Amben Mudik Absolute Universalization FunctionalDescriptive Equivalent

5. Absolute Universalization FunctionalDescriptive Equivalent

a. Amben

According to data 5.a. above, amben is rendered into a wide bamboo bench. Amben is classified into cultural word that refers to furniture material culture. The translator uses absolute universalization procedure descriptive equivalent which is the translator describes the meaning of the word in SL to introduce that‟s word. It is due to because in TL is not found the exact equivalent of this word, so to make the readers in TL understand the meaning of this word, the translator describes that word become “a wide bamboo bench”. In this case, the translator tri to show t he word “amben” with explain the word meaning become a wide bamboo bench. Therefore, it can be concluded that the translation done by the translator is accurate. Di dalamnya hanya ada satu meja, beberapa kursi yang sudah reyot dan sebuah amben yang agaknya adalah tempat tidur Mbok Jah. P.42 Inside was just a table, a few rickety chairs, and a wide bamboo bench which appeared to double as Mbok Jah‟s bed. P.182 KBBI Amben balai-balai yang terbuat dari kayu. P.50

b. Mudik

As data 5.b. shows, mudik is translated into go home for the holidays. It is classified into cultural word that refers to activity habits. Hence, there is no similar name for mudik in English; the translator applies the procedure of absolute universalization descriptive equivalent by chooses a neutral reference for their readers in TL. In this case, the translators do not find a better known of cultural specific items CSI in target language, so the translators translate the word mudik by using the component of source language word meaning. According to KBBI, mudik is “pulang ke kampung halamannya” returning to hometown. 69 According to the translation above, the translator chooses the word “go home for the holidays” in the TL is because the form of the concept with mudik is similar. The similarities between mudik and go home for the holidays are “returning to hometown”. 69 P.1001 Dipandangnya bis yang masih berdiri dengan teguhnya diguncang-guncang orang yang pada mau mudik. P.2 And from where she stood, beside a footstall, she stared at the big bus rocking and swaying with the jostling of the people attempting to go home for the holidays. P.196 KBBI Mudik vi. pulang ke kampong halamannya. P.1001 Considering the fact that the result of the procedure of absolute universalization appears to tend on target language that is the translation which is comprehensible for TL readers by employing the component of source language word meaning, thus, it can be concluded that the translation done by the translator is accurate.

c. Turun Gunung