04.70.0078 Enny Wahyu Ningsih LAMPIRAN

1. Keadaan :

  4.1. Timbal (Pb) mg/kg Maks. 2,0

  6. Cemaran mikrobia :

  5. Cemaran Arsen (As) mg/kg Maks. 1,0

  4.5. Raksa (Hg) mg/kg Maks. 0,03

  4.4. Timah (Sn) mg/kg Maks. 40,0/251**

  4.3. Seng (Zn) mg/kg Maks. 40,0

  4.2. Tembaga (Cu) mg/kg Maks. 5,0

  LAMPIRAN 1 Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI 01-3710-1995) Tabel Syarat Mutu Buah Kering NO. KRITERIA UJI SATUAN PERSYARATAN

  3.3. Pengawet sesuai SNI 01-0222-1987

  3.2. Pewarna sesuai SNI 01-0222-1987

  3.1. Pemanis buatan (sakarin, siklamat) - Negatif

  3. Bahan tambahan makanan :

  2. Air % b/b Maks. 31

  1.3. Rasa - Normal

  1.2. Bau - Normal

  1.1. Penampakan - Normal

4. Cemaran logam :

6.1. E. coli APM/g <


  • Khusus untuk produk yang dikemas dalam kaleng




Dihadapan saudara terdapat 12 jenis manisan melon. Saudara diminta memberi

penilaian berdasarkan tingkat kesukaan saudara dengan range nilai yang telah tersedia.

Atas kerja sama saudara, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

  Kriteria 235 248 255 305 332 375 Warna Aroma Rasa

  Tekstur Overall

Kriteria 418 422 455 536 542 599


  Aroma Rasa Tekstur Overall

  Range Nilai : 1 : Tidak Suka 2 : Agak Suka 3 : Suka 4 : Sangat Suka 5 : Sangat Suka Sekali

  • ***GOD BLESS YOU***


Dalam evaluasi sensoris ini disediakan 12 jenis sampel yang masing-masing telah diberi

kode yang berbeda. Kode dari masing-masing sampel tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :

235 = 0 jam, 1.5 cm 248 = 12 jam, 1.5 cm 255 = 24 jam, 1.5 cm 305 = 72 jam, 1.5 cm 332 = 0 jam, 2 cm 375 = 12 jam, 2 cm 418 = 24 jam, 2 cm 422 = 72 jam, 2 cm 455 = 0 jam, 2.5 cm 536 = 12 jam, 2.5 cm 542 = 24 jam, 2.5 cm 599 = 72 jam, 2.5 cm

  • .

  Lilliefors Significance Correction a.



  Vitamin_C Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm

  .223 12 .101 .853 12 .040 .249 12 .039 .914 12 .239 .260 12 .024 .863 12 .053


Tests of Normality

  Lilliefors Significance Correction a.

  Shapiro-Wilk This is a lower bound of the true significance.



  Vitamin_C Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Perendaman 0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam

  .317 9 .009 .767 9 .009 .267 9 .064 .843 9 .062 .208 9 .200* .899 9 .248 .206 9 .200* .884 9 .172

  Tests of Normality

  Shapiro-Wilk This is a lower bound of the true significance.



  Kadar_Air Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm

  .139 12 .200* .955 12 .710 .156 12 .200* .923 12 .310 .146 12 .200* .969 12 .905


Tests of Normality

  Lilliefors Significance Correction a.

  Shapiro-Wilk This is a lower bound of the true significance.



  Kadar_Air Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Perendaman 0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam

  .160 9 .200* .965 9 .844 .154 9 .200* .983 9 .978 .175 9 .200* .924 9 .427 .164 9 .200* .936 9 .543

  LAMPIRAN 4 Uji Normalitas Manisan Melon Kering

Tests of Normality

  • .
  • .
  • .

  Shapiro-Wilk Lilliefors Significance Correction a.

  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .

  Tests of Normality

  Shapiro-Wilk This is a lower bound of the true significance.



  Kadar_Abu Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm

  ,172 12 ,200* ,916 12 ,256 ,125 12 ,200* ,962 12 ,812 ,256 12 ,029 ,877 12 ,080

  Tests of Normality

  Lilliefors Significance Correction a.

  Shapiro-Wilk This is a lower bound of the true significance.



  Kadar_Abu Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Perendaman 0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam

  ,267 9 ,065 ,912 9 ,330 ,185 9 ,200* ,862 9 ,100 ,184 9 ,200* ,885 9 ,178 ,203 9 ,200* ,915 9 ,349

  Lilliefors Significance Correction a.


Tests of Normality

  Shapiro-Wilk This is a lower bound of the true significance.



  Kadar_Sukrosa Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm

  .225 12 .094 .909 12 .209 .183 12 .200* .890 12 .117 .183 12 .200* .893 12 .127

  Tests of Normality

  Lilliefors Significance Correction a.

  Shapiro-Wilk This is a lower bound of the true significance.



  Kadar_Sukrosa Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Perendaman 0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam

  .207 9 .200* .934 9 .525 .194 9 .200* .922 9 .408 .208 9 .200* .885 9 .179 .251 9 .108 .828 9 .042

  Lilliefors Significance Correction a.

  • .
  • .


Tests of Normality



  Chewiness Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm

  .241 12 .052 .837 12 .026 .229 12 .084 .769 12 .004 .237 12 .060 .890 12 .117

  Tests of Normality

  Lilliefors Significance Correction a.

  Shapiro-Wilk This is a lower bound of the true significance.



  Chewiness Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Perendaman 0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam

  .187 9 .200* .896 9 .230 .218 9 .200* .841 9 .059 .175 9 .200* .868 9 .118 .262 9 .076 .801 9 .021

  Lilliefors Significance Correction a.


Tests of Normality

  Shapiro-Wilk This is a lower bound of the true significance.



  Hardness Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm

  .196 12 .200* .932 12 .406 .182 12 .200* .917 12 .262 .199 12 .200* .930 12 .377

  Tests of Normality

  Lilliefors Significance Correction a.

  Shapiro-Wilk This is a lower bound of the true significance.



  Hardness Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

  Perendaman 0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam

  .263 9 .073 .923 9 .416 .226 9 .200* .903 9 .270 .279 9 .042 .882 9 .166 .225 9 .200* .896 9 .232

  Shapiro-Wilk Lilliefors Significance Correction a.

  LAMPIRAN 5 Uji Post Hoc Two Way Anova : * Kadar Air Manisan Melon Kering kadar_air a,b

  Duncan Subset perendaman N


  2 0 jam 9 19.8589 12 jam 9 20.3867 24 jam 9 20.4833 72 jam 9 20.6289 Sig.

  1.000 .225 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .152.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 9.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  kadar_air a,b

  Duncan Subset ketebalan N


  2 1.5 cm 12 20.1225 2 cm

  12 20.3517 20.3517 2.5 cm 12 20.5442 Sig.

  .163 .238 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .152.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 12.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  kadar_abu a,b

  Duncan Subset perendaman N



  3 72 jam 9 1.3778 24 jam 9 1.7778 12 jam 9 1.9556 1.9556 0 jam 9 2.1444

  Sig. 1.000 .106 .087 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .051.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 9.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  kadar_abu a,b

  Duncan Subset ketebalan N


  2 2.5 cm 12 1.6333 2 cm 12 1.7083 1.5 cm 12 2.1000 Sig.

  .422 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .051.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 12.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  vitamin_C a,b

  Duncan Subset perendaman N



  3 72 jam 9 19.9256 24 jam 9 21.3922 21.3922 12 jam 9 21.9789 0 jam 9 24.5211 Sig.

  .088 .483 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 3.055.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 9.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  vitamin_C a,b

  Duncan Subset ketebalan N

  1 2 cm 12 21.5633

  2.5 cm 12 21.7833 1.5 cm 12 22.5167 Sig. .219 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 3.055.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 12.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  kadar_sukrosa a,b

  Duncan Subset perendaman N


  2 72 jam 9 9.3189 24 jam 9 9.6667 0 jam 9 10.2011 12 jam 9 18.5611 Sig.

  .755 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 31.103.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 9.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  kadar_sukrosa a,b

  Duncan Subset ketebalan N

  1 2.5 cm 12 10.0008 2 cm 12 11.4550 1.5 cm 12 14.3550 Sig. .082 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 31.103.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 12.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  hardness a,b

  Duncan Subset perendaman N



  3 72 jam 9 .8600 12 jam 9 1.3267 24 jam 9 1.3700 0 jam 9 1.8256

  Sig. 1.000 .819 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .158.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 9.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  hardness a,b

  Duncan Subset ketebalan N


  2 2 cm 12 .9833

  2.5 cm 12 1.4708 1.5 cm 12 1.5825 Sig.

  1.000 .498 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .158.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 12.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  chewiness a,b

  Duncan Subset perendaman N

  1 24 jam 9 .0389 72 jam 9 .0689 0 jam 9 .1022 12 jam 9 .1856 Sig.

  .109 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .029.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 9.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  chewiness a,b

  Duncan Subset ketebalan N

  1 2.5 cm 12 .0675 2 cm 12 .0700 1.5 cm 12 .1592 Sig. .228 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  Based on Type III Sum of Squares The error term is Mean Square(Error) = .029.


  Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 12.000.


  Alpha = .05.

  LAMPIRAN 6 Descriptive Statistics

  9 20.4833 .14503

  0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam Total

  36 ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total perendaman

  12 20.3394 .47654

  12 20.5442 .37391

  12 20.3517 .45106

  9 20.1225 .53111

  3 20.6289 .21751

  3 20.7733 .14503

  3 20.6300 .29000

  3 20.4833 .39711

  Dependent Variable: kadar_air 19.4767 .65248

  3 20.6300 .52421

  3 20.4833 .38175

  9 20.3367 .38175

  3 20.3867 .24047

  3 20.5800 .08660

  3 20.3867 .22368

  9 20.1933 .24826

  3 19.8589 .59231

  3 20.1933 .43501

  3 19.9067 .63090

  Mean Std. Deviation N

  Descriptive Statistics

  9 1.3667 .05774

  0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam Total

  36 ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total perendaman

  12 1.8139 .48648

  12 1.6333 .50332

  12 1.7083 .27122

  9 2.1000 .53767

  3 1.3778 .20480

  3 1.2000 .10000

  3 1.5667 .23094

  3 1.7778 .35978

  Dependent Variable: kadar_abu 2.1333 .15275

  3 1.6333 .25166

  3 1.5000 .17321

  9 2.2000 .10000

  3 1.9556 .65786

  3 1.3333 .05774

  3 1.8333 .32146

  9 2.7000 .43589

  3 2.1444 .26510

  3 2.3667 .30551

  3 1.9333 .15275

  Mean Std. Deviation N

  Descriptive Statistics

  9 19.4367 1.01614

  0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam Total

  36 ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total perendaman

  12 21.9544 2.48444

  12 21.7833 2.55416

  12 21.5633 2.23440

  9 22.5167 2.75313

  3 19.9256 .96176

  3 20.6100 .88000

  3 19.7300 .88000

  3 21.3922 1.98948

  Dependent Variable: vitamin_C 24.7167 2.03227

  3 21.1967 2.68844

  3 21.7833 2.68844

  9 21.1967 1.01614

  3 21.9789 2.45420

  3 20.0233 1.01614

  3 21.1967 1.01614

  9 24.7167 2.03227

  3 24.5211 1.92352

  3 25.3033 1.01614

  3 23.5433 2.68844

  Mean Std. Deviation N

  Descriptive Statistics

  9 9.8267 4.43217

  0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam Total

  36 ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total perendaman

  12 11.9369 6.77815

  12 10.0008 4.55984

  12 11.4550 7.23756

  9 14.3550 7.89224

  3 9.3189 5.09129

  3 10.7433 6.43433

  3 7.3867 5.79739

  3 9.6667 4.32774

  Dependent Variable: kadar_sukrosa 13.5200 2.92732

  3 9.8400 5.49855

  3 10.1800 5.11203

  9 8.9800 4.17165

  3 18.5611 8.60929

  3 12.1300 4.26536

  3 18.4600 10.16714

  9 25.0933 6.98974

  3 10.2011 3.99595

  3 7.2900 2.41663

  3 9.7933 4.46959

  Mean Std. Deviation N

  Descriptive Statistics

  9 .6700 .25120

  0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam Total

  36 ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total perendaman

  12 1.3456 .62798

  12 1.4708 .40372

  12 .9833 .42184

  9 1.5825 .83206

  3 .8600 .42113

  3 1.3167 .35133

  3 .5933 .22189

  3 1.3700 .30733

  Dependent Variable: hardness 2.6733 .30022

  3 1.5400 .07550

  3 1.2767 .41356

  9 1.2933 .36856

  3 1.3267 .66667

  3 1.5100 .82486

  3 .7767 .22480

  9 1.6933 .58398

  3 1.8256 .69538

  3 1.5167 .19655

  3 1.2867 .38553

  Mean Std. Deviation N

  Descriptive Statistics

  9 .1300 .01000

  0 jam 12 jam 24 jam 72 jam Total

  36 ketebalan 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total 1.5 cm 2 cm 2.5 cm Total perendaman

  12 .0989 .16958

  12 .0675 .06341

  12 .0700 .07385

  9 .1592 .27583

  3 .0689 .06194

  3 .0767 .04933

  3 .0000 .00000

  3 .0389 .04014

  Dependent Variable: chewiness .1100 .14933

  3 .0100 .01732

  3 .0667 .05508

  9 .0400 .02646

  3 .1856 .31137

  3 .0433 .04041

  3 .1567 .00577

  9 .3567 .55734

  3 .1022 .09947

  3 .1400 .06245

  3 .0567 .08963

  Mean Std. Deviation N