Dawan`s motivation in getting education in Minfong Ho`s Sing to the Dawn - USD Repository







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

  By Richard Ferdinand Keto

  Student Number : 081214140








  A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on





  Advisor Date


  Henny Herawati, S.Pd.,M.Hum. June 29 , 2012

  A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on






  Student Number : 081214140



  I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

  So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key............. performed by the Eagles for their 1974 On the Border album




  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Richard Ferdinand Keto Nomor Mahasiswa : 081214140

  Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul :


  IN MINFONG HO‟S SING TO THE DAWN beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

  Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal : 17 Juli 2012

   ABSTRACT Keto, Richard Ferdinand. 2012.

  Dawan’s Motivation In Getting Education In Mingfong Ho’s Sing To The Dawn. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

  This study discusses a novel entitled Sing To The Dawn. The objective of writing this thesis is derived from the writer‟s curiosity to find out the motivation of Dawan, a young girl, in getting better education in City. There are two problemsr related to the topic of this thesis (1) What are the conflicts faced by Dawan in getting a better education? (2) What motivates Dawan to struggle to get education despite the conflicts?

  In order to answer the problems, the writer uses the psychological approach because this study focuses on the mai n character‟s motivation, which is a psychological aspect. Moreover, the approach employs the psychological theories, especially Abraham

  Maslow‟s theory of motivation, which supports the analysis towards the main character, Dawan. There are two sources used: primary and secondary sources. Sing To The Daw, the novel, is the primary source in this study. The secondary sources are obtained from books on literature, psychology, and education.

  From the application of theory of conflict by Richard A. Kalish (1973) and Walter Johnson (2011), the writer can infer that Dawan faces both the internal and external conflict. The internal conflict faced by Dawan is the conflict of Dawan with herself related to her ability. Meanwhile, there are four external conflicts fac ed by Dawan. They are, Dawan‟s conflict with her father, Dawan‟s conflict with her brother, Dawan‟s conflict with her aunt, and Dawan‟s conflict with a monk.

  By applying Jung, Grace Fleeming‟s theory of motivation (2010) and Abraham Maslow theory of need as cited by Herbert Petri (1981), the writer can infer that Dawan‟s motivation in getting education is divided into two parts, internal and external motivation. There are five internal motivations of Dawan to get a better education. The first is she wants to be a responsible individual. The second is she wants to be an independent individual who can make a right decision for her goodness. The third is she wants to be an appreciated individual by other people. The fourth is she wants to play a significant role in society. The last is she wants to change the villagers‟ mind about women. The external motivation is the support of her grandmother to Dawan in getting education. This support encourages Dawan to get her dream.

  From the analysis in chapter 4, the writer sees that the way of Dawan in getting education matches with charateristics of two categories proposed by Abraham Maslow in his theory of needs. They are Self-Esteem need and Self- Actualization need. Therefore, the writer concludes that the Dawan

  ‟s motivations in getting education are parts of the way of Dawan to get Self-Esteem and Self- Actualization. Keywords: motivation, need, self esteem, self actualisation, conflict.



Keto, Richard Ferdinand (2012).

  Dawan’s Motivation In Getting Education In Minfong Ho’s Sing To The Dawn. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Penelitian ini membahas sebuah novel yang berjudul Sing To The Dawn. Tujuan penulisan ini bermula dari keingintahuan penulis untuk mengetahui motivasi Dawan, seorang gadis muda, di dalam usahanya untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang lebih baik di Kota. Ada dua permasalahan sehubungan dengan topik dari tulisan ini. (1) Apa saja konflik yang dihadapi Dawan dalam usahanya mendapatkan pendidikan yang lebih baik? (2) Apakah yang memotivasi Dawan untuk berjuang untuk mendapatkan pendidikan meski berhadapan dengan berbagai konflik?

  Untuk menjawab permasalahan itu, penulis menggunakan pendekatan psikologi karena penelitian ini terfokus pada motivasi karakter utama, yakni aspek psikologi. Terlebih lagi pendekatan tersebut menggunakan teori-teori psikologi khususnya teori motivasi oleh Abraham Maslow, yang mendukung analisis terhadap karakter utama, Dawan. Ada dua sumber yang digunakan, sumber utama dan sumber tambahan. Novel Sing To The Dawn, adalah sumber utama penelitian ini. Sedangkan, sumber-sumber tambahan diperoleh dari buku- buku kesusastraan, psikologi, dan pendidikan.

  Berdasarkan penerapan teori konflik dari Richard A. Kalish (1973) dan Walter Johnson (2011), penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Dawan mengalami baik konflik internal maupun konflik external. Internal konflik yang dialami oleh Dawan adalah konflik dengan dirinya sehubungan dengan kemampuan dirinya. Sementara itu, ada empat konflik external yang dihadapi oleh Dawan. Konflik- konflik tersebut adalah, konflik Dawan dengan ayahnya, konflik Dawan dengan saudara laki-lakinya, konflik Dawan dengan bibinya, dan konflik Dawan dengan seorang pendeta.

  Dengan menerapkan teori motivasi dari Jung, Grace Fleeming (2010), dan teori kebutuhan dari Abraham Maslow yang dikutip oleh Herber Petri (1981), penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa motivasi Dawan dalam memperoleh pendidikan terbagi dalam dua bagian, yakni internal dan eksternal motivasi. Ada lima motivasi internal dari Dawan untuk memperoleh sebuah pendidikan yang lebih layak. Pertama adalah Dawan ingin menjadi pribadi yang bertanggung jawab. Kedua, Dawan juga ingin menjadi pribadi yang merdeka yang dapat membuat keputusan yang tepat bagi dirinya. Ketiga adalah dia juga ingin menjadi pribadi yang dihargai oleh orang lain. Keempat Dawan juga ingin berperan secara lebih dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Terakhir adalah Dawan ingin mengubah cara pikir masyarakat setempat akan wanita. Motivasi eksternal dari Dawan adalah adanya dukungan dari neneknya. Dukungan ini mendorong Dawan untuk mewujudkan mimpinya.

  Dari analisa bab 4, penulis melihat bahwa cara-cara Dawan dalam usahanya mendapatkan pendidikan sesuai dengan karateristik dari dua kategori yang diusulkan oleh Abraham Maslow dalam teori kebutuhannya. Dua kategori itu adalah kebutuhan akan harga diri dan kebutuhan akan aktualisasi diri. Oleh sebab itu, penulis berkesimpulan bahwa motivasi Dawan dalam mendapatkan pendidikan adalah bagian dari cara Dawan untuk mendapatkan penghargaan diri dan usaha pengaktualisasian diri. Kata kunci: motivasi, kebutuhan, harga diri, aktualisasi diri, konflik.



  Above all, my supreme gratitude goes to my Lord, Jesus Christ for His assistance and eternal love in giving me inspiration to finish my thesis. Without Him, I can do nothing.

  My gratitude and tribute go to Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M. Hum, as my major sponsor, for her patience, criticisms, and contributions in assisting my thesis writing. My endless thanks go to all PBI lectures. I thank them for criticizing my work.

  I do will bestow my life for people I love to whom I share my thoughts in completing my study. My next deepest gratitude goes to my beloved father and mother who have looked after me. I thank for their prayer, love, patience, understanding, trust, and everything they have given to me. Thanks also to my beloved, my brothers and my sister for their support and spirit. They all are the best thing I have ever had. I thank my institution, The Makassar Arch Diocese, especially, The Arch Bishop of Makassar Diocese and all fathers and brothers of Anging Mammiri Community who always support me to accomplish my study.

  A friend is someone who will do anything to cheer you up. I do not only have a friend, but many friends beside me who always cheer my thesis writing days with their encouragement, smiles, and laughter. I especially bestow my gratitude to Selvi, Angga, Frangky, Kristin, Grace, Bhe, Mike, Bella, and Zaka for their helpfulness and friendship, Ms. Tina, Baruna and Ayu for sharing and inspiration for all the times, along with the other PBI. The last but not the least, I present my truly thanks to all people, whose names cannot be mentioned, who have ever come into my life. Thanks for all the special moments we share and for the encouragement in the last minutes. They all will be always noted in the history of my life.

  My God bless them all!! Richard Ferdinand Keto



  TITLE PAGE ..................................................................................................... i PAGE OF APPROVAL ..................................................................................... ii PAGE OF BOARD OF EXAMINERS .............................................................. iii STATEMENTS OF WORK‟S ORIGINALITY ................................................ iv MOTTO ............................................................................................................. v PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI .............................................. vi ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... vii


ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... ix

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... xi TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... xiii LIST OF FIGURE .............................................................................................. xvi LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xvii


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 1

  1.1 Background of the Study ................................................................. 1

  1.2 Problem Formulation....................................................................... 5

  1.3 Objective of the Study ..................................................................... 5

  1.4 Benefits of the Study ....................................................................... 5

  1.5 Definition of Terms ......................................................................... 6



  3.1 Object of the Study .......................................................................... 17 The Conflict between Dawan and Her Father ................ 24

  4.1.2 The External Conflict Faced by Dawan ................................... 23

  4.1.1 The Internal Conflict Faced by Dawan .................................... 22

  4.1 The Conflicts Faced by Dawan ....................................................... 22


CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS............................................................................. 22

  3.3 Method of the Study ........................................................................ 20

  3.2 Approach of the Study..................................................................... 20


CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY .............................................................. 17

  2.1 Theoretical Review ......................................................................... 9

  2.2 Theoretical Framework ................................................................... 15

  2.1.4 Theory of Needs ....................................................................... 13 External Motivation Theory ......................................... 12 Internal Motivation Theory .......................................... 12

  2.1.3 Theory of Motivation...................................................... ......... 11

  2.1.2 Theory of Conflict .................................................................... 11

  2.1.1 Theory of Psychological Approach .......................................... 9 The Conflict between Dawan and Her Brother .............. 26 The Conflict between Dawan and Her Aunt, Noi........... 27 The Conflict between Dawan and a Monk ..................... 29

  4.2 The Motivation of Dawan to Get Education in City ....................... 30

  4.2.1 Internal motivation of Dawan .................................................. 32 She wants to be a Responsible Individual ...................... 32 She wants to be an Independent Individual .................... 33 She wants to be an Appreciated Individual ................... 35 She wants to play a Significant role in society ............... 37 She Wants to Change Villager‟s Mind about Women.... 38

  4.2.2 External Motivation of Dawan ................................................. 40


CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................... 42

  5.1 Conclusions ..................................................................................... 42

  5.2 Suggestions...................................................................................... 43 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 46 APPENDICES.................................................................................................... 49



Figure 2.1. Maslow‟s Hierachy of Needs............................................................. 14



Appendix Page

  Appendix A. Short Summary of Minfong Ho‟s Sing to the Dawn…................ 49 Appendix B. Mingfong Ho‟s Biography............................................................ 51 Appendix C. The Cover of Sing to the Dawn………………............................ 53 Appendix D. Lesson Plans……….…................................................................ 55 Appendix E. An Example of Lear ning Material ………….……..................... 61

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of five parts, they are background of the study,

  problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms. The first is background of the study. It presents the description of the topic and the reason of choosing this topic. The second is the problem formulation. This part formulates problems to discuss and analyze. There are two problems discussed in this study. Next is the objective of the study. This part focuses on the purposes of the study which have relation with the problems formulated in the study. The fourth is benefits of the study. Here, the writer identifies the parties who can get the benefits from this study. The last is definition of terms. To avoid misunderstanding and misconception of this study, the specific terms in this study are defined.

1.1 Background of the Study

  Education is one of the important aspects for people to develop and to actualize themselves. Moreover, by getting education, people can express themselves as a free and educated individual. According to Spencer, in Philosophy


of Education compiled by Moore (1982), the educated person means someone

  who has good knowledge, can help and sust ain their family‟s life, can play a significant role in the society, and can use their time wisely (p. 12).

  According to Rosseau, a philosopher, as cited by Noddings (2003), education is established to produce an individual who can do something for herself or himself. An individual existence is not for their country only but also for fostering themselves (p. 83). Further, in Happiness and Education, Noddings (2003) says that the aim of education is to educate someone to be responsible to their lives toward themselves and others. Education enables someone to think locally and globally. Education achievement is not just shown by a given certificate or good marks of the student but how they apply the received education into the real world (pp. 95 & 195).

  The problem of education today is that not everyone can experience it. This situation might happen to the students in elementary level or in secondary level such as senior high school and university. Many excuses can be addressed as the cause why some young people, especially women, cannot get education. Some reasons are stated by Moore (1982), the first is their families cannot afford to pay their school fee because they are poor. The second is they cannot get education because of the social reason (p. 56).

  These reasons are strengthened by Putri with her statement. In Jakarta Post April 22, 2012, she wrote an article entitled ‘Neng Koala’ seeks to inspire women. She stated that “It is unbelievable that more than a century after Kartini, many women are still faced with personal and institutional circumstances that force them into „sacrificing‟ their dreams”. Sing to the Dawn presents one of those reasons mentioned above as a major issue for women in getting the education.

  This situation is stated by Moore (1982) as “justice” and “freedom” in education

  As a Thai girl who did not get proper education, Dawan had a chance to continue her study after winning the scholarship just through an oral examination.

  However, it is not easy for her to continue her study because her father and brother do not agree. Meanwhile, she was personally covered by worry and doubt of her position in society.

  At that time, people in Dawan‟s village had to give half of their crops to the landlords. The landlords controlled the villagers with their power and authority. This situation had happened for years and people did not do anything to find the way out from this situation. What happened in the village became teacher interest. The teacher gave the question to the students based on their life experience in facing the landlord‟s existence and all the consequences of landlord‟s influence in their village. The students never expected that it would be teacher‟s question in the examination.

  The teacher wanted the students to think harder about the future of the village than just to fill the blank paper and then pass it with the good mark.

  Someone, who passed the examination, should be a good student who thought widely. The students should understand why they really want the scholarship.

  Someone had to have the obvious purpose to continue his or her study. Dawan did not miss the opportunity. She was active in answering teacher‟s questions. When the question and answer session was over, the teacher announced that Dawan won the scholarship.

  Knowing the result from her teacher, Dawan was very happy because she had a chance to study in the City and could do something for her village someday. congratulated her for her success in obtaining the scholarship. However, her success in passing the exam and getting the scholarship was not responded by her family. Her father and her brother, Kwai, could not accept her success. It should be Kwai‟s chance. It was only her grandmother who supported her to continue her study in City and congratulated her achievement. Getting the obstacles from her father and brother, Dawan shared the problems to her aunt, a monk, and to a vendor girl to look for a support. Her big problem was to convince herself that she really wanted to study. She had to have the right motive to continue her study.

  Meanwhile, she needed her father and brother‟s blessing to let her go to study.

  Getting education is still a big problem for many people until now. However, some people do not stop fighting to get education although they face some conflicts to achieve it. In this study, the writer analyzes the conflicts happened in the novel Sing to the Dawn on Dawan‟s character. The significance of conflicts in a story is to make the story interesting to read by the readers. Besides, in a story, a conflict is important to create a character who can reflect human life. By conducting an analysis toward the conflicts faced by the character in this no vel, the character‟s struggle in obtaining her goal can be revealed. According to Vaux

  (2011), “without conflict, there is no story. Moreover, without conflict, the characters themselves would not grow or change. It helps stories mirror the human condition, by which all of us grow and change as we move through life”. This thesis intends to find out the conflicts faced by Dawan to get education. Further, the focus of this study is to revea l Dawan‟s motivation to get education in City after winning the scholarship.

  1.2 Problem Formulation

  This study is aimed to answer two questions:

  1. What are the conflicts faced by Dawan in getting a better education?

  2. What motivates Dawan to struggle to get education despite the conflicts?

  1.3 Objective of the Study

  There are two objectives of this study. The first objective is to describe the conflicts faced by Dawan in getting education in City. The first objective is the basis for achieving the second objective that is to reveal Dawan‟s motivation in getting education in City.

  1.4 Benefits of the Study

  The writer hopes that the findings of this study will be useful for many parties. The first benefit is for the writer himself. By conducting this study, the writer can understand someone‟s struggle and determination in getting better education, particularly, from the character of Dawan. Moreover, the writer can learn how important someone‟s motivation to achieve her or his dream and to be someone who is needed by others.

  The second benefit is for the students. The writer hopes that this study will help the students to find the model of person determination in the character of Dawan. The students can get a better understanding about woman‟s motivation in getting education in Thailand and the conflicts faced to get a better education. By doing so, the students are able to see the educational situation in the past to the educational situation in this time. Besides, this study will help the students, especially, in analyzing the literary works more critically through this study.

  The last, hopefully, this study can encourage other researchers, students or lecturers, to analyze another aspect in Minfong Ho‟s Sing to the Dawn. The writer hopes this study can give meaningful contribution to other researchers who want to conduct furth er studies on the human‟s motivation. The writer also hopes this study can provide a new paradigm on how to change the conservative mind of the society toward education world.

1.5 Definition of Terms

  In order to avoid misunderstanding, it is important to explain the meaning of some terms used in this study. They are: motivation, needs, and self- actualization, self-esteem and conflict.

  According to Maslow as cited by Petri (1981), Motivation is the action taken by someone in order to fulfill their needs. This action is encouraged by unfulfilled human needs that needed to fulfill (p. 302). Further he explains that motivation is the first response to act or to behave (p. 4). In this study, motivation is the action conducted by Dawan driven by her needs to fulfill.

  Motivation directs people to behave in their action to get some achievement in fulfilling their needs. The n eeds drive someone‟s motivation in obtaining her or his goal. Motivation in this study is depicted as the motive of the

  Dawan to get her education even facing the conflicts from many parties. According to Fleming (2010), motivation is divided into two parts; internal interest of someone that comes from inside and makes someone do something to achieve his or her goal. Meanwhile, the external motivation is depicted as human action that emerges because of the outside factors of own brain. In this study, the internal motivation is the motivation that derived from Dawan herself and the external motivation is the motivation that derived from outside which forcing Dawan to do an action.

  The second term is need. According to Maslow as cited by Petri (1981), need is described as the motive of human to take specific action (p. 4). In this study, needs are the Dawans‟ motives to act. Dawans‟ motives to act are to achieve her self esteem need and self-actualization need.

  The third is Self-Esteem. Self-Esteem is the term used by Abraham Maslow. According to Maslow as cited by Petri (1981), self-esteem can be divided into two parts. First is “a need for self esteem” and the second is “a need for esteem from others” (p. 303). In the self-esteem, “Someone is motivated to strive for achievement, strength, independence, and freedom

  ” (p. 304). In the need of esteem from others, it involves a desire for “reputation, status, recognition, appreciation by others of one‟s abilities, and feeling of importance” (p. 304). In this study, self-esteem need is Dawan‟s desire to be an independent, confident, important and responsible person by getting education.

  The fourth term is Self-Actualization. Self-Actualization is the term used by Abraham Maslow. According to Maslow as cited by Kalish (1973), self- actualization is defined as the tendenc y to “become more and more what one uniquely is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming” (p. 34). In the ultimate purpose of behavior (p. 302). In this study, self-actualization need is the ultimate purpose pursued by Dawan through education.

  The fifth term is conflict. According to Kalish (1973), conflict is defined as “someone‟s action based on two or more needs, and the satisfaction of one causes the denia l of the other” (p.137). In this study, conflict is depicted as Dawan‟s will to continue her study collided with her family‟s reaction who does not want Dawan to get education.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter consists of two major topics; they are Theoretical Review and Theoretical Framework. A theoretical review contains several theories used by the

  writer to reveal Dawan‟s motivation. Theoretical Framework is the picture of how all of those theories applied by the writer in finding Dawan‟s motivation, the main character in Sing to the Dawn.

2.1 Theoretical Review

  In this part, the writer discusses the literary theories. They are; a theory of psychological approach, a theory of conflict, a theory of motivation, and a theory of needs to guide the analysis toward the novel. Those theories are used to find out the motivation behind Dawan‟s effort to achieve her goal. Some other theories used by the writer are Internal and External motivation theory. Theory of needs from Maslow as cited by Petri (1981) is the main theory used to reveal the great efforts of Dawan to get her goal. Self-Actualization need and Self-Esteem need are the focus of writer in revealing Dawan‟s motivation. Meanwhile, a theory of conflict is used by the writer to identify the conflicts faced by Dawan herself

2.1.1 Theory of Psychological Approach

  According to Bressler (1999), literary works have much nuance to special ability from the reader who wants to analyze or to judge one literary work. It is not easy for the reader to decide which angles will be analyzed; the author, the character or another angle. The question from Bressler

  ‟s opinion is what is needed by the reader to analyze one novel? One suggestion addressed by Charles is the readers have to be „a good literary critic’ (p. 3). A literary critic means the reader should master the concept of formal literary criticism. This way can result critical readers who are able to understand the literary works fulfilled by various ideas (p. 3-4).

  In 2011, Guerin, Labor, Morgan, Reesman and Willingham stated that various ideas in a novel will get various responses from the readers. The readers, sometimes, face their life experience in the novel in order to get the message. However, sometimes, the experiences which got by the readers were not suitable to what delivered in a literary work (pp. 389-392).

  To reveal the fascination and appreciation of a literary work, someone can use many perspectives. These kinds of perspectives are what later called as critical approach. In A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, Guerin et al. (2011), mention five approaches. They are: traditional, formalist, mythological, historical and psychological approaches. Psychological approach is used by the writer to study the main character on Sing to the Dawn’s novel.

  According to Daiches (1981), psychology comes into criticism in two ways, “in investigation the act of creation and in the psychological study of particular authors to show the relation between their attitudes and states of mind and the special qualities of their work” (p. 329). According to Guerin et al. approaches, the most abused and for many readers, it is least appreciated. But even more difficult in its application, the psychological approach can be fascinating to appreciate a literary work” (p. 201).

  According to Maslow as cited by Petri (1981), “a psychological approach focuses on human motive as an individual to strive and to fulfill one‟s full potential” (p. 301). Maslow sees the striving for perfection or self-actualization as the ultimate purpose of behavior. To find out human motivation or why someone is motivated, Maslow prefers to study human as an individual rather than animal. His research to an individual as a whole directs him to a finding of human‟s motivation driven by needs.

  2.1.2 Theory of Conflict

  Kalish (1973) stated that conflict is “someone desire of two or more needs, and the satisfaction of one causes the denial of the other. A conflict will occur when the alternative goal are fairly equal in importance” (p. 137). Kalish adds that conflict can happen when people have difference view of values.

  According to Johnson (2011), there are two types of conflicts. They are “Internal conflict” and “External conflict”. Internal conflict is conflict that occurs inside a person and influences her or his goal. The external conflict is conflict that comes from outside of the self that influences the progress toward a purpose.

  2.1.3 Theory of Motivation

  Jung (1978) stated that the motivation involving these words, “desires, words indicated the process engaging a reason to do and some are spontaneous in someone‟s action. Briefly, these terms refer to what is called as motive. For Jung, motives point to the causes or reasons which highlight a specific behavior.

  According to Maslow‟s theory as cited Petri (1981), motivation is human‟s action that driven by a need to fulfill in order to achieve “Self-Actualization” (pp.

  301-302). The done action is not only grounded in human needs but also grounded in a reality, so that human has a purpose or a goal in this life. Internal Motivation Theory This theory stated that all motivation comes from inside of someone.

  According to Fleming in her article External and Internal Motivation (July, 06, 2010), internal motivation is “the driving force that comes from inside and causes someone to do something. This action is intended to fulfill someone‟s values”.

  Moreover, Fleming continues that it is important to recognize a drive that stirs someone‟s action. External Motivation Theory

  The external motivation is the term used to describe external factors that stimulate our internal motivation. According to Fleming in her article External

  and Internal Motivation

  (July, 06, 2010), external motivation is “the drive that comes fr om outside of our own brain”. From Fleming‟s statement, it can be inferred that the concept of externally motivating someone is a situation or an environment outside which will influence someone‟s motivation. This means that

2.1.4. Theory of Needs

  A theory of needs is derived from some findings of human motivation. It is formulated by Maslow to give an answer upon a question of what is actually human motive in doing something. Through his research of human, Maslow believed that the motive power of human to act is based on human need. A need drives human to do an action in order to achieve a goal. Maslow describes human needs in a picture of need‟s hierarchy. Human is motivated from the lowest need up to the highest level of need. Human is always directed to get accomplishment or perfection in life. The perfection or self-actualization is the primary goal according to Abraham Maslow. In Maslow

  ‟s pyramid of needs, self-actualization exists in the highest level. This model was created and developed by Abraham Maslow in 1940

  • – 50‟s USA, and the Hierarchy of Needs‟ theory remains valid today for understanding human motivation.

  According to Nauert (2010), Abraham Maslow‟s Hierarchy is to describe human needs from the lower up to the highest. In 1970 the Maslow‟s Hierarchy of needs was revised and was added two other needs from fifth needs which had already existed.

  Below is the picture of Maslow‟s diagram based on Nauert. What pictured by Nauert about Abraham Maslow‟s Hierarchy is the same with Petri

  (1981) explanation of Abraham Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs but it is more detail. Some detail charateristics of needs based on Maslow‟s pyramid are stated by Petri are included Self-Esteem need and Self-Actualization need.

  Nauert (2010) describes The Hierarchy of Needs from Abraham Maslow as follows:

  Self-actualization Personal growth/fulfilment

  Esteem needs Achievement, status, reputation

  Belongingness and Love needs Family, affection, relationships, work group. etc

  Safety needs Protection, security, order, law, limits, stability, etc

  Biological and Physiological needs Basic life needs, air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc.

Figure 2.1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  Someone must satisfy each need in turn and start with the first of the most needed. Only when the lower needs of physical and emotional well-being are satisfied, someone can concern to the higher needs. Conversely, if things that satisfy our lower needs are swept away, someone is no longer concerned to the maintenance of our higher order needs.

  However, This theory should not be rigid but it should be flexible in its‟ application. Despite someone still find difficulty in fulfilling his or her needs in concern with both the lower needs and higher needs. For example, “self- actualizers” (level 5 in hierarchy of needs) who are mainly focused on self- actualization is still motivated to eat (level 1) and socialize (level 3) and finding security for the night (level 2).

  Petri (1981), describes more detail about this hierarchy, especially Self- Actualization and Self-Esteem. He describes Maslow theory of Self-Actualization as the final goal of human action. This level is known as level of personal growth or fulfillment. There are some characteristics of Self-Actualization, i.e., more efficient and more comfortable with it, acceptance of self, others and nature, problem centering, independence from culture and environment, sympathy for humankind, and creativity. Self-Actualization motivates people to examine their abilities and to explore their insight (pp. 302-303).

  According to Maslow as cited by Petri (1981), “When the self-esteem need are satisfied, one has feelings of self-confidence and self-worth and sees oneself as having a purpose in the world” (p. 302). This quotation shows that someone in this level will have self-confidence and it helps her or him to achieve their goal. The self-esteem need must be fulfilled by someone before step up to the self- actualization need.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

  In doing this study, the writer uses three main theories and two supporting theories in order to guide writer‟s analysis. Those theories are theory of conflict, theory of motivation and theory of needs. The supporting theories are internal

  Since the focus of writer‟s study is analyzing someone‟s motivation in the novel, the writer uses a theory of motivation and a theory of needs. In doing this motivation analysis, the writer adopts a theory of needs from Maslow as cited by Petri (1981) in order to reveal the character‟s motivation, Dawan, in getting education. Meanwhile, the internal and external motivations as supporting theories w ill guide the writer to find out Dawan‟s motivation. For the conflicts faced by Dawan, the writer only identifies all the conflicts based on the novel by using a theory of conflict by Kalish (1981).

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter is divided into three main parts namely object of the study,

  approach of the study and method of the study. In the object matter, the writer discusses the object of the study, Minfong Ho‟s novel Sing to the Dawn. In the approach of the study, the writer mentions the approaches for analyzing the novel. While in the method of the study, the writer discusses the steps in analyzing the novel.

3.1 Object of the Study

  The main object of this study is the novel of Minfong Ho‟s Sing to the

Dawn. This novel tells about social realistic problems and education in Thailand.

  The setting of place and time of the novel is in a rural village in Thailand in the 1970s. It has thirteen chapters and consists of 125 pages. This novel is written by Minfong Ho when she continued her study in Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. The story of Sing to the Dawn was adapted from the original story of Minfong Ho herself who won the scholarship in rural schoolgirl in Thailand where she lived. She faced resistance from her families. The writer was born in Ragoon, Burma on January 7, 1951. Ho grew up in both Singapore and Thailand. She got married in 1976 then she returned to the United States and settled in Ithaca, New York.

  Sing to the Dawn was the story published in 1975 by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. In 2005, Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) published this novel for the second time. Reprinted was conducted five times in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. The final reprinted was conducted in 2009.

  This novel won the first prize of the unpublished story held by the Council of Interracial for Children, 1975. After published, Sing to t

  he Dawn’s novel got

  full attention by public, especially, in Singapore. In 1996, Sing to the Dawn was made as a musical drama and performed by Singapore Repertory Theater in Singapore Arts Festival.

  Sing to the Dawn

  is Ho‟s first story written without any intention to publish. At first, that story was not intended to be a reading book. The homesickness to Thailand inspired her to write this novel. Unexpectedly, after submitting her work, Sing to the Dawn at the Council for Interracial Books for Children, she got the readers for her writings. Ho won the award for the Asian American Division of unpublished Third World Authors and it encouraged her to enlarge the story into a novel.

  Sing to the Dawn

  presented a story of human‟s struggle. Like other novels written by Ho, Sing to the Dawn presented realistic depiction of native Southeast Asia. Ho did not only created the face of Asia controlled by old custom and the controlling influence to the family but she also presented the real situation of Asia such as, a world of poverty, drought, injustice, starvation, and death. The resistance of someone to the ancient customs and families was shown much. This situation was like one coin with two sides. One side was the faded face of Asia described as the character existing in these two sides. However, the figure still played a role as a lovable, determined, and struggling person in her land. In Sing

  to the Dawn

  ‟s novel, a woman named Dawan was presented as an individual who fought against the ancient customs in her village, moreover, she had to strive against her families to achieve her dream.