The Language Features of Narrative Text

D. Teaching Narrative Text Using Story Mapping

There are some steps to teach narrative text using story mapping compiled from Farris’ book. They are: 36 Step 1 : Introduce the concept of a story mapping together with what the benefits for students are. Tell them that story mapping would be helpful to develop their reading comprehension of a story. Step 2 : Explain the major components of story mapping through identifying a story first concerning to figure out the title, the theme of the story, the important characters and personality traits of specific participants of a story, then identifying the orientation or significant plot developments. It leads to sequence of action to note characters’ attempts in overcoming problems, then evoke, to get the solution. A teacher needs to give the interactive instruction for each story component clearly. Build questioning to students before or after reading the story to construct their motivation or check their comprehension. After students read a story, let them fill out section of the story map worksheet. Step 3 : Direct them when students commit error to reread the story using guidance question even modeling to help them come up with an appropriate response. Step 4 : Have students read independently. Encourage them to write the answers just using key words while th e teacher is still questioning such as „who is the main character? What is he like? Where does the story take place? Etc.’ Then gives specific praise to students for appropriately identifying story mapping elements. Step 5 : Ask students through selected stories and complete the story map worksheet on their after students use the story mapping technique independently. Then, check students’ responses and conference individually with those students requiring additional guidance and support. Step 6 : Give students an evaluation. It is necessary to check their reading comprehension of a story using a printed test to gain working individually. 36 Pamela J. Farris, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today’s Classrooms, New York: McGraw Hill, 2004, p. 346.

E. Relevant Study

Some studies dealing with this study were done by Dawi Anjani and Yuni Fatha Siskawaty Yantu. The short explanation of those studies explained in following section. First research is from Dawi Anjani conducted in an experimental study on “teaching reading comprehension through story mapping”. She focused on the effectiveness of the application of using story mapping in teaching reading comprehension. The purpose of this study was to find out to know the effectiveness of the application of teaching reading comprehension through story mapping. The writer also intended to know the students achievement in learning reading comprehension by using story mapping. She used experimental method and use 15 questions of essay as an instrument to obtain the data. She took one class VIII-A of MTS Khazanah and she randomly selected the students and took 30 students as a sample of the research. The result was story mapping is effective to be used in the classroom to improve students’ achievement in reading comprehension competence. It can be seen from the result calculation of pretest and posttest. Also it can be seen from the t-test, the result is 2.04 4.67 2.76. It proved that there is significant result of pretest and posttest. 37 The second is from Yuni Fatha Siskawaty Yantu conducted in an experimental study on “Developing Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text by Using Story Map Technique” She focused on the story map technique develop the students’ ability in writing narrative text? The purpose of this study was to find out to find out whether the story map technique can improve the students’ ability in writing narrative text or not. She used quasi experimental method. She used narrative text writing about fable as an instrument, and she took second grade students of SMA Negri 2 Limboto and for the sample she took second grade students of science class. The result was story mapping are; firstly, it can be concluded that the story map technique can improve the students’ ability in writing narrative text also can increase the students’ awareness that story characters and events are interrelated. 37 Dawi Anjani, “Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Story Mapping” Skripsi at Syarif Hidayatullah State university Jakarta, Jakarta, unpublished

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