Heckle (1977), and Murphy (1972). Their theories will help the writer to classify each character into the suitable type. Using Murphy’s theories on methods of characterization, the writer will be able to probe on how each character is depicted.

  To reveal the message, the writer utilizes the theories provided by Beaty

  and Hunter (1989), Richards, Platt, and Weber (1985), Sinclair (1988), Hawthorn (1992), Kenny (1966), Hudson (1958), Blair and Gerber (1948) and Nurgiyantoro (1995). Their theories propose the definition on the element and its significance in the story. The theories also help the writer to identify the message.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study This thesis deals with a literary work, namely novel as the object of the

  study. The work that will be analyzed is Beauty and Sadness. Beauty and Sadness written by Yasunari Kawabata in 1954. It is consider as a romantic novel. published in 1961 by Chuo Koronsha, Tokyo. This

  Beauty and Sadness

  novel consists of 206 pages and divided into nine chapters. Beauty and Sadness is translated from the original story entitled Utsukushisa to Kanashimi to.

  Beauty and Sadness describes the love story of the main character Otoko

  with Oki whom she loves since she is still young. They are separated because Otoko’s mother brings Otoko to move to Kyoto. They are separated for twenty- four years. After her mother died, Otoko decided to become a painter. In her life, Otoko always remembers about her mother and her child who died in birth. She always drawsthem.

  Otoko has a girl pupil named Keiko whom she lives with. Keiko knows what Otoko’s suffers and she wants to make a revenge on Oki for what he has done to her teacher. Because of Keiko’s revenge, Oki lost his son.

B. Approach of the Study

  This study applies the formalistic approach because the study deals with intrinsic elements which are messages, characters and characterization. The formalistic approach only focuses on the literary work, which is going to be analyzed.

  According to Guerin, the formalistic approach has literature as its sole object. It has the discovery and explanation of form in the literary work (Guerin, 1999:70).

  Rohrberger and Woods state that formalistic approach is the approach that concern itself with the harmonious involvement of all parts to whole and by pointing out how meaning is derived from structure and matters of technique determines structure.

  They stated that formalistic approach merely tries to examine the literary work without reference to the facts of the author’s life, the genre of work, the society at the time of the novel was written, and the literary history. The formalists believe in the idea to the work it self (1971:27).

  The writer chooses formalistic approach because messages, character and characterization are parts of the intrinsic elements. The writer will not deal with the extrinsic elements such as the social historical background of the literary work or the life of the author.

C. Method of the Study.

  There were many steps in analyzing this novel. In this analysis, the writer focused on the major character as the object of the analysis. The following were the steps that the writer used to analyze Beauty and Sadness. The method of study that used in this thesis was library research. The primary source in this work was the novel itself, Beauty and Sadness, from which the data were taken and analyzed. The secondary sources were from some books and internet, from which the writer had found the important data about the author and also his works. However, several other books are also used as the additional sources from which the data were taken in analyzing this work.