Tepa Slira NaturalizationCultural Equivalent

that the translator uses repetition procedure with intra-textual gloss, as Newmark says “notes”. 65 The translator not found the equivalent of the word “opor ayam”, so he adds the explanation of that word to make the TL readers understand what it means. Also, the translator keep the word “opor ayam” in target language is to introduce the culture language in source language. According to the dictionary, opor ayam actually means “gulai ayam itik dsb berkuah santan kental, dimasak dengan rempah-rempah, biasanya berwarna putih atau kekuning-kuningan ”. The translator explain the word ”opor ayam” become chicken cooked in coconut milk. It can be categorized as accurate translation, because considering the fact that the result of translation by using repetition with intra-textual gloss procedure can understood in target languages. A message presented from the source language is delivered appropriately in the target language. As Larson said, the message of the source text is totally diverting into target text, no distortion and no reorder of the sentence in that translation. 66

3. NaturalizationCultural Equivalent

a. Tepa Slira

…, tetapi perlakuan yang baik dan penuh tepa slira dari seluruh keluarga itu telah memberinya rasa aman, tenang, dan tentram. p.38 …, their good treatment of her and the comletely empathetic manner of all family members – tepo seliro as they say in Javanese – had always made her feel safe and calm. p.178 65 Peter Newmark, 1988, op.cit.p.92. 66 Mildred L. Larson, 1948. op.cit. p.487 KBBI Tepa Slira Bisa merasakan atau menjaga perasaan atau beban pikiran orang lain; bisa meringankan beban orang lain. p.1592 OXFORD Dictioary Empathetic manner empathy n. the ability to understand another person‟s feelings, experience, etc. p.431 As data 3.a. above, it can be identified that the adjective phrase tepa slira is rendered into a behavior. This word is a cultural word that refers to the manner idea. Tepa slira is only partially translated by naturalization procedure , as Newmark says “cultural equivalent”. 67 The translator uses the procedure of naturalization in which he renders tepa slira into empathetic manner. He uses for a word TL empathetic manner which seems similar to or has the same relevant as the SL term tepa slira. The concept of tepa slira is similar with empathetic manner. According to KBBI, tepa slira is “bisa merasakan atau menjaga perasaanbeban pikiran orang lain; bisa meringankan beban orang lain ” to be able to understandkeep how someone else feels. Although, empathetic ma nner is means “to be able to understand how someone else feels ”. According to the definition above, the translator chooses the word empathetic manner in TL is because the form of the concept with tepa slira is similar. The similarity between tepa slira and empathetic manner are wants to lighten the burdens of others. 67 Ibid. pp. 82-83. Considering the fact that the result of translation by using naturalization procedure seems close to target language. Also, the translator tlanslates this word with no addition and no ommission. 68 It can be said that the translation result done by the translator is accurate. The appropriate translation will send the right message to the viewers, so that they can understand what the message is.

b. Reriungan Riung