Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Education.




Student Number: 041214036









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First of all, I would like to thank God for his blessing and graces that I received.

  Without the God bless, I think I would not be able to finish this thesis fluently.

  I would like to thank my major sponsor Drs. Pius Nurwidasa Prihatin, M.Ed.

for his guidance, encouragements, and for giving me challenges to finish my thesis from

the very beginning. I thank him for his valuable time he spent for me every time I asked

for the consultation. Without his guidance, this thesis would not be finished on time.

  My deepest love and gratitude go to my family, especially my beloved Mom and

Dad for their love, care and prayers. I would also to thank my sister Zeny for being a

supportive and understanding sister since my childhood until now.

  My deepest thanks go to Mas Pariyo and Mbak Elis for their opportunity to use

(Self Access Center) SAC facilities and allowed me to access accessing the information

available there for the materials of this thesis and their helping for the technical things

concerning with my website. Without them I would find difficulties in developing and

collecting the sources of the materials.

  I express my special thanks to my friends around me who support me very much.


Fajar as my “Grammar advisor”, Festy, and Yudi, who spend their valuable time to

help me record their native like voices for the listening materials. I also thank PBI ’04

students especially Novi for his huge “20 GB” listening materials that were given freely

to me.

  My special thanks also go to my closest friends Rita and Eliz who supported me

very much both mentally and physically especially with the technical things concerning

with the development of the website and when I felt having so much burden in finishing


this thesis. I would to thank for their continuous spirits and helps for me in finishing this


  Last but not least, I would to thanks to all people whose name I could not

mention one by one for helps and supports that have been given during finishing this


  Nugroho Hadi Putranto



  TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………… i APPROVAL PAGE………………………………………………………….. ii EXAMINATION BOARD PAGE……………………………………………. iii STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY……………………………….. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………………………………… v TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………………. vii LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………….. xi LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………… xii ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………... xiii


ABSTRAK …………………………………………………………………… xiv


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………. 1

A. Background of the Study……………………………………………….. 1 B. Problem Identification…………………………………………………. 3 C. Problem Limitation…………………………………………………….. 4 D. Problem Formulation…………………………………………………… 4 E. Objectives ……………………………………………………………….. 4 F. Research Benefits………………………………………………………... 5 G. Definition of Terms……………………………………………………... 6


A. Theoretical Description………………………………………………… 8

  1. The Theories of Listening ………………………………………… ... 8

  2. The Listening Material design………………………………………. 11

  3. Learners’ Problems..…………………………………………………. 15

  4. Instructional Design...……………………………………………… 18

  5. First grade senior high school students and curriculum…………….. 21

  a. First grade senior high school students………………………. 21

  b. Curriculum for School Level……………………………….... 22

  c. Competence Standard………………………………………… 23

  6. Computer in Language Learning ……………………………………. 26

  a. Computer as an Assistant ……………………………………. 26

  b. Computer as a teacher ……………………………………….. 27

  c. Computer as a Learner ………………………………………. 29

  7. Web based program …………………………………………………. 30

  8. Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 and Supporting Programs ………………. 37

  B. Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………. 40


CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY…………………………………………. 42

A. Research Method……………………………………………………….. 42 B. Research Participants……………………………………………………... 47

  1. Participants of the Need Survey……………………………………...... 47

  2. Participants of the Evaluation Survey………….. …………………….. 47

  C. Research Setting …….…………………………………………………… 48

  1. Setting of the Library Research……………………………………….. 48

  2. Setting of the Survey Research………………………………………... 48

  D. Research Instrument ……...…………………………………………….. 49

  E. Data Analysis…………………………………………………………….. 49

  G. Research Procedure …………………………………………………........ 51



  a. The steps of developing the software………………..……………….. 52

  1. Analyzing learners’ characteristic …………………………………... 53

  2. Formulating goals and topics and general purposes ……………….. 57

  3. Formulating learning objectives ……………..……………………….. 61

  4. Developing instructional materials...………………………………….. 63

  5. Conducting evaluation and revision ………………………………. ….76

  b. The Evaluation Survey Research Result………………………………. ….76 1. ……………………………………... …. 77

  Research participants’ profile

  2. Data analysis……………………………………………..………… 78

  3. Participants’ Suggestions ……………………………………………. 80

  c. Presentation of the developed program ………………………………… 81

  1. Revision to improve the developed program ……………………… 81

  2. The presentation of the developed program …………………………. 82



A. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… 84 B. Suggestions……………………………………………………………… 86

  1. Suggestion for senior high school teachers ……………………. 86

  2. Suggestions for other researchers …………………………… 87


BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………… 88

LIST OF APPENDICES ……………………………………………………… 90

  APPENDIX 1 P ermission letter 1 APPENDIX 2 Permission letter 2

  APPENDIX 3 A sample of need survey questionnaire APPENDIX 4 A sample of Evaluation survey questionnaire and feedbacks from

  the research participants

  APPENDIX 5 The raw data result of evaluation survey questionnaires APPENDIX 6 The developed program



  Table 2.1: The standard and basic competence of Curriculum for school level.. 24 Table 3.1:The research result calculation form ……………………………….. 50 Table 4.1: Needs survey results ………………………………………………. 55 Table 4.2: Topics and Titles of the Designed Materials ………………………. 58 Table 4.3: Basic Competence …………………………………………………. 59

Table 4.4 : List of learning objectives ………………………………………… 62

  Table 4.5: Respondents’ profile ………………………………………………. 77 Table 4.6: Data calculations of the participants’ perspective toward the designed materials ……………………………………………………………………...... 79



  Figure 2.1: The Writer’s Synchronization Instructional Design ………………. 19 Figure 2.2: Dick and Reiser instructional design model ………………………. 20 Figure 2.3: Kemps Instructional design model ……………………………… 21 Figure 3.1: Comparison between the writer’s result of synchronization Dick and Reiser’s and Kemp’s instructional design and R&D cycle …………………….. 46 Figure 4.1: The website flowchart ……………………………………………. 66 Figure 4.2: Front page user interface …………………………………………... 68 Figure 4.3: Login form ………………………………………………………… 69 Figure 4.4: Registration form ………………………………………………….. 69 Figure 4.5: Member page ……………………………………………………. 70 Figure 4.6: Materials page …………………………………………… …..…… 71 Figure 4.7: Jcloze application ……………………………………………… 72 Figure 4.8: Jmatch application ……………………………………………… 73 Figure 4.9: Flash sound button software ……………………………………….. 74 Figure 4.10: FileZilla FTP Client ……………………………………………. 76



  Putranto, Nugroho Hadi. 2008. Designing a Set of interactive Web-based Program for

Listening Practice for First Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Wates Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  In order to follow the global development of the information sources, students are required to master the listening skills especially in English. Unfortunately, English listening skills receive lack of attention compared with other English skills taught in classroom. Therefore, listening skills are considered difficult to be learned because students have little opportunity to practice listening and also lack motivation to practice listening.

  This study is an attempt to develop a set of materials to practice listening using website that can be accessed through internet for the first grade students of SMA Negeri

1 Wates. This result of study is expected to improve students’ listening skills and also

  motivate the students to practice listening because the time and places to practice are not limited anymore.

  There were two problems discussed in this study. The first problem was how a set on interactive web-based program for listening practice for first grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Wates was designed. The second problem was concerned with the presentation of the designed materials.

  In order to answer the first problem, the writer applied an instructional design model as the result of synchronization of two instructional design models developed by Kemp and Dick and Reiser. In this study, there were five steps to follow i.e. Analyzing learners’ characteristic, Formulating Goals, Topic and General Purposes, Formulating Objectives, Developing the materials, Evaluating and revising the materials. The writer also applied five steps of Research and Development developed by Borg and Gall as the research methodology of this study.

  The information gathered from the needs survey conducted to the students was used as the basis for the materials development. The developed materials then being uploaded to the internet and some students, teachers and lecturers as the end users were asked to access and evaluate the materials. The evaluations and comments from the users then are used as the basis for revision. The evaluations from the users then calculated and described using central tendency. The calculated data showed that the grand mean score was 4.12 in the scale of 1 to 5, while the mode was clustered around

  4. Based on those data, it can be concluded that the materials had been well developed although there were several minor revisions needed.

  The final presentation of this website is to answer the second problem of this study. The materials were developed in seven units and each unit consisted of four parts. The materials are now available online and can be accessed on

  Finally, the writer hopes that the implementation of this study will bring benefits to the students as the result of their increasing motivation to practice listening and as the reference for the teachers choosing an alternative media to develop listening materials.



  Putranto, Nugroho Hadi. 2008. Designing a Set of interactive Web-based Program for

Listening Practice for First Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Wates Yogyakarta .

Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Sumber informasi yang terus berkembang secara global menuntut siswa untuk menguasai kemampuan mendengarkan bahasa inggris untuk dapat terus mengikutinya. Sayangnya, kemampuan mendengarkan bahasa inggris ini kurang mendapat perhatian layaknya kemampuan bahasa inggris lain yang diajarkan dalam kelas. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan mendengarkan bahasa inggris sering dianggap sulit untuk dipelajari karena frekuensi latihan yang kurang maupun karena kurangnya motivasi untuk berlatih.

  Penelitian ini merupakan suatu usaha untuk menyusun seperangkat materi untuk berlatih mendengarkan menggunakan fasilitas website yang dapat diakses melalui internet yang ditujukan untuk siswa kelas satu SMA Negeri 1 Wates yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mendengarkan serta memotivasi siswa untuk terus melatih kemampuan mendengarkan.

  Dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua permasalahan yang akan didiskusikan. Masalah yang pertama berkaitan dengan bagaimana materi mendengarkan bahasa Inggris yang disajikan secara interaktif dengan berbasis website disusun. Masalah yang kedua berkaitan dengan penyajian materi yang telah disusun.

  Untuk menjawab permasalahan pertama, penulis menerapkan sebuah model perancangan instruksional yang merupakan hasil sinkronisasi dari dua model perancangan instruksional yang dikembangkan oleh Kemp dan Dick dan Reiser. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat lima langkah perancangan yang diikuti yaitu Menganalisa Karakteristik Siswa, Merumuskan Tujuan, Topik, dan Tujuan Umum, Merumuskan Tujuan Khusus, Membangun Materi, Mengadakan Evaluasi dan Merevisi Materi. Dalam penelitian ini penulis juga menerapkan metodologi penelitian yang dirancang oleh Borg dan Gall yaitu metode Research and Development.

  Dalam penelitian ini, informasi yang didapat dari survei kebutuhan siswa digunakan sebagai landasan dalam perancangan materi. Materi yang telah selesai kemudian dinaikkan ke internet untuk kemudian dievaluasi oleh murid, guru dan dosen sebagai pengguna akhir. Evaluasi dan umpan balik yang diperoleh dari pengguna website tersebut kemudian digunakan sebagai acuan revisi. Evaluasi dari para guru diolah dan dideskripsikan melalui central tendency. Data yang telah dihitung dan diolah menujukan bahwa nilai rata-rata total adalah 4,12 dalam skala 1 sampai 5, sedangkan modus terletak di angka 4. Berdasarkan data tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa materi telah disusun dan dikembangkan dengan baik, meskipun revisi masih diperlukan.

  Penyajian akhir dari website yang telah direvisi merupakan jawaban dari permasalahan yang kedua. Materi yang telah disusun terdiri dari delapan unit yaitu dan tiap unit terdiri dari empat bagian. Saat ini materi yang sudah jadi dapat diakses melalui

  Akhir kata semoga penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi para siswa sehingga dapat terus termotivasi untuk terus berlatih mendengarkan dan juga bagi guru agar dapat dijadiakan acuan untuk pengembangan media dalam menyajikan materi mendengarkan.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter discusses the general explanation of this study. There are

  seven sections to be discussed in this chapter i.e. Background of the study, Problem Identification, Problem Limitation, and Problem Formulation, Objectives of the Study, Research Benefits, and Definition of Terms.

A. Background of the study

  Listening in English is often considered as a difficult activity by most students of SMA 1 Wates Yogyakarta because of their poor listening skills. Lack of practice and also minimal exposure to English are two of the most common factors leading to such condition. There are several problems faced by the students in mastering English listening skills. First, the students may have problems with sound. In daily English practice at school, students are accustomed to having written materials and rarely do they listen to foreign speech. As a result the students are not accustomed to foreign pronunciation. Second, the students may think that they have to understand every word so that they can comprehend the listening passage. This perception tends to lead the students to think that listening in English is difficult. Third, the students tend to get tired easily if they have to listen to a long conversation.

  Understanding those problems, the writer tries to look for possibilities to integrate Information Technology (IT) with listening practice so as to make listening practice more fun and give the students’ opportunity to have more integrating listening practice with information technology is defined as developing a web based listening practice center to facilitate the students to practice listening independently. By accessing this website, the students can easily practice listening outside the classroom, at anytime and everywhere as long as they have an internet connection.

  Nowadays, information technology (IT) has grown rapidly in all over the world. The internet has already covered many geographical areas including suburban areas. A lot of internet centers are ubiquitous in many places both in big cities and small towns. Many schools and public places have even provided free internet access at the library, computer laboratory, workstation, or other places through internet hotspot.

  This study is intended to design a Web Based Listening Practice Center which is beneficial for both the teachers and the students. On the students’ part, this web based listening practice provides more opportunity to practice listening independently. This website has the potential to reduce the students’ learning boredom and also to increase their motivation for learning. On the teachers’ parts this web-based listening practice provides the English teachers more access to give the students more opportunity to practice listening without adding their workload. Moreover, the teachers do not necessarily reduce their teaching hour to give the students more listening practice.

  Integrating learning with information technology or as known as electronic learning (e-learning) actually has actually been done since 1990s. The use of computer in teaching and learning activities has grown rapidly as the computer spread widely in education. In 1990 there was an e-learning application namely


ToolBook or Authorware that was used to present simulation or training and this

  application was commonly known as Computer Based Training (CBT). In 1994, such software became more popular as there were many commercial training and simulation software on the market. In 1999, many schools and companies started to use the internet as supporting features in education. Nowadays, web based e- learning applications have grown rapidly. This growth is proven by the presence of many educational sites which use multimedia and video streaming on the internet.

  In conclusion, developing a web based application as one of the ways to practice listening is expected to give benefits to the students and the teachers in overcoming the many problems caused by limited amount of time in listening practice. The students’ improved listening skills and learning motivation are the ultimate goal to achieve by the implementation of this website.

B. Problem Identification

  The writer tries to identify the common problems faced by the students of SMA 1 Wates in listening practice. First, the students are not really motivated or interested in English listening. Lack of access to experience real English tends to leave the students feeling that learning English is not a primary need. Second, the students have a limited number of opportunities to get more exposure to English listening. Third, listening in English is regarded as a difficult activity to carry out by the students. These perceptions tend to reduce the students’ motivation for listening English. Therefore, the writer combines information technology (e- learning using website which can be accessed anywhere and any time with listening practices.

  C. Problem Limitation

  This study is limited in two areas of concern especially in combining information technology with listening practice in this case building website for listening practice using Dreamweaver CS3. How to design the website namely Web Based Listening Practice Center as the alternative media to practice listening is the first concern. The second one is to find the appropriate listening materials which fulfill the requirement of Curricullum for School Level or as known as


Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) and also the students’ needs on

  listening materials. This study is going to be conducted in SMA NEGERI 1


WATES , Yogyakarta. The subjects will be the first grade students and some

English teachers of SMA NEGERI 1 WATES.

  D. Problem Formulation

  1. How is interactive web based listening practice program designed using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3?

  2. What does web based listening practice program look like?

  E. Objectives

  The writer formulates the objectives of the study as follows: 1. To find out the steps in developing web based listening practice materials.

  2. To present the web based interactive listening practice center for senior high school students using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3.

F. Research Benefits

  The result of this study is expected to give contribution to people who are concerned with the teaching and learning activity both teacher and students as stated as follows:

  1. For the senior high school teacher, this study of how to develop a web based interactive listening practice center using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 can contribute a new way of presenting the materials which motivates the students to practice listening and to open more opportunities to have more listening practice anywhere and everywhere as long as having an internet connection. This study also encourages teacher to be more creative in designing the materials concerning with multimedia formats since the process of designing is easier at present.

  3. For the senior high school students especially for those who feel lack of listening practice in classroom and feel that listening practice is full of boredom, this web based material is expected to encourage them to have more practice while they are accessing the internet. This study is focused on designing a new look web based listening practice in which the materials is designed to be friendly user interface. Therefore, the students

G. Definition of terms

  1. Interactive According to as the one of e-learning websites available on the internet, interactive refers to programs or applications that respond directly to the user, taking instructions and giving feedback . Computer is able to provide feedback to the users when users give command by clicking or typing on the website.

  2. Website According to as the online encyclopedia, a website (or Web site) is a collection of web pages, images, videos and other digital assets and hosted on a particular domain or sub domain on the World Wide Web. Here in this case website is used to present the designed materials to practice listening.

  3. E-learning According to Robert as published on, e-learning is an approach to facilitate and enhance learning through the use of devices based on both computer and communications technology, including personal computers, CD-ROMs, digital television, and more. Now e- learning becomes popular in Indonesia since internet access is easily found anywhere.

  4. Dreamweaver CS3 According to Adobe official website on, Dreamweaver CS3 is the first Adobe-branded version of website editor that was know as same with Dreamweaver that any web designer has familiar with it. Adobe has modified its interface that full CSS support through tools that validate and manage style sheets, as well as a new graphic interface for Adobe's "Spry Framework," in which a set of JavaScript code that is built into Dreamweaver for displaying dynamic elements such as collapsing menus.

  5. Information technology According to information technology is A general term related the use of hardware, software and services to create, store, retrieve, transfer, process and present information. IT projects typically involve the introduction or enhancement of systems or technology to meet a particular business need. Here information technology has supported teaching and learning activities since it provides so many facilities that facilitate both teacher and students to in teaching learning process.

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW In this chapter, the writer discusses some theories and studies that are

  going to be used as theoretical base for the research. This chapter consists of two main parts. They are theoretical description and theoretical framework.

  Theoretical description presents the main theories which are going to be used as the reference in the study. The theoretical framework presents the outline of the specific theories which are going to be used as the guideline to answer the problem in this study.

A. Theoretical description This section presents some theories as the guidelines to conduct the study.

  To make it clear this section is divided into six main parts. They are theories about the nature of listening, learners’ problem on listening, listening materials design, instructional design, first grade senior high school students and senior high school curriculum, computer in language learning, web-based program, and Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 and supporting programs.

1. The Nature of Listening Listening takes up more than 50% of our everyday communication time.

  Many learners want to develop effective listening comprehension because it is crucial to their success in studies, careers and personal relationship. According us to understand spoken language. Listening is one of the basic skills in learning foreign language. Listening influences other language skills (speaking, reading, and writing) for example whenever we want to understand someone’s speech, we must be able to listen to him and if we want to speak, we must listen to one’s pronunciation in order to help us produce the speech. Rost (2001:11) also stated that making listening material needs a good understanding of effective teaching that includes careful selection of sources, creative listening material design, continuous assistance, and integration of listening with other skills. Successful listening for language learners depends on many factors such as their background knowledge and their mental processing capacity.

  According to Goh (2002:2) listening comprehension skills can be discriminated according to the area of perceiving the sound of English and recognizing individual word. They are explained as follows:

  1. Listening for details It involves listening for specific information such as keywords and numbers. If a learner has to listen for many details, listening can become very intensive and often tiring activity. Because listening for details focuses in finding specific information and it may train listeners to be more thorough to catch every sentence implies in the recording.

  2. Listening for gist Listening for gist means to listen for main ideas or information globally. This is also called global listening as the listeners focus to get a general idea and not focus on supporting details. Many experts said that this is the skill that effective learners employ most frequently.

  3. Drawing inferences It is the ability to fill the gaps in the input. In real situation, sometimes speaker leaves information out because he assumes the listener already knows it or he is being deliberately ambiguous. This makes the listener lost some parts of the implied meaning and he/she has to complete it in order to be able to understand the meaning. A listener may also miss some parts of the speech because of fatigue, noisy surrounding, distractions, and the speaker’s poor explanation.

  4. Listening selectively Listening selectively focuses on the specific parts of the input. The decision on which parts to focus on will depends on the purpose of listening. This ability helps listeners to listen to a more relaxed manner, as they do not have to concentrate on everything being said.

  However, listening selectively can lead to understanding if the listener’s purpose is colored by their prejudice or bias.

  5. Making Prediction Making prediction is the ability to predict what is going to be heard before it occurs. Clues on making predictions include context, co-text (the relation between the previous words and the word that is going to be heard) and visual input. Listeners tend to listen more purposefully and attentively when they make prediction because they want to find

  In this study, the writer is going to consider four out of five types of listening activities in the materials, the types of listening that are going to be included on the materials are listening for details, listening for gist, drawing inferences, and making prediction. Listening for details, listening for gist and drawing inferences will mostly present on the main listening activities while making prediction will be presented on the warming up activities on the unit. The listening for detail and drawing inferences will be in the form of cloze test passages while the making prediction activities will be in the form of predicting a situation in a picture.

2. Listening materials design

  In this section the writer is going to discuss the step of designing listening materials. In designing listening materials, a material designer may start to determine the listening task and then developing a set of lesson from listening tasks. According to Goh (2002:13) there are three types of listening task which determine the types of activities that will be presented in the materials. They are elaborated as follows: 1). One way listening task

  One way listening task only involve the students on listening but do not involve the students to interact with the speaker. The purpose of this listening task is to obtain information and knowledge. In everyday life, we can find these types of listening such as in listening to the radio, talks and lectures, watch television and performances. The way to provide materials for this type of listening is by using recording or read aloud the text by a speaker.

  2. Two ways (interactional) task Unlike one way listening task, this two ways listening task demands listener to interact with the speaker. The listener has to interact with the speaker by asking questions, offering information and expressing opinions. In this type of listening task the turn between speaker and listener to talk may be too short and more balanced. In one way task, the person who gives the information does the most talking and the listener will still be able to ask questions during or after listening. In the other hand, this two ways task requires listener to interact directly during listening sessions.

  In two way listening task, students have to work in pairs or small groups and the teacher as facilitator of the discussion. These tasks are information gaps and opinion gaps with specified communication outcomes. In this task students are required to practice listening and responding together.

  After determining listening tasks explained above, a material designer may start to develop lessons from listening tasks. The preparation and application stages of a listening tasks, will contribute much to the developing of meaningful listening. Listening lesson is divided into three parts. They are explained as follows:

  1. Pre listening activities Pre listening activities can be divided into two categories; they are language oriented and knowledge oriented. The language oriented is aimed to prepare the students about the words or vocabularies and the type of language they are going to hear. By knowing the context of the listening expected to be able to recognize the words during the activities and as the result it will ease the students to comprehend what they are heard. The second category is knowledge oriented. This category is aimed to prepare the students to context they are going to hear by encouraging their background knowledge and or to activate relevant types of world knowledge. This will focus students to the topics boundary that will be discussed on the lesson. Pre listening activities may contain listening activities such as brainstorming, mind-mapping, discussion, games, guiding questions, etc.

  2. Main listening activities This category is the core of the material to comprehend by the students. The main aim of this category is to focus students on the particular skill being learned. The types of activities that may present on main listening activities are cloze test, listening for details, drawing inferences, listening for specific information, etc.

  3. Post listening activities This category has several aims including helping the students to practice on the language skill using the same topic, helping the students to examine and reinforce language points and helping students to acquire further content knowledge and personalize the contents related to the topics. The types of activities that may present on post listening activities are short written text, summaries, oral presentations, dramatization, etc.