What I have learned in Comparative gover

What I have learned in Comparative government.
So many weeks had been past, I’ve learned so much with the help of Maam
Luzon. I have learned that comparing the structure of government in other countries, the
form of government, types of government, the importance of political system,
sovereignty, democracy, authoritarian regime, state, nation, and regimes, presidential
system and tolatalitarian is very interesting to learn. Comparative government is a
interesting and fun to learn Major though im not good at it but honestly I enjoyed
learning it so well. Thanks to Our dearest My Luzon in a sense that beside to the
learning’s I have learned in the subject I also learned the how to or what about being a
Teacher. Maam inspire me as well how to be a good teacher, and how to mingle, treat
and show respect with my students oneday. To the teacher that teaches us and inspires
me, May she continue to spread and impart her knowledge,and a role model teacher to
her students and dedicated good teacher. We’re so blessed to have her.Me as student
would like to give her great gratitude, pleasure and privilege.

Submitted By: Jo-Carmel M. Fernando
Social Studies 3B Student