LEARNING AUTONOMY IN READING (A Descriptive Study at Seventh Semester Students of English Education Department in Academic Year of 20162017)

  LEARNING AUTONOMY IN READING (A Descriptive Study at Seventh Semester Students of English Education Department in Academic Year of 2016/2017) A THESIS Submitted to the English Education Department as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for S. Pd Degree Compiled by: Uswatun Chasanah 1201050092 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF PURWOKERTO 2017


  I certify that this thesis entitled Learning Autonomy in Reading (A Descriptive Study at Seventh Semester Students of English Education Department in

Academic Year 2016/2017) is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this thesis. Other writer‟s opinion of findings

  included in the thesis are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

  Purwokerto, 19 Januari 2017 Uswatun Chasanah

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

  First and foremost, the researcher would like to express her sincerest gratitude to ALLAH SWT, the almighty for the endless blessing, kindness, and inspirations provided to the researcher during the writing a thesis. This thesis is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to get S.Pd Degree from University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. In making this thesis, the researcher realizes that she cannot complete her thesis without a lot of help and support from several people. Therefore, I would like to thank the followings for all the helps and support.

  1. Drs. Pudiyono, M.Hum. the Dean of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty and as my supervisor who permitted me to conduct this study, gave his time to give suggestion, guidance, and help patiently during the process of writing thesis.

  2. Aulia Nisa Khusnia, S.S, M.A., the Head of English Education Department who has given the opportunity and permission to do this study.

  3. All of the lecturers in English Education Department.

  4. The seventh semester students of English Education Department at Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto who have good participation in this study.

  Finally, this thesis is hoped to be able to provide useful knowledge and information for the readers, although I am sure, there are still many weaknesses in this thesis. Therefore, suggestions from the readers in order to make it better will be really appreciated.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

  Purwokerto, 19 Januari 2017 Uswatun Chasanah DEDICATION

  Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, I proudly present this thesis to: My beloved mother, Ibu Maryam, my real wonder woman, thanks for love, support and sacrifice you give in my life. I’ll try to be your nice daugther.

  My loved father, I believe that you love me much and more eventhough you never say it to me. My beloved sisters, thanks for always advice, support, and suggest me. I’m proud to be your sibling, friend, lilsister and old sister.

My amazing housemate Dita Lusiana, Ninda Riana, Siti Musyarafah, Ayu Ni’mah, Mba Dhedhe, Sindi, Linda, Ana Yuniati, Putri, Mia, Evah, Desi

  Nita. You changed my point of view as well.

  My Rainbow Family, Panda, Leni, Puspa, Erna, Oktri, Tika, Dayang, Niswah, Yuli, Widi, Riris, Mas Imam, Ginanda, Eko, Mas Bayu, Ragil, Sunu, Indah, Titud, Ipeh, whom I love apart from my blood family. They love truthful and I gratitude having them as my family.

  My friends Dona, Esa, Aida, Avita, Vinda, Tutus, Ana, Ifani, Eti Ayu, Chikal, Windi, thanks for being my friend so far. My loved family in LDC Bu lizna, Bu dhini, Mba Okta, Bu Uvah, Bu Inay, Bu Regi, Bu Salmah, Bu Elsa, Bu Ii, Bu Shelia, Bu Putri, Pak Sae, Pak

  Aldias, Pak Adi, Pak Arif, Pak Teguh, Pak Yudi, Pak Risma, Pak Acip, Pak Sarkoro, who gave me unforgettable experience and receiving my galau during doing my thesis.





  TITLE ............................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................... ii LEGALIZATION .......................................................................................... iii DECLARATION LETTER ........................................................................... iv APPROVAL OF SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE ................................................... v DECLARATION ........................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii DEDICATION ............................................................................................... ix MOTTO ......................................................................................................... x TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ xi LIST OF CHARTS ....................................................................................... xv LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xvi LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................ xvii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... xviii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ...............................................................


  B. Reason for Choosing the Toppic ....................................................

  15 B. READING 1. Definition of Reading .............................................................

  29 E. BASIC ASSUMPTION .................................................................

  27 D. RELEVANT PREVIOUS STUDIES ............................................

  26 C. LEARNING AUTONOMY ..........................................................

  24 5. The Component of Reading .....................................................

  22 4. The Aspects of Reading Comprehension ................................

  20 3. The Types of Reading ..............................................................

  18 2. The Purposes of Reading ........................................................

  13 5. Aspects in Learning Autonomy ..............................................

  5 C. Research of Problem ......................................................................

  3. Learners‟ Roles in Autonomous Learning .............................. 12 4. Reasons for Autonomy in Language Learning .......................

  2. T eachers‟ Roles in Autonomous Learning ............................. 10


  A. LEARNING AUTONOMY 1. Definition of Learning Autonomy ..........................................


  6 F. Contribution of Term .....................................................................

  3 E. Clarification of Term .....................................................................

  5 D. Aim of the Research ......................................................................


  CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Method of Research ......................................................................

  32 B. Place and Time of the Research ...................................................

  33 C. Subject of the Reaserch .................................................................

  33 1. Population ...............................................................................

  33 2. Sampling Technique ...............................................................

  33 3. Sample .....................................................................................

  34 D. Technique of Data Collection ........................................................

  34 1. Questionnaire ............................................................................

  34 2. Interview ...................................................................................

  35 E. Technique of Analyzing Data ........................................................

  36 1. Quantitative Data ......................................................................

  37 2. Qualitative Data ........................................................................

  39 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH DISCUSSION A. Result ............................................................................................

  41 1. Questionnaire Result ................................................................

  41 2. Interview Result .........................................................................

  60 B. Discussion .....................................................................................


  CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion .....................................................................................

  68 B. Suggestion .....................................................................................


  LIST OF CHARTS FIGURE 4.1 Chart of Indicator 1 .................................................................

  42 FIGURE 4.2 Chart of Indicator 2 .................................................................

  44 FIGURE 4.3 Chart of Indicator 3 ................................................................

  46 FIGURE 4.4 Chart of Indicator 4 .................................................................

  48 FIGURE 4.5 Chart of Indicator 5 .................................................................

  49 FIGURE 4.6 Chart of Indicator 6 .................................................................

  51 FIGURE 4.7 Chart of Indicator 7 .................................................................


  LIST OF TABLES TABLE 3.1 Questionnaire Guide .................................................................

  35 TABLE 3.2 Likert Scale Guide ....................................................................

  37 TABLE 3.3 Categorization of Autonomous .................................................

  38 TABLE 4.1 Mean Scores of Indicator 1 .......................................................

  55 TABLE 4.2 Mean Scores of Indicator 2 .......................................................

  55 TABLE 4.3 Mean Scores of Indicator 3 .......................................................

  56 TABLE 4.4 Mean Scores of Indicator 4 .......................................................

  57 TABLE 4.5 Mean Scores of Indicator 5 .......................................................

  58 TABLE 4.6 Mean Scores of Indicator 6 .......................................................

  59 TABLE 4.7 Mean Scores of Indicator 7 .......................................................


  Appendix A. Questionnaire Indicators Appendix B. Interview Guide Appendix C. Instruments Appendix D. Questionnaire Result Appendix E. Interview Transcripts Appendix F. Letters of Permission

  LEARNING AUTONOMY IN READING (A Descriptive Study at Seventh Semester Students of English Education Department in Academic Year 2016/2017 USWATUN CHASANAH 1201050092 ABSTRACT

  This research is aimed to investigate how far learners develop their learning autonomy in reading among the seventh semester students of English Education Departement at Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto in academic year 2016/2017. The design of this study is descriptive study; describing how far learners develop their learning autonomy in reading. The subject of this research were the seventh semester students of English Education Department in academic year 2016/2017. The total number of students as the sample was 39 students. The technique used for obtaining the data was questionnaire and interview. A questionnaire was distributed to the students to find out their performance of autonomous learning in reading activities. To get deeper information, a semi- structured interview was conducted to 5 students as representative.

  The result displayed autonomous language learning in reading activities performed by the students. These activities based on awareness of language learning process, self effort in learning English, broader autonomous activities beyond the class, self reflection on learning process, the use of reference material, self motivation in learning English, and the use of computer technology in learning reading. The result of learning autonomy in reading activities to seventh semester students shows that students had high level of learning autonomy in reading.

  Keywords: “descriptive, learning autonomy, reading”

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