In Article “One Malaysia with Football”


The date for this paper were collected from the articles of “One Malaysia with Football” and “Rosihan Anwar the Accidental Journalist”, in Tempo Magazine, on March 29, 2011, in the article “Malinda’s ‘BLANK CHECK’ scheme” and “Outreach-When Nature and Fortune Collide”, in Tempo Magazine, on April 12, 2011, in article “Building Chaos” and “Harijadi The Batavia Mural”, in Tempo Magazine, on April 19, 2011, in article “ ‘Using’ Japan to Achieve Independence”, in Tempo Magazine, on April 26, 2011. In these articles is contains with coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and subordinating conjunctions.

3.7 In Article “One Malaysia with Football”

“When Malaysia won the ASEAN Football Federation Suzuki Cup in December 2010, the outpouring….” • When is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. “Although Malaysian team has won the SEA Games football gold twice in recent years, the last time at the Vietnam SEA Games in 2009, Malaysia’s….” • Although is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of contrast. “Already there is more interest in the local football and fans are beginning to flock the stadiums again, says….” • And is coordinating conjunctions that compound noun. Universitas Sumatera Utara “Fans are always ever ready to pay premium rates to watch their favorite players play while corporations are willing to pay top money to be associated with winning teams or players, he adds.” • While is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. • Or is coordinating conjunctions that explain choice. 3.8 In Article “Rosihan Anwar the Accidental Journalist” “Both the outside gate as well as the house itself, are closed.” • As well as is correlative conjunctions. “I had to try and find work in Jakarta.” • And is coordinating conjunctions that compound verb. “Several times the interview had to be canceled because he had to be rushed to hospital.” • Because is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of reason. “At the time the system was that everything could be run by Indonesians, however there….” • However is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of contrast. “He was small of stature, polite and kind.” • And is coordinating conjunctions that compound adjective. “Her name was Zuraida Sanawi but people called her Ida Sanawi.” • But is coordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of contrast. Universitas Sumatera Utara “There were also no senior journalists around to teach me the trade, however I had….” • However is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of contrast. “The reason for my supreme confidence was because I was….” • Because is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of reason. “I chose the Western Classics, so you can imagine that….” • So is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of result. “If my father had not been a demang, how could I possibly have been able to afford my schooling?” • If is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of condition. “It was about then that the people working at Asia Raya took over the former Dutch publishing company De Java Bode, where Asia Raya….” • Where is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of location. “As I have said before, I am quite a confident chap so whenever I did ….” • Before and whenever is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. “At the time money was not of such importance because there was….” • Because is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of reason. Universitas Sumatera Utara “After that experience he always made backup....” • After is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. 3.3 In Article “Malinda’s ‘BLANK CHECK’ scheme” “Two men guarded the elevator , while two others watched the ground floor.” • While is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. “She is accused of stealing and embezzling a total of up to….” • And is coordinating conjunctions that compound verb. “After they knocked on the door of the apartment, a woman….” • After is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. “The Financial Transactions Reporting and Analysis Center PPATK is also looking at where the money….” • Where is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of location. “However, officers said that Malinda could not be visited because she was still….” • That is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of result. • Because is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of reason. “…., they were given quick and easy service.” • And is coordinating conjunctions that compound adjective. “She is not as beautiful as when she first came here.” • When is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. Universitas Sumatera Utara “The relationship manager would call them by telephone or visit them….” • Or is coordinating conjunctions that explain choice. “Yet, according to Rinto, their organization previously had a balance….” • Yet is coordinating conjunctions. “THE Humanitarian Volunteer Team was one of Malinda’s customers for six years until it was….” • Until is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. “Since the case was still under police investigation, Ditta was….” • Since is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. “In Sydney, for instance, Malinda has an apartment which is currently….” • For is coordinating conjunctions. “Malinda misappropriated most of these funds in her job as a relationship manager….” • As is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of reason. “….that Malinda’s exploits did not happen just over the past three years, but long before that.” • Not….but is correlative conjunctions. 3.4 In Article “Outreach-When Nature and Fortune Collide” “No longer young, he is still strong enough to face the dark and cold of the forest….” • And is coordinating conjunctions that compound adjective. “For almost 20 years Rosman has been hunting for gold….” Universitas Sumatera Utara • For is coordinating conjunctions. “When luck is on their side, they can be successful or tadumpul, gaining a lot of gold.” • When is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. • Or is coordinating conjunctions that explain choice. “It is because they will likely be evicted from the gold mines.” • Because is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of reason. “If they come and drive us away, thousand of miners will be….” • If is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of condition. • And is coordinating conjunctions that compound verb. “However, in the eyes of the Gorontalo provincial administration, miners like….” • However is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of contrast. “…., such revisions should have been completed no later than the end of last year.” • Than is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of comparison. “But after study by the Forestry Minister’s integrated team, the zone proposed was reduced by….” • But is coordinating conjunctions. Universitas Sumatera Utara • After is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. “Walhi’s Forest Campaign Manager Deddy Ratih even indicated the spatial layout plan revision channel was utilized to ‘legalize’ estate licenses and mining concessions that actually….” • And is coordinating conjunctions that compound noun. • That is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of result. 3.5 In Article “Building Chaos” “Now, according to Golkar, there are almost 3,000 people, although the capacity….” • Although is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of contrast. “….do not need a luxurious building, but a suitable building….” • Not….but is correlative conjunctions. “But, Romahurmuziy spoke about his calculations, that the cost of the building need to….” • But is coordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of contrast. • That is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of result. “Marzuki Alie asked PAN to state directly if it agreed or did not agree.” • Or is coordinating conjunctions that explain choice. “Half an hour before the evening prayers, the meeting brought an end….” • Before is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. Universitas Sumatera Utara “Yet, Marzuki Alie still stated that PDI-P agreed with the building construction.” • Yet is coordinating conjunctions. “But after that, Ganjar once again questioned the meaning of the presentation.” • Once is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. “There was not a lot of introductory small talk because the guest and the host, a DPR official….” • Because is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of reason. “The guest offered money to the official while asking the official….” • While is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. “This plan has actually been proposed since the previous period of the DPR.” • Since is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of time. “….there is someone who is working so that the construction plans do not fail again.” • So that is subordinating conjunctions that explain relationship of result.

3.6 In Article “Harijadi The Batavia Mural”