The influence of religion and education toward Mary Jones` personality and her contribution to society in M.E. Ropes` the story of Mary Jones and her bible - USD Repository








  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters




  Student Number: 034214134














  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters




  Student Number: 034214134







M azmur 23 TU HAN adalah gembalaku, takkan kekurangan aku


I a membaringkan aku di padang yang berumput hijau, I a

membimbing aku ke air yang t enang;

I a menyegarkan jiwaku. I a menuntun aku di jalan yang benar

oleh karena nama-Nya.


Sekalipun aku berjalan dalam lembah kekelaman, aku tidak

t akut bahaya, sebab Engkau besert aku; gada-M u dan

t ongkat -M u, itulah yang menghibur aku.

Engkau menyediakan hidangan bagiku, di hadapan lawanku;

Engkau mengurapi kepalaku dengan minyak; pialaku penuh


K ebajikan dan kemurahan belaka akan mengikut i aku, seumur

hidupku; dan aku akan diam dalam rumah TU HAN

sepanjang masa.

  for my

  Beloved Parents my lovely brothers


motherly sisters my late nephew and niece, the twins my gorgeous Prince W illiam my friends and my brothers and sisters in the

name of

  Jesus Christ




  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

  Nama : Sondang Fajaryani Kathy Marina Simanjuntak NIM : 034214134 Demi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma, karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:





  beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (jika ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain untuk kepentingan akademis, tanpa perlu ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

  Demikian pernyataan yang saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 31 Maret 2009 Yang menyatakan, (Sondang Fajaryani Kathy Marina Simanjuntak)


Pernyataan Keaslian Karya

  Saya menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa skripsi yang saya tulis ini tidak memuat karya atau bagian yang lain kecuali yang telah disebutkan dalam kutipan dan daftar pustaka sebagaimana layaknya karya ilmiah.

  Yogyakarta, 31 Maret 2009 Sondang Fajaryani Kathy Marina Simanjuntak



  I would offer my grateful thanks to the LORD because He gives me His tender love and mercy day by day. He always gives me a new chance to stand up again and again anytime I fall down, and saying “Thank You so much, LORD” never seems enough. “I’ll never walk alone for You are here, carrying me up, because once You say to Your children ‘Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you’ (Isaiah 46: 4).”

  I would also give my grateful thanks to my best family: my parents for your patience, supports, and prayers; my brothers, Ray and Ryant, and my sisters,


Daisy and Nova, for your supports, advices, and prayers; my cousin, Terry, for

  your support and prayers, “Good luck for your thesis too.” In completing this thesis, I would give my special thanks to: my best advisor, Dra. Theresia Enny Anggraini, M. A., for your guidance, advice, and point of views, “you always open your arms for me for these almost two years of guidance, my deepest thanks for that, Bu Enny;” my co-advisor, Tatang Iskarna,


S.S., M.Hum., for your suggestions, and point of views; Dr. Novita Dewi, M.S.,

M. A. (Hons), for your guidance and advice at the very beginning of completing

  this thesis ; my examiner, Maria Ananta, S. S., M. Ed., for your suggestions and point of views during my thesis defense; and all the lecturers. Thank you all for your knowledge you have given to me to be learned during my college study.

  My warmest thanks go to my best friends: Ike, for being my ‘twin,’ a very whole life time; Tari, Novel, and Rosa, for your supports and our friendship since junior and senior high school; my best university classmates: Maya, Cita, Mei,


Intan, Dewi, Agnes, Nani, Leni, Ketut, Tio, Abiet, Ryan, Ginting, Demz,

Daud, Mando, Mudji and the rest who I cannot mention one by one; my best

  ‘(ex)kost- mates:’ K Reena, for your support; Eling, for your support; Marlin, for your printer; Elin, for the Internet and other crazy times, “You remind me of my high school moment”; Yen-yen, for being my ‘love-story-bin;’ my kind-hearted friends: Askari Addison, for your kindness and the word ‘persevering;’ Elaine


Nicholaesz, for introducing me to David; David Butterworth, for correcting my

  grammar and giving me opinions and support; and to the last is Mary Jones, “Your life story really teaches me many things in my life and I thank God I found your memoir in the library.” “What shall I render to the LORD for all His benefits

  toward me? (Psalm 116:12)”

  Sondang Fajaryani Kathy Marina Simanjuntak



  TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................... i APPROVAL PAGE ......................................................................................... ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE .................................................................................... iii MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................................ iv DEDICATION PAGE...................................................................................... v PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI ........................................................................ vi KEASLIAN KARYA ...................................................................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. x ABSTRACT..................................................................................................... xii ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1 A. Background of the Study.................................................................. 1 B. Problem Formulation........................................................................ 4 C. Objectives of the Study..................................................................... 5 D. Definition of Terms .......................................................................... 5 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ................................................ 8 A. Review of Related Studies................................................................ 8 B. Review of Related Theories.............................................................. 12

  2. Theories on Personality ............................................................ 13

  3. Theories on Setting.................................................................... 16

  4. The Relationship between Character and Setting ..................... 17

  C. Review on the Socio-Historical Background of Wales in 18



  1. Theories on Character and Characterization............................. 12


  century......................................................................................... 18

  1. Religion..................................................................................... 19

  2. Education................................................................................... 38

  D. Theoretical Framework ..................................................................... 40


CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ............................................................. 41

A. Object of the Study ........................................................................... 41 B. Approach of the Study ...................................................................... 42 C. Method of the Study.......................................................................... 43

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 47

A. Mary Jones Personality..................................................................... 47 B. The Factors that Influence Mary Jones’ Personality........................ 60

  1. Religion..................................................................................... 61

  2. Education................................................................................... 69



CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ..................................................................... 78

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 81

APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 84

A. Summary............................................................................................ 84





Influence of Religion and Education toward Mary Jones’ Personality and

Her Contribution to Society in M. E. Ropes’ The Story of Mary Jones and Her

Bible. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata

Dharma University.

  The literary work chosen for this thesis is a memoir entitled The Story of


Mary Jones and Her Bible, set in Wales in the eighteenth century through the

  nineteenth century when Welsh Methodist revival (religion condition) appeared which led to the growth of education in Wales by the existence of Sunday schools (education condition). The memoir tells the story of Mary Jones’ life. The development of Mary Jones’ personality is related to these conditions. Her personality is influenced by the societal conditions and her personality can also influence others as the result of interaction among people in the society.

  There are three problems in this thesis. The first problem concerns in Mary Jones personality as it is described in the memoir. The second problem is the factors or conditions in society that influence Mary Jones’ personality. The factors are seen from the religion and education conditions at the time. The reason of choosing these two aspects is because the development of her personality has a connection with the condition of religion and education in Wales at the time. The third problem is the contribution that Mary Jones gave to other people through her persona lity. The objective of this thesis is to prove that there is a relationship between the personality of a person and the conditions in society in which a person lives.

  This thesis is undertaken using the library and Internet research. The thesis uses the socio-historical approach because the thesis concerns to personality and conditions in society as a part of history. Moreover, the approach concerns to the condition in society, as a part of history, and points out that literature takes these conditions as its focus.

  From the study, it can be concluded that Mary Jones is a person who is curious, faithful, devout, struggling (persevering), patient, determined, and more. These personality traits are influenced by the conditions of religion and education. For example, the imbalance between Christianity spreading and the fulfillment of Christianity’s requirements (like the needs for Scripture) meant that Mary Jones had to struggle to get a Bible. The existence of education had formed her personality as someone who had strong determination, and this strong determination enabled her to willingly struggle in getting her own Bible with joy. By her experience in getting a Bible of her own, Mary Jones had touched Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala so that he made a great effort to supply Bibles for his country (and to Christians around the world).





Influence of Religion and Education toward Mary Jones’ Personality and

Her Contribution to Society in M. E. Ropes’ The Story of Mary Jones and Her

Bible. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata


  Novel yang dipilih penulis dalam skripsi ini adalah sebuah riwayat singkat yang berjudul The Story of Mary Jones and Her Bible, yang berlatar di Wales pada abad kedelapanbelas sampai pada abad kesembilanbelas ketika kebangkitan Welsh Methodist (keadaan agama) muncul yang menuju pada perkembangan pendidikan di Wales dengan adanya Sekolah-sekolah Minggu (keadaan pendidikan). Riwayat singkat ini menceritakan kehidupan Mary Jones. Perkembangan kepribadian Mary Jones memiliki hubungan dengan keadaan- keadaan tersebut. Kepribadiannya dipengaruhi oleh keadaan-keadaan tersebut dan kepribadiannya juga bisa mempengaruhi orang lain sebagai hasil dari interaksi bersama orang-orang di dalam masyarakat.

  Ada tiga persoalan dalam skripsi ini. Persoalan yang pertama adalah sifat- sifat kepribadian Mary Jones yang tergambar di dalam riwayat singkat tersebut. Persoalan kedua adalah penyebab-penyebab atau keadaan-keadaan dalam masyarakat yang mempengaruhi kepribadian Mary Jones. Penyebab-penyebab tersebut dilihat dari keadaan agama dan pendidikan pada masa itu. Alasan memilih dua aspek ini dikarenakan perkembangan kepribadian Mary Jones berhubungan dengan kedua kondisi tersebut. Persoalan ketiga adalah pengaruh kepribadian Mary Jones terhadap orang lain. Tujuan dari skripsi ini untuk membuktikan bahwa ada hubungan antara kepribadian seseorang dengan keadaan masyarakat di tempat orang itu hidup.

  Skripsi ini diselesaikan dengan menggunakan penelitian pustaka dan


Internet. Skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan sosial-sejarah karena skripsi ini

berfokus pada kepribadian dan keadaan masyarakat sebagai bagian dari sejarah.

  Selain itu, pendekatan ini berfokus pada keadaan dalam masyarakat, sebagai bagian dari sejarah, dan menyatakan bahwa kesusastraan menganggap keadaan dalam masyarakat tersebut sebagai pusat persoalan.

  Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Mary Jones adalah seseorang yang selalu ingin tahu, setia dan taat beragama, pantang menyerah (gigih), sabar, bertekad kuat, dan lain- lain. Sifat-sifat kepribadian ini dipengaruhi oleh keadaan agama dan pendidikan. Sebagai contoh, ketidakseimbangan antara penyebaran agama Kristen dan pemenuhan kebutuhan Kekristenan (seperti kebutuhan Alkitab) membuat Mary harus berjuang untuk mendapatkan Alkitab Keberadaan pendidikan telah membuat Mary sebagai seseorang yang berkeinginan kuat dan keinginan yang kuat ini membuat Mary bersedia untuk berjuang mendapatkan Alkitab untuk dirinya dengan sukacita. Melalui pengalaman Mary dalam sehingga ia berusaha keras menyediakan Alkitab untuk negaranya (dan seluruh umat Kristen di dunia).

well known genres of literature, which are poetry, prose, and drama or play (Abrams, 1993: 76). Poetry usually is bounded or patterned into lines and rhythms but prose is not bounded or patterned into such patterns, while drama or play is written to be performed in actions and utterances (Abrams, 1993: 76). Besides these three genres, over the last four centuries, or since the seventeenth century, some new forms of literature have been added, such as biography, essay, and novel.

  Dryden, in Abrams’ Glossary of Literary Terms, defines biography in vthe late in the seventeenth century as “the history of particular men’s lives,” which then in the eighteenth century became considered as a special literary genre (Abrams, 1993: 14-15). Biography talks about a person’s life, including the person’s personality, milieu, activities, and experiences as a fact of the person’s life (Abrams, 1993: 14). Types of biography are distinguished based on their content, such as autobiography, which is written by an author talking about his own life, and memoir, which is written by an author talking about someone else’s life (Abrams, 1993: 15). In short, a biography tells someone’s factual life, whether

  When talking about someone’s factual life, his life must be related to society as a whole, because a man is not born to be alone, or, in other words, he needs someone else in his life. In Merrill’s Culture and Society: An Introduction

  , it is said that people’s existence will never be realized unless they

  to Sociology

  are involved in society and get constant influence from: the group contacts or what is called society which can be defined as: the books, magazines, and newspapers they read; the radio and television programs they enjoy; and the conversations they are involved in. To quote Merrill’s words, “these social influences are the most important factors in his life. In one sense, they are his life” (Merrill, 1952: 19).

  Since a person must be involved in society to show his existence, he must interact with others. His interactions or participation in society produces a personality through his relationships with others (Merrill, 1952: 125). Merrill also states that the concept of personality is based upon the conditions under which the individual participates in society (Merrill, 1952: 127), therefore, since the conditions in society holds a great effect on someone’s personality development, it is important for the person to stand his attitude in society because conditions in society can also cause negative influence besides positive influence,

  Participation of the individual in the activities of the group also provides him with a set of social attitudes. The formation of attitudes is part of the same process that brings about all learned behavior…. We acquire attitudes as the result of our social experience. The attitude of the southern white child toward the Negro is the outgrowth of his social relationships. White children play with Negro children in their early years…. The child has to learn that Negroes are an “inferior” race.... His behavior is conditioned by the expectation of other white people. The The literary work entitled The Story of Mary Jones and Her Bible, which to be exact is a memoir, tells its readers the above notion that someone’s personality is based upon the conditions under which the individual participates in society. Mary Jones’, the main character, personalities are developed based upon the conditions in Wales around the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Though conditions at that time can have a bad influence on her, so far, the writer finds that the conditions in Wales were a good influence on her personality or in other words it can be said that the conditions in the society were a positive influence on Mary Jones’ personality.

  Since Mary Jones was very young, she was already fond of everything about God. She would do everything as long as it has relation with God. When she was eight years old, a farmer-wife told her that in the time she was able to read and write, she could visit the farmer’s house to read and learn their Bible because the Jones family did not have one. Mary Jones had to wait for two years to have an education. When she was ten years old, she decided she wanted her own Bible. For six years, she had to wait for purchasing a Bible by working to earn money. Her struggles for having a Bible had touched Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala’s heart, who finally gave his Bible to her. Since then, Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala tried to provide all of Wales with Bibles because of Mary Jones. Today, her Bible is located in the British and Foreign Bible Society’s Archive in Cambridge University Library (

  Through Mary Jones’ personality, the writer intends to show readers that Mary Jones’ struggles can be a model to all people for not giving up so easily on reaching their hopes. Although the story of Mary Jones is usually narrated in Sunday schools for Christian children in Western countries, it does not lock any possibility for non-Christian children or adults to appreciate the story of Mary Jones. It is because the point of The Story of Mary Jones and Her Bible is not totally about the religion, but about someone’s personality, either a child or an adult, and whether he or she can survive in struggling or motivated him or herself in the struggle of getting the thing that he or she wants. Through this other reason, the writer also wants to point out that such religious book is not only for Christian people but also applicable for non-Christian people viewed through its points.

  Through Mary Jones’ personality, which has relation with religion and education condition, the writer wants to prove that the personality of a person can really be influenced by the conditions in society in which a person lives. Moreover, by analyzing the story further, we can see that the writer shows that an individual’s personality itself can influence other people as the result of the interaction among people in the society (Roucek and Warren, 1959: 26, 41) by analyzing the story further.

  In order to get deeper understanding about the topic of this study, the problems of this study can be formulated as follows: What are the contributions of Mary Jones’ personality to other people?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  The objective of this study is to answer the problems formulated above, which are meant to limit the writer’s study in the analysis and to help the writer focus on the topic of the study. The first problem is meant to identify Mary Jones’ personality as it is described in the memoir. The second problem is meant to identify the factors that influence her personality at the time. The third problem is meant to show the results of the interaction between Mary Jones and other people in the society.

  D. Definition of Terms

  In order to avoid misunderstanding or misconception in terms used in the title, the writer limits the meanings of terms as follows:

  1. Religion According to Encarta Webster’s College Dictionary, there are five categories of definition of religion. First category is beliefs and worship, which is defined as “people’s beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities, and divine involvement in the universe and human life” (Encarta Webster’s College Dictionary, 2005: 1225). The second is of beliefs and practices relating to the divine” (Ibid). The third is personal beliefs or values, which are defined as “a set of strongly- held beliefs, values, and attitudes that somebody lives by” (Ibid). The fourth is devotion, which is “an object, practice, cause, or activity that somebody is completely devoted to or obsessed by” (Ibid). The last category is monk or nun’s life, which refers to “life as a monk or a nun, especially in the Roman Catholic Church” (Ibid).

  In this study, religion may refer to all definitions of religion excluding the fifth definition. The writer therefore regards religion as a belief in a deity or deities and a set of personal values that involves worship. As this is a study of Mary Jones’ personality and society in Wales in the eighteenth and nineteenth centur ies, the writer thus uses religion to specifically refer to Protestant Christianity.

  2. Education According to Encarta Webster’s College Dictionary, education refers to six categories of definition. First category is educating, which means “the imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning, especially at a school or similar institution” (Encarta Webster’s College Dictionary, 2005: 457). The second is knowledge, which is defined as “the knowledge or abilities gained through being educated” (Ibid). The third is instruction, which means “training and instruction in a particular subject, e.g., health matters” (Ibid). The fourth is learning experience, which refers to “an informative experience” (Ibid).

  The fifth is study of teaching which means “the study of the theories and practices system of educating people in a community or society” (Ibid). In the title (study), the first and second definition would be suitable to the meaning of education used in the title. To sum up the meaning of education used in the title according to the first and second definition, education is acquiring or gaining knowledge or abilities through learning or being educated at school or similar institution.

  3. Personality According to Roucek and Warren’s Sociology: An Introduction, personality is “the organization of biological, psychological, and sociological factors which underlie the individual’s behavior…. It is the organization of the behavior of the individual as it is developed in interaction with other people” (Roucek and Warren, 1959: 23) or simply “an individual’s unique and relatively stable pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions that defines you as a person: how you are different from other people” (Huffman and Vernoy, 2000: 464). however most of them are only opinions about the story from its readers and seldom talk about Mary Jones’ life. One example of readers’ opinions is written by Mary Jane Hanson in an online article entitled ‘Harry Potter and Mary Jones’. In the article, Hanson compares Mary Jones’ story in having a Bible of her own with today’s children having the Harry Potter book series. She says that today’s children would save their allowance only for buying Harry Potter and the Goblet

of Fire and were very exited to read the book, which was a best seller in 2000.

  Meanwhile such experience actually ever happened in 1800, in the case of Mary Jones’ excit ement to have a Bible and to read it, which had ever been a best seller by the work of Bible Societies. At the end of the article, Hanson thinks that, today, the Bible could also be a best-seller like Harry Potter books if today’s children have the same excitement to read Bible like they read Harry Potter, or quoting Hanson’s words, “If today's children had the same desire to read the Bible as they do to read the Harry Potter books, then the Bible would be this week's best seller too” (

  Another review is taken from Elisabeth Williams’ To Bala for a Bible, a study about Mary Jones’ life. In her study, Williams tells a different version of tells that Mary Jones’ father, Jacob Jones, was still alive when she went to Bala to buy a Bible at the age of sixteen, Williams informs us that “before Mary reached her fifth birthday, her father died, and from then on she and her mother must have had a hard struggle to make ends meet” (http:// www. evangelical-times. org/ Articles/ Sep05/ Sep05a05.htm).

  Another example is Mary Jones’ first meeting with Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala, a Methodists preacher who sold a Bible to her (further information about him will be discussed in the Review on the Historical Background of this chapter). From Williams’ article, it is said that before she went to Bala to buy a Bible, she had met with Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala, riding a white horse, on a Monday morning when she was walking to Penybryniau Mawr (Ibid), R. Evan’s farm, where she usually read Bible before she had her own. At this first meeting, Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala informed her that he was expecting Welsh Bibles from London and she could have a Bible if she had money to buy it in Bala, so that she went to Bala. While according to the memoir,


The Story of Mary Jones and Her Bible , their first meeting was when she came to

  Bala to buy a Bible and she went there because William Huw of Llechwedd, the nearest preacher from her cottage, informed her that the nearest Bible was sold in Bala by Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala (Ropes, 1896: 87).

  Although there are many differences in The Story of Mary Jones and Her


Bible with Elisabeth Williams’ To Bala for a Bible, the writer decides to depend

  on The Story of Mary Jones and Her Bible as the main source for the analysis and considers Elisabeth Williams’ article as worth-noted additional information about Mary Jones’ life story.

  Similar to Elisabeth Williams’ To Bala for a Bible, E. Wyn James also informs some similar differences as Williams says in her study, but the interesting part of James’ article Bala and the Bible: Thomas Charles, Ann Griffiths and


Mary Jones is not in such differences but in the comparisons and contrasts that

  James makes about Mary Jones and Ann Griffiths, the late eighteenth-century hymn-writer from Wales. James compares and contrasts them both because they were considered as ‘the most famous Welshwoman in the world’ from the Victorian era (in the case of Ann Griffiths) and from the Victorian and Edwardian eras (in the case of Mary Jones). They both had relations with Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala who gave Mary Jones a Bible and whose Communion Sunday and Methodist Association meetings always be attended by Mary Jones and Ann Griffiths. Both of these women also made great changes in Welsh culture at their time (http:// www. anngriffiths.

  Another interesting part of James’ article is Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala’s letter in March 1804 to Joseph Ta rn (another founder of the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1804 - a foundation which publishes and distributes Bibles to Wales) that is now kept in the British and Foreign Bible Society’s Archives in Cambridge University Library as well as Mary Jones’ Bible. In the letter Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala wrote,

  The Sunday Schools have occasioned more calls for Bibles within these five years in our poor country, than perhaps ever was known before could produce [. . .] I have seen some of them overcome with joy & burst into tears of thankfulness on their obtaining possession of a Bible as their own property & for their free use. Young females in service have walked thirty miles to me with only the bare hopes of obtaining a Bible each; & returned with more joy & thanksgiving than if they had obtained great spoils. We who have half a doz. Bibles by us, & are in circumstances to obtain as many more, know but little of the value those put upon one, who before were hardly permitted to look into a Bible once a week ( Before the British and Foreign Bible Society was formatted, there was a meeting in London at the end of 1802 held by the Religious Tract Society, which formatted the British and Foreign Bible Society. In James’ article, it is said that Reverend Charles of Bala told the visit of Mary Jones to Bala to buy a Bible and so is it in The Story of Mary Jones and Her Bible. James also says that there is no evidence pointing to Mary Jones’ walk to Bala story-telling by Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala in the committee meeting but “there is regular mention that one girl had made a particular impression on Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala; and all the evidence suggests that Mary Jones was that girl” (, in which, the writer thinks, one of the evidences can be Reverend Thomas Charles’ letter as quoted above.

  After reading some reviews about The Story of Mary Jones and Her Bible, not one of them talking about Mary Jones’ personality as it was influenced by the conditions in society at that time, but they speak more to Mary Jones’ role in inspiring a preacher who then suggested setting up a foundation to publish and distribute Bibles. However, the writer, in this analysis, would like to complete existed reviews or studies about Mary Jones in the focus of how the conditions in society, Mary Jones could influence others, especially Reverend Thomas Charles of Bala.

  1. Theories on Character and Characterization Abrams states two definitions of character. First, character is the name of a literary genre and, second, character is the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work in which readers interpret the character as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities (characteristics) that are expressed in what he says (dialogue) and by what he does (action) (Abrams, 1993: 23).

  Stanton in An Introduction to Fiction also gives two definitions of character which are, first, not only the individuals who appear in the story, but also, second, the mixture of interests, desires, emotion, and moral principles (characteristics) that makes of each different individuals (Stanton, 1965: 17-18).

  The importance of using the theories on character lies on the idea that


character shares similar meaning with personality, which Abrams and Stanton

  have expressed in their second meaning of character (characteristics). The writer prefers to use the word personality for the study instead of character in order to avoid ambiguity that the word character may express like what Abrams and Stanton have defined.

  Holman and Harmon explains that in lyric, essay, and autobiography, authors reveal aspects of their own character; in biography and history, authors and narrative poem) authors reveal the characters of imaginary persons. The creation of the imaginary persons so they exist for reader as lifelike is called characterization (Holman and Harmon, 1986: 81).

  According to Rohrberger and Woods, characterization is the process of creating a character or “the devices by which he makes us believe a character is the particular type of person he is” (Rohrberger and Woods, 1971: 180).

  According to Murphy, characteristics (personality) of a character can be seen from nine things. First, it is seen from the personal description of a character in a literary work by its author so readers can imagine the character. Second, it can be seen from other character’s point of view in which his/her opinion can give an explanation about the characteristics of the character to the readers. Third, it is seen from the character’s speech, which is made by the author. Fourth, it is seen from the character’s past life in which his/her past events can influence or develop his/her characteristic. Fifth, it can be seen also through conversation of a character with another character. Sixth, it can be seen through a character’s reaction, which shows the character’s way of thinking. Seventh, characteristics of a character can be seen from direct comments in the beginning of the story by the author. Eighth, it can be seen also through the information of thought or way of thinking of a character, which is given by the author. Lastly, it can be seen from the mannerism of a character by the author (Murphy, 1972: 161-173).

  2. Theory on Personality According to Roucek and Warren’s Sociology: An Introduction, factors which underlie the individual’s behavior… as it is developed in interaction with other people” (Roucek and Warren, 1959: 23), or, like Huffman and Vernoy’s statement that personality is “an individual’s unique and relatively stable pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions that defines you as a person: how you are different from other people” (Huffman and Vernoy, 2000: 464).

  Hall and Lindzey, in Theory of Personality, says that to understand human behavior is only from the study of the whole person in which personality psychologists insisted that the subject should be viewed from the vantage of the entire functioning person in his natural habitat in which each of behavioral event examined and interpreted in relation to the rest of the individual’s behavior. Moreover, they states that individual’s personality is evaluated by the effectiveness in which he is able to elicit positive reactions from a variety of people under different circumstances (Hall and Lindzey, 1957: 6, 7).

  Cole, in Psychology of Adolescence, says that individual’s personality is not fixed by heredity but it grows, sheds some traits, and acquires others. It is sometimes supported by environmental pressures and warped by them, like affected by illness, disease, or unusual emotional strain. Moreover, the main point is more likely than not to remain constant and merely to express itself in different ways as environmental conditions discourage one manifestation and encourage another. Therefore, personality is always measured by the manner in which a person behaves, but, it is always an inference, not a direct observation, although the inference is based upon numerous direct observation of behavior (Cole, 1956:

  Hurlock, in Personality Development, says that human life consists of two aspects: individual and social aspects. The individual aspect concerns with the physical changes and individual’s personality development. Individual’s personality development is usually influenced by two factors, which are individual’s early experience within his family and the important events that happened outside the home or the social aspect (Hurlock, 1974: 19-20). In Hurlock’s Personality Development, Allport says that personality development is a stage in growth of constantly changing and involving process within an individual (Hurlock, 1974: 7). Moreover, Allport says, in his Pattern and Growth

  , that the process of becoming into such personality continues one’s

  in Personality whole life through (Allport, 1970: 82).

  Allport, in Pattern and Growth in Personality, says that cultural ways, social situation, and individual’s role within social systems plays role in individual’s development personality. He explains that a child inevitably requires cultural ways; he grows to accept to accept the roles appropriate to his status within the family, but later, he finds himself playing many assigned roles within many social systems. His behavior is modified within limits by every social situation he encounters (Allport, 1970: 194, 195).

  Moreover, Pervin and John, in Personality Theory and Research, mentions some environmental determinants that influence individual’s personality, which are culture, social class, family, and peers. They also mention three ways in which parents influence their children’s behavior. First is, through the parents’ own frustration leads to aggression. Second is, that parents serve as role models for identification. Third is, that parents selectively reward behaviors (Pervin and John, 1997: 11-14).

  3. Theories on Setting In A Glossary of Literary Terms, Abrams explains that setting is “the general locale, historical time, and social circumstances in which its action occurs” (Abrams, 1993: 192) in which locale can simply be understood as setting of place, historical time as setting of time, and social circumstances as conditions in society.

  In Koesnosoebroto’s The Anatomy of Prose Fiction, Lostracco and Wilkerson say that setting is used to enrich the meaning of a story. It refers to the time of story (when the action occurs), the place of the story (where the action occurs), and the conditions or total environment in which the characters live (Koesnosoebroto, 1988: 80). Moreover, they say that setting, frequently, supports or underscores the central idea of a story (Ibid: 81).

  According to Holman and Harmon in A Handbook to Literature, they define setting as “the physical, and sometimes spiritual, background against which the action of a narrative (novel, drama, short story, poem) takes place” (Holman and Harmon, 1986: 465).

  In An Introduction to Fiction, Stanton states that setting directly influences the characters, exemplifies a theme, and evokes a definite emotional tone or mood that surrounds the characters (Stanton, 1965: 18).

  Based on theories of setting above, it can be concluded that setting is the place where an action occurs, the time when the action occurs, and condition in society that is used to reveal human relationship. Setting is very important in the study in order to get illustration of certain conditions or actions which are related with the discussion of the study, in this case is in Wales in the late eighteenth century through the early nineteenth century.

  4. The Relationship between Character and Setting According to Murphy’s Understanding Unseen (Murphy, 1972: 141-142), setting has a great effect (influence) upon personality, actions and way of thinking of the characters (figure). When the setting changes, the personalities, actions, and way of thinking of the characters would be different. Moreover, Langland (Langland, 1984: 9) says that character reveals its perspectives and values by action, speech, and thoughts through a medium, in which Langland defines the medium as society. “The society may also be revealed through human relationships, through characters’ patterned interactions and their common expectations of one another” (Langland, 1984: 6).

  Roucek and Warren say that a character (figure) develops a personality in interaction among people in society (Roucek and Warren, 1959: 26) and as the interaction happens among them; the people influence each other’s personality,

  Interaction is a process in which the responses of each party become, successively, stimuli for the responses of the other(s). It is a reciprocal process in which one party is influenced by the other’s behavior, responds, and in so doing influences the other’s behavior. People influence each other’s behavior through contact. This contact may be action of the physical organism, as in speaking, listening, gesturing,


  From the theories above, it can be seen that there is a relationship between society and character (personality). It can be interpreted that society, which is the part of setting, is a medium for characters (figures) to represent the personalities, actions, way of thinking or perspectives, and values, and the conditions that happened in the society can influence the personalities, actions, way of thinking or perspectives, and the value.

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