LANGUAGE ANXIETY IN SPEAKING SKILL (Descriptive Analysis of the Fourth Semester Students in English and Education Departement of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga in Academic Year 2015/ 2016) - Test Reposi



(Descriptive Analysis of the Fourth Semester Students in English and

Education Departement of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga in Academic Year 2015/




Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

In English and Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty




113 11 080









In the name of Allah, The most gracious and most merciful.

  Hereby the researcher declares that this graduating paper is made by the researcher and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other people except the information from references. The researcher is capable of accounting for this graduating paper if in future this is can be proved of containing other’s ideas, or in fact, the researcher imitates the others’ graduating paper. In addition, the researcher really hopes that this declaration can be understood for all human being.


  Salatiga, September 09 2015 Researcher




The decision to be happy is not made for you, it is decision you make for




Feel before Thinking

Think before Speaking




  This research is dedicated for my sweet family, father (Muslich), mother


(Rina ), my beloved brother (Toni and Tonny), my young sister (Diyah) and my

young brother (Andi) thanks a lot of your loving, support, guidance, and pray.

  May Allah award best for every single ‘gold’ you give.



Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin… All praises and thanks are just for ALLAH

  the Almighty God and the Lord of the universe, only for

  Subhanahu wa Ta’ala,

  His mercy and guidance. The writer can finish graduating paper, because the writer could complete this graduating paper as one of the requirements for getting Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty for Islamic Studies Salatiga in Academic Year 2015. By doing everything, all complicated things easier to do.

  This graduating paper would not have been completed without supports, guidance advice, and help from individual’s institution. Therefore, the writer would like to express deep appreciation to:

  1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd., the Dean of Teacher Training and Educational Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph.D., the Head of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga

  4. Mrs. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, S.S., M.Pd the consultant of this graduating paper. Thanks for suggestion and recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end.

  5. All the lecturers of State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga, especially (Mr.

  Dr. H Sa'adi, Mr. Faizal Risdianto, Mr. Hanung Triyoko, S.S., S. S, M.Hum, Mr. Ari Setiawan, M.M, M.Ed. Mr. Ruwandi, S.Pd., MA., Mr.iRifqi Aulia Erlangga, S.Fil, M. Hum., Mrs. Maslihatul Umami, S.PdI, M.A, Mrs. Noor Malihah, S.Pd, MA., Mrs. SetiaRini, M.Pd, Mrs. Rr. Dewi Wahyu M, S.S., M.Pd., Mrs. Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I., MA., Mrs. Widiyastuti, etc.), the writer deeply thank you all for your advices, knowledge, motivation, advice, attention, insight, values etc.

  6. All of librarian of State Institute for Islamic Studies.

  7. My beloved family.

  8. All of staff who helped the researcher in processing of thesis administration.

  9. All of students ofTBI 2011, especially (Fiza, Eki, A’yun, Farrah, Ika, Mujiyati, Umi Arifah, Laela, and Sofa)

  10. Those who cannot be mentioned one by one.Thanks for your motivation, support, helps, learn, love and care, thank you so much.

  Finally, it has to be admitted that nothing in the world is perfect, which is certainly true of this small piece of writing. The writer is fully aware of this, she hopes that this graduating paper will be useful especially for herself and for the reader in general.


  Salatiga, September 09 2015 The Researcher

  Dewi Verawati NIM. 113 11 080



ATTENTIVE COUNSELORNOTES.................................................................ii

CERTIFICATION PAGE....................................................................................iii



TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................................................viii

LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................xii

LIST OF TABLES..............................................................................................xiii


  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of theStudy ...................................................................................1 B. Problems ofthe Study........................................................................................4 C. Objectives of the Study......................................................................................4 D. Significance of the Study ..................................................................................5 E. Scope of the Study..............................................................................................6 F. Definition of Key Terms.....................................................................................6 G. Research of Paper Organization.........................................................................7

  CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Previous Studies................................................................................................8 B. Language Anxiety...........................................................................................10

  1. Definition of Language Anxiety............................................................10

  2. Nature of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill.................................12

  a. Trait Anxiety........................................................................................12

  b. State Anxiety.......................................................................................13

  c. Situation Specific Anxiety..............................................................14

  3. Effect of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill..................................15

  4. Source of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill................................16

  a. Personal and Interpersonal Anxiety.............................................17

  b. Learner Beliefs about Language Learning...................................18

  c. Instructor Beliefs about Language Teaching..............................19

  d. Classroom Procedures......................................................................19

  e. Language Testing................................................................................20

  5. Construct of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill..........................20

  6. Strategies for Coping Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill..........22

  a. Preparation.........................................................................................23

  b. Relaxation...........................................................................................23

  c. Positive Thinking..............................................................................24

  d. Peer Seeking.......................................................................................24

  e. Resignation.........................................................................................24

  C. Speaking Skill

  1. Definition of Speaking Skill..................................................................27

  2. Elements of Speaking Skill.....................................................................28

  a. Pronunciation.........................................................................................28

  b. Grammar................................................................................................29 c.Vocabulary..............................................................................................29

  d. Fluency...................................................................................................29

  e. Comprehension......................................................................................30

  3. Speaking Skill Anxiety...............................................................................30

  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Approach........................................................................................31 B. Type of Research...........................................................................................31 C. Research Setting.............................................................................................32 D. Subject of The Study......................................................................................32 E. Population and Sample of Research...............................................................33 F. Instrument......................................................................................................35 G. Data Collection Procedure.............................................................................37 H. Data Analysis.................................................................................................39 CHAPTER IV FINDING & DISCUSSION A. Data Presentation............................................................................................41

  1. Level of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill........................................42

  2. Source of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill......................................50

  3. Strategies for Coping Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill..................52

  B. Discussion.......................................................................................................54

  1. Level of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill.......................................54

  2. Source of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill.....................................55

  3. Strategies for Coping Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill.................63


  1. Conclusion...............................................................................................72

  2. Suggestion ...............................................................................................73




Figure 4.1 Summarizing of Negative Statement and Poitive Statement of

  Students’ Response on FLCAS...........................................................42

Figure 4.2 Percentage of Students’ Preference.....................................................48Figure 4.5 Source of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill................................56Figure 4.6 Strategies for Coping Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill.............64



Table 3.1 Respondents...........................................................................................33Table 3.2 FLCAS Anxiety Scale adapted Oetting’s Scale....................................40Table 4.1 Summarizing of Students’ Response on FLCAS..................................41 Table 4.2Percentage of Students’ Preference.......................................................43Table 4.3 Sources of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill...................................46Table 4.4 Strategies for coping Coping language Anxiety in Speaking Skill.......48Table 4.5 Source of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill....................................51 Table 4.6Strategies for Coping Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill..................53

  ABSTRACT Verawati, Dewi. (2015): “Language Anxiety In Speaking Skill

   (Descriptive analysis of the Fourth Semester Students in English Education Departement of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga in Academic Year 2015/ 2016)

  Graduating Paper. Teacher Training and Education Faculty (TTEF).English Education Department. State Institute for Islamic Studies. Consultant: Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, S.S., M.Pd

  Keywords: Language Anxiety, Speaking Skill

  Language anxiety is feelings of embarrassment, being afraid of making mistakes and nervousness in speaking skill. Anxiety and panic are a series of mind and body reactions that have experienced by each students especially when they speak in front of the class. Feeling of anxiety would create some negative effects such as discouragement to speak and feeling lack of confidence in speaking skill. The purposes of doing this research are to describes the levels of language anxiety in speaking skill, the sources of language anxiety in speaking skill and the strategies to coping language anxiety in speaking skill. The type of the research is descriptive qualitative, this research is made to analyze the language anxiety in speaking skill. The technique of collecting data that is applied by the writer is documentation and questionnaire (open and close questionnaire). The data which have been collected are analyzed by using the theory from Horwitz (level of anxiety), Kota Ohata (source of anxiety) and David Shinji Kondo (anxiety coping strategies). The finding shows that there are 22 (88%) students who have midly anxious level and there are 3 (12%) students who have relaxed level. Mostly the source of language anxiety arise from learning beliefs about language learning there are 10 students. The strategies that used by the students to coping their language anxiety in speaking skill are positive thinking and there are 10 students which used this strategy to reduce their language anxiety..

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Individuals communicate with other in the world using English

  language because it is international language. When individual express their feeling through writing or speaking, many aspects that influence to speak such as their skill. One of skills is speaking skill.

  According to Alwasilah (2000;62) as quotes by Mayangta (2013:1) :

  To be able to communicate with people around the world, English speaking skill is considerec to be an important skill. Students should have a good command of communication skills in English so as to prepare their future careers and lives. In reality eventhough English has been though for at least six years in school level in Indonesia, which in Junior High School and Senior High School level and also in many Elementary Schools as local content subject, the students still have some difficulties in learning English whether it is the productive and receptive skill, especially speaking. The fact that many of school graduates cannot communicate in English has become national problem in Indonesia.

  It means English speaking skill becomes important thing for becomes Indoesian students. Why it is important for them? There are many answers such as gaining job, travelling abroad, studying abroad, working abroad etc. however, in speaking skills practice it is difficult for them. It becomes one of the things that makes feared by Indonesian students.

  English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners and teachers are those who are learning or teaching English while living in a community where English is not spoken as a first language. Many learners Indonesian students express their inability and sometimes even acknowledge their failure in learning to speak of foreign language. The feelings of embarrassment, being affraid of making mistakes, nervouseness and anxiety in speaking skill are some factors that were experienced by some foreign language students.

  According to Horwitz, et al. (1986:125) it is “mental block” that may hinder them from achieving their goals in learning a foreign language. In teaching and learning process, the lecturer always gives assignments. One of them is making a paper and then the students are speaking to explaining their discussion in front of the class. In speaking, the important skill that should be prepared is self confidence and students’ speaking skill. Every student has different psychological condition, some student can speak confidently in front of the class, and there are also students who can not speak English because they are shy and nervous.

  Many people claim to have a mental block against learning a foreign language, although these same people may be good learners in other situations, strongly motivated, and have a sincere liking for speakers of the target language. According to Horwitz, et al. (1986: 125) they have an anxiety reaction which impedes their ability to speaking successfully in a foreign language class. Every student sometimes experiences anxiety in various levels. It relates a pattern of psychological and psychological reactions like feeling of stresss and emotions. It is considered as an uncomfortable state creating avoided behaviors. It can also be difined as a specific emotion necessary for an individual to preapre himself for potential danger and threatening situations. Anxiety experience in communication English can be debilitating and it is influence students’ adaption to the target environment and ultimately the achievementof their educational goals. Many of students find the several of language anxiety in speaking English. It is arising naturally when they have speaking in front of many students or audience. It is caused a worry.

  In many cases, students’ feeling of tension, worry or nervousness may inhibit their language learning and speaking skill when speaking practice will be started. The students recently find the utterance “I feel my heart beating very fast to face this speaking English language”, the condition certainly will be influencing their speaking in front of class. Mussen et al (1974) cited in Abderrezzag (2010:4) concluded that,

  “Anxiety is not a pathological condition itself but a necessary and normalphysiological and mental preparation for danger … anxiety is necessaryfor the survival of the individual under certain circumstances. Failure to apprehend danger and to prepare for it may have disastrous results ”.

  The statement indicates that students with anxiety are likely to avoid such activities in which require them to speak in English. Anxieties is happened because of many factors, for example the students are unconfident, shy and nervous to speak in front of others. Furthermore, anxiety can inhibit the students’s concentration in transferring knowledge and information in speaking English and it is one of the most influencing factors as an obstacle in their speaking skill.

  This research proposes to describe of language anxiety in speaking skill and analyze levels anxiety of each anxious students when speaking skill, the factors which can cause their anxiety and then what the strategies used by students in overcoming language anxiety in speaking skill. However, as writer’s question, are their experiences can be able to helps them to reduce their language anxiety in speaking skill when they are continue in the next semester on speaking subject, because they have an experiences in speaking English in their speaking subject/ class to convey their information, assignment or discussion in front of the class. Therefore, the writer conducts a research with a title LANGUAGE ANXIETY IN SPEAKING SKILL (Descriptive Analysis of the Fourth Semester Students in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga in Academic Year 2015/ 2016.

  B. Problems of the Study

  Based on the research background, the writer formulates some of problem statements as follows:

  1. What are the levels of language anxiety in speaking skill?

  2. What are the sources of the language anxiety in speaking skill?

  3. What the strategies do students apply in overcoming language anxiety in speaking skill?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  Based on the research statement, this particular study aimed at finding out:

  1. To investigate the levels of language anxiety in speaking skill.

  2. To investigate the sources of language anxiety in speaking skill.

  3. To reveal strategies used by students in overcoming language anxiety in speaking skill.

D. Significance of the Study

  The writer hopes that this research be useful for :

  1. Theoretical

  a. The result of the study can be used as input in English teaching process especially about the teacher’s role in English teaching.

  b. The result of the study can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching learning process.

  2. Practical

  a. For the lecturer This research result can be used as references and information for the teacher about students’ anxiety levels, the factors that can cause of anxiety and help them to find the strategies for reducing language anxiety in speaking English, therefore that the teacher can create the relax atmosphere to her students to be confidence in speaking English language.

  b. For the students The result of this research can motivate the students to use strategy for reducing their language anxiety in speaking English during talking in the classroom.

  c. For the researcher This research can develop the writer knowledge about language anxiety in speaking English.

  E. Scope of Study

  In order to avoid misunderstanding in interpreting of the problem, the writer would like to limit the scope of the study to the levels of students’ anxiety, the source of anxiety and the strategies which are used in speaking skill to reduce their language anxiety as foreign language.

  Therefore, this study is considered important to be conducted in order to give the portrayal of language anxiety in speaking English experienced by university student in their class and how the students deal with such anxieties.

  F. Definition of Key Terms

  To avoid the misunderstanding of some words in this research, it is important to give some explanations and definitions as follows:

  1. English speaking skill Speaking becomes an important skill that should be mastered by the students. The nation lies upon some components of speaking are conversational dicourse, pronounciation, accuracy, fluency, affective factors, and also the interaction effect or negoatiating meaning (Brown, 2001:267). In order to achieve the ruquirement, they are expected to be more active in learning process in the classroom. As a result, the students have great exposure in practicing English.

  2. Language anxiety Langugae Anxiety in this study refers to a distinct complex of self- perception, beliefs, feeling and behaviors related to classroom learning arising from the uniqueness of the language learning process, particularly to speaking English Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope (1986: 125)

G. Research of Paper Organization

  In order to make clear the research, the research paper is organized by the following paper organization. There are as follow. Chapter one consist of the background of study, problems of the study, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study, definition of key terms, and research paper organization. Chapter two provides the review of the related literature. It deals with the review on related references that consist of previous studies, the studies which are almost similar and the theories in doing the research. This chapter also describes the theories used in developing the study. All of them will serve the fundamental reference in conducting and analyzing the study. Chapter three content with the method of investigation conducted by the writer. It gives the description of the subject of the study, the research design, data collection and the data analysis.

  Chapter four discusses the main purpose of conducting this study. It provides the explanation about language anxiety as well as students’ levels anxiety, the factor/ source of anxiety and strategies to reduce language anxiety in speaking skill. Chapter five provides the overall discussion of the research as the conclusion and followed by the suggestions given by the writer at the end of the research. The last chapter of this research is references and appendices.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Previous Studies In this graduating paper, the researcher took previous study from two

  collaborative research paper. The first researcher arranged by Maliheh Rezaei and Mohammad Jafar in year 2014 with their study entitled “Investigating the Levels, Types, and Causes of Writing Anxiety among Iranian EFL Students: A Mixed Method Design”. The analyze about the levels, types and causes of writing anxiety among Iranian EFL students. The result of their research showed that level of students’ writing anxiety scores on the SLWAI range from 22 to 110, the participants’ scores in this study ranged from 37 to 98. In this study, the collected data was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis . The mean score was 67.21(

  ≥65), indicating a high level of anxiety among Iranian EFL students. Such high level of writing anxiety among English major students is concerning and reflects the inadequacy of our writing contexts and practices. Types of students ‘ writing anxiety shows the distribution of the three types of ESL writing anxiety. It is obvious that Cognitive Anxiety (41.2%) is the most common type of writing anxiety among EFL student writers. Somatic anxiety (36.5%) and Avoidance strategy (23.3%) are the next common types of writing anxiety, respectively.

  This finding is consistent with that of Zhang (2011). And then As can be seen in the figure above, the primary sources of writing anxiety is fear of teacher’s negative comments (83%). Students’ fear of the teacher’s negative comment shows that students are not aware of the purpose of writing skill.

  The second reseracher arranged by Azizah Rajab, Wan Zarina Wan Zakaria, Hamidah Abdul Rahman ,Alia DiyanaHosni,Samira Hassani in year 2012 with their study entitled Reading Anxiety among Second Language Learners in Technology of Malaysia University ,Johor Bahru Campus. They identified the level of reading anxiety amongst Technology of Malaysia University (UTM) undergraduate students learning English as a second language. This study utilized the quantitative research method. The result of their study shows that the L2 reading anxiety level of undergraduates was at a low level indicating that these learners experience little or minimal anxiety when performing reading in a second language.

  The study conducted by the writer for her graduating paper is different from the previous research. The writer would cover about language anxiety in speaking skill. The difference was showed at the aspect of the skill. The writer analyzes the level of language anxiety in speaking skill, sources of language anxiety in speaking skill, and strategy to coping language anxiety in speaking skill. The first writer used Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) (Horwitz, et al 1986) to measure the level of language anxiety in speaking skill, the second the writer used interview to identify sources of language anxiety in speaking skill. Then the third the writer used strategy (Kondo and Ying Ling 2004) to analyzed based on the source of anxiety.

B. Language Anxiety

1. Definition of Language Anxiety

  Everyone feels anxious some of the time. Most of us feel some anxiety before going to the dentist or during a job interview, for instance.

  Anxiety is a kind of nervous – system arousal that is very functional when there is danger, but it can get in the way when we have a task to do, like learning a language. The key is that anxiety uses up cognitive and emotional resources that then are not available for learning. A small amount of anxiety can be helpful when we need to get going on a project, but when there is too much, it gets in the way.

  Anxiety is generally seen as a psychological concept, (Spielberger 1983:1), cited in ( Brown 2007:161) defines anxiety as “subjective, consciously perceived feeling of apprehension and tension, accompanied by or associated with activation or arousal of the autonomic nervous system.”

  When students are faced with something that very important they have an experience anxiety. It is manifestations include feelings of shy, worry, nervousness and fear. Giving a speaking skill in front of the class becomes highly potential source of anxiety which makes the classroom environment more formal and stressful for the students. Most of the students agreed that speaking in front of the whole class or in public caused anxiety for most of the learners. .

  Horwitz et al. (1986: 127) found that anxiety in the Foreign Language classroom occurs primarily because the student has to speak in front of other people.

  Anxiety is limited to the language learning situation, it falls into the category of specific anxiety reactions. Anxiety and panic are a series of mind and body reactions that have experienced by each students especially when they speak in front of the class. Feeling of anxiety would create some negative effect such as discouragement to speak and feeling lack of confidence in speaking skill.

  According to James G. Hollandsworth, Jr entitle “The Physiology of Psychological Disorders: Schizophrenia, Depression, Anxiety, and Substance Abuse”, the meaning of anxiety as followed:

  Anxiety disorders are characterized by feelings of subjective distress (e.g, apprehension, fear, etc) and avoidance behavior. Some of these disorders have distress as the classic feature, while for other avoidance behavior is the primary characteristic, (Hollandsworth, 1990:146).

  It means that anxiety is a condition of people who are feeling uncomfortable with their physics, feeling and mind, and they perceive that something bad will be happen in their life. Anxiety can come in many forms. Sometimes anxiety is accompanied by intense panic, dread, or fear in which an individual may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, racing heart, dizziness, and discomfort.

  There are several signs of anxiety that showed by anxiety symptoms involve in our body, mind, and behavior, Dixon (2011:15). These symptoms are:

  a. Our body Someone who felt anxious to faced something usually visible by the signs:

  1) Breathing becomes more rapid 2) Heart beat speeds up 3) Feel dizzy and light-headed

  4) Get “butterflies” in stomach 5) Feel sick and need a toilet 6) The mouth becomes dry and it feels difficult to swallow 7) Feel sweat more 8) Feel “jittery” or “jumpy”.

  b. Our mind 1) Feel frightened 2) May tell ourselves that we are physically ill, having heart attack or a stroke or a going mad 3) Think that people are looking at us 4) Worry that we may lose control and make a fool of ourselves in front of others 5) Feel that we must escape and get to a safe place.

  c. Our behavior 1) Make excuses to avoid going out or doing things 2) Hurry out a places or situations where are feel anxious 3) Walk to avoid buses cross the street to avoid people 4) May have a drink before doing something we find stressful.

  Anxiety can manifest as unwanted, repetitive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that seem impossible to stop. Sometimes anxiety is specifically tied to a certain situation, like speaking in English language. Some people believe that anxiety is an additional inconvenience for students.

2. Nature of Languag Anxiety in Speaking Skill

  Psychologists have identified three different types of anxiety which are trait or global anxiety, situation-specific anxiety and state anxiety.

  a. Trait anxiety Trait anxiety is a character that appears on every invidu as personal character. When they get into trouble when speaking, they will be silent. It is generally associated with people who have an anxiety disorder,and it is regarded to be a “permanent personality characteristic” (von Wörde,1998: 18).

  It means trait anxiety is a general level of stress that is characteristic of the individual. These concerns relate to the personality of the man himself. This concerns the nature of various kinds depending on the conditions of individuals in responding to and managing stress, namely, a trait associated with personality. Anxiety varies according to the nature of how individuals have been conditioned to respond to and manage stress

  b. State anxiety State anxiety considered as an obstacle and an interruption of individual’s emotional equilibrium. Greenberg (2010:121) suggest that “state anxiety is either temporary in nature or specific to a particular stimulus”.

  State anxiety is an unpleasant feeling which can seriously disturb the individual’s ability to react positively to any situation and in a certain environment. For example, when the person hears bad information about his parents, he becomes so anxious, so that emotional equilibrium will be put into question.

  Someone who feels a trait anxiety represents by their ability to understand the nature of certain environmental stimuli and stressful situations as more or less difficult or danger, they tend to have an attitude and reaction. People who develop a more anxiety-trait are much more disposed to reacting to a large level of stimuli, and will be more able to worry in less dangerous and hard situations. These individuals are more likely to present state- anxiety in some circumstances, especially in normal daily life activities.

  Meanwhile, someone who experienced a state anxiety is more likely has the feeling of stress and nervousness or unable to confront any event. Moreover, high levels of state anxiety are particularly harmless. It can even disable the person’s tendency to engage in adaptive behavior aimed to end and overcome this feeling, for example encountering lot of difficulties.

  c. Situation-specific anxiety MacIntyre in Young (1999:28) refers to situation-specific anxiety as the probability of becoming anxious in a particular type of situation. Situation-specific anxiety refers to the anxiety experienced in a specific situation or context. Situation-specific anxiety may manifest in an educational setting as, for example: maths anxiety, testanxiety, public speaking anxiety, writing anxiety or language anxiety. Therefore students have obstacle to learning thier goals. In addition anxiety becomes the individual factors of students.

  A third type of anxiety is situation specific anxiety. This reflects a trait that recurs in specific situations (Spielberger, Anton and Bedell 1976). In educational research, anxiety is usually classified as being trait or state. Trait anxiety is a relatively stable personality trait. A person who is trait anxious is likely to feel anxious in a variety of situations. State anxiety, on the other hand, is a temporary condition experienced at a particular moment.

3. Effect of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill

  Speaking in the foreign language is often cited by students as their most anxiety producing experience. We know that public speaking in a native language is often associated with fear and anxiety. it is becomes obstacle for students’ learning.

  According to Horwitz and Cope (1990:539) language learners expressed more anxiety over speaking than any other language skill.

  Feeling of anxiety, apprehension and nervousness are commonly expressed by second/foreign language learners in learning to speak a second/foreign language. These feelings are considered to exert a potentially negative and detrimental effect on communication in the target language . In addition to the negative effects of anxiety on language learning and performance, anxiety has occasionally been found to facilitate language learning.

  Horwitz in Phillips (1991:4) found that students were highly concerned about the oral component of their language classes and Price’s (in Phillips 1991:4) report of interviews with highly anxious students indicates that all of the students felt that speaking in their language classes had been the greatest source of anxiety. Anxiety inhibits their achievement in speaking English language. Feeling of stress is considered as the cognitive part of anxiety and can have a negative effect on speaking. For example failing to answer the question will only hinder the future speaking of the learner, and makes student less and less efficient in the classroom.

  The feel of students’ embarrassment when they expose their language imperfections to others and the possibility of negative feedback from the instructor increases anxiety levels significantly. Therefore, motivation and big effort to do the best in each speaking are needed by students to reduce their feeling of fail, anxious, nervous, unconfident and feeling of shy with their ability. All of negative feeling should be remove from students’ mind and cultivating the positive way to their confident in improving their motivation for doing better than before.

4. Source of Language Anxiety in Speaking Skill

  Anxiety becomes the factor of fears by students in speaking skill. It is reflects with less of confident, shy and nervousness. Due to those performances anxiety mentioned above, Kota Ohata (2005:21) offers a list of the potential sources of language anxiety. In her literature review on language anxiety, she argues that language anxiety can arise from: a. Personal and interpersonal anxieties

  Commonly personal and interpersonal are the most sources of anxiety, it was investigated in correlation with other social and psychological constructs. For example, people with low self- esteem may worry what their friends think, in fear of their negative responses or evaluation. Thus, some of the language anxieties mentioned earlier might be categorized largely into one psychological construct,

  Those psychological phenomena, accompanied by low selfesteem and competitiveness, can become the place for student language anxiety, as often directly in the form of performance anxieties.

  b. Learner beliefs about language learning In speaking skill correctness of teacher or other leraner becomes anxious factor for the students. They afraid if there is other people know their mistakes. Therefore, some of leaner feel anxiety to have an speaking skill in front of the class.

  Learner beliefs about language learning also contribute to the student’s tension and frustration in the class Horwitz (1986: 127). He presents various kinds of learner beliefs, suggesting that some of them are taken from the learner's unrealistic and sometimes erroneous conceptions about language learning. He found that, the first, some learners were concerned about the correctness of their speech in comparison to native-like accent or pronunciation. The second, some believed that two years of language learning is enough to achieve a native-like fluency. The third, some expressed that language learning means learning how to translate some others believed that success of L2 learning limited to a few individuals who are gifted for language learning.

  Unrealistic beliefs held by learners can lead to anxiety in students, especially when their beliefs and reality clash. In this sense, learner beliefs can play another major role in forming language anxiety in students.

  c. Instructor beliefs about language teaching Instructor beliefs about language teaching can also become a source of creating language anxiety among learners.

  The teacher's assumption on the role of language teachers may not always correspond to the student's needs or expectations toward the teacher.

  For example, when a teacher believes that his role in class is to constantly correct students' errors, some of the students might become quite anxious about their class performance.

  d. Classroom procedures Mattarima & Hamdan (2011:287) suggest that the problems for Indonesian EFL students in developing their speaking performance relate not only to their linguistic and personality factors, but also the types of classroom tasks provided by the teachers.

  Many learners feel that some error correction is necessary; the manner of error correction is often said as provoking anxiety.

  Those studies that investigated anxieties in relation to instructor- learner interactions show that students are more concerned about how their mistakes are corrected rather than whether error correction should be administered in class.

  e. Language testing.

  This would lead to other psychological stresses, such as the fear of losing self-confidence or feeling inferior to others. May some of students they feels pesimism about their speaking skill. It is becomes the big factor that influence the success of apeking skill

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