IMPROVING STUDENTS’ READING SKILLS ON RECOUNT TEXTS THROUGH SQ3R TECHNIQUE (A Classroom Action Research at VIII A grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Ajibarang in the academic year 2014/2015) - repository perpustakaan



(A Classroom Action Research at VIII A grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Ajibarang

in the academic year 2014/2015)

A Thesis

Submitted to English Department as a Partial Fulfillment of


The Requirement for S.Pd. Degree

Arranged by:








MOTTO  Do not let your hope wither away in sadness

  Remember, God meets you at the height of your hope.

Keep your hopes high, because that is where God will meet you.

  DEDICATION From the deepest of my heart, I would like to dedicate my thesis to:

  • My beloved mother


Thank you for your endless love, prayer and support that make me realize that I have

to be the best for you. I LOVE YOU MOM and you know it ….

  • My beloved father


You have given me love,prayer and always remind me that if we work really hard

amazing thing will happen. I always love and remember you all the time. Rest in

peace in heaven Ameen.

  I LOVE YOU DAD……Thanks for all.

  • My beloved aunts BudheDasiti and BudheNing and my beloved uncles

  PakdeKajiWono, PakdeDadet and Pak Deditha nk you for everything you’ve done to me.

  • My beloved brothers and sisters (Mba Nina, Mas Agus, Mas Bayu, MbaIis, Dek


Pipit, Mas Ojang, Lintang, Dhadhung, Mega, Uli, etc.) Thank you for your

affection, prayer, patience and support physically or materially.


  • My beloved friendsYugi Mira Ahmadah and NurrochmahAchsantyas the light of my


live who always help and accompanyme in good times and bad times, in up and down

life. Thanks for being my partner,sister,and family for 4 years,thanks you so much for

your love and support.


  • My best friends (KaDewi, BebSiska, Bi Dinda, MbahCitta, Hun Cinung,


BebsekAtik, BebRirin, Bang Wahid, Jeni, Erna, Panyun, Pokpok, Gepeng, Kiki

Kaprawi, Nda Vie) thanks for your jokes and support ,I’ll miss you all. . . I LOVE YOU . . . .

  • My best partner in every moment GilangEkoSetiawan, thanks for your love, support and patient baby, I LOVE YOU. . .
  • My best friends in English department 2010 (Mega,Wika, Azmi, Endah, Anggi, Via,


Nana,Well,Oneng, Ira, Nesti ,Yayuk, Anggun, Pujiono, Anggit, Chandra,

Wahyu,Rian, Andry, Ofie, etc) thanks for shared every moments and laugh,thanks

for your joke, support, smile and spirit. I’ll miss you all and I LOVE YOU ALL….

  • All my beloved friends in the English Departmen

  t. Thank you very much…………

PREFACE Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

  Praise be to Allah SWT for His blessing and merciful for giving guidance, so the writer could finish this thesis. This is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to get S. Pd. Degree at the English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

  The writer wishes to express his great appreciation and gratefulness to:

  1. Drs. Ahmad, M. Pd, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty who has given the writer permission to do this research.

  2. Drs Pudiyono, M. Hum, as the Head of English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty who has allowed the writer to write this thesis.

  3. Endang Kusrini, S.Pd., M.hum, as the first supervisor who has given advice, guidance and suggestion.

  4. Ibnu Tavip Martapa, S.Pd, the Head Master of SMP Negeri 3 Ajibarang for his kindness to let the writer conduct the research in his school.

  5. Oktifina Aji Lestari, S. Pd, the English teacher of SMP Negeri 3 Ajibarang for helping the writer did the research there.

  6. All of the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Ajibarang who have given good participation in this research.

  7. All lecturers of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto for their guidance during his study.

  8. Beloved mother, father, brothers and sisters, who are always in my side, from them I got inspiration and motivation to do this thesis.

  9. All of my friends who helped and gave aids to finish this thesis.

  Last but not least, the writer hopes that this thesis will give some contributions to the English teacher, English Department students and all the readers. The writer believes that there are still many weaknesses in this thesis. Therefore, the writer accepts constructive suggestions and criticism happily to make this thesis perfect.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

  Purwokerto, 27 February 2015 Niken Pratiwi







  By: Niken Pratiwi

  1001050044 This study was aimed at improving students‟ reading skills on recount texts through SQ3R technique. It used classroom action research (CAR) which was conducted on VIII A grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Ajibarang in Academic Year 2014/2015 on January 2015. The population of the class was 34 students.It was conducted in collaboration with the English teacher. The research consisted of two cycles with two actions in each cycle. In collecting data, the researcher used test, observation, questionnaire, and interview. The result of the research showed that SQ3R technique could improve the students‟ reading skills on recount texts. The students accepted and enjoyed the implementation SQ3R technique because they could follow the teaching and learning process well. The test result showed that about the improvement 14.43% from pre-test 63.97 to post-test cycle 1 73.20and improved 30.84% in post-test cycle 2 which was 83.70. And 94.11% of students has passed the passing grade (KKM) of reading on recount texts score which was 70. It has reached the criterion of action success which was 80%.

  The observation result showed that the average of students‟ participation in Cycle 1 was 55.63%, and the average of students‟ participation in

  Cycle 2 was 70.69%. So, the improvement of st udents‟ participation was 15.06%. The questionnaire result showed that all the students gave positive response toward the reading on recount text teaching and learning process using SQ3R technique. It means that they all felt motivated and enjoyed joining the lesson. Those results proved that SQ3R technique could impr ove students‟ reading skills on recount texts in class.




  TITLE.......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................ ii LEGALIZ

  ATION………………………………………………………......... iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN………………………………………………….. .. iv

  MOTTO....................................................................................................... v DEDICATION............................................................................................. vi PREFACE ................................................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ ix TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................... x LIST OF APPENDICES. ............................................................................ xiii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................

  1 A. Background of the Research ..........................................

  1 B. Reason for Choosing the Topic .....................................

  3 C. The Problem of Research ..............................................

  3 D. Aim of the Research ......................................................

  3 E. Clarification of Term.....................................................

  4 F. Contribution of The Research ........................................

  5 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW ..............................................

  7 A. Reading .........................................................................

  7 1. Definition of Reading .............................................


  2. The Importance of Reading ....................................

  8 3. The Purposes of Reading ........................................

  9 4. The Functions of Reading ......................................

  10 5. Types of Reading ...................................................

  11 6. Major Component of Reading ................................

  12 7. Problem of Reading ................................................

  13 B. The Principles of Teaching Reading ..............................

  13 C. Recount Text .................................................................

  15 1. Definition of Recount Text .....................................

  15 D. SQ3R Technique ...........................................................

  17 1. Definition of SQ3R ................................................

  17 2. The Purposes of SQ3R ...........................................

  18 3. The Importance of SQ3R ........................................

  18 4. Advantages of SQ3R ..............................................

  19 5. Disadvantages of SQ3R ..........................................

  20 6. Teaching Reading Using SQ3R ..............................

  20 E. Basic Assumption .........................................................

  22 F. Hypothesis ....................................................................

  23 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ...................................................

  24 A. Method of the Research .................................................

  24 B. Setting of the Research ..................................................

  25 1. Subject of the Research ..........................................

  25 2. Place and Time .......................................................


  C. Research Design............................................................

  26 D. Classroom Action Research Procedure ..........................

  29 E. Data ..............................................................................

  31 F. Technique of Collecting Data ……………………….. ... 31 G. Technique of Data Analysis ..........................................

  37 H. Success Indicator ..........................................................

  41 CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ..........................................

  42 I. Result of Research. .......................................................

  42 II. Discussion. ...................................................................

  62 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .............................

  66 A. Conclusion ....................................................................

  66 B. Suggestion ....................................................................

  67 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................

  68 APPENDICES ............................................................................................





  Appendix 1 Lesson Plan .............................................................................

  76 Appendix 2List of Students ..........................................................................

  99 Appendix 3Pre-test and Post-test .................................................................. 101 Appendix 4The Result of Students Pre-test and Post-test .............................. 117 Appendix 5The Observation Result of Students ........................................... 121 Appendix 6The Observation Result of Teacher ............................................ 126 Appendix7 Questionnaire Result ................................................................. 131 Appendix 8 Interview Result ....................................................................... 133 Appendix 9 Documentation.......................................................................... 143 Appendix 10 Letters ..................................................................................... 145

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