Tired Headaches Irritable Aches And Pains It Could Be Candida

Tired, Headaches, Irritable, Aches And Pains?

It Could Be Candida!

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Many people suffer from a host of symptoms but are told by Drs. that they can´t find anything
For those of you that are not familiar with Candida, this is what it is and it may ...

candida,candida albicans,candidias,yeast,yeast infection

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Many people suffer from a host of symptoms but are told by Drs. that they can´t find anything

For those of you that are not familiar with Candida, this is what it is and it may be what´s b
Candida albicans is a natural inhabitant, yeast that lives in your colon.

It is a small group

If you have candida, you may experience some or all of these symptoms depending on the severit
-constant fatigue
-sinus problems and lots of mucus
-interrupted sleep
-flu like symptoms
-aches and pains in the joints
-especially tight neck and shoulder and increased headaches
-dental problems
-dark circles under the eyes
-low grade fever
-constipation and or diarrhea
-gas and abdominal bloating
-mouth and your eyes feel dry
-unexplained rashes
-dry brittle hair and nails
-feeling foggy
-restless leg syndrome
-irregular heart beat
-numbness or tingling in the extremities

-feeling faint or light headed
-lack of concentration and short term memory loss
-shortness of breath
-sexual dysfunction
-sugar cravings
-white coating on the tongue
-intolerance to smells such as perfume, chemicals and insecticides
-digestive disorders
-irritable or easily angered
-intolerance to alcohol or gluten
-hay fever
-ear infections

These are the most common symptoms reported but there may be others. These symptoms can be mod

In the morning when you wake up, before you do anything else, work up some saliva in your mout

There are several reasons why candida can become such a problem. One is over use of antibiotic

Another major factor is our environment and the changes in the food industry. Exposure to a to

It is the same with the food industry. We used to eat wholesome meat, fruit, vegetables and gr
What should you do to treat candida?

-Stop eating processed foods. Other than non perishables, just go to the meat and produce depa

-Stay away from meat that has been fed hormones. If you are going to partake of dairy foods, a

-SUGAR! Yeast thrives on sugar. It loves sugar and will grow more prolific with sugar products

-Drink a lot of water. This ensures that toxic material can get removed from the body. Just li

-Exercise on a regular basis. This also helps to keep the intestines working correctly, not to
-You can jump start your treatments by doing a coffee enema daily for a week possibly two and

-Psyllium seed and Bentonite are also good natural sources for cleaning out the colon. Psylliu

-There is a new product that works much faster and is very effective for a lot of people. This

-Remember, Candida feeds off sugar! Americans eat enormous amounts of sugar and is the biggest
I hope this helps!

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