Ultralight Sleeping Bags

Ultralight Sleeping Bags
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Ultralight sleeping bags for lighweight backpackers are as light as a pound now. And yes, they

ultralight sleeping bags, sleeping bags, ultralight backpacking

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Why ultralight sleeping bags? Because ultralight backpacking is only made possible by cutting
One Pound Ultralight Sleeping Bags

There are several one-pound ultralight sleeping bags on the market now. My own is 17 ounces

It appears fragile, and I’ve babied it over the years, but it may be tougher than I thought

Sleeping bags weighing around a pound are summer bags, rated down to 40 to 50 degrees fahre

Another big advantage of any down sleeping bag is it’s compressibility. Nothing packs small

Several sythetic-fill sleeping bags now come close to down in their warmth-to-weight ratio.
Using Ultralight Sleeping Bags

Ultralight sleeping bags generally aren’t tough. The lighter the bag, the more fragile, but

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