Bantuan Hukum Prodeo bagi Masyarakat Desa sebagai Pelaksanaan Hak untuk Mendapat Bantuan Hukum.

(B. Hukum)
Bantuan Hukum Prodeo bagi Masyarakat Desa sebagai Pelaksanaan Hak untuk Mendapat
Bantuan Hukum
Keyword : equity access, legal advice, local society
Hartanto, Heri; Rustamaji, Muhammad; Firdausy, Adriana Grahani
Fakultas Hukum UNS, Pengabdian, BOPTN UNS, Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM), 2012
Government has legal tools in order to solve disputes around community. Unfortunately, not everyone
undestands legal institution and regulation, moreover local society. So that, local society needs aid in
order to clear up the legal problems correctly, not in eigen-rechting action. The dispute settelement in
correct ways are needed to solve the matters without creating other issues and to create the
harmonization among societies. Local community has weaknesses such as lack of information, limited
educated people, insufficient income, and much more inadequate facilities. As citizens, local
communities also have the same right to access legal aid, but there are few advocates who want to help
legal aid freely.
This, community service, was accomplished by opening legal aid corner which support Kelurahan
Plesungan and Kelurahan Mojosongo. The activities that have been done, e.g. open legal counselling,
mediation as dispute settlement, and legal aid which were freely given to societies at Kelurahan
Plesungan and Kelurahan Mojosongo.
Legal aid corner located at Kelurahan Plesungan and opened every Friday at 09.00-14.30 WIB. The
operational services are perfomed by 3 persons, a lecturer/BMBH member and 2 apprentice students
who gave legal services such free of charge of legal counsel. Along this service, legal aid corner has

received 9 local persons of Kelurahan Plesungan and Kelurahan Mojosongo. The increase of legal
education towards Kelurahan Plesungan and Kelurahan Mojosongo communities through legal
counselling which had been held at Kelurahan Plesungan Office, Monday, July 13, 2012, 19.00-21.00 WIB
with 67 participants, consist of Ketua and Sekretaris RT, RW, and Perangkat Desa at Kelurahan Plesungan.
The dispute settlement through mediation by positioning the writer as mediator over the case revealed
in society that was traffic accident in Outer Ring Road, involved 2 motorcycles who rode by 2 senior high
school students are concluded into win-win solution. Unfinished case through mediation was finished
using litigation in order to achieve fair decision. Legal aid was given by giving advocation to Kelurahan
Mojosongo society in submitting domestic violence case at Jebres Resor Police (Polres Jebres), and
private case that was petition of divorce at District Court of Surakarta (Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta)