Managing Students' Behavior in The Summer Program at Education and Learning Solution (ELS).

Dalam tugas akhir ini, topik yang saya pilih untuk dibahas ialah tentang
kesulitan saya dalam menangani tingkah laku sepuluh sampai sebelas (1011)siswa yang berumur 2.5-8 tahun di sebuah kelas. Topik ini diambil
berdasarkan pengalaman saya ketika magang di Education and Learning
Solution dan dibahas berdasarkan data lapangan dan data pustaka.
Ada tiga penyebab dari topik yang dibahas, yaitu saya tidak membuat
peraturan sebelum kelas dimulai, saya tidak memiliki pengalaman mengajar
anak–anak di dalam kelas, dan saya hanya memberikan penghargaan
kepada siswa yang disiplin, sedangkan saya tidak memberikan hukuman
kepada yang tidak disiplin. Ada tiga dampak dari masalah yang dibahas yaitu
saya menjadi stres, kelas menjadi tidak teratur, dan saya tidak merasa
nyaman. Ada tiga kemungkinan solusi dari masalah yang dibahas yaitu
pertama, saya memberikan peraturan-peraturankepada siswa sebelum kelas
dimulai, kedua, saya harus tegas dan konsisten dalam menjalankan
peraturan-peraturan, dan yang terakhir saya membaca lebih banyak buku
mengenai pengaturan kelas.
Solusi terbaik yang saya pilih merupakan gabungan dari solusi pertama dan
kedua yaitu saya sebagai guru memberikanperaturan-peraturan kepada
siswa sebelum kelas dimulaidan tegas dan konsisten dalam menjalankan
peraturan-peraturan tersebut.


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DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY………………………………………….....ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………….iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………….1-5

Background of the Study
Identification of the Problem
Objectives and Benefits of the Study
Description of the Institution
Method of the Study
Limitation of the Study
Organization of the Term Paper

CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION………………………………………………..15-17


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Cause 1: I did not set the
rules to students before the
class starts.
Cause 2: I did not have any
previous experience in
teaching children in a class
Cause 3: I just gave
rewards to good students,
and never give penalties to
undisciplined ones.


Negative Effect:
1. The students may do the
opposite action of the rules.

Negative Effect:

The students will be
afraid of me because
they will think I am a
strict teacher.

My difficulty in managing
students’ behavior in the

Effect 1: I become stressful.
Effect 2: The classroom

situation becomes
Effect 3: I do not feel

Solution :
I set the rules before the
class starts.

Positive Effect:

Solution :
I must be firm and consistent
in giving rules to students.


Positive Effects:

Negative Effects:


I feel bored

Solution :
I should read more books on
classroom management.

Students will know the
rules and be discipline
in class.

The students will be
responsible of what they
Students will respect to
The classroom will be
Positive Effect:


I will know more about
the students’ behavior.
A new teacher still can
be a good model.

Chosen Solution:

Potential Solution  and
Potential Solution .

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A. Background of the Study
Behavior is a word one has often heard when talking about the
relationship between teachers and students. Based on “Online Oxford
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary”, behavior means “the way that somebody
behaves, especially towards other people”. Talking about behavior in
teaching means talking about the act of students and teachers. According to
Alistair Smith, quoted in “The Key to Successful Behavior Management is...
You!”, it is said that, “the pupils need to know: who is in charge, what are the
rules, are the rules applied fairly and consistently, what are the consequences
of breaking the rules and adhering to the rules. These are what the behavior

in the classroom” (Craig par. 3). The quotation shows that behavior related to
During the internship as a teacher of summer program in Education and
Learning Solution (henceforth, ELS), I taught ten (10) – eleven (11) students
aged two and half (2.5) years until eight (8) years old. I taught English

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English three (3) times a week at nine (9) o’clock, for about one (1) hour until
one and half (1.5) hours per meeting. I had difficulty in managing students’
behavior when I explained lesson and when I asked students to do things in
the classroom. For example, the students mostly talked when I explained the
lesson. Sometimes I asked them to be silent, but sometimes I let them talk. I
did not set the rules at the beginning of the class.
That is why in this term paper, the topic that I will discuss is about my
difficulty in managing students’ behavior at classroom. This topic is chosen
based on my internship experience at Education and Learning Solution
(henceforth, ELS) from June-July 2011. This topic will be explored critically
and systematically.

B. Identification of the Problem
The problem will be analyzed to answer the following questions:
1. Why do I, as the teacher, have difficulty in managing students’ behavior at
the ELS ?
2. What are the effects when the students cannot be managed properly?
3. How should I, as a teacher, manage the students’ behavior in the


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C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objective of this study is to explain the reasons and the effects of the
difficulty in managing students’ behavior. I also expect this study can provide
some effective ways to manage students’ behavior in the classroom.
This term paper is targeted at the new teachers who do not have any
previous teaching experience in a class before because it can give them the
information about a possible problem in teaching and its solution. For the

institution, ELS, this term paper will be useful for the teachers who have the
same problem as me. For the readers, it is expected that this paper can
change their perspective that being a teacher does not only doing the task
such as giving the material to students, but they also have to make or
influence their students’ behavior to be better in the classroom. This term
paper will explain how to handle the students’ behavior. For me, this term
paper will be useful to correct my mistakes in the classroom next time I have
to teach.

D. Description of the Institution
According to the written source by the owner of ELS, it says that ELS was
established on 30 November 2009, and was located in Jalan Mekar Kencana
No. 58 ( Kompleks Istana Mekar Wangi, Bandung), and now is located in
Jalan Mekar Harum No. 18 ( Kompleks Istana Mekar Wangi, Bandung). The

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owner who is also the coordinator of ELS, is Ms.Elisa, A.Md. She has been
teaching for five (5) years, and she likes teaching because she loves children.
She graduated from D3 English Programme at Maranatha and took teaching
as her subject of preference.
ELS is an education institution, supported by professional teachers. The
class in ELS is divided into four (4) groups. These are Tutoring, English,
Chinese, and Art group. ELS is located in a strategic location, and it is easy to
be found by the learners who want to join there.
The vision and mission of ELS is to give the solution for the students to
learn. ELS aims to be a fun place for students to study, and applies a Multiple
Intelligence System. ELS provides many activities for children until adult to

E. Method of Study
The process of data collection was done from June – July 2011 at ELS.
The data was taken from what I experienced during my internship. I did some
observations when the teacher taught English in Butterfly class. The data
from the library and the field (observation) was used to support the analysis.
The field data was collected during the internship, and it was written in the
internship journal.


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F. Limitation of the Study
In this term paper, the subject will focus on the students’ behavior when I
taught and I did my internship in ELS from June until July 2011. The students
are in Butterfly class. There were ten (10) children aged two and half (2.5)
until eight (8) years old. The range of students’ ages is quite wide because it
is a summer class program. There are sixteen (16) meetings, and each
meeting lasts one (1) until one and half (1.5) hours per meeting.

G. Organization of the Paper
This term paper consists of four chapters. Chapter One contains the
Background of The Study, Identification of The Problem, Objectives and
Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of Study,
Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the Paper. Chapter Two contains
the Problem Analysis, which consists of causes and effects from the problem.
Chapter Three contains Potential Solutions of the problem. The last chapter is
Chapter Four which contains the Conclusion of the problem. The last part is
appendix which contains the flowchart.


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In the previous chapters, I have explained three causes, three effects,
and three potential solutions of my problem. The first cause is I did not inform
the children of the rules before the class starts. The second is I did not have
any previous experience in teaching children in a class. The third is I just
gave rewards to good students, and never given penalties to the
undisciplined ones. The first effect is I became stressful. The second one is
the classroom situation became unmanageable. The last effect is I did not
feel comfortable. There also three potential solutions. The first potential
solution is I set the rules before the class starts. The second is I must be firm
and consistent in giving rules to the students. The third is I should read more
books on students’ behavior in learning a new language.
In this paragraph, I will choose the best potential solution of the problem.
The difficulty in managing students’ behavior in the Butterfly class can be
solved by setting the rules before the class starts, and being firm and
consistent with them. According to Russel in “How Are Clarity & Consistency
Related to Good Classroom Management?” , it is stated “Consistent


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enforcement will make the rules and consequences standard, which means
that the students will eventually stop trying to make excuses and will do what
is expected of them” (par. 4). Setting the rules, being firm, and being
consistent cannot be separated because rules is the teacher’s expectation of
students’ behavior, and being firm and consistent are the ways to reach the
Usually, the teachers expect that rules can manage students’ behavior.
When the teacher sets the rules, he or she has to be firm and consistent in
applying them. The teacher does not need to make many rules, but choose
some that are appropriate with the students and condition. It is better if the
rules are simple, but meaningful. For example, students must come on time.
It is a simple rule, but it can teach students to be disciplined. Another
example is students should raise their hand if they want to talk. It teaches
students to be patient. The teachers have to remind the students every time
they break rules, and give the penalty if the students still break them.
I do not choose the third potential solution because, based on my
experience when I taught a summer program that has wide range of students’
ages, the third potential solution will not be effective. This is because I have
to read some classroom management books. It will be difficult to choose
which books are appropriate with my class that has wide range of students’
ages, and it will take too much time, and it is not effective. Some teachers
may feel it is difficult to manage students’ behavior because not all the
students can be treated the same way. If the teachers cannot manage the

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students’ behavior, it will make the classroom become chaotic. My suggestion
for managing students’ behavior is setting the rules before the class starts, try
to think of a list of appropriate rules for the students, remind them of the rules
at the beginning of every meeting, and be firm and consistent in every rule.


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