Title : Akhlaq Values in La Tahzan Translation Book by Aidh al-Qarni - Test Repository







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Islamic Education Departmen of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

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Submitted to Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S. Pd)


Islamic Education Departmen of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Written by:



NIM. 111 13 006










  The undersigned below: Name : Iklima Ninin Naela NIM : 11113006 Faculty : Teacher Training and Education Faculty Major : Islamic Education Department Hereby the writer fully declares that this graduating paper is made by the writer herself and it does not contain materials which have been published by other people and other people’s ideas except the information cited from references. Like wise the declaration made by the writer so that this graduating paper can be understood and published by an authorities institution.

  Salatiga, 11 August 2017 The Writer,

  IklimaNininNaela 111 13 006 Imam Mas Arum, S.Pd., M.Pd.. The Lecturer of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga ATTENTIVE SUPERVISOR NOTES Subject: Iklima Ninin Naela’s graduating paper

  Dear, Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

  Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

  After reading and correcting Iklima Ninin Naela’s graduating paper entitled


Akhlaq Values in the La Tahzan Translation Book by Aidh Al-Qarni”, I have

  decided and would like to propose that it could be accepted by Teacher Training and Education Faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

  Salatiga, 07 August 2017 Supervisor, Imam Mas Arum, S.Pd., M.Pd.

  NIP. 19790507 201101 1008 Sari Famularsih, M.A The Director of International Class Program Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga ATTENTIVE SUPERVISOR NOTES Subject: Iklima Ninin Naela’s graduating paper

  Dear, Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

  Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

  After reading and correcting Iklima Ninin Naela’s graduating paper entitled


Akhlaq Values in the La Tahzan Translation Book by Aidh Al-Qarni”, I have

  decided and would like to propose that it could be accepted by Teacher Training and Education Faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

  Salatiga, 11 August 2017 Supervisor,

  Sari Famularsih, M.A NIP. 19810911 201101 2 004


  INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI (IAIN) SALATIGA FAKULTAS TARBIYAH DAN ILMU KEGURUAN Jl. Lingkar Selatan Km. 2 Pulutan Sidorejo, kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah 50716.

  Telp.(0298) 323706 – Fax. (0298) 323433 ail: administrasi@iainsalatiga.ac.id









NIM: 111-13-006

  Has been brought to the board of examiners of Islamic Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on August 2016 and hereby considered to complete the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S.Pd) in Islamic Education.

  Board of Examiners Head : Mufiq, S. Ag., M. Phil. _______________________ Secretary : Imam Mas Arum, M. Pd. _______________________ Examiner 1 : Siti Rukhayati, M. Ag. _______________________ Examiner 2 : Drs. Ahmad Sultoni, M. Pd. _______________________

  Salatiga, 07 September 2017 Dean of Teacher Training and education Faculty Suwardi, M.Pd. NIP. 19670121 199903 1 002





Do what you always Did, then Get what you always Got

  ” (Hanung Triyoko, S.S., M.Hum., M.Ed.)


  Thanks to Allah who was given me this opportunity to finish this graduating paper. This graduating paper is dedicated to:

  1. My lovely mother, Mun Aqsol and my lovely father, Abdul Kholiq.

  Thanks for your praying, support, and everlasting love.

  2. My brother, Ahmad Albert and M. Saifullah Kholiq who always cheer me up and support me.

  3. My beloved one, Luthfi Ghozali thanks for being a part of my life and his family who always give me motivation for me to finish this graduating paper.

  4. My best friends, all of International Class Program 2013 members who has spent the time together whether in happy or difficult time.

  5. My big family of International Class Program of IAIN Salatiga, Ma’had


  IAIN Salatiga, UKM JQH Al Furqon, LPM Dinamika, and Bidikmisi YaBismillah Program who have given me more experience there.

  6. All of my friends.



Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim ....

  In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. First, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT because of His blessing, the writer can finish this graduating paper as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Undergraduate Degree of Islamic Education.

  Peace and salutation always be given to our beloved Prophet Muhammad saw. that we hope his blessing in the judgment day.

  However, this success would not be achieved without the support, guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individuals and institutions.

  Therefore, the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to: 1.

  Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., as The Rector of the State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  3. Siti Rukhayati, M.Ag., as the Head of Islamic Education Department.

  4. Sari Famularsih,M.A., as the Head of International Class Program.

  5. Imam Mas Arum, S.Pd., M.Pd. and Sari Famularsih, MA., as my Academic Counselor thank you for your supports, advices, and helps for this graduating paper from the beginning to the end.

  6. All of the lecturers and all staff of IAIN Salatiga, thank you for teaching and helping me.

  Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. The writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution from the reader to improve this graduating paper.

  Salatiga, 11 August 2017 The Writer

  Iklima Ninin Naela

  111 13 006



Naela, IklimaNinin. 2017. Akhlaq Values in La Tahzan Translation Book by Aidh al-

Qarni. A Graduating Paper. Islamic Education Departmen of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Imam Mas Arum, S.Pd.,M.Pd. and Sari Famularsih, M.A.

  Keywords: Akhlaq Values, La TahzanTranslation Book.

  In this global era, there are various cases of juvenile delinquency. Whereas

without the cases, education has not only aim to enhance cognitive aspects only. But also

pay attention to the psychomotor, and affective aspects. La Tahzan translation book by

Aidh al-Qarni, translated by Samson Rohman, is a book that inspires and motivates many

people to have a great life. There are many akhlaq values of life that encourage people to

become a better person and do this life beautifully.

  This study aims to determine whether there are akhlaq values in the translation of

La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni. The main questions to be answered through

this research are: (1) What are the akhlaq values are contained in La Tahzan translation

book by Aidh al-Qarni; (2) How is the relevance of akhlaq values in La Tahzan

translation book by Aidh al-Qarni with Islamic youth education today.

  This research contains the type of library research (library research). Where the

approach in this study is moral approach with qualitative descriptive method. In the data

collection, the author uses two techniques, namely literature study techniques and

documentation techniques, while for data analysis the writer uses content analysis is an

analysis used to reveal, and understand the contents of literary works and messages


  The results of this study indicate that: (1) Akhlaq values contained in La

Tahzantranslation book by Aidh al-Qarni, as follows: (a) Akhlaq to Allah (Love to Him,

husnuzan , dzikrullah, qana’ah, ridha, patience, gratitude, obedient, tawakal, repent,

zuhud), (b) Akhlaq towards a peer human (fair, happy, think and do positively, wise,

generous, sincere, principled, honest, optimistic, forgiving, patient, simple, spirit, (c)

Akhlaq to other creature (Doing good to animals and preserve them and Doing good to

the environment (plants, water and others).(2) The relevance of akhlaq values in La

Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni to the akhlaq education of Islamic youth today.


La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni, is very relevant to the moral education of

teenagers or Islamic youth today, because the book discusses about akhlaq

comprehensively and integratively. Thus, through the translation of La Tahzan translation

book by Aidh al-Qarni is expected to improve the akhlaq of the younger generation,

thereby reducing various cases of juvenile delinquency.

  TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE ……………………………...................................................................

  I LEMBAR BERLOGO ………………………………………………………. ii TITLE ............................................................................................................... iii DECLARATION …………………………………………………………..... iv ATTENTIVE SUPERVISOR’S NOTES ………………………………….... v CERTIFICATION PAGE …………………………………………………... vii MOTTO ………………………………………………................................... viii DEDICATION …………………………………………………………........ x ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………...... xi ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………........ xii TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………. xiii


  1 Background of the Study ..…..............................................................


  4 Problems of Study …………………………..….................................


  5 Purposes of the Study …………………………….............................


  5 Significance of the Study ……………………………........................


  6 Method of Study ................…………………………….....................


  10 Limitation of Study ……………………………………………….....


  12 Affirmation of Terms ………………………………………………..


  13 Preliminary Study ……………………………………………….......


  17 Paper Outline ...………………………………………........................

  CHAPTER II Biography Author and Syinopsis La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni A.

  19 Biography of Aidh al-Qarni .………………………............................


  21 Characteristics The Books of Aidh al-Qarni ........................................


  The Objective of La Tahzan Translation book by Aidh al-Qarni ...............................................................................................................

  22 D. Synopsis of La Tahzan Translation book by Aidh al-Qarni ...............................................................................................................


  CHAPTER III THEORITICAL DESCRIPTION A. Akhlaq Values ..................................................................................... B. Akhlaq Values in La Tahzan translation book ………………………. CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION A. Akhlaq Values in La Tahzan Translation book .................................... B. The Relevance of Akhlaq Values in La Tahzan book translation by Aidh al-Qarni with the Akhlaq education of Islamic youth today ............................................................................................................... CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion............................................................................................. B. Suggestion.............................................................................................



  80 143 151 152


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study The babies were born, neither with something empty ,nor doing as a

  human religious. But babies were born as human who viewed from perspective, not psychiatric. There are also who held that the son, since born to bring the creation of religious. The design of god new serves in the future through a process guidance and training after being in maturity stage (Mansur, 2005: 46).

  In order to detect potential maximally and positively, someone need the process of development potentialy which capable to produce to be human digital significantly. The process which capable to change the human down to the level cells of DNA. A process to joining forces IQ, EQ, and SQ in an ingeniously, scientificly, and effectively (Sentanu, 2007: 1).

  It can be achieved by the right education to produce human intelligence or human ability in a balanced way among the Intelligent Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ), and Spiritual Quotien (SQ) (Sentanu, 2007: 22).

  Education which not only sharpen the cognitive aspects of intelligence, but also take in the akhlaq values of learners. So there will not happen akhlaq corruption, mental deterioration and destruction nations, that is caused by the generations who are actually smart, potentially and highly educated, but they are less in akhlaq.

  Nowadays, some of the cases reveal that many teenagers scribble their uniforms after their graduation (high school), fight, desperation or hopelessness, dissipate, skip school, less appreciate, excessive complain, prejudiced, are not confident, even in a real action in the form of suicides or dropping out of school. Some of them are also willing to sell themselves to get some money they want, or do all a way to achieve their glory in the neighborhood where growing, without considering good, bad and the impacts that were produced. It sometime makes a person being less grateful, impatienting for trials, blaming fate and imagining an unreal life without a positive effort.

  In order to form a generation which have a high knowledge and a good character, Islamic education comes to teach akhlaq with the presence of the Prophet Muhammad. Then the goal of Islamic education itself is not static, but it is a whole of the intelligence and personality of a person, by the way make a human beings as a whole physical body through the teaching and cultivation of akhlaq, so that is in Islam known as insan kamil (Daradjat , 2011: 29).

  Prophet Muhammad SAW comes by perfecting the akhlaq of mankind to make human being as insan kamil. The Prophet has preached by giving precepting, gave examples, practiced the skills, motivated, and created a social environment that supported the implementation of the idea of the formation of a good Moslem person. In the past, Meccans were idolaters, polytheists, unbelievers, rude, arrogant, and so on. But then it turned into a worshiper of Allah SWT, believers, Moslems, meek, and respectful each others. They have a Moslem personality according to the precepts of Islam (Daradjat, 2011: 27- 28).

  There is in Q.S al-Qalam[68]: 4.

  ٍﻢﻴِﻈَﻋ ٍﻖُﻠُﺧ ﻰﻠَﻌَﻟ َﻚﱠﻧِإَو

  “And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character.” (DepAg, 1969: 960). The noble character of that can be learned by imitating akhlaq of the

  Prophet. Even already described in the Quran which became the holy book of Islamic religion, that the Prophet Muhammad SAW as a good role model. So from the akhlaq of the Prophet, it is expected that people may learn, beat out and imitate the akhlaq in the daily life. So, there will not happen akhlaq degradation of humanity today.

  In order to provide akhlaq in education or habituate good manners, parents or one who responsible for children be able to create an attractive pattern of akhlaq and character in formal education, nonformal or informal education by the way providing books, both fiction and non-fiction which have relation with akhlaq values or good character, so hopefully there will grow awareness in the child about the purpose and importance of good akhlaq in this life. Then as public knows that the one of the best legendary Islamic reading books or “The Best Seller” book is La Tahzan which is written by Aidh al-Qarni and translated into Indonesian by Samson Rahman, then published by publisher Qisthi Press.

  The book contains about the values of good akhlaq as the akhlaq that was exemplified by the Prophet, in the hope that humans increasingly persistent in the face of life that sometimes is not equal to the expectations of each individual. Moreover, La Tahzan book by Dr. Aidh al-Qarni is written by using poetic language and diction that attractive to the reader, so it is not creat any saturation or drabness.

  The akhlaq values that exist, among other is for the people so that be patient in their life, always be optimistic and be courageous to face their life without think about the past that was gone, or the future that has not been sure. It is as the writer of the book wants to convey a deep message that life is the day when a person is really living at the moment. So it is also time for a person to think and act for himself and others. As in the following quote:

  "If you can drink a cup of clear and fresh water today, then why should

  you grieve over the salty water you drank yesterday or worry about the tasteless and hot water tomorrow that is not necessarily happen yet? "

  (Al-Qarni, 2007: 7). And many more akhlaq values that can be picked in the La Tahzan book by Aidh al-Qarni, where the writer is interested to examine more about the values of akhlaq according to Islamic education are contained in the book be more specifically and clearly are grouped. Thus, the writer tries to use it as the material for this thesis with the title, "AKHLAQ VALUES IN LA TAHZAN TRANSLATION BOOK BY AIDH AL-QARNI".

B. Problems of Study

  This study will be focused on following problems: 1. What are the akhlaq values which are contained in La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni?;

2. How is the relevance of akhlaq values in La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni with the akhlaq education of Islamic youth today?.

  C. Purposes of Study

  The purpose of study in the library study is to explore, describe, explain, prove and apply a symptom, concept, guess or create a prototype (Maslikhah, 2013: 81).

  From this study, the writer wants to achieve some purposes based on the problem of study. They are as follows:

  1. To describe the akhlaq values are contained in La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni;

  2. To explain the relevance of akhlaq values that exist in La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni with the akhlaq education of Islamic youth today.

  D. Significance of Study

  Generally, there are two significance of study, those are theoretical and practical. The academic theoretical benefits are concerned to particular contributions and the organiization of study on the development theory and science as well as the academic world. While the practical benefits are associated with the real contribution that is provided from the implementation of study toward the object of study (Amrullah, 2013: 19).

  The study can be beneficial as follows: 1.

   Theoretical benefits

  Theoretically, this study is expected to enrich the scientific treasures and give the big contribution of thoughts especially for about

  akhlaq along with the way how to select the book which is contained of akhlaq values.

2. Practical Benefits a.

  This study is expected to provide a usefulthing to the public, especially for the educators truly there are valuable lessons in the form of akhlaq that can be taken from a certain books in the kind of motivation book, lesson book, novel and many other; b.

  Enriching scientific treasure for the next literature study; c. Adding knowledge to understanding the content, message, mandate, and akhlaq values are contained in La Tahzan translation book.

E. Method of Study 1. Type of Study

  Library research is a direct study of texts (there are books, documentes, ancients texts, tapes, videos, microfilm, microphones, disks, magnetic tapes, electronic cladding of Hadits and Quran etc.) where the data of literature is ready to used which the data generally is a secondary data source or not the original data from the first hand in the field and the condition of the library data is not limited by the space and the time (Maslikhah, 2013: 73).

  The type of study which used in this study is library research that is by reviewing and analyzing La Tahzan translation book by using other reference in the form of books that related to the material in this thesis, that is about akhlaq.

2. Approach of Study

  This study using descriptive approach. It’s mean that this study happen by looking for similarities or differences of information (Sukmadinata, 2012: 289).

  In this study, using akhlaq approach with qualitative description, it is mean looking for similarities or differences of information, generally about the akhlaq theory in the book of akhlaq and the akhlaq which are in the translation of La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni.

  This study describes the akhlaq values in the books which are relevant, then looking for the akhlaq values which are containe in La

  Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni for the analysis. As well as

  analyzing the relevance of akhlaq values with the akhlaq of Islamic youth today based on the theory, information from somebook, and the real fact in the society, so that it will produce similarities and will find difference presented in the descriptive.

  3. Methods of Collecting Data

  Library research in data collection method, is a technique to obtain theoretical data in order to obtain the opinions of them who experts and the ories through the source. Also technique to get some data from many scripts and documentations from many side to encouraged this study (Soeharto, 1989: 223).

  Esterberg says that documents are all written forms made by humans. Among them are notes, books, mass media articles, diaries, manifestos, laws, notilen, blogs, web pages, photos and others (Sarosa, 2012: 61).

  Dokumentation is technique of colleting data in the study by using written documents (Amrullah, 2013: 24).

  Data collection techniques which used in this study are literature study techniques and documentation techniques. That is by taking theory from the scientist by made reference to La Tahzan book and some book which related to the discussion of study (in the library).

  4. Data Resources

  Data resources in the study is the subject from which the data was obtained (Arikunto, 2006: 129).

  In this thesis, the data resources used is data which associated with the subject from which the data obtained. That is consists of primary and secondary data resources:

  a. Primary Data Resources

  Primary data sources (main) are basic and original, including; Manuscripts such as letters, diaries, journals, various types of interviews, statistical inquiries conducted directly on the origin, large amount of study space reports, books, magazine articles, and material which the studyer encounters without editorial or interpretation that limits the meaning of the original (Soeharto, 1989: 11-12).

  In this study, the primary data resources used is data derived from La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni and some books about akhlaq.

  b. Secondary Data Resources

  Secondary data sources (second order) are derivative or as a result of the main materials, including reference books such as encyclopedias, catalog books or a collection of papers contained in various magazines, the discovery of knowledge such as manuscripts written by highly educated people, and from other basic material studyers (Soeharto, 1989: 12).

  A simple secondary resources means that the studyer obtains material from the second hand and not the original data (Zed, 2004: 5).

  Secondary data resources used in this study, in the form of supporting data resources or supporting study, namely in the form of dictionaries, reference books related and previous essay texts written by highly educated people as a review of study literature.

5. Method of Analyzing Data

  The data analysis that is used to understand and reveal the contents of literary opus as well as the value or good messages it contains (Endraswara, 2008: 160).

  This study is intended to describe, explain and reveal the content of a message or akhlaq (akhlaqul karimah) values are contained in La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni.


  Limitation of Study This study focuses on study on the akhlaq values or akhlaq karimah which contained in La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni, are as follows: 1.

   Akhlaq to God a.

  Love; b. Husnudzan; c. Remember (dzikrullah); d. Qana’ah; e. Pleasure (ridha); f. Patient; g.

  Gratitude; h. Obedient; i.

  Tawakal; j. Repent; k.


  2. Akhlaq to humans a.

  Fair; b. Happy; c. Think and do positively; d. Wise; e. Generous; f. Sincere (ikhlas); g.

  Principled; h. Honest; i. Optimistic; j. Forgiving; k.

  Patient; l. Simple; m.


  3. Akhlaq to other creatures.


  Keep on the animals and eternal it; b. Keep on the environment (plants, water, etc)

  And its relevance to the akhlaq education of Islamic youth today in the globalization era.

G. Affirmation of Terms

  The function of term affirmation is to facilitate in understanding this thesis and to avoid misunderstandings in existing terminology, it is necessary to explain as follows: 1.

   Akhlaq values

  Value is valuable thing with the high quality, and useful to human beings (Zakiyah, 2014: 14).

  Akhlaq is etymologically derived from Arabic version “al-Akhlaq

  which the plural of the word is al-Khuluq that means character, behavior or nature. Furthermore, this meaning is often synonymous with the word: ethics, well behaved, or polite manners. Thus, the word akhlaq is a word used to term human deeds that are measured by good or bad. Size of

  akhlaq values in Islam is the teachings of Islam itself, its based on al- Quran and al-Hadith (Halim, 2000: 8-9).

  So, akhlaq values is something that is valuable and qualified to be achieved, which is obtained from the habit (Acts done repeatedly without consideration).

2. La Tahzan Book

  The book is a collection of papers that contain a bound article on one end of which many people recognize it as a source of unrivaled science. According to Khaled Abou el-Fadl, book is not just a collection of meaningless papers, but book is a detailed account of life, past and future links, and markers of a civilization, because the book contain of wisdom, skillful, knowledge, historical records, and the twists and turns of the journey of the human child (Naim, 2013: 66-67).

  The book La Tahzan is one of the motivational books which there are several subjects that provide valuable advice for the readers around the meaning of life, through the choice of beautiful words (diction) that seems to illustrate the writer's hope, so that people do not despair of God's grace.

H. Preliminary Study

  The previous study in a study report serves to find out the procedures and instruments that have been studied by others, to study carefully the relevant literature and to avoid the repetition of previous studies inadvertently (Maslikhah, 2013: 225).

1. Study by Nur Ismawati in 2015;

  She is student of Islamic Religious Education (PAI), State Islamic University (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, entitled "Character Values in La Tahzan Book by Aidh al-Qarni and the relevance in Islamic education". The focus of the problem in this study is the character values in La Tahzan book by Aidh al-Qarni and its relevance to Islamic education. Subjects in this study is studye itself. While the object of his study is the book La Tahzan by Aidh al-Qarni and Islamic Education. The focus of the problem in this study is the character values in La Tahzan book by Aidh al-Qarni and its relevance to Islamic education. The results of this study are the findings of character values in the book La Tahzan essay Aidh al-Qarni that is religious character, confidence, and love of science and its relevance to Islamic education is by using subjects of religion and character.

2. This study belongs to Cintya Dewi Waluyo in 2016;

  She is student of State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga, entitled "Development of Self Awareness and Relevance with Islamic Education (La Tahzan Book Review by Aidh al-Qarni)". Subject in this study is studyer itself. While the object of study is the book La Tahzan essay Aidh al-Qarni and the theory of self-awareness development in relation to Islamic education. The focus of the problem: (a) explain the concept of self-awareness in La Tahzan translation book; (b) Describe the method of self-awareness development; (c) Analyze the relevance of developing self-awareness with Islamic education. The results of this study are: (a) the concept of self-awareness includes; Awareness of self- knowledge, muhasabah or self-evaluation, and self-confidence. (b) self- awareness development methods include; Methods of advice, methods of muhasabah, methods of filling in the gaps, methods of experience, methods of self-assessment, methods of acceptance of qadha qadar, other methods of masculinity, uzlah method, and dialogue methods. (c) Relevance of self-awareness with Islamic education includes aspects; Goals, methods, and development of self-awareness itself in the formation of human beings.

  3. This study belongs to Siti Khadijah Zanuri in 2016, She is student of State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga, entitled "The Meaning of Happiness in La Tahzan Book by Aidh al-

  Qarni". Subject in this study is studyer itself. While the object of study is the book La Tahzan by Aidh al-Qarni. The focus of the problem is to find the meaning of happiness in La Tahzan book by Aidh al-Qarni and the implications of the meaning of happiness for human life according to La

  Tahzan book by Aidh al-Qarni. The results of study: The studyers found

  that the meaning of happiness in the book La Tahzan works Aidh al-Qarni is the peace of the soul, which is based on the location of faith to Allah SWT. The implications of the meaning of happiness in the La Tahzan book for human life now is as a container to provide enlightenment or motivation to humans now, in order to become an ethical human and not lost by the development of the era that so rapidly and give a positive influence for human beings and for a life of the other creature of God.

  4. This study belongs to Fahma Islami in 2014; She is student of State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Gunung

  Djati Bandung, entitled "The Message of Motivation in La Tahzan Book by Aidh al-Qarni for Islamic Guidance and Counseling Material (Study on Thought Aidh al-Qarni in La Tahzan). Subject in this study is the studyer itself. While the object of his study is the book La Tahzan essay Aidh al- Qarni relation with Guidance and Counseling. The focus of the problem is to know the structure of the message of motivation, the categorization of motivational messages as the material of Islamic counseling counseling, and the use of motivational messages as the material of counseling guidance of Islam. The results of this study in the form of exposure that motivational messages can help improve the pattern of human life that originally walked in the direction of apostasy toward the right direction of life. Based on the study can be concluded also that the content of motivational messages in the book "La Tahzan" by Aidh al-Qarni can be one of the material counseling Islam that will support the success of the process of providing assistance in overcoming the problems. With the existence of the material, it will mengghasilkan and answer a need and expectations of the process of guidance and counseling.

5. This study belongs to Siti Aisyah in 2012;

  She is student of Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, entitled "Analysis of Accuracy and Effectiveness of La Tahzan Book Translation". Subject in this study is studyer itself. While the object of his study is the book La

  Tahzan essay Aidh al-Qarni. The focus of the problem is to assess the

  quality of the accuracy and effectiveness of the sentence against the translation of La Tahzan book. The results of this study are as follows: (1) The quality of the accuracy of the transfer of messages to the translation of the book La Tahzan, there are inaccurate or ineffective translation; (2) the ineffectiveness of the translation sentence contained in the book La

  Tahzan , with criteria effective sentence is: unity; Coherence; Parallelism; accuracy; Austerity; and logic.

6. This study belongs to Iklima Ninin Naela in 2017;

  She is student of Islamic Religious Education (PAI), State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Salatiga, entitled "Akhlaq values in La Tahzan Translation Book by Aidh al-Qarni". The focus of the problem in this study is the

  akhlaq values in La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni and its

  relevance to the akhlaq of Islamic youth today. Subjects in this study is studyer herself. While the object of study is the La Tahzan translation book by Aidh al-Qarni and akhlaq of Islamic youth today.

7. Paper Outline

  This graduating paper is divided into three parts, namely the beginning, the contents, and the end.

  The content consist of five chapters. Each chapter will be discussed as follow:

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter will discuss about: Background problem, problems formulation, purposes of study, significance of study, method of study, limitation of study, affirmation of terms, preliminary study, and paper outline.

  CHAPTER II BIOGRAPHY BOOK WRITER AND SYNOPSIS BOOKS LA TAHZAN BY AIDH AL-QARNI This chapter will discuss about: Aidh al-Qarni Biography, Books by al-Qarni, characteristics of al-Qarni's book, the book writing purposes, and the synopsis of La Tahzan translation book.

  CHAPTER III DESCRIPTION OF THOUGHT This chapter will discuss about: The akhlaq values in the some book, and also the translation of La Tahzan book by Aidh al-Qarni.

  CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION This chapter of the writer will provide an analysis of the Islamic values of exemplary values contained in the translation of La Tahzan book and its relevance to the

  akhlaq education of Islamic youth today.

  CHAPTER V CLOSING. The concluding chapter contains of conclusion and suggestion.

CHAPTER II BIOGRAPHY AUTHOR AND SYNOPSIS LA TAHZAN TRANSLATION BOOK BY AIDH AL-QARNI A. Biography of Aidh al-Qarni Aidh ibn Abdillah ibn Aid al-Majdu al-Qarni was born in 1379 H in Qarni, west of Saudi Arabia. He graduated from Ushuluddin Faculty of Islamic University Imam Muhammad saud in 1403-1404 H. Graduated S2

  from the department of al-Hadith an-Nabawi in 1408 H with the title of thesis

  al-bid’atu waatsaruha fid dirayah war riwayah . He received his doctorate

  from al-Imam University in 1422 H with the title of dissertation Dirasah wa

  Tahqiqu Kitabin: al-Mufhimu ‘Ala Shahih Moslem lil Qurtuby . He has over

  eight hundred tapes of sermons, lessons, meetings, ancient poetry, and literary collections. He memorized the holy Quran, memorize the book Bulughul

  Maram , and explores nearly five thousand hadith and more than ten thousand verses of poetry. He has four diwan poetry: (al-Qarni, 2010: 183).

  1. Lahnu al-Khulud;

  2. Taaj al-Madaa'ih;

  3. Hidaaya waTihaaya; 4. Qissatu at-Tumuuh.

  He writes manything of hadith, tafseer, fiqh, literature, history, and various translations. He attended dozens of meetings, attended Moslem Arab youth conferences, and al-Kitab and sunnah conferences in the United States, attended literary and sports conferences, and attended cultural meetings and discussions (al-Qarni, 2010: 184).

  Among his published books are: (al-Qarni, 2010: 184) 1. Islam dan Tantangan Masa Kini, the original title: Al-Islam wa Qadaya al-

  ‘Asr (Wacana Ilmiah Perss, 2005); 2.

  Don’t be Sad, “Cara Hidup Positif Tanpa Pernah Sedih dan Frustasi” (Maghfirah Pustaka, 2004); 3. Kembali ke Islam (Gema Insani, 2015); 4. Tsalatsun Sabab lis Sa’adah (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 5. Fa’lam Annahu Laa Ilaaha Illallaah (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 6. Nauniyyah al-Qarni (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 7. Iqra’ Bismi Rabbika (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 8. Hatta Takunu As’adu an-Naas (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 9. Indonesia Jadilah Pemuda Kahfi, original title: Fatayat Aminuu bi

  Rabbihim (Aqwam, 2005); 10.

  Walakin Kuunu Rabaaniyyin (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 11. Jangan Berputus Asa, the original title: Ilalladziina Asrafuu ‘alaa

  Anfusihim (Darul Haq: 2004); 12.

  Masyarakat yang Ideal, original title: Mujtami’u al-Musul (Darul Hazm); 13. Hakadza Qaala Lanaa al-Mu’allim (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 14. Min Muuhidu ilaa Mulhidu (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 15. Hada’iku Dzat Bahjah (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 16. LaaTahzan (Qisthi Perss, 2004);

17. Maqaamaat al-Qarni (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 18.

  A’adzaba asy-Syi’r (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 19. Al-‘Udhmah (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 20. Wa Jaa’a Sakarat al-Maut bil Haq (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); 21. Ihfazhillah Yahfizhuka (Dar Ibnu Hazm Lebanon Publisher); B.

   Characteristics The Books of Aidh al-Qarni

  Books by Aidh al-Qarni take the theme spirit of Islam. Most of his work is motivational books that refer to the explanation of the Quran and the hadith of the Prophet. So the works of Aidh al-Qarni contain many values of life and religion which are then written in poetic language with a choice of words that do not bore the reader to continue reading on the next pages.

  Aidh al-Qarni seems to want to convey messages and life advices through some of his phenomenal books. It seems that he is anxious to convey to the reader that God has endowed human beings with a beauty and a blessing too much that is sometimes unknown to human himself. Al-Qarni in some of his works reminded human so that they have to be a grateful person, always be happy and not be obsolete in the human age and the era that changed.

  Some other life lessons are also discussed in his book, such as human relationship with a peer, up to the relationship of human with the Creator.