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  Due to a broken heart, Trina Mitchell became an opportunist in every sense of the word. It was always "Fuck niggas, get money", but when she meets Jonah Lee, leader of the Rich Gang, she falls head over heels in love with his fat pockets and endless influence. Jonah was a pillar for all those around him, but he poisoned the same community he tried so desperately to save, and Trina never saw his vision until it was too late. After a tragic loss for the Rich Gang, she unsuspectingly replaces Jonah as leader hoping that his legacy would live on through her, but she soon finds out that love, lost, betrayal, and murder are all aligned in her path. Is she strong enough to wear the crown? Sales Rank: #4245114 in Books Published on: 2015-01-12 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 9.00" h x .41" w x 6.00" l, .55 pounds Binding: Paperback 182 pages Most helpful customer reviews 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.

  Ready or Not ??? By Shatisha N Sasha Ravae what is one thing someone can say about her? Excellent writer! Since I found out about her work through a group on Facebook, I have not been disappointed. I can truly she is one of the few authors whose work can take me out of my element emotionally. Like her other books, her selection of word choice

  Trina(Ms. Pseudo Boss/Goddess): She truly "not about that life", but she sure pretends to be able to handle it. She wanted to step up like a boss, but one person can make her back down based on emotions. She surely didn't seem like she understood what she was getting into; it surely is not for the "weak" at heart or simple minded individuals. Her kryptonite came back, and that was all she wrote. Now that the truth has come out, I wonder if emotions will dissolve and she take care if the problem and face her the consequences of her nave actions...

  There needs to be a part two at some point to see if she lives up to the name "Diosa" or reverts to the broken individual that she hasn't moved on from being. I know, however, this turns out Author Sasha Ravae is going to give the unexpected just to keep readers (especially me) on edge... 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Trap Dummy!!! By Jody This was another really good story by Sasha Ravae. I have yet to be disappointed by anything she's written. This book was no different. Trina. How can I describe her? Hmmmm. Well, for her to be a "boss" chick, she sure is dumb as hell. She talked too damn much. I mean really, what boss do you know who tells all their business to people outside of their business? Reko might have been right. She wasn't made out to be the boss. If you think about it, she really didn't earn the position. It was handed to her only because she was with Jonah at the time of the tragedy. She claimed to love him so much, but not even two months after he was murdered, she throws everything he stood for and represented, out the window. All because she bumps in to her first love, Los. All the back and forth she was doing in her head about whether she would give them another chance, kind of got on my nerves. B*tch, you knew you wanted to be back with Los from the very beginning. She betrayed all the people who actually looked out for her and surrounded herself with people who didn't give a damn about her. She's about to get a rude awakening now that he has showed his true colors. When this s*** hits the fan, she deserves everything RG does to her. I for one won't feel sorry for her. She's dumb as hell and doesn't deserve to be the boss. My gut tells me they already know about Los. They are just sitting back and waiting. She only proved what Renee was saying all along. It looks like she was only with Jonah for his money and to get over Los. Renee might have been right. Speaking of Renee. I peeped a few things out after I finished reading and all I'm gonna say is things don't add up with her. I mean, they add up but.... I'll just keep my


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